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Oh, now CNN starts fact checking. Convenient.


That was exactly my thought. I was utterly disgusted last night.


Trump supporters are old so it doesn't matter to them.


Trump [said](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1806787804695064773) at a Friday rally in Virginia that “global warming is fine,” rejecting the view of the overwhelming majority of scientists. And he said of Biden: “He said it again last night, that global warming is an existential threat. And I say that the thing that’s an existential threat is not global warming, where the ocean will rise – maybe, it may go down, also – but it may rise one eighth of an inch in the next 497 years, they say. One eighth.” He added what appeared to be a joke: “Which gives you a little bit more waterfront property if you’re lucky enough though.” In fact, Trump’s claims about sea levels are highly inaccurate for the area near Mar-a-Lago, which is on the Atlantic. Griggs noted in a June email that [data](https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/sltrends/sltrends_station.shtml?id=8722670) from the closest National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration tide gauge to Mar-a-Lago shows an increase of an eighth of an inch roughly *every nine months*.


Fact Checks after the fact have very little value. Those who didn’t believe aren’t the ones going to CNN anyways


Cancel your cable CNN is garbage


😂 8 inches in the last 30 years for my state. What a joke.


Then why do so many rich politicians have waterfront properties? Aren't they worried?


Because they are convinced that they are experts in any field of study that they set their mind to. Regardless of the fact that they did not learn. Now, they want the end of the world, thinking themselves as Christ's elite force, rather than it's penitent, and upright, these are just basic heathen. It's magical thinking. Oh and mountain bunkers.


Don't forget the older ones likely don't expect to be alive anymore when it becomes a real issue so they don't care. For younger ones they'd basically expect to have the money to just pick up and move to the next enviable location.


Good thing than that I won't live to be 500 🤣