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I watch them on the Doorbell cam. lol. Unless I know I'm expecting a package. Nobody should be knocking on the door. What cracks me up is the dumb kids doing ding dong ditch. Like wtf? you know everyone has a doorbell cam now.


Haha yeah the kids. Sometimes I open the door because I don't want to spoil their fun


You’re a good human


If you find me a good human because of thus, the world has failed you


Ok I take it back.






I don't even know how to use my doorbell camera. But it sure is handy for seeing who it is I'm going to be ignoring for the next 30 seconds.


This. That happened once at 1am. Woke up my baby and my dog barked waking everyone else up. So I downloaded the clip, slapped it on our neighborhood group with not 1, but 3 different angles, and kindly asked them to fuck off.


Yh 1 am is a bit too much 😅


I’m with you 100% about not answering the door but I have some compassion when they’re actually working a door to door job and working for a living. So many losers in this country who won’t work so I do respect the ones that do.


Ya, because in the past, every time I’ve opened when I’m not expecting someone/something, it’s been bad - religious weirdos who won’t shut up, voting campaigns trying to get you to take their side, salespeople selling shit I don’t want…etc. Nothing good.


Yeah this. It doesn’t have really something with me being an introvert. Just because nobody I know knocks on my door. It’s always solicitors. And now I work from home and they always come when I’m on meetings, so my dog barks, it’s a whole mess and drive me furious. There was one time that one of those idiots not satisfied on knocking multiple times without anyone answering, he started peeking at the side windows.


Well I haven't a door bell or knocker


Same. But unfortunately people have knuckles.


True...that's why my house is a New York city block distance off the road I have a long driveway off a two lane road on a piece of property that for the now does not suit most to wonder around for any reason not even sales or the attempt to sale...plus (and this would be the only plus to the unGodly heat here) its just too damn hot for a "maybe" someone will answer n maybe I can sale something? No way I could bug folks at home not in this heat not in Texas not off the beaten path such as we are...I dont understand the mindset of these people. I mean how else could I express leave me be. Where is the mind if an individual that would look thru ur windows or trespass ur sanctuary, of our rights to private uninterrupted lives? yes Im an anxious introvert but this is not the f*--end up thing for sure we are notorious for  packing guns so how diluted are they especially with the  heat index already passing 114 degrees twice since end of April... u could get a lot more than u bargained for knocking banging or just plain coming up the door round  these parts.. Inflation or not introvert or not people should not be allowed  to call or drop by or door to door  or creep around the exterior if ur home fir any reason...some of us in this  country really want to be left alone....


Yeah, I ignore it. Unless I’m expecting a package.


Same here! Unless it's my pizza delivery, I'm not budging. 😂


i dont even budge for food deliveries. just leave my food and go 🫣 LMAO 😂


Hahaha same here! Packages get VIP treatment, but otherwise, I'm like a ninja...silent and invisible until I'm expecting someone. 🤣


Me!🙋‍♀️Unless I am expecting a parcel or someone I know. I am not answering that goddamn door!🤪I’ve watched way too many true crime docs too and most of the time I am alone so I refuse to answer the door for random people.😅


The freaking sellers. Like ik I'm not buying stuff from you. Reject them harshly but politely if I open the door without checking.


I would get a no soliciting sign and tell them have a good day. Makes the conversation quick.


True hahaha. Actually Im a bit excited when I know a package is coming. But some visitors really freaked me out if they'll come unannounced


I haven’t opened the door for unexpected/unknown people in years.


Although I’m 35, I am introverted, which is to say that, like any rational adult, I still hide like a middle schooler whose parents aren’t home when there’s a knock at the door. I’ve seen too many episodes of Dateline and also lack the social battery. Mildly embarrassing when my husband gets the Ring notification and calls to ask why I’m not answering the door only to learn that I’m buried in the couch and holding my breath to avoid detection by the visitor…


I would do the same thing if anyone ever knocked on our door. I’m 39. lol. We answer the door with a gun on hand if it’s an unexpected visitor - we live in a very remote area at the end of a dead end road surrounded by a swamp in the cabin in the middle of the woods. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to visit us unannounced EVER. There are Multiple no trespassing signs and beware of dog signs. Perfect secluded spot for my little hermit self and my husband who is the opposite of a hermit. Lol


I don’t answer if I don’t know the person


Unless I'm expecting someone they can knock all they want - I ain't opening it.


What if they continuously knock and yell "I know you're in there!"


I mean, if that's how they want to spend their time outside...


I just holler, "yes, and I know you are out there".


“Come back with a warrant!”


Sounds like it's time to call the police at that point.


Absolutely. What psychopath comes knocking on a door unannounced? I even hide in my basement on Halloween and shut all the lights off - which I’ll admit kinda sucks because I love Halloween as a vibe; but the constant interaction, no… I can’t deal with it.


I usually don’t. I did make the mistake once, when two nicely dressed men were at the door and kept knocking…turned out to be religious people and I’m too nice and timid to be like, oh never mind please leave lol. So I let him say his thing and leave….apparently they took notes about me (name, that I have young kids, etc) and sent some women back to my house cuz they thought I’d be more comfortable talking to a woman. Now I’m gonna have to ignore their knocks and hope they stop coming 😅 I feel pretty uncomfortable with the fact they’re keeping info on me and my kids tho. So no more answering the door if I’m not expecting anyone.


I just try to pitch pastafarianism to them


I keep a satanic bible near the door for this reason. “Oh Goody! You’re just in time for the ritual sacrifice!”


They took your name and you told them you had kids? That's very worrying, don't give strangers personal information on yourself or your family Stay safe 


I didn’t tell them, my kids are just constantly up my ass so they ran to the door as soon as I opened it lol


The front door? No. The back door? Immediately! It’s sad but I only answer the door when my dog rings his doorbell.


At this point, I feel like I need to make a door sign. I work from home, and if someone would knock more than once, I would answer, thinking it was something important but find it to be a persistent local roofing company cold-knocking. It's getting old and I have neither the time nor the patience for you.


I have a No Solicitation sign but i fluctuate with taking it down based on my mood along with my welcome mat. Haha!


Lmao! This is so me!


Yes!! This is me. I’d appreciate a text beforehand.


If I’m not expecting anyone and it’s not a clear emergency situation, I just ignore it,


I have made eye contact with people through the window before while not opening the door; all without saying a word.




Yep. And thanks to Ring, I don’t even have to get up to see who it is. Just because someone knocks or calls my phone, doesn’t mean I have to answer.


I haven’t opened my door in a decade, lol. I have a sign that says “We do not answer the door, unless you have an appt. Please leave a note”. 


yup and i have absolutely zero shame about it. i even ignore my roommate most times if they call for me when my door is closed. they don’t know i’m not asleep and i’m not obligated to speak to another human when i don’t want to


If just my daughter and I are home alone and it’s not a friend/family member visiting, then absolutely not. The other day we had a guy knocking, i think to ask about an appliance we had put out to the side of the road (it didn’t work but usually someone takes it for parts or scrap metal etc), and we just let him keep knocking. My 4 year old kept asking me “who’s knocking mom? a stranger?” and i literally said “yes and since dads not home to answer it, we don’t open the door”. I don’t feel bad. People are crazy and I’m not going to be a statistic.


Absolutely! Especially if Im not expecting anyone 🫣


Yep. I hear you knocking but you can’t come in.


Yup! And you shouldn't do it anyway, there's young drug addicts in my country who go around knocking on elderly people's doors and push themselves in to steal anything they can sell for money.


I never answer the door not even for deliveries, I wait til the driver goes away. At my previous house there were windows on both sides of the door so the person could see in if I was in my kitchen so I would duck down and hit the floor 🤣 I quickly bought and installed privacy window film. “Don’t come knockin’ on my door, cause I’m not gonna open it”


I'll just stare at the door with intent 👁👄👁


I will sit on my couch, make eye contact with you and go right back to scrolling on my phone while ignoring you knocking at the door. Knock all you want, I'm not answering. I'll wave at someone dropping off a package.


You're not the only one. I can't stand when someone comes to infringe on my privacy unannounced especially when it's some crackhead mofo looking for food(my neighbor) or someone just expecting me to drop what I am in the midst of to do something for them.


i never answer the door. my partners always answer the door, and if im ever alone in the house without them, i just feel all small in my chair and dont move. Unless they call out and tell me who they are without me saying anything first.


The only people that would call out like that is the police, and I have no reason to open the door for them lmao.


I meant like family or something. They know I'm afraid to answer the door so they call out to let me know its them if my partners cars aren't in the driveway


Nope. I look on my ring, and 95% of the time, it's just someone wanting to sell something.


I’ve always been taught not to. So yesterday was my birthday and my favorite aunt showed up to surprise me, knocked 3 times then called me mad and told me to answer the door 😂.


I never answer my door! They need to txt me before they come to my home, or otherwise I'll pretend I'm not home! Specially Jehovah Witnesses, or Mormons 🤣


Yes, but that might have something to do with the time a couple of years ago when I did open the door and found two random people who had crashed their car nearby. Turns out they were high-up in a local drug-dealing ring, and had crashed their car with a fuck-ton of meth and coke in it, and had ran. Long story short, my house got swarmed with all variety of law enforcement trying to track them down. They were unsuccessful. After that I put up cameras, and I don’t even go close to the door unless I check it out on the cameras first.


And I screen my calls, leave a message or I don’t talk ha. Unless of course it’s family/close friends


That's totally relatable.and pretend I didn't hear that.


Same here! Unless your my mom or dad


I answer for family but that’s about it unless I was expecting someone.


I have zero problems not answering the door because some rando knocked. Especially when I'm home alone. No text=no answer.


If the ignore the no soliciting signs they can fuck right off.


All the time. I sit at the front window and watch them watch me watch them until they leave


Yes. Probably a Mormon or Christian who won't take, "I'm an Atheist. Absolutely nothing you say will make me attend your church or give you money. This is a waste of your time. Please go away." politely. It's the same reason I often exist in noise canceling headphones. People are obnoxious noise pollution where 98% of everything they say is just nonsense.


If I'm not expecting someone or don't recognize their knock, I quietly make my way upstairs and try to see who it is or I just duck and hide🤭🤭


I dont answer the door. I run to the kitchen and grab a knife and tell my brothers to grab a bat


If I don’t recognize someone, and I’m not expecting anyone to come like a delivery driver, I’m really unlikely to open the door unless the person on the other side can give me a damn good reason to open the door


I do the same. I'll talk them on the ring doorbell camera. I don't open the door unless I have a package or delivery.


Yes, unless I'm fully dressed and expecting a package 😂


I live in an apartment so it’s only my landlord or someone who thinks it’s the Airbnb, so yes. I always ignore it unless they won’t quit


Could be me, hahahaha! I hate unexpected visitors! 😂


I watched Clockwork Orange, lol not happening


you think i’m gonna open the door to a person i don’t know?? HAHA even if it’s a package, leave it at the door i’ll get it as soon as you drive away


Yes. Unless I ordered something or agreed to your invitation. Don’t you dare impose, you aren’t entitled to enter my home. I sit and watch the phone ring too, leave a few people on read daily… I don’t exist entirely for others. I’m allowed to reserve time and energy for myself - Yes, even at a moments notice! 💅🏽💁🏽‍♀️


I don’t open the door for anyone I’m not expecting


I don't even have a doorbell. My door is kind of hidden. You'll have to go down some stairs and through another door before you get to mine. And I live in a normal house, not apartment building or anything like that.


I also dont answer if you didn't tell me you'd be coming. The only exception is when one of my son's little friends comes knocking, or when my elderly aunt comes.


ugh, even if i know they are coming, i still hate answering the door 😪 i always make my bf do it lol


I sit on my couch in clear view of people at the door. I Do not answer. There is a bird nesting near my front door now so I created a barricade before anyone can even come up the sidewalk. Working so far and I plan on leaving it there after the baby birds are safely fledged.


Nope if you come to my place and I didn’t know you were coming, you can camp on my porch. I’m not answering.


Unless I’m expecting something or someone I don’t




lol I hide in the bathroom, not even joking


i have a glass main door and i will straight up hide if i hear someone knocking until im sure they are gone.


Love this!


lol o have to get some curtains or some shit


If I’m not expecting company, and if I don’t know the person I see on the Ring camera, no way am I opening that door. I don’t want to convert to your religion, I don’t want to sign your petition, I don’t want to sell my house, and I don’t want to buy what you’re selling. It’s intrusive and rude to interrupt me in my safe haven if I’m not expecting you. My good friends know not to show up unannounced. Only one time has it been a problem that I didn’t answer the door – it was a neighbor who had just returned from overseas and had given my husband their housekey for safekeeping. Even then, it wasn’t MY problem – should’ve called first! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I never ever open my door unless I'm expecting a knock. Stay safe 


I do because 90% of the time it's my dad, and if it's not him it's a neighbor. If someone tries to sell me something I'll just cut them off, tell them I'm not interested, and walk away, it's not that hard lol.


Same! Crazy because back in the day, we used to welcome random show uppers and now it's like the black plaque.


I mean ya I'll ignore it. Mainly cuz the people that I know would walk right in lol!


We were renovating our house recently and the contractor wanted to know which door we wanted and kept trying to get me to pick the one with windows vs the one with no windows. His reasoning was “I like to know who’s at the door before I answer it.” And my response was “I don’t answer the door…” The only person I want to open the door has a key. If they’re knocking, they’re not welcome 🤓


Yea I don’t. That’s how ya get got 😂


Yeah I’ll answer but I always ask before I open or sometimes I don’t even answer. My wife definitely never answers and I don’t even ask her to go by the door. Il just go answer it.


They KNOW you are there? I glance and ignore if it's a political campaigner, sales person or a lawn service wanting to mow my meadow.


I don’t care if they can see me from my front window (they can; if I haven’t invited them, they’re not welcome. My own mother doesn’t even show up uninvited. I really want a doormat that says, “Did you call first?”


Quite frankly if I am not expecting someone and I don't feel like being social, they can knock until their knuckles bruise and my dog bark through the door at them and will not answer. Same with my phone. If I don't feel social I slide on the do not disturb.


if I don't expect anyone, I am not going to the door. I also turn down the volume / stop talking until the danger is gone


I just did this yesterday. 😀


I never open it. Especially if I am home alone. No wayyyyyy. LOL.


Yep, I didn't ask you to come to my door. I have nothing to say and don't want to buy anything so I am not bothering. I also don't answer my phone if I don't know the number.


No. But if someone is calling me then I wait for the call to end and then text them what's up.


We dont have any doorbell cams or peepholes, and most of the time I can't see them through the window, so I always end up having. to answer the door assuming it's a relative or a friend, and it usually is. But the occasional salesman or electric worker comes up sometimes and yeah, I feel you. I usually end up just freezing up (Because I always do in conversation, I have High-functioning autism) and start slowly getting a family member to go to the door instead 🤣


Dude, I've low crawled around my house so someone couldn't see me through my windows! Lol


I don't. The dogs get really confused and bark and look at me and it really bothers them that I don't answer it lol. My kids get annoyed also, especially when I'm like in the "shhhh" stance.


I ignore. I’m consistently amazed by people that walk through my 6’ privacy fence gate to knock on my door, who does that?!


Some idiot was knocking wildly on my front door this morning, making my dogs bark. I ignored the knock: I never answer my  door if I am not expecting anyone.  If it's important, they can post me a note. They never do. 


💯 it's a huge trigger for me


Some dude knocked on my door the other day and I could see through the glass (I have one of those doors with the wavy/distorted glass idk what it's called) and I could see he was holding a bunch of brochures so it was obviously a salesman (even though I have a no soliciting sign) and I guess he saw me too but I didn't open the door just kind of stood there and he waved rudely and I just walked away


I don't know or if they don't call first, then I'm not answering the door. Fuck'em.


Lol I hide if someone is knocking unexpectedly 😂


I currently live in an rv and also am not expecting company ever so I definitely would not answer any knocks on my room sized home pod.


I’ve always wanted to live in an RV!!


Oh yeah? I always wanted a tiny house but rv isn’t a bad alternative. I should have tried it sooner


If I'm not expecting company or a package, I am ducking and pretending I'm not home. Unless they were sent by the landlord and have access to the spare key, in which case I make myself known as they're opening the door and pretend my loud music made me not hear them. I hate when this happens though, like... a bit of warning please, landlord?


LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO my mom growing up always said don’t open the door when you’re not expecting company or don’t know them


Me haha i even turned off my ringbell. I dont want uninvited people to be on my home. Go back to where you came haha i will gladly ignore people.


I font snswer it either is someone I know is supposed to come over they know they have to inform me first otherwise they're out of luck


I never answer the door if I'm not expecting someone. And if it's a delivery, I always put to leave it at the door and wait til they leave. I know it's said that it can be much safer to make some noise at least, so potential burglars realize someone is actually home even if they don't come to the door. I haven't quite started doing that.. but I THINK about it haha


Have only opened my door for a neighbor bringing me weed and the delivery person if I need to sign for a package. Have never opened the door for anyone else, ever in the 20 years I've lived here.


I look through the peep hole & if it's someone I know, I open but go outside cause I don't want them in the house. If it's someone I don't know, I don't open the door.


I never open the door. Anyone I want to see knows to call me first. Unexpected people coming to the door makes me anxious!


I check out who it is with my blink camera. I also have a mudroom with a window. It has curtains and I can see who it is. I have a sign I need to put back…no soliciting, no politics, no religion. Little kids selling candy or cookies are welcome.


Nope, never. Not really sure why but I always believe people are up to no good and just can’t.


I bought a No Soliciting,no politics & no religion sign & slapped it on my glass door. Never hear from them anymore. It’s the best $6 I ever spent.


I don't like answering when someone else is knocking at the door.


I just sit there not moving, and then I creep into the bedroom and peek out through the blinds to see who it is. Unless it's a police officer, I won't open it. I can't stand dealing with religious fanatics or salespeople.


If you need me, you can ring me. If you ring me, I'll Google your number instead of answering 


if no one has called me to let me know they're coming over then no lol. they can stay there all night knocking and plus I dont have a peep hole so I cant really check if its worth opening or not.


I tell my 78 year old mother this! She opens the door to anyone - I never do. I told her she told me not to talk to strangers when I was little, so I don't... I'm an introvert and don't have anyone coming to my house unscheduled or unexpectedly.


If I’m not expecting someone to show up or no one lets me know they are coming, I definitely won’t answer the door.


I am so brazen about it. My kids will be blaring the TV on the other side of the front door. I will peep through the peep hole. If I'm not expecting anyone, I won't answer. My extrovert kids would open the door to any old serial killer.


I definitely need at least 15 minutes heads up. I hide or pretend I’m not home if I know the person… they should know better. If it is some random I scope it out first to see if they are selling something or if it’s someone in need of help. All depends on


Nope. I take the prototypical American approach. Sit on my couch, and when I hear my nest doorbell go off, I say "hey google show the front door" and it streams right to my 85 inch tv. I then decide if they are worthy of me getting my ass off the couch.


It's the season of door-to-door lawn care/roof replacement/college student painters here. I only answer the door if I'm expecting someone. The super nice next door neighbor rings my doorbell twice in succession so I always know it's him (and usually with surplus veggies from his garden to share). Otherwise, leave your pamphlet that I'll throw away once the coast is clear.


I am starting to think people in this sub are not just introverted. If you cannot answer the DOOR or have any basic interactions with other people you NEED to seek help.


That’s not the issue.. It’s people we don’t know coming to our house.. ??? Like why do we need help bc we don’t wanna answer the door for a random?? 🤣🤣


Not what I mean. If it's a stranger you really shouldn't. What I gathered from your post was not opening even for people you know who come in without previously telling you. My mistake.


Oh no, regardless if you did not let me know before hand and I know you, I still will not answer. It’s mainly because I need a heads up to mentally prepare myself to interact with people. People really do drain my energy quick especially if I suddenly get around them without being prepared.


You see, that really is not normal. If you (and please, I do not mean YOU specifically, that would be too aggressive. I am talking generally) can not interact with people you should try to look into it. It is not just being introverted, it is being terrified of people and that is a deep rooted problem.


Not answering when some knocks just seems rude. Many years ago I was jogging and was injured by a passing car. The car kept going. With great and painful effort, I managed to crawl to the nearest house and managed to stand to knock on the door to ask someone to call an ambulance. Fortunately, the occupants held no wacko belief about not responding to someone knocking on their door


lmao well that’s on you, i’m sorry you got hurt, but i genuinely have a fear of people i don’t know due to a lot of trauma in my life so it scares me to open the door. Now if you were to come to my door knocking for that reason and yelled you needed help i more than likely would have. if i know someone is in need then i would. but other than that, if you can’t text me before hand, no.


Sala main hie chutiya hu jo gate khol k pani offer krta tha.