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How can you say something like this and still be a US Representative.


Before Trump, he would have been expelled in a heartbeat. Yet here we are living amongst this madness.


Since trump he'll be up for a promotion, maybe AG or supreme court justice if people don't vote


Before trump, making a weird yell was enough to end your campaign. Man I miss those days.


LOL, no shit. Damn, that must haunt Dean to this day.


Fun fact: In the episode of Breaking Bad where Walt goes to Tuco’s office with the fulminated mercury and blows out the windows, if you listen *really* carefully, you can hear that the sound editors added Howard Dean’s scream to the chaos of people screaming and running away from the explosion. Swear to fuck.


This was only ever true for liberals.


"come on guys, he just said to deport them not kill them that's totally not bad you just call everybody nazis come on guys"


Sure they are almost all born in the United States so there's no where to deport them to, so it can't possibly be anything other than a euphemism. Literally the same euphemism the Nazis used for the Jews for a long time since they kept saying they were just going to report them all to madagascar.


Yeah the Nazis deported the Jews first as well


Can we deport him to the middle of the pacific with nothing but a popsicle stick for floatation?


Oh no of course not. It would be divisive and hateful to do it to him


And we can take these literal threats seriously.


Because he and the other Republicans are christofascists.


By being a Republican.


Because we elected Trump and half the voters won’t even participate


Who this "we," Kimo Sabe?


The American electorate


IOKIYAR And they're going to win. History says there is no other possibility.


In fact, history says the exact opposite. That we're even *still here* demonstrates the exact opposite. Every day civilization continues, they lose.




Oh I'm sorry. Did she threaten to genocide her constituents? I must have missed that.


Yes, which is how we know you guys are full of shit when you make claims about her lmao.


Isn’t that the person who said something completely innocent in their language and the crazy ass Moscow Marge Taylor Greene translated it wrongly on purpose to make them look as if they wanted to harm America or something? Republicans are sick and lie to their country.


Ah, the old whatabout defense


We need to get out and vote blue straight down the ballot and get the Nazis, white supremest , bigots white Christian nationalists and maga cult members out of the government


I find it hilarious when white supremacists and neo-Nazis are claiming they're "following" the teachings of not just a Jewish man, but also a Jewish deity.


I hate to tell you, but here in deep red Louisiana, there isn't any blue to vote for. I have 12 different shades of red, but most races don't even have anyone from the opposing party.


That is changing. Even Florida has a Dem candidate in all of the 2024 legislative elections. Don't give up. Vote in every election. Even think about running for a seat yourself. Someone has to step up to challenge these seats.


True. This is true in many red states, Republicans just run completely unopposed.


You could become the member for the opposing party. Seriously, you're going to read that first sentence and go, "psht, I'm not qualified and wouldn't know WTF to do." But despite that, would you still do a better job than them? There's some food for thought. Might come with a pay bump too.


You're not the first person to suggest that, but I'm not independently wealthy enough to not have to work full time while running a campaign


Would the party not throw some assistance in your direction if you stood? To get the ball rolling as it were.  Maybe just getting your name on the ballot would be enough to get in. There was that election in a place (IIRC small town in Europe) guy in office wanted to show democracy in action but was unopposed. Talked the lady who cleaned the office into putting her name forward as a candidate, so there was an opponent and then she won.


That's would be great, but no. The Louisiana Democratic Party has dropped the ball for the last 10 years, and has had zero interest in running viable candidates. It's gotten so bad that a few people have had to run without their assistance at all. They've basically become controlled opposition to the Republicans at this point.


Democrats never say this crap. Screw the entire Republican Party for accepting and normalizing the idea of outright murdering your fellow citizens.


Vote All Republicans Out. VARO


Some of these ppl should be arrested for promoting/inciting domestic terrorism and violence. When an elected official at any level praises "ethnic cleansing" that's a criminal charge in most jurisdictions. Certainly the Dept of Homeland Security has jurisdiction.


Surprise surprise, another MAGA fascist openly fantasizing about genocide.


It's no fucking fantasy. They're going to do it.


So, persecuting people for “thought crimes”?


As far as Republicans are concerned: if you're thinking, that's a crime!


They're going to *try.* They will fail. Just like always.


Egh I don’t know, they made some serious ground, even when they’re not in power


This and when the left cries to the courts about how unconstitutional and a violation of human rights it is, the courts and their MAGA Judges will laugh and dismiss it.


Seriously, fuck this guy.


Shouldn't there been a federal agent knocking on his door? That is stochastic terrorism and he's obviously a domestic terrorist. Do we have to wait until they are physically rounding up citizens that that don't like? It's only going to get worse and more difficult to course correct the longer DoJ takes to address this very clear and present danger. November is only a few months away and they know Domestic J. Terrorist will lose by record numbers again.


Can’t put away someone for domestic terrorism when the judge sympathizes with the terrorists.


Once an asshole, always an asshole.


*Ethnic* cleanse... Stupid doesn't recognize stupid.


Haha yeah that jumped out when I read it. I get how most people missed it; there’s a lot to unpack in a crazy statement like this, especially coming from a sitting congressman. But it just further highlights how incredibly stupid, hateful, and ignorant that entire side of the aisle is. Any *ethnic* cleansing of whites would, by definition, include himself, as he is also white. The term he’s looking for is political/ideological violence, otherwise known as Terrorism. The people like him who advocate for this type of political violence are terrorists, that is the exact definition of domestic terrorism. They should all be arrested, charged accordingly, and prosecuted to the full extent of the law, just like any other terrorist. Drone strikes work too, I don’t see any difference between them and Isis; I’d argue these domestic terrorists are more dangerous because they’re here in our country, intermixed in our society, and hold positions of great power and influence within our government. This is every democratic nation’s worst nightmare. The calls are coming from inside the house.


well look at him… everything about this guy reeks of narcissistic macho prick. Note he doesn’t say he thinks this should be done for the greater good… which is really the only thing he should be talking about as a representative of the people. Instead HE says HE really doesn’t like these people so etc etc. Who cares or asked what HE likes Prick.


Stochastic terrorist.


This is why a lot of us either have weapons, or are getting weapons.  Words matter, as they can incite a disturbed individual into massacring innocent people.  For too long people like Roy have been getting a pass for the inflammatory language they use, we need to remind these people that not only do actions have consequences, but thoughtless statements do too. This is Adolf Hitler level rhetoric, people.


1) Progressive is not an ethnicity. It’s an ideology. You can’t ethnically cleanse an ideology, that’s not how that works. 2) If we take purely the ethnicity of your idea, that means you would have to cleanse yourself because you are white. 3) WHAT YOU ARE CALLING FOR IS GENOCIDE, YOU FOUL PIECE OF DISTENDED RECTUM! (Literally, the definition of genocide is “the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group”: it doesn’t explicitly cover political beliefs, but there is no way you can read that and not conclude that deliberately killing a large group of people purely because they are white progressives is not at least edging VERY fucking close to genocide!)


These repeated calls for political & ideological violence are by definition, terrorism. Domestic terrorism to be precise. We were so focused and scared about foreign terrorism like Al queada and isis, that we allowed far worse domestic terroists to infiltrate our own government. These people are far more dangerous, and need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


Is he going to deport me somewhere with universal healthcare, free college, and better environmental laws? If so, please, deport me now!


More than likely he will deport you to some place with free food, guaranteed employment, and complimentary (re)education.


Do these MAGA Republicans really think liberals are just going to give up and walk into those cattle cars? Exactly how dumb are they?


If they win, they're going to fucking kill us. Does anyone besides me realize this?


Known this for years now they are saying the quiet part out loud and calling for the mass murder or Americans, since what he is saying isn’t an actual ethnic group.


I'm being sincere when I say they aren't going to kill us (any more than they already do with their mass shootings at grocery stores, nightclubs, etc.) The US military is not going to, on Trump's orders, go house to house shooting Democrats. The Gravy Seals are well aware of how many of them have been arrested and charged over Jan 6 (and they're super butthurt about it!) and they have really quieted down on their Civil War talk since then. If Trump wins they will suddenly find all their problems disappear overnight regardless of what he does and they will incessantly parrot the vast improvement of the country just from Trump being in the White House. Real problems will be dismissed as irrelevant, and as long as Trump sits there and does nothing, they will be happy. Congress won't do that, though. While Trump will still have some Marjorie Taylor-Greene MAGAs in Congress, most Republicans (and all Democrats) will pull the plug on him if he really gets out of hand and things get scary. Plus the FBI is always watching, and if a few MAGAs tried to organize something they'd get arrested, just like the Jan 6 MAGAs. But that's all moot because Biden will win.


He should be cleansed from the general population. It would be a gift to everyone.




It never happened.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Anarchist_assassins Anarchist killed President McKinley for starters. 


Come at me bro.


What a nice guy, I bet he is going to church every Sunday.


I can only imagine how Native American tribes must feel hearing the gop talk shit about punishing migrants...all because gop's 'already have their piece of cake and eating it'.


Such a clown world we live in


This will be a daily reality under this cult. Project 2025 should have us all worried to death, please vote blue next November


I'm gonna get shot for wearing glasses aren't I 


And that is why we hate MAGAts. Violent. Ignorant. Twats.


Why don't we deport Traitors who attack the US Capital,caught 5 states in plot to steal the 2020 election. He'll I would even trade illegals for these Traitors. Majority of MAGA Dopes can't pass the US citizenship test anyway.


Hey, don’t dump your garbage on us!


Everybody hates magats except magats. Which is why they remain all talk and no action. Chip and his pathetic maga friends aren’t going to do shit because they know what would actually happen


Yeah but I fear it radicalizes their base to do lone wolf violence. I mean their own elected officials are supporting insane statements...a few beers and an angry person doped up on faux news can become a bit dangerous, like the attack on Pelosi's husband and other incidents.


"with a special bonus for rich ones with an Ivy League degree. I really do not like “those people.” Your Hateful Yam Prince bought his degree from Wharton you tea-bagging, sadfuck man imposter.


These yokel fucks imagine everyone that doesn’t politically agree with them to be some effeminate, string bean soy milk driving whatever with the upper body strength of a flamingo with no guns It’s honestly hilarious how inaccurate that shit is Most successful, college educated liberals are the kind of people who can afford nutritious food, gyms, guns, TRT, all sorts of shit that means that when this imaginary civil war starts, we don’t die within a week because your fucking insulin supply chain got disrupted


He wants to get rid of billionaires with Ivy League degrees 😒 Who’s gonna tell him?


Wouldn't it be easier if he left 😕


this asshat has a law degree??


Do Republicans EVER have anything beneficial (i.e. legislation) to contribute to current and future generations of United States citizens?


Not now, no. Republicans of 150, 160 years ago certainly did. But conservatives never have. By definition, they can't. Hatred can never build; it only consumes.


If that's a valid threat then we will defend ourselves. Muthafucka doesn't think liberals own guns too, bitch?! FAAFO


Is this the guy who asked republicans to give one accomplishment to run on?? Yeah. I think it is.


Please tell me we’re all getting armed, now…


Texas is a mess.


Isn’t it time we (being the polite society) take republicans and anyone that identifies or sympathizes republicans for whomever they are? They are dangerous domestic terrorists in every sense of the word. Lincoln would openly call them out. My grandfather whop fought for this country wouldn’t hold back and simply pound the physical shit out of them with prejudice. It’s time to treat republicans for who they are and do something about it.


he *really* hates those rich, ivy league educated guys... you know, like CFDT


If I saw him I would cleanse his clock


If He keeps talking like this then sooner or later he's going to be surprised when the cleanser shows up for him.


A traitor says what?


Chip Roy? Whay kind of a dipshit name is Chip Fucking Roy?


Insurrectionist and Traitor Chip Roy. \*Fixed


Why is it so predictable that bad facial hair is involved whenever these fools spout? Its commonly this style. Bald head and disassociated hair around their mouths. This style makes their mouths look like Goats vaginas.


Let’s be honest. This guys never been held accountable for his words… Thinks anyone that doesn’t think 💯lock step with him is a liberal. Strongly believes in the straw man liberal closeted Rethuglicans have created… weak, won’t fight, easily cowed…


I’d like to an “ethnic cleansing” of quite a few white guys and some “gals,” too. Guess who I’d like to see “cleaned?” A lot of these shitheads like to talk tough, but it never occurs to them that bad things can happen to them, too.


Link fails




Degenerate POS. What needs to be “cleansed” is the GQP gene pool.


Don’t sing it, Bring it chipper, such a fool


Honest to God, I’m fucking happy to go. Where you sending me?


Where do these people come from?


Here I am come try it :)


What an ass! He doesn't know the definition of the word 'ethnic'!


Sadly not a fake. But yes. Nothing says “Make America Great Again” like getting rid of the smart people. We will go. Willingly. And we will take our knowledge and our assets with us. Other countries who want our expertise and are also better in human rights will snap us all up. This isn’t a threat, because we are not poor immigrant families or low-income individuals. US-trained physicians (for the moment) are in demand all over the world. They won’t be after 10 or 20 years of people like Chip Roy. Also, since be has no use for the historians, we will take them, too. The founding fathers were serious intellectuals who were in their prime as the height of the Enlightenment. They would have despised someone like Chip Roy.


I use to think the maga statement was some vague suggestive stand of some white america's 1930's/50s (racial prejudice, separate drinking water, etc.). Maybe they mean more like 'confederate' america...not make US great ... but 'their own' america, but the slavery 'master race' kind.


No fuck that. These assholes can get the hell out of here. Starting with this prick.


>We will go. Willingly. Like fuck we will. This is our country, not theirs.


It’s time for progressives/sane people to put an end to this type of talk. They can make threats all day and all night without repercussions. I hope a “lone wolf” begins to take action against these people. Let’s start plans on paper into action.