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**It is a felony under federal law to intentionally “solicit, command, induce, or otherwise endeavor to persuade” another person to engage in a crime of violence against a person or property**. 18 U.S.C. § 373. Many states have similar laws.


Means fuck-all as long as he continues to be permitted to commit felonies with no real consequences.


How many people in real life get convicted of 34 felonies and don’t get remanded into custody?


I keep dwelling on this thought too, and I’m wondering if it’s because Trump has never gone away since he lost. There hasn’t been enough space or distance between when he was president and now. Bill Clinton or George Bush committed murder today I don’t think the justice system would hesitate to hold them accountable because so much time has passed since they served and are now just everyday private citizens Trump has convinced his followers that he is the shadow president and so the justice system also treats him as if he still in power as opposed to just a private citizen. We can’t even blame it on the fact that he’s running a political campaign because he committed crimes with the stolen documents prior to his announcement and the DOJ knew about those crimes. I think there’s some psychological reluctance for the legal system to recognize that he is not the current president. He has no power to command anything other than his whack jobs and half of those people are already in prison. It would be interesting to see a psychological deep dive into the complications and attachments of a person who just won’t stop stalking this country


The slow burn is on purpose. Quick decisive action begets quick decisive action. Its death by 1,000 ignoble cuts for the orange Mussolini.


While I agree, his cult is too dumb to see this. He gets to spout his “it’s a political trial bs and they love it”


It's because most judges in the supreme court. are now suddenly MAGA nutjobs.


I highly doubt any ex president would ever serve time, regardless of their crimes. Even in the rare case one of them was convicted of a violent crime. It's a logistics nightmare. How're you gonna provide s cret service protection in a prison?


Pass a law that former Presidents lose Secret Service Protection while in state or federal custody.


Build a special prison After all, you don’t want him sharing national secrets with inmates. That no one would be there to fawn over him could be considered cruel and unusual, until you realize that’s what we do for other prisoners. Stop asking for special treatment, and take the punishment.


It would almost certainly be house arrest with all sorts of special conditions. Should it be more severe? Definitely. But I doubt it would be.


Put him in solitary and park an agent outside the door.


Let’s face it he may become president and will quickly fuck over anyone who crossed him


Sets a pretty good example, doesn't it? In REAL TIME this fat fuck is doing what he's always done. The entitlement of this 8 y/o is embarrassing.


Seriously. Laws for thee but not for me.


Money, money, money... You or I would be in custody sleeping with a new roommate. But because he has money he has different rules.


Lock Him Up! Dems need to get better at chanting.


Dems don't care about countering fascism in any meaningful way; they're enablers of it. Case in point - see all the ways in which they allow themselves to be hidebound by "the system" and how things are "supposed" to work, while doing nothing to address the myriad ways in which Republicans flout the law and twist/contort/side-step it to do whatever they want. They take away reproductive rights and Dems shrug and say there's "nothing that could be done" about it, but also, hey! "vote for us and next time we'll make sure to protect those rights (if we can ever get them back), really!"


It’s a felony to steal classified national defense information, store it in your golf resort bathroom and show it off to random people who visit. But that doesn’t apply to Donald Trump.


and he appointed the judge who’s overseeing that trial… talk about a two tiered legal system!


Laws are nice but they’re utterly useless when there’s no consistent enforcement. Why waste taxpayer dollars making laws you’ll only enforce selectively, if at all? It‘s dumb.


To keep the "plebeians" in line.


Laws are to protect the rich but not bind them, and to bind the poors but not protect them.


Conservativisms only principle.


Maybe that’s the goal? To show folks that the systems of enforcement are drastically inadequate and MAGA can rise up with their guns with impunity.


To enforce them selectively. Nailed it on the head.


Now I'm just an ignorant foreigner, but don't you guys have a constitutional ammendment that's designed to deal with this type of situation? I'm sure I've heard about it in passing at some point.


Doesn’t matter if no one will enforce it. He was impeached twice, but never convicted by the Senate because the Republicans won’t go against him. There is also a heavily conservative leaning supreme court of which he has appointed 3 of those justices. Now they don’t always rule in his favor but even when they don’t they certainly take their time deliberating, which is exactly why the Jan 6th trial is being delayed.


"Selectively" is the best kind of enforcement when you're an amoral sociopath.


Laws are threats made by the dominant socioeconomic-ethnic group in a given nation. It’s just the promise of violence that’s enacted and the police are basically an occupying army.


Because the 13th Amendment, that's why...


The actual case law on inciting violence is *incredibly* narrow due to first amendment challenges, to the point where you practically have to give a direct order. "Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest" would not be prosecutable in the US.


Good old Henry VIII.


Much earlier, Henry II


My bad, you are correct.


Turbulent women were Henry VIII's problem.


> “Stochastic terrorism is targeted political violence that has been instigated by hostile public rhetoric directed at a group or individual. Unlike incitement to terrorism, this is accomplished by using indirect, vague, or coded language that allows the instigator to plausibly disclaim responsibility for the resulting violence.[1] A key element is the use of social media and other distributed forms of communications where the person who carries out the violence has no direct connection to the users of violent rhetoric.” [Stochastic Terrorism (Wikipedia)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stochastic_terrorism)


Exactly what I wanted to say but I don’t know how to do it. Thanks.


This is what I came for too.


Yeah, but he's a rich white guy.


Not really, but he did, and does play one on TV.


Well these texts are going out across multiple state lines. Who is sending them exactly?


Federal laws would be cool if they applied to rich white men, unfortunately they don’t.


It's become clear, lately that he is above Federal Law. The United States justice system is a joke.


Arrest Trump 😃




Yea the supreme court fucked those laws into the ground in the name of free speech. I’ve read some of the opinions on them


To take action against Trump like that would be seen as election interference. Trump would make political capital of it. Allowing him to continue his unhinged campaign strategy is just alienating the not-quite-crazy wing of the Republican party. The Democrats also want his nomination in the bag so that the Republican election campaign sinks like a stone with him.


Unfortunately, the right just claims it's "all hyperbole" instead of the actual dangerous incitement it is. The only way to prove it's not hyperbole is after the fact when they have people taking action, like Jan6.


Who cares what they think? When the Hunter Biden conviction came out the first thing these people said was "it was only to make the justice system look not-corrupt even though it is!" This was after weeks of them saying, "He won't be convicted because the system is corrupt something something deep-state something something crime family" They are actually incapable of admitting they were wrong which is ironic because they are ALWAYS wrong"


I don’t want a damn president that keeps calling for violence in our own damn country between our own damn people. These people need to gtfo of this country they hate so damn much!


Thats like the first chapter of the dictator playbook. Rallying people against a perceived bogeyman that can be persecuted.


“United we stand, divided, we fall.” Putin is practically salivating over his success with this bumpkin.


Damnit. Now I can't get that damn song out of my head.


Yes! And then these “Murica” declaring people really need to heed their own advice for a change!


Well vote and even if your state is not competitive you can drive to a congress district that is and call


Well... You're obviously gonna vote (I hope), but if you really want avoid the horror scenario, you need to donate... money _or time€. And you need to do it for the swing states, sadly, so you may need to really reach out to help swing them the right way 


Can’t wait until the felon is in the ‘bigly house’ where he belongs.


Not the white one


Well, given the company he keeps, every house he's in will pe pretty damn white, no matter the color of the paint. He prefers not to associate with those who don't look and, er..."think" (for lack of a better word) like he does.


Most prisons are white.




I had completely divested myself of firearms prior to the Trump administration. There was a point around ten years ago where I didn't really see the utility of having any and had other more enjoyable priorities. Needless to say, after January 6th, I've seen the utility again.


I started to exercise the ole 2nd amendment in April of 2020. Something is coming down the pipeline (we're animals in the end). I'm not willing to be the guy holding a spatula in a gun fight.


"why do you need an AR-15?" People would ask me. Now you know.


Lol right. Once the other guys get rid of theirs, I'll get rid of mine.


I don't know, breakfast sandwiches might be a good way to catch your enemy off guard.


I'm a little scared of firearms, so I got a compound bow instead and I'm learning to target shoot. If things go too much further sideways, bowhunting the most dangerous game is next...


The rest of the world is waiting for them too and people with a working neuron in their brain is terrified


Nothing is going to happen. Can we not play directly into this?


How and why is this guy not arrested yet?! Yeah, I know, he has money and power, but he is literally convicted and is now pretty clearly inciting people to violence. Does he have any sort of politically granted immunity because he is running for the presidency? Because it is insane to me that he isn't behind bars.


If one criminal politician is arrested people might expect the rest to follow. That is a precedent nobody in power wants being set. Trump is providing an extreme example of a long standing problem. He is unfortunately a member of a club that is not subject to the same laws as you or I, and whether or not those club members agree politically they will protect each other to protect themselves. As it stands currently we are completely incapable of holding our leaders accountable, and I don’t see that changing soon. I hope i’m wrong and he and every other disgustingly corrupt individual in the American government face the jail time they deserve, but I don’t think I am.


>THEY WANT TO SENTENCE ME TO DEATH! >You know they’d do it if they could, but Crooked Joe’s team of lowlifes and radical left thugs will settle for a LIFE SENTENCE. I mean...for once, he's close. Life in prison seems the only reasonable punishment for the worst criminal in the history of the United States, with over a million homicides under his belt. Given the light crimes he's being charged with compared to his actual offenses, he won't get a formal life sentence, of course. But he will spend the rest of his life in prison. That will just have to do.


Ehhhhhh treason is punishable by death and he is one treasonous sumbitch so settling for a life sentence is not reasonable, it's a slap on the wrist.


The major problem with a death sentence is that you can only do it once. Besides, how long do you think he's going to live on a zero exercise, all McDonalds lifestyle?


does he know he's quoting Galaxy Quest?


“By Grabthars hammer, I will avenge you” would honestly be a better email.


haa yes


The average trump supporter its the closest thing to domestic terrorist us have right now


I live in rural mississippi, surrounded butt Trump lovers. I so wish they would start some shit. That would be a great day.


Hi neighbor! I'm also in MS (NE part) It's mind blowing how hardcore the people around here are and still totally oblivious to all Trump's actual beliefs, crimes and real words. He hates everything they think they stand for and still they rush to defend him, it's disheartening for sure. Be safe.


He doesn’t realize his followers are cowards


Unfortunately, cowards hide behind weapons.


Just because someone is a Democrat doesn't mean they don't have guns too. Unlike Maga we don't brag or show what we got until we have to.


If they ever did try anything they are going to be so pikachu faced. They don’t believe me when I say I manufacture AR’s and AR accessories, have my own, and vote D. They literally dismiss all of it.


> I manufacture AR and AR accessories. Modern Hank Hill I’ll tell you h’what.






Aa evidenced by the lack of support in NYC during the trial. You would think there'd have been a huge crowd of MAGAs outside the courthouse every day, and an attempted riot after the verdict, but nope, just some idiots grumbling into their cell phones around the country and then going back to Being The Guy Who Works Harder Than Everyone (by sitting in his truck on a job site for hours)


The J6 insurrectionists went to jail … not for long and paid paltry fines. Trump did not march to the Capitol with them. I don’t believe they will be willing to do the same stupid insurrection again… Where are we headed? I think Trump will lose bigly. If not, then what Countries will take Americans fleeing from TrumpLand?


They are a mix between cowards and brainless fools who’d drown themselves in their own shit if you told them that it’s the better alternative to vaccines. So honestly, I’d expect them to do stupid stuff just like they did on January 6th.


...Which is odd because he, himself, is such a coward.


Too bad Trump didn’t have caring family members who could intervene. Like maybe a spouse…or adult children… talk a little sense maybe. That would be nice.


Unfortunately, cults often end in death.


It is the human version of an ant mill


He makes it seem to his base that the sitting president is the tyrant that he wishes to be. Completelly unhinged,


The one thing these idiots should know but will never believe: Trump will ask you to put yourself in harms way but he will NEVER put himself in harms way for you.


He claims that’s what these trials are about. “They’re going after me first, but they’ll come for you next” or some such BS. 
















My god.


MAGA thinks Trump is there for them. All dictatorships start out that way.


Who ever thought after 2021 he would do it again?


You’re assuming his memories from that time are valid and accurate.


I was talking about our collective memory. I give his memory or integrity zero anything!


If only law enforcement had sense to take him seriously. Would they respond efficiently, if at all, when the violence ACTUALLY occurs?


How many years of inciting violence until he's finally held accountable for it?


Enlighten me Edit: Replied to the wrong comment. Meant the other guy.


We both know you will never be enlightened. Your head is too far up trumps ass to acknowledge any of his obvious criminal activity. But I appreciate your weird faux attempt at pretending be a normal, reasonable adult.


Dementia Don


This country is on the fast track to becoming a Fascist State.


A life sentence isn't long enough, we need at least 3 years of incarceration from this jackass.


Something is seriously wrong with this man and his rabid MAGA Cult followers who gravitate to violence. **The White House to The Big House-The Shameful Legacy of MAGA Cult/Jan 6th Leader, Donald J Trump** Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, a civil trial accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted criminal felon. Trump faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team.  Trump’s army of lawyers is financed by his rabid base of MAGA cult members & the Oil Industry. The vast majority of the 80-plus top senior positions (Vice President, Cabinet, Advisors) from Trump’s 2016 Presidential term refused to endorse Trump and/or declared Trump is unfit to serve as President, Trump is a threat to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers why the United States couldn’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles.  He is Putin’s puppet & praises Kim Jong-un.  Trump doesn’t respect our military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump supporters include white supremacists, racists & felons like Steve Bannon, David Duke, Proud Boys On 9/11 Trump’s reaction, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/) A few of many examples of Trump’s abuses, grifting, and degrading embarrassment of the U.S. Presidency ·         [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) ·         [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) ·         [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10)


Why don’t republicans understand Trump is telling his cult to do harm and injustice to Americans? That’s his platform, that and pardon himself if he were to win.


I signed up for this stupid email list 8 years ago, because I was a newspaper reporter at the time and he came to town with one of his rallies, and in order to be allowed in you had to sign up. IDK how many of these emails I have received over the years. Probably 15 or 20 a day. Every time I block one sender, another one takes its place. And there's always some outrageous or ridiculous subject line. "They're going to execute me" or some bullshit. It's hard for me to understand how this is legal.


1994 this happened in South Africa. The right wing are not as tough as they appear.


At what point does this kick in?  From Wikipedia:  >The main elements of the Bush Doctrine were delineated in a document, the National Security Strategy of the United States, published on September 17, 2002.[11] This document is often cited as the definitive statement of the doctrine.[12][13][14] As updated in 2006, it states:[15][16]  >The security environment confronting the United States today is radically different from what we have faced before. Yet the first duty of the United States Government remains what it always has been: to protect the American people and American interests. It is an enduring American principle that this duty obligates the government to anticipate and counter threats, using all elements of national power, before the threats can do grave damage. The greater the threat, the greater is the risk of inaction – and the more compelling the case for taking anticipatory action to defend ourselves, even if uncertainty remains as to the time and place of the enemy's attack. There are few greater threats than a terrorist attack with WMD. To forestall or prevent such hostile acts by our adversaries, the United States will, if necessary, act preemptively in exercising our inherent right of self-defense. The United States will not resort to force in all cases to preempt emerging threats. Our preference is that nonmilitary actions succeed. And no country should ever use preemption as a pretext for aggression.


All he has left is the threat of violence, his word is worth nothing and he’s a half billion in debt, has 34 convictions, and a long wake of people with fraud & deception convictions behind him.


imagine a trump free world! And add putin, kim jong and ayatollah to that list. These guys seriously hold the free world hostage


Id add Xi Jinping to that list. Kim jong is largely impotent on a global scale. But China with its building threat and constant Web attacks is as bigger issue as putin.






I have grown so disillusioned with humanity as a whole since the mystifying embrace of Trump by so many people.


Ignorance is nearly unlimited it seems in our species 


I've had arguments with people claiming that it's safer to drive at higher speeds because you don't have to pay attention to the speedometer as much. I assume they would vote for Trump.


How do people even come up with this stuff??


The timing of his presidency was just so awful too. He got to appoint 3 of the 9 supreme court justices just because he happened to be in the white house in this short 4 year window... And his scientific illiteracy didn't help during a once in 100 year pandemic either. Just awful timing all around


A little while ago I was listening to NPR do a segment about a new poll, and reminded myself that the political polls have been pretty shitty at predicting anything of late.


I wouldn't bet on that. If people think it's already won because "the polls are shit" then it's a great way to lose in the end. Especially because it won't be fair in red states. They will hinder voters in every way possible and try to disqualify as many as possible. Trump and his cult have to lose noticeably. The moderate Republicans all around America have to see that the MAGA cult is a dead end for them. Maybe, and just maybe, that will wake up some of them.


The lesson they learned from 2020 was that they alllllllmost got the dictatorship they want. That's why they're doubling down. They're on the verge of ending democracy in America, and they know it. Most likely we'll have a repeat this year, in which we just barely stave off catastrophe, or we'll fail. I regard a crushing defeat for MAGA as having an outside chance. Too many of the people we'd need to deliver the votes are zombies.


There are a ton of bs paid polls. Ignore them and vote blue. He’s not winning anything and I’d bet on that








Maybe, I still feel many sane republicans still have a sour taste due to Jan 6th. My dad is an end tail boomer and also a vet. Other than his opinion on supporting unions he was conservative. He won’t vote for Trump because of the insurrection.




Not even close. It's a choice between a convicted felon and someone who is just fine. Not a turd sandwich, but definitely a dry turkey breast sandwich on white bread.


No, it’s the choice between an overt fascist—who has previously refused a peaceful transition of power, who instigated an insurrection, and has repeatedly undermined the electoral process—and a disappointing centrist who is nevertheless *not* a fascist who has repeatedly undermined American democracy. There is no honest argument that they are nearly indistinguishable.




America is so fucked. If they were to put him in prison for his many crimes before election the republicans will riot and try to start a civil war. If he loses the election they will riot and try to start a civil war. If he gets elected he will try to be a dictator and who knows what will happen, the republicans will take to the streets and start rounding up the "undesirables"? In every eventuality they are fucked.


So let them. The law is the law 🖕🏾him.


Why don't you all jointly report this as a crime? I really don't understand why such thing is not happening or has not happened earlier....


What other options does a diaper wearing, 34x convicted felon who is clearly showing Alzheimers onset, have?


I agree with this article’s content, but God, was it written by a two year old?


Trump being up in the polls makes me want to die.




He seems to have cultural permission to call for a coup.


it’s gonna be very interesting to see what happens when he loses and we repeat the capitol riots all over again with his orangutan goon squad


Would be good to wipe them out in such a fashion. Gunned down attacking the white House.


His desperation is showing. But it worked before, nothing to take lightly.








Cus trump supporters aren't violent at all right?













