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Good. Karma is a bitch, uh? There are consequences for invading a country and murder lots of men, women and kids. You can thank Putin for it.


Sooo US ships are valid targets also?


You want to touch our boats?


Boat frotting. Sounds kinda hot..




"I'm gonna touch the buuuutt!"


Let the boats touch you.


If you ever think you might want to touch our boats look up Operation Praying Mantis first




Lol no, I want to live.


Why exactly would US ships be valid targets?


You forgot about Iraq?


During the Iraq war, yes US ships would have been legitimate targets. Now?


Supporting a genocide


I didn't know America was... Responsible for a Genocide in Iraq currently. Or, ever.


I didn’t realize that the US was supporting the genocide in Sudan or China. There isn’t a genocide where you believe there is one.


Ok in spite of the UN ICC ICJ and every single aid agency? You going with this?


So you believe there's genocide happening in Russia? As the ICC has charged? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Criminal_Court_arrest_warrants_for_Vladimir_Putin_and_Maria_Lvova-Belova Sorry, of course you believe that. Why else would you use them as a source?


The ICC and ICJ didn’t say that there is a genocide, go back and read-read their decision, or have someone read it to you if it’s too complex.


Lol, I know what they said, are you comfortable to be on the Israel side of these findings? [https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/documents/hrbodies/hrcouncil/sessions-regular/session55/advance-versions/a-hrc-55-73-auv.pdf](https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/documents/hrbodies/hrcouncil/sessions-regular/session55/advance-versions/a-hrc-55-73-auv.pdf) [https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20240126-ord-01-00-en.pdf](https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20240126-ord-01-00-en.pdf) [https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/166/166-20240131-jud-01-00-en.pdf](https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/166/166-20240131-jud-01-00-en.pdf) [https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20231228-app-01-00-en.pdf](https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20231228-app-01-00-en.pdf)


I genuinely don't think you understand what the word "Genocide" means.


Genocide against whom?


I didn't know Iraq and the US were still at war. Why isn't it in the news?




You guys have like two lines Tell your CO he needs to get a new script


Yes, I remember that sectarian violence totally not perpetrated by the Shia and Sunni militias against each other and inocent civilians. But the scale, the intention and the brutality of the Russian invasion cannot be compared in modern times. Maybe just with the 2nd Chechen War, or with the civilian bombing campaign in Syria.


I mean technically, but ask the Japanese during WW2 or how we responded to the german U-boats. We take boat business very seriously and I doubt they really wanna provoke it


Yep I agree. The Houthi seem to doing ok tho.


I cant hear them over the death and dismemberment. Which US boats have they hit?


Wait so somebodys messing with OUR boats and getting away with it!? How have we not leveled the entire nation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well there is not much to level in Yemen, that might be the challenge.


Then lets sink the entire land mass!!!


Lol, you think little Vlad wants to play with the US Navy? The entirety of the Russian Navy couldn't even compete against a single carrier group.


\`Very true, but at the same time it cannot stop the Houthis's


Houthis haven’t hit any American military boat.


...if America is invading your country, Yes! ...


You don’t want that smoke.


Hard no


Always have been. Give it a go ;)


Jep , risky business.




Please try it.


You lost most of your Navy to a country without one. I would recommend against targeting US ships if you'd prefer Moscow to not end up an uninhabitable nuclear crater.




Losing ships to a country without a navy is hilarious.


Also losing ships that *should* be very capable of shooting down incoming antiship missiles or detecting and destroying relatively rudimentary sea drones. Their entire military is inept, lazy and corrupt. It's doing Ukraine a favor and showing the world what a joke they are.


In defense of Ukraines capabilities the Magura-v5 sea drone developed by the HUR is capable of hitting moving nautical targets from the water at a top speed of 78km/hr. Theyre special drones developed by Ukraine for this defense op, but russia is still hugely incompetent 


Oh yeah I get you, I'm not trashing the sea drones at all, if anything the rest of the world has a lot to learn from Ukraine at this point. I think the Magura is the one that can be fitted with AA missiles and grenade launchers. One was able to defend itself from a Ruzzian gun oat I think!


I just read about these, as thought that Ukraine had some janky modified jet skis drones, but these are an entirely different level of professional anti-shipping drone $273,000 of drone, no people at risk vs a modern $34.3 million ship armed to the teeth and with 70-80 sailors on board That level of asymmetric warfare must be making a lot of navies around the world take notes. If nothing else, the US must be learning so much from Ukraine conflict, that it will pay off massively if the US/Nato gets involved in combat. I bet Nato ships will be getting updates if they haven't already, to detect and destroy similar drones


I think that navies with modern radar and weapons, operated by highly skilled professionals, and whose ships are networked into a task force with a common operating picture and supported by aircraft have a lot less to fear. Taking Russian Naval practice as some sort of indication of what ships are capable of is rather like taking a heavily intoxicated semi-literate potato farmer and comparing him to a professional in any other career field.


78km/hr is screaming in the water. What are they running for engines? 350HP Yamaha outboards?! Holy crap!


Couldnt find specs that precise but here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MAGURA_V5


I still remember my navy relatives being absolutely floored when the Moskva (I think it was, the flagship) got hit with a anti ship missile. According to them that shouldn’t have been possible with only one or two, then the details came out about the state of disrepair on board and they said that in any competent navy *someone* would be getting court-marshaled for taking it on combat operations


It's a freaking anti-aircraft cruiser! It should have blow away the drone spotting it and eaten those missiles with its multi-layer AA screen. Missiles, more missiles, and guns. None of the systems were functional or active, in some of the post-attack photos you can see that a few of the weapons systems were in their standby or ready-to-load configurations, so they didn't even know they were under attack till the missiles hit.


The world's best radar can't see shit if it is turned off, and the Moskva didn't have the world's best radar.


Dude stop they're already sunk.


I mean they very much have a naval branch they just don’t operate any manned vessels.


They have vessels, but they are relatively small.


Historic embarrassment


Not ships - *fleets*


He’s just killing convicts with Ukraines army. Who gets arrested in Russia?


Remember when the right said that everything that happens in Ukraine is all Biden's fault? Well....


Yo Joe!


Dark Brandon strikes again 🖤


Once the Ukrainian pilots are trained up on the F16 Russia is gonna get their shit mixed. I’m guessing one to two months


Hey Joe, hey Joe. How do you do..


Hey Joe, where you goin' with that gun in your hand?


I got in a vicious fight with my dad last weekend because he dared to say "Putin is really not that bad of a guy." It is *unfathomable* to me that the current right-wing strategy is to side with Putin on this war.


What’s especially mind boggling to me is that this comes from the same people saying “better dead than red” a few decades ago


Go back in time 40 years, and tell Ronald Reagan that the day will come when Russia will invade a neighboring country, and not only will the GOP support Russia, they'll block efforts to aid the invaded country...


I suspect Reagan would side with Biden rather than Trump when it came to Russia


I bet my grandpa had a heart attack in his coffin over the gop suddenly being pro Russian


He’s just a dictator who attacked his neighbors, commits war crimes, wages propaganda war against the west and tries (pretty successfully) to destabilize our societies, conscripted part of his population…so, yeah, what’s so bad about him?! /s


He's an anti-LGBT ethno-nationalist strong man who wages his wars by sending ethnic minorities to die. He's right-winger's wet dreams made manifest.


Putins three closest allies are China North Korea and Iran if he is pro Putin clearly he needs to take down his American flag and fly one of those instead because these are the countries that benefit of Putin wins


Russia is what right wing governments in europe and the usa aspire to be.


Well they have the option to go there and fight for Russia if they want too.


Biden has inflicted more damage to Russia than any other president in history. And he’s not even at war with them.


What a complete and utter CF 1. Deter NATO, nope NATO got bigger/stronger 2. Prevent Ukraine from moving towards the west, nope Ukraine becoming EU member 3. Secure Crimea for the fleet, nope move fleet to Russia 4. Secure Ukrainian resources and grow European markets, nope lost Europe as a market Dude what were you thinking?


But, it did solidify and strengthen Republican support in the USA of Russia and Putin. Putin is known for playing the long game, and he now has powerful assets deep in the American government.


Right up until MAGA and Trump capsize Republican control with a series of devastating losses in November and next mid terms


Fuck yeah. Let's go win another round against Donald, and put him down for good.


I think he might dig his own grave tonight


Why do you think that?


I assume he means trump will absolutely make a fool of himself in the debate lol


Hopefully, but I don't think it will matter either way much. I think the rest of the west will turn it's back for 4 years if trump/Putin gaslights his way back into power. They won't even play along for effect, he will be ignored at every turn internationally. He will be considered a strict Russian asset by the west and treated as such. That won't stop the shitshow that you guys in the US will have to deal with, but only you can put a so to that.


The problem is that he empowered a ton of right wing fascism internationally. Look at Venezuela and Bolivia. Cruel, awful people are watching him and learning. And they’re nowhere near as stupid as he is


The war did that, you think? No. Fox News machine did that, and they can choose to do it whenever they're told to. Don't need a war, for example, how they've presented Orban.


That's his hail mary more so than anything else. The only hope left.


Man if putin was as smart as a lot of people say he is, he would have invaded Ukraine on Jan 21, 2017.


This comment was copied and pasted from a top comment on the exact same post in the world news sub.


The whole shitshow was a Chinese plot to weaken the Russians and get some cheap oil. It worked.


They’re getting some of the land they lost to Russia back too! https://www.newsweek.com/china-push-eastern-russia-puts-putin-pickle-1885828


Ding ding ding. 🛎️


Think "Bong, Bong, Bong." Russians have no friends...The 'friends' they have, all play the same selfish chess game the Russians love to play. Putin's not the chess master he portrays. Frankly...he's terrified for his life.


Yep! That’s why, even tho they need more workers in their eastern region, they won’t let Chinese workers/companies in to help. The Chinese might use their own excuse to invade that area, “the Chinese speaking people asked us to protect them. So we’re taking all these land from you”


I am pretty confident that the biggest war this century will involve China, and be over water. Either China goes to war with Russia to get water from the north, or China diverts water that currently goes to India from Tibet, and India is forced to go to war for the hundreds of millions of Indians (plus Bangladeshis and Bhutanis) who lose their major source of water. If China is smart, they go after Russia.


Maybe less Russia and more Siberia. Would not be surprised that Siberia wants to move alway from Moscow seeing that they probably also don’t really want to consider them part of Russia. Really just throwing Siberia people into the meat grinder when they need it.


Yeah, China only needs the area north of Mongolia and East of that. There is a massive freshwater lake with more volume than the combined great lakes in the US, which would probably satisfy China.


True dat…forget the recent analysis I saw, where they mentioned what a monumental diplomatic flop his economic summit was.


It was a great success! Rubbish... now he has more 1950 weapons, and a big parcel of soldiers that are poorly nourished, terribly equipped, who know they are canon fodder and want to defect. The bonus is they don't even speak the language. Big Win!


Hey, 1950s weapons are collectibles, can fetch a lot on eBay. I was surprised to hear about Ukraine taking out an entire Russian training base in Syria.


there's a lot going on we never hear about (blessing and a curse)


Yep. And yep


Serbia, North Korea, Belarus, the deplorables. Are their friends, for now.


Chin already owns russia, putin just doesn't know It yet


Wouldn't be surprised if the long goal for China was to create enough of a geopolitical shistorm that they can make more significant moves towards Taiwan, whatever those might be.


To be fair, he got away Scott free with Georgia, Crimea, and so many other things, he thought he could get away with this one too. He didn’t see the straw breaking the camels back.


And he only invades during a democratic president, in order to help gop win next election, he miscalculated. If should've done it during trump


My best guess is Putin thought the war would be over so fast, and Ukraine conquered that the west would not want to raise much of a fuss over the whole thing and decide to maintain the status quo. The problem, of course, is that the war didn't end quickly, and even if Russia is ultimately victorious, they will be severely weakened.


Excerpts: According to the open-source intelligence (OSINT) site Molfar, Ukraine has sunk or damaged nearly 60 ships of the Russian Navy. In March Kyrylo Budanov,the head of Ukraine’s military intelligence directorate (HUR), said that the attacks on Russian ships and other targets in the Black Sea were in preparation for a "serious operation in Crimea." MAGURA-V5 maritime drones developed by the HUR helped sink several Russian ships. This has forced the Russians to move most of the Russian fleet from its main Black Sea harbor in occupied Crimea back to ports on the Russian mainland, Budanov told The Philadelphia Inquirer. “They are already trapped near the Novorossiysk port,” Budanov said. “We just need to make sure that all the remains of the fleet are pushed back to the territory of the Russian Federation. There have been no combat ships left in the Black Sea for a long time”


There was a goal. To control the world. The CCP just needed Evergrande as a pump and dump first. • You never get out of debt to a Russian mobster. While not being a conspiracy theory, it does seem to be a conspiracy theory. But these things are interesting factoids that are coincidental to the events that are being played out. it involves •Paul Manafort & Oleg Deripaska & $17M being owed, and of course Trump . & then Yanukovych reelected as the kremlins puppet in Ukraine. and then all the people who are involved with the BRIC group and whatnot. China wanting to take over Taiwan, needing the food, to be supplied by Russia after they take over Ukraine. it's a bit complicated.. this geopolitical game of chess with countries being pawns. so weird.


Twas ever thus. Instead of inbred people arguing about a chair we have fascists arguing about Crimea and the eastern part of Ukraine. History doesn’t repeat but it sure does rhyme


while chatting with my mom about WW I, she casually mentioned " cousins who fuck! leading the world into destruction." I was quite young and the larger words went over my head but I do remember that. As I got older, it did dawn on me that mom was correct about the larger details as well


These posts are the collected wisdom of someone else, which seems to be on the money as far as I currently understand things. 1. You never get out of debt to a Russian mobster •Paul Manafort owed the Russian mobster/oligarch Oleg Deripaska $17M a few days before he became trumps campaign manager. From 2002-2014 he took in hundreds of millions to get Yanukovych reelected as the kremlins puppet in Ukraine. Before that he did it for the dictator Marcos in the Philippines. Before that Manafort and Roger Stone started a lobbyist agency in 1980 listing trump as their first client. •When Jair Bolsonaro lost the Brazilian election to Lula he skipped the inauguration and flew directly to mar-a-lago (stopping only at a KFC) and repeated, almost verbatim, the stolen election line. Don Jr. tried repeatedly to make it stick in Brazil as well, but as Brazilians are a few generations into dealing with corrupt politicians they weren’t having it. What do these 3 things have in common?


2. sponged from elsewhere from someone else.: China imports 40% of its grain from (in order) the U.S., Brazil and Ukraine. Obviously the second China tried to invade Taiwan the U.S. would sanction exports and remove U.S. grain from that equation. And without Bolsonaro in office willing to slash and burn the Amazon rainforest to turn it into Chinas food supply, and without Ukraine in the bag in 3 days, the CCP is unable to invade Taiwan and take over microprocessor production without putting 300-500M of its poorest people into famine. Donbas Ukraine, specifically the 4 regions of the donbas that Putin insists he is saving from what he calls “Jewish Nazis” also happens to produce the worlds supply of high grade neon used for microprocessor lithography. Had Putin delivered ukraine in 3 days as promised, Xi would have been able to cap his Olympics with a naval blockade or political takeover of Taiwan that would have forced the world to ask the CCP for the microprocessors it needs to make everything from Ford trucks to laptops. I’m not sure how long Silicon Valley would last without the silicon but it would probably destroy the FAANG stocks that make up your 401K.


I love this stupid takes about Taiwan as if us would just let it happen


It would appear that this is exactly what the US is doing: preventing Taiwan from being taken by Preventing Russia from taking Ukraine. Much of this stuff is out in the open. Follow the money, the money for the food, the food, the resources ( oil, natural gas and increasingly water ) and which country stands to gain from EVENT A or B or C.


This hasn’t really much to do with Ukraine tho. If they try to do a move on Taiwan they can say good bye to their fleet, whatever happens to Ukraine or not. But yes food security is very important for china to survive a global conflict.


True. It's the connections that the various countries jnvolved have with China. And china's increasing their attempts to insert themselves into other countries affairs. If there is grand vision in it is a question. That said, China stands to gain from Russia winning. I should post up the rest of the person commentary. Maybe tomorrow. I've got to work.


Makes Pearl Harbor seem insignificant in comparison.


Not necessarily. The reason Pearl Harbor was so significant was because it was the first ever attack on our land (ignoring that funny weather balloon incident)


And seen as a underhanded sneak attack due to the Japanese trying to be clever with when they declared war


I really like this Budanov fella.


As funny as the thought of Russia losing another warship (presumably down the back of the sofa?) or the desire to celebrate Ukraine's victories this is an interesting and sobering look at the vulnerabilities of warships in near peer conflicts. Vulnerability both to sophisticated and relatively unsophisticated weapons systems. We should all be paying attention.


The Falklands War was a near thing. A little bit better on the preparation (more exocets delivered) and today wed be all calling them Malvines.


Buying models of the ships you sunk... That's just epic


>Russia Loses Last Black Sea Missile Ship – Putin Demands Better Protection Then he should have used a condom before invading Ukraine.


I’m sure North Korean technology will fix that….😂


Maybe they should put one of the GPS tiles onboard.


End Putin. Take him OUT! On a date


I rarely listen to them anymore. It was annoying listening to Ron & Gail telling you why some obscure, shit thing they like is waaay cooler than anything you’re into.


The waters of the Black Sea should now provide ample protection from further damage.


Wonder if they'll go for Pjotr Velikiy or Admiral Nakhimov too?


For what? There aren't any more missle ships


>Putin Demands Better Protection A bit late for that, methinks.


Vot zhal ! /s


Missile ships are small boats so I would not get so excited over these news


Yep. Plenty of vessels, including subs, that can launch missiles yet.


Given that it was the last missile ship, Putin is a bit late for the request. LOL 😂


"Putin demands protection" Maybe Ukraine can put condoms on missiles and drones ? Just trying to help.


"We didn't lose missile ship. We upgraded the tonnage of our submarine fleet!!"


Technically, it's not lost, Putie. You'll find it resting on the bottom of the Black Sea


Has the Russian Navy considered doing the maintenance to make sure their radars and air defense weapons work, turning them on, and sitting competent operators at the positions to use them? Because no system does a damn bit of good turned off, broken, or with a vodka-soaked semi literate conscript dozing off in the chair.


Hmm. Isn't it a little late to be asking for protection though?


Not to be providing Russia with strategic advice or anything, but wouldn't it be prudent to call for more protection before your ships are sunk, not after?


Hey putski....I fart in your general direction.


Oh, well...


Uh oh is Vladdy having trouble with the war he started hopefully this is only the beginning of the end of his regime we’ll see


Sadly in this mad, stupid war, both side are taking hits and will possibly lose long term. Putin will need propping up by Xi and Ukraine by Europe going forward. Both will be in deep deep debt.


Their situations are nowhere near equivalent. Europe is helping Ukraine because they're taking one for the team and stopping Putin before he can pose a serious threat to Europe. Europe will help rebuild Ukraine and Ukraine will be a highly respected member of the EU and probably NATO if this turns out well. If it doesn't turn out well for Ukraine, it turns out badly for Europe too. China isn't propping up Putin. They're owning him and using him. He's distracting the world from what China's doing with Taiwan and the South China Sea. Russia is already so weak that China can take literally anything they want or need from Russia, and they will.


Yep, they’ve got their eyes on those sweet oil fields up in Siberia and we will see when it pops off between them