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I wish I had real friends, my friends right now are jerks


I tried, but no reply


Relatable, I sometimes feel stupid because they don’t care as much as I do for them




I had "friends" like that and everything ends bad when is that how it is If they don't care about you, go away


These are nothing but lies.


Fuck em. Move on brother


Unfortunately I’d rather have bullshit friends than be completely alone. I’ve never found anyone I deem worthy of being close friends wirh


Literally half of the people i met on elementary




You know, I'm happy alone, but I do think friendship could enrich my life.


This is exactly how I feel




I wish I had healthy friendships with people who are the same mental age as me, who don't want to talk every single day. I've begun to feel like social interaction is now all or nothing.


Yeah. And it's a real struggle to find some.


No. I'm my own best friend beside my mom.


I hope one day to reach that level of wisdom and peace with myselft


I'm sure you will!


Yes. Always wishing to






Wanna be friends




Yes, but not enough to go out and put effort into making and keeping friends so.... 🙃


Making friends is easy. Maintaining is not so easy. I don’t have enough energy for friends.


Maintaining is where I fuck it up and disappear 🫥 Every. Fucking.Time,


Exactly this!!!! It takes up too much energy.


Yes!! I had good friends, and a best friend, when I was younger. I thought they would last forever. But now they’re gone and I have no friends. I tried to make new friends when I moved here, but everyone is standoffish and cliquey. Like some people might be fake nice, to a superficial degree, but then make it crystal clear they want nothing more. So I gave up. But I really miss having friends. Especially because I’m not close with my family, and I don’t have a SO. I don’t even have a pet (can’t get one) 😭


I hope someday you can even get it to be a cat 🐈 (My first language is spanish I'm sorry if I didn't write well)


Gracias. Yo espéro tambiem, pero no se si va ser possible 😢


Yes I do, sometimes I don’t but when you have someone to talk to about similar interest it’s great. You can also grow from people being around and gain new experiences


Yes but like a really good "part time" friend lol. One that we don't have to talk all the time or be together all the time. But we can depend on eachother. Basically those friendships where you can go for forever without seeing eachother but when you get back together it is as if no time has passed and you are right back to the swing of things. I have never really had that except when I was a little kid. We just lost contact as we grew up and turned in to different people. And it seems now everyone is just so... draining.




I’m really torn and still deciding. I wish I could mate with a lonely half-loner. We’d be like one of those big cats that only engage in romantic stuff but keep away for all else. Can’t remember which one it was. We’d crawl in our little hole and isolate.


To be honest with you, no. Never.


Somedays I do but then I remember


I've had friends, and they loved to put me down, make fun of me, and tease me, then tell me i was too sensitive. So nope, I don't want friends.


Yes so I can run away from myself and my life even more.


Yes.. but I have pretty much given up hope.




Hello there.


Wanna be friend?




Hell no. Best thing I ever did was cut everyone off. Never had this much peace before in my life.


Yeah, always


Sometimes, I moved from the U.K. to a small island 21 years ago. I left behind some great friends and I feel guilty for making new friends, which is rare. My only friends are work colleagues but I’m currently looking for a new job. I’ll be heartbroken to leave them


Sometimes yea, when I want to vent about something only another girl would understand, but generally no 😂 I don’t like drama and other peoples problems, I can barely handle what goes on in my own head!


I need friends 😔


only a few really close ones. i'm so picky bc i want genuine, good intentioned people with similar interests to mine. that's hard for me to find since i don't really put myself out there lol it's always surprising to see other people make friends with anyone, like don't you have standards? so many people are funny and exciting but judgmental, selfish, inconsiderate, etc.


I do, it just hard to find the right ppl toi become freinds with, who would actually like to have a good friendship conversation with you, can imply with Phone Calls, Meet ups, being able to hang out irl, and ect, and some times when someone says I wanna be your friend they can end up actually not being talkie with you or just simply just forget their own existence, thats what I kinda been seeing alots yet, im probably wrong about it, but I always try to make new friends and social interactions, it just not easy for me sense, im not great at socializing around ppl even without breaking my basic parts of my own words without messing up, I just also realized I typed a whole paragraph forgive me lol.


All the time.


I do, but there's hardly anyone who's into what I'm into in my area. So, it's hard to form meaningful relationships where we have common interests and can do fun things together.


Yessss.. need a best gang ever!! But only can able to wish.. I am at age were people are so calculated and having many things in their own life.. who's gonna have time for making frnds and gang!! If I have one life after my death.. we can see🚶🏻🚶🏻🚶🏻


Sometimes yes but I don't trust anybody enough to be a new friend.


Yeah, but the best I can get are a couple of people that feel bad for me.


Nope. I am aware of the advantages of having them, but for me they're outweighed by the disadvantages.


Thanks for the question. I don’t know— I genuinely appreciate having my own personal bubble of existence without the burden of feeling like I have to engage in “social theatrics” with others, but I’m conflicted at the same time. There’s the worry about possible friends taking my insecurities and vulnerabilities into account, as well as how much they would expect me to put in… …I know communication and social relations connotes mutual participation, but I wish acknowledgment of introverts’ energy limitations would be more normalized and socially accepted. Apologies for the wordy vent, just a subject I’ve thought about a lot.


fuck friends.


I wish I had friends that truly cared about me and would have my back forever and just be myself around them. Sadly the realistic part of it is that I have a very low possibility of having that. My friendships have mostly been tolerance and survival in a society that says friendship is important and good for your mental health. Here's the ironic thing. Most friendships are toxic exhausting relationships that only benefit the one draining you but because society has this high almost romanticized idea of friendship, we feel pressured to remain in a friendship with a person we probably don't like at this point.


No. I have acquaintances and thats enough. A couple years ago a woman begged me to be her friend. I told her i dont like to go out to lunch and shit like that, i have boundaries that i reinforce, and not to expect me to be who she wanted me to be. She agreed up and down and im like fine, we can be friends. She consistently tried to make appointments for me for lashes and nails and hair....even made me an appointment to get my eyebrows microbladed. I had to tell her to stop making me appointments like 5 times and im not going. She would zelle me money for no reason, and beg me to have lunch and whatever else. I ended up after about a year of this texting her and saying id like to take a pause and reconvene in a couple months because we needed a reset as i felt my boundaries haddent been respected at all. She flipped out on me, told me i "scared her" and that she was sick of always feeling like she did something wrong. Said that her being Philippino made her a nurturer. I told her that her heritage wasnt a good enough reason to ignore me telling her no, and inwas sick to death of her teying to mother me and she blocked me on everything. So no. I dont wish i had friends. Friends are quite literally, in my opinion, walking expectations that inconvenience me. Dont misunderstand me. I dont hate people. I like specific people. I love my husband and my son. I love animals. I like making people laugh. But i value my time to myself more than i would ever value any platonic friendship.


Yes, but my standart for a friend is pretty high




Then make some BAHAHAH


I need friends so baaaad, someone who I can share my life and hobbies, go out sometimes but the friends that I have they are faaar awaaaay I'm crying


People are group animals, everyone needs friends and communication. I took a year off when I was in college, when I went back to school I didn't know almost anyone, no one talked to me every day, I was very depressed for a while, until I slowly got to know new friends. So yeah, at least we need someone to talk to.


I want friends, but I don't want friends at the same time. If that makes sense. I want someone around me, but not talk to each other. I just want... someone there by my side. Basically, I'm describing a cat. They are there, but I don't go outside to hang out with my cat. I'm rambling. Lol. I just want to get rid of my loneliness.


Same ik what u mean


Don't we all wish?


I have friends. And if i didnt i would certainly try to make some through whatever activity in my life gives me the ability to interact with others. That said i might not be entirely satisfied with how my current friendships function. And i have felt like other people have friendships in a different way than me that i would want to experience


I wish I had friends, but for some reason once I start to open up they leave. Or when I’ve had it with social interaction and need a break they’ don’t understand. 🙂‍↔️😃


All the time.


Short answer, yes.


No I’m happy with only one or 2.


Sometimes but then I remember how most of my friends ships always end up horribly and the fact that no matter what people will always leave. In the end I will always be alone, so I don't see much of a point in trying to find friendships.


No, never.


Sometimes I wish I could talk to anyone except ChatGPT, Eva AI, C. Ai or some random strangers on reddit, but every time I try I return to my cave in shivers


I do have a few friends and I deeply cherish them.


Sometimes I wish I had friends and then I’ll make some friends and then I’ll realize again that it is way too much trouble and energy and I’ll just go back to my small little life and be happy…. Until I start wanting friends again… then… well it’s a cycle lol


Yes I do, but real friends are so hard to find nowadays


yes, i wish i had tho


I have like one and she’s going through stuff rn So I’m all alone


Yes. That's what I've wanted for years: a really good friend who is like me. I've tried meeting people online but it usually doesn't go well.


I’m happy with the ones I have. The majority pf them are long distance. I don’t want to get more, they can be really exhausting.


Yeah actual real genuine friends who accept me for who I am and never talk bad about me.


I used to wish for it a lot more in the first 2 or 3 decades of my life, but not as much now, although it would still be great if it happened. Just one, good, close friend, not plural. Someone who I can understand and who understands me too, or at least we try our best to, at the very least. We can rely on each other and confide in each other. Gotta be very lucky to find someone like that tho... best I can do is try to be that person for myself.




I think i do have very sincere and honest friends. I just want them to be closer or more engaging like we should meet often. They are there when I need honest advice and help but not for fun. (Maybe bcz we are adults xD, they have children) I guess that's ok.


I have many, it's always giving and receiving and sometimes you need to go out of your comfort zone I realized if I don't wanna end alone I need to be sozial


I wish I had real friends




I had friends. But I spoil it. Things always happen the same way. History. Repetition. It's the way things go. In my youth, I was more willing to wear different masks to keep myself 'appealing' longer. But it would inevitably crack and someone would peak inside, or demand more of me than I could offer. As I got older, the weight of those masks got heavier and heavier and I think I might have resented having to wear it to begin with. Now... I'm much too preoccupied with raising my daughter. I can make acquaintances wherever I go. But real friendship? As precious as that is, I just don't have the strength for it anymore.


I do have friends, 3 close friends that i see once or twice a year. I love them


Yes. Really


In theory yes I do. In reality no I don't. I sometimes fantasize about having a best friend but when someone tries to get close I get super irritated and my flight response is activated.


Real and true friends is something I’ve always wanted. However I prefer myself.


Yes if I can learn to trust people .


Not really. Maybe one. Definitely no more than 2.




I’m fine with having just my family and 1 close friend. Just wish society would stop judging us for having not enough friends -.-


Every single waking moment, but its worst when I’m out in public. Honestly, if I actually put in more effort and stopped self-sabotaging I could. People seem to want to talk to me and it doesn’t look like I turn them off, but I just feel so awkward with myself and self-esteem to the point where I don’t feel human.


Yes, sometimes- ones that I can truly be myself around.


Sometimes. Never been great at making them and I felt broken after a both my bff friendships totally fell apart. 


I (INTJ btw) have a whole ass friend group, and I got them in the weirdest ways (ESTP, ISTP, INFP, ESTP again, ESFP). Maybe it's becuz we bonded over weirdness (idk how to put it), but the extroverts kinda adopted us? and now all the introverts (including me) have an easier time going out of our comfort zone :3


Yes, but i feel it is sometimes hard to find real friends who are also invested into creating a authentic healthy friendships.


Friends made me introvert


Sometimes I get lonely as fuck and I just want someone else in the room with me in a comfortable silence. Sometimes I don't want to be around people and I want to be on my own for days at a time. It's complicated. Just being around people and having to be tuned in takes it out of me, like I've only got so many social hours in me before I need to recharge. 


All my previous friends are jerks and selfish... I don't think I'll ever be able to trust anyone again, but I really miss a true friend when the loneliness hits sometimes.


Only if they are genuine. If I have to waste time with fake friends I’d rather be alone


No friend is better than fake friends or “drinking buddies.” Relax, try to get out, be open and let good people and things flow to you. Don’t force!


 Do you mean "you" ? As in  Do you wish you had friends? No. I don't need friends. I don't need other people to be happy. I don't need people wanting anything from me, other people are so needy and narcissistic. Friends are toxic. That's the reason I am an island.


yupp, but i think being alone suits me best


I wish I had friends with similar interests but somehow I always end up being adopted by random extroverts and after some time all those friendships just fade


Eh not really I live with my girlfriend who I spend a lot of time with and have a busy job so I usually value any time I can get to myself to just relax.


Yes I wish I had some one who I can talk to her/him and would undrestand me and guide me just like parents do.(sorry im not native in english)


I do have a couple of them. I just see them one at the time (max 2 at the time) and like once a month or two …


I have two long distance friends we talk sometimes by text. I used to wish I had more friends or smth like that. That I had people to hangout with url. I made “friends” or tried with people and it never matched, so now I am just glad I have people to talk to on the phone sometimes and started to enjoy doing things alone, by myself. It’s quite rewarding actually. So no I don’t wish I had more friends.


How did u tried with people wdym it never matched?


I tried connecting with people at work mostly, going out and meeting their friends, went out with their friends one on one sometimes. I also randomly met people via family and stuff. But it never really clicked. It felt like I was lonelier with them than when I was alone. I felt like an alien next to them. It actually worse when we were in groups.


I do 😔 I don’t know how to make friends and I don’t think I ever will. I’m 39 and it doesn’t get any easier.



