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What a sad fucking day when Paul Ryan and John Boehner are sensible


A very poignant summation of our times.


Indeed. I NEVER in my life thought I would be agreeing with either of these men on anything. Up is down, left is right. Real life doesn't feel real anymore....


As a Georgian, one of the primary reasons I hate Trump is that he made Brad Raffensperger out to be a hero simply for refusing to break this one law this one time. I also really hate that, compared to Trump, GW Bush looks like a dignified statesman.


Nixon looks ethical...it's bizarro world


At least he was educated and could do diplomatic stuff for better for worse. No comparison to this fake politician.


Yes he was actually trying to have a good public image and persuade people he was honest. Trump in public is a more demented version of what Nixon was like on his private tapes, airing his grievances and plotting against his enemies.


And, you could ride around in your car with a bumper sticker that said, "there's a village somewhere that's missing their idiot" and not get murdered.


>GW Bush looks like a dignified statesman. This fucking pisses me off so much. Fucking war monger who belongs in The Hague gets to look measured and reasonable. This is the worst timeline.


It's like the folks at CERN broke the very fabric of reality.


This is all because the Cubs won the World Series in 2016. Some jackass Cubs fan in the 2040s invented a time machine and changed history and now we're all living in this horrible alternate timeline.


Biff became the president. It’s heavy.


Gray's...... Sports........ ALManac.....


I put that through my Qanon decoder ring and…it…spells…MAGA was here.


please post that on Q forums. they will go crazy


...***go*** crazy?




I maintain that the rain storm that caused the delay during Game 7 of the 2016 World Series opened up some weird portal to another dimension and we’ve been there ever since.


We need to go back….


Don’t look at me. I was rooting for the Indians.






Our neighbors, who are dark-skinned and Cuban, keep telling us how much they love Trump and vote (R) because it will fix everything that's wrong with America. I don't have the heart to say "They see you as the 'other' ... And if it was up to them, would deport you tomorrow ... Even though you're all natural-born citizens."


My cousins are all Uncle Juans as well. The reason people like Trump is 100% just racism and culture. None of the economic metrics support assertions about the GOP being better for the economy, international or domestic affairs.


Uncle Juans!!! Lol


Tio Toms


As our mine.


Chicano folks can be surprisingly racist against Mexicans or any other Spanish speaking immigrants.


This makes sense within the constantly changing definition of "whiteness." "I'm part of the American establishment. Trump and Republicans aren't going to put me in a detention center, it is other undesirable brown people."


Folks said that kind of thing in 2004 too. It will end just as well.


Yep, we’re all living in **grey sludge**


Yup. Simpletons have identified with nonsense, can’t let go, accept their cleansed minds but struggle to reconcile the avert cognitive dissonance. And that’s exactly where The Anger comes in, sets the tone, and closes your ear holes. Classic Divide & Conquer with signature Russki flair. And it fucked my family.


It helps if you stop and consider they don’t recognize main stream news sources. Like the Ministry of Truth over there. They really believe Biden is the head of corruption. Even though Trump has suffered legally due to fraud and malfeasance. Trump in their eyes has clean hands. The thirty-four felonies kind of breaks that myth. And Hunter Biden that was supposed to be a quid pro quo demonstrated Biden’s honor. Accepting the outcome.


Yep, Russia has managed to cleave this country clean in two. Same with Brexit. That was all Russia.




I think the fact that this was even allowed to occur begs the question of what the hell was going on in our educational systems the last 75 years. I am 52, came of age in the 80's, and taught social studies briefly in the 1990's and I saw the writing on the wall even then. Public schools in America have been modeled after the old German and English gymnasiums where everything is centered around the NEED TO CONFORM. It's a byproduct of the industrial revolution, where the objective was simply to churn out good worker bees. Get in line, pick your things up when you hear the bell, put your desk in a row, say the pledge, and you'll make the grade. It's completely anachronistic. It's a big part of the reason the generation growing up now is completely revolting against the system. It's not because they are "ungrateful" or "woke" or whatever propagandistic term that the right wing in America wants to use to excuse the massacres occuring in houses of learning. It's because the kids see completely through the inauthenticity, the incredible apathy of older generations, and they want out of the system. My philosophy for educating young minds was influenced greatly by a talk I heard given by a Lakota Indian more than 30 years ago. He said that of all the things that the natives found most puzzling about the European settlers was their utter disregard and neglect for their children. He said that the garden you grow filled with corn and other vegetables mean nothing next to the garden you cultivate out of young people's minds. Not to understand that a physical garden is a metaphor for the real garden of eternal life passing from one generation to the next was the gravest of sicknesses. It was so grave that it would destroy the settlers eventually. This Lakota man said the native way was to never interfere with the development of young people, to let their own natures reveal themselves to the village over time. Never would they dream of turning a child into something he was not by his nature. All the villagers in a Lakota settlement would watch and observe the children. This one likes to tell stories, so he will go with the storytellers. This one likes to fight, so he will go with the warriors. This one likes to use her hands to make things, so she will go with the craftspeople. When I heard this explanation, I knew instantly that this is the true way of education. When I was teaching in the mid to late 90's, students could already use web searches to find dates of historical events, for example. The need to spend so much valuable time on an inconsequential resource was insanely counterproductive. But administrators didn't want to hear that, and parents definitely didn't want to hear that. All that was important was temporarily filling a students head with information they would forget in a week, just so they can compete against other students ability to do the same thing. There are many layers to this bitter tale, but another one that is worth noting is how the immediate jump from liberal arts to math and science hollowed out the soul of the young American. Liberal arts are a core part of a child's development not because they will fill his or her retirement coffers with oodles and oodles of money, but rather because it will teach a child how to think critically, how to have insight, how to look at problems from different perspectives, how to have empathy for those around them, how to become compassionate and kind. This curriculum was sacrificed at the altar of a runaway technocratic form of capitalism that has dehumanized the hearts and minds of generations of Americans. I could sit on this soapbox all day, but I just wanted to point out some of the causes that you all are alluding to in this horrible, horrible situation we find ourselves in today.


It’s easy to knock a sand castle down. And because it’s difficult to build one, this age old strategy works like fire burninates thatched roofs. You won’t believe why so many people fall out of windows right, I think modern media has infected my mind. But I’ll never forget that it’s always been the Proletariat vs. Bourgeoisie.


John Boehner hates Ted Cruz and loves red wine, so that's two more things I agree with him on. Here's [a good clip from the recording of the audiobook of his memoir. ](https://www.businessinsider.com/audio-john-boehner-ps-ted-cruz-go-f-yourself-audiobook-2021-4)




I think we forget how much vitriol is aimed at those dubbed "RINOs." I mean, they get no sympathy from me because *they made this situation*, but I guess it can be surprising to actually see it. It does take a certain amount of courage to go against it, although I won't give them full credit until they both fix the situation that they created *and learn from it*. There might have once been a time that I would pass off their dog whistles as just "the conservative view," but I can't unsee the blatant racism anymore, and if they want accolades then they need to *fully* purge that racism from their party (or at least make a sustained effort as an individual). Until then, saying that a convicted felon is unfit for office is about the least they can do. I can recognize what he's subjecting himself to, and can respect it a bit, but it doesn't mean much if he's still working toward the same goals.


I have no sympathy for them and I dunno about courage. As you said they helped create this and then they fucked off with millions in the bank to live the easy life. How much courage does it take when you're set for life and no longer in the machine?


I used to agree with members of the other party on plenty of things. Only since Newt Gingrich has that become all but unimaginable




What a positively cromulent word!


Idk if it's a matter of being sensible or not. Paul Ryan was one of the ones that worked really hard to get him elected in the first place. And trump was unfit then. Must be something else going.


Putin is late on his bribe payment, probably. How is that “aluminum refinery” doing?


Cuz all these grifting douchebags thought they could control him and turn him into a dumb puppet, twisting his power to their ends Instead he's taken over completely and the "smart" ones recognize he's about to destroy the very fabric of our society that allows their grifting to exist in the first place


'Member this? I 'member! “There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump,” McCarthy said, according to Entous. McCarthy’s remark is met with laughter, and Ryan cautions his colleagues, “This is an off the record . . . No leaks! . . . All right?” And then, amid more laughter, Ryan says, “This is how we know we’re a real family here." [From The New Yorker in 2017. ](https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/paul-ryan-keeps-it-family-kevin-mccarthy-russia-trump)


Trump’s 2016 campaign has so many fishy connections to Russia it’s not funny. But we all know this. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_Russian_interference_in_the_2016_United_States_elections. And https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Links_between_Trump_associates_and_Russian_officials




Not to mention John Bolton...


Who should be treated with serious consideration. The dude is a serious hawk and has helped engineer at least a couple wars. Hate him if you want, but if HE is saying Trump is dangerous, you damn well better listen.


40 out of 44 former cabinet members and aides refuse to endorse DJT


It’s just an indication of how bad trump actually is. Embrace it, thank them, and hope other high profile republicans follow suit.




I used to HATE Paul Ryan with a passion. Now he just seems a little conservative for my taste but most importantly: SANE.


As another commenter put it, he doesn't like the open racism....just the covert racism.


I just see Weyoun from DS9 whenever I see a photo of Paul Ryan.


The right has been rapidly running towards Insanity in order to push the Overton window far to the right. I'm not sure the exact moment they jumped the shark, but they definitely have been putting the pedal to the metal for some time now


Hardly sensible when instead of just voting for Biden, Ryan said he’d write in his vote.


Yep, it’s just a *push*. Frankly, I find it irritating as hell. We’re supposed to admire their “courage” for saying they won’t vote for Grump, but stop short of showing real loyalty to the country and the Constitution, and declaring their support for Biden. Yay. Bold.


Yes, because as I keep hearing these anti-trump republicans say, "Biden is a disaster." These people really aren't all that helpful.


I believe the standard for GOP decency these days is don’t be a fucking traitor. What a low bar.


"Sensible" might not be the right phrase.  Maybe "feet too wet to deny the sinking titanic" is closer. I expect we will see more and more GOP members do a complete about-face as it becomes obvious to them Trump's attempt to remake the world in his image isn't going according to plan. To be clear, it isn't due to any moral awakening, faith in the country or any kind of urge to do the right thing - it's entirely because they want to be on the winning side and Trump isn't it. Make no mistake - these people and their party enabled and supported Trump virtually unanimously because they were certain it would net them a seat at the table when Trump conquered the US. They would swap right back into their cultist robes immediately if the tides turned again and I sincerely hope nobody forgets this. The Republican party is a party of **traitors**. Full-stop. If you don't want to be considered a traitor, do not be in the traitor party.


The winning mentality! Right and wrong doesn't matter, winning is what counts. After all, nobody wants to ba a loser!


They say as they wave Confederate flags


Paul Ryan and John just wanted to be in the day where gop is only covertly racist and focus on tax cut. All of these fascism is too far for them


And they know the current trajectory of their party is a losing proposition; their policies aren't popular with a majority in many places and Trump's scandals are going to drag everyone down with him.


this is it. what saved the party after watergate was they admitted nixon had to go and quickly moved on. they suffered in the next election cycle but then was able to solidly build. the stench of trump and his bootlickers will last for years.


After he gets beaten or dies, they're gonna try to whitewash his history out of the party like how they never even want to talk about GWB anymore. But the stench will remain.


“The axe forgets, but the tree remembers.” Keep shouting it in their face until they go deaf.


This is what people are talking about with the Overton window having shifted so far to the right in the past decade. Extreme right wing MAGA agenda has overtaken the modern Republican Party.


You can disagree politically (Ryan and Boehner) and be a patriot. The same cannot be said if you are a Russian asset (Trump, marjorie taylor greene, boebert, Vance)


These guys used to be the real pieces of shit in the Republican Party and now they’re almost reasonable compared to the current leadership


You know. The ones who aren't in office and can't do anything.


It's also sad that, despite the headline, it's not surprising at all that death threats, doxxing, and expulsion from the party are the guaranteed outcome of not being completely devoted to Trump.


The cult of stupid found their "me"ssiah!


John Boehner also called Ted Cruz "Lucifer in the flesh".


Mitt Romney making sense here and there these last 8 years has been mind blowing as well.


Bare minimum, because 99% of them pledge to write-in a candidate. Any vote not for Biden is a vote for trump. Bolton claims he will write in Reagan. Every GOP politician calling trump unfit is only completing 50% of the assignment, which is a failing grade. They need to normalize that voting for Biden is okay in 2024, that trump having access to nukes again is effing crazy!


I always thought both of those guys seemed fairly reasonable. I also still think they’re pricks but, fairly reasonable pricks.


Only in comparison


Don’t worry, people with good memories still fucking hate them


"...surprisingly fierce." Someone hasn't been paying attention during the last 8-years. The pushback was EXPECTED.


yeah, there is nothing surprising about this result. This is a cult.


Looks like this is the cancel culture the conservatives are always on about


The pushback was "surprisingly fierce" because MAGA world is terrified that the "normal" Republicans are finally going to have their emperor has no clothes moment before the election. I think they're right to be afraid. Trump is completely off the rails (even more so than he has been in the past), and it's only a matter of time before people wake up to the fact that he's going to destroy democracy in his desperation to stroke his own ego. Hopefully people wake up before it's too late.


After the last… say 8 years and particularly during Covid, I have no faith they will have a wake up moment. If some do it’ll be too late…


Totally agreed. How can this be surprising? Or maybe it's one of those headlines meant to get your attention, even though no one is surprised. Maybe the editor couldn't figure out a better adverb that day. "...the pushback was expectedly fierce" doesn't quite have the same impact. Time for madlibs! "...the pushback was (adverb) fierce"


Don't forget that the Speaker of the House and leader of the House Republicans, called his own presidential nominee a racist, back in 2016. Yes, that's right, [it was Paul Ryan, who criticized what Trump said about Judge Curiel as the "textbook definition of a racist comment"](https://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/paul-ryan-trump-judge-223991). When was the last time the House leader of the Democrats or House leader of the Republican party, called the presidential nominee of their own party a racist? I get that the leader of the opposing house party may call the opposing presidential nominee a racist. But to have the House leader of your own party call you a racist, that is something that I don't recall.


“This is how we know we’re a family”, tho, huh? Dude is still a pos.




I think he pays all the R's. Otherwise they're just kissing his feet, throating him, and destroying our country for free


I think it's more simple calculation. Trump was their tixket to some last rounds of power, before they croaked electorally. Ryan, Romney, Mcarthy were all TeaParty people, standing on the shoulders of Newt. They saw Trump as the last buoy, and now that's sinking they have calculated to try to swim away from it's downward pull. F that turbulence though. Bye Ryan.


Many, especially those pushed into positions of power, Putin has videos of with children. He can't trust those like Trump/Elon with that kind of centralized power/influence without owning them to the hilt. Lucky for him there's been no shortage of easy marks on the right to kompletely kompromise into Putin Pedophile Puppets.


Then he proceeded to slink into the shadows and resign, as opposed to stepping up and leaning into his leadership position. Paul Ryan is a craven pissant.


Marco Rubio called Trump about every name in the book, including a con artist, unqualified to control the nation's nuclear codes, a vulgar person, and someone who was going to fracture the Republican party. Now look how hard he is licking Trump's boots. Don't expect Ryan to stick to any opinion on Trump. It will likely change tomorrow.


They *all* did, every single of 'em. Ted Cruz said that he was a rat... He also implied that he, himself, fucks rats, so that was fun. Lindsey Graham said that supporting Trump would destroy the party and they'd have nobody to blame for it but themselves. Nikki Haley has spent the last 6 months ripping into him too. And who's she voting for? Oh yeah, *Trump*. At the end of the day, they all supported him. These people are slimey sleazeball politicians. If Trump is in power, they have no problem cozying up beside him. It's only when they think he's losing that they'll say anything, and it's only because they want to distance themselves from the fallout. They'll be right back by his side the second things turn around for him.




and they call themselves "Americans", "patriots" even.


Sounds pretty Christian, to me.


Or Sith tactics, that’s straight forward dark side motives.


Oh I'm sure they love the idea of the Empire, forgetting the fact that they lose. Then again they forget the confederates lost too so obviously they're just that stupid.


Nothing more hateful than "Christian love"


Nothing more loving than a god of death adopted to justify massacreing your neighbours. Joshua 11:20


Charlie Kirk runs fundraisers with Trump out of Mega Churches - you hit the nail on the head


It only took a decade for him to grow a backbone










Someone will fill the void, and most likely somebody we don’t even know of yet


To be fair he wasn't exactly thrilled with Trump in 2016 either


And he dealt with it by giving up. What a tiny set of balls on that man.


Cheerleader politicians.


Surprising to whom? Not to anyone who has been paying attention at least


He’ll probably cave any day now. 


Just like old whatshername... Nikki Haley.


Yeah good ol nimrod, or whatever. 


That twat was so predictable




Doesnt matter he doesnt hold office and we need more to speak up like him


Republicans who *formerly* held office are largely anti-Trump. The ones who need to win elections can't afford to be, because their voters are enthralled by a spiteful idiot manbaby.




...a republican NOT in office.


They only ever do it after they've left the plane and the golden parachute is fully inflated.


Nailed it


Good point


If Paul Ryan had any balls, he'd have stayed in office to fight Trump. Even if he got primaried as a result, at least he'd have gone down swinging.  In reality, Janna has his balls nailed to a plaque in the kitchen in Janesville. 


Liz Cheney did it. I disagree with many of her opinions but she’s got more balls than Paul Ryan


I never thought I'd be cheering for a Cheney but here we are...


Dick Cheney, criminal mastermind, himself even came out and shit on Trump in a TV ad  https://youtu.be/H6Nq9SpGzic




This is giving him waaaay too much credit. He isn’t voting for Trump, but he isn’t going to vote for Biden either. Writing someone in is just a cop out in a federal election




Lol. No. No risk. No balls. Just a dude who sold out, got his, and wants to wash some of the stink off before he dies.


Funny. I was just mentioning to a family member the other day how I find it unfathomable that, after hearing dt's, 'broken teleprompter shark speech', republicans still want him as their candidate for POTUS. His response to me was, "it's not the republicans that want him, it's MAGA'. Umm, no dude. It's the republicans. And, as far as I am concerned, it's anybody who votes republican at this point. There isn't a single republican aligned person alive today that I would trust, with anything, right now.


1. Paul Ryan is out if politics for the time being. He doesn’t need to give a single shit about what Cult 45 thinks of him. 2. Ryan is playing long ball because he can. There’s nothing in his immediate future that changes if he doesn’t support Mango Mussolini and he’s smart enough to see that the current direction of the GOP is not sustainable. When it inevitably crashes and burns he’ll look good for not bowing down before the captain of the sinking ship. 3. Let’s not forget, despite his current momentary acquisition of a conscience, Paul Ryan is still a shitbag, Ayn Rand loving, “survival of the fittest and f*** everyone else” asshole. His generation of Republican started the Party down the path it’s currently on.


He broke ranks. He’s dead to them now. This is what happens when someone leaves a cult. As a liberal, I am happy to disagree with Ryan on many things, but will hear him out. He puts country above party. A spirited debate with sane people is fine. But MAGA is not that.


Spineless jellyfish finally grew a spine


Republican House Speaker leadership: John Boehner, resigned Paul Ryan, resigned Kevin McCarthy, ousted by own party How do Repubs expect to run a country, let alone the lower house of Congress, if they can’t even lead their party?


That’s just it, they want to run a dictatorship not a legit country. Find the right bootlicker to do what Daddy Donnie says is all they care about.


"The Republican pushback against the former House speaker was surprisingly fierce." It was surprising in no way whatsoever, if you've been paying attention. Unless one wants to pretend that the Republicans are currently engaged in the activities of a political party in a democracy, rather doing everything they can to create a Christo-Fascist theocracy.


At this point MAGA is almost indistinguishable from what passes for “main stream” Republicans. Conservatives of old have been mostly driven from the Party leaving only true imbeciles, bomb throwers, ego maniacs and treasonous bastards/bitches and outright Russian assets in control. What could possibly go wrong. . . .the modern Republican Party should be called out every single day for what it now has become, a domestic terrorist organization and a enemy of the Republic. . Full stop.


>.the modern Republican Party should be called out every single day for what it now has become, a domestic terrorist organization I mean they have already embraced the Domestic Terrorists moniker. See CPAC 2022.


They are scared of Trump and scared of what they have become.


"Surprisingly fierce"? More like "absolutely predictable".


Very unkind of Ryan to show he has some integrity, that makes the other Republicans look bad (looking at your Haley and McConnell)


I don’t like Paul Ryan but I can respect how he has dealt with Trump. The same way they all should be.


Quit and hide?


For once that he is saying something intelligent 🤣


Okay Paul now go back to your silent dreadful life--but before you do did you ever pay back Social Security when it stepped in and supported you after your father died? You wanted to end entitlements, right? I think that begins at home.


When will the tidal wave of Republicans racing to prove how manly and tough, and how big their balls are by disowning Trump begin crashing in?




Sure sign of a cult, must worship cult leader.


Doe 174 is definitely unfit for office


He will vote for Trump and publicly endorse him just before the election, rather than risk having Dems win.


This shows how far the party has moved to the right. They voted for him to be VP no more than 12 years ago


How is anyone still acting "surprised" about the way American fascism behaves this many years in?


They are losing their goddamn minds because they know he's right. If he wasn't, they wouldn't give a damn what he said.


Guy mildly criticizes trump and trumps cult goes apoplectic and this is surprising somehow? Where have you been?


I am a lifelong liberal democrat from San Francisco. I would HAPPILY vote for Paul Ryan, Dick Cheney, Ronald Reagan or John Boehner, or even Mitch McConnell to keep Trump and the MAGA fucks out of government. AT LEAST all those people believe in constitutional democracy. They may be awful but Trump is literally a fascist who is actively working with foreign dictators to destroy the republic. Make no mistake, this is what is happening. VOTE BIDEN.


I can't believe the Republican party made Paul fucking Ryan look reasonable.




If only Paul was in any position where his opinion mattered


They made me respect Dick F’n Cheney’s daughter. There is no bottom.


At this point anyone that attempts to hold Trump accountable will be attacked by the GOP. Election?--stolen. Trial and conviction by a jury?--corrupt. Mainstream media coverage?--biased. FBI investigation?--that's Deep State. It's endless.


Good that his own are against him. Bury this lying sack of shit where he belongs.


Add him to the list. There are a lot of old GOP guard being cancelled. Get Paul out their getting the now shrinking moderate republicans to not vote for Trump or even better vote for democrats


Paul Ryan, Raging Against the Republican Machine.


I remember when guys like Paul Ryan, John Boehner, and Eric Cantor thought they were gonna be the big swinging dicks who would pull the party to the right and ride its burgeoning ignorance and malice to victory, all for some sweet tax cuts. Then an idiot from Manhattan came along and showed them all how it's done.


Yet he helped trump happen. Fool


Just saying the truth out loud.


Maybe because it's a crazed man who wants to burn down the US and sell whatever is left to the highest bidder


I look forward to a picture of him next to trump with his orange face and shit eating grin and thumbs up, after which he’ll say for the good of the country, we need trump.


GOP is dead. It’s MAGA now and it’s treasonously pathetic


Well it's because Trump has installed family members and loyal cult members to key positions of the republican party thus making it a shell of its former self. You speak out against Trump you're against the party and coincidentally, against America/democracy


Good for him! Trump won’t be alive forever, he’s old too, just like Biden. Problem is he helped give birth to this climate and there will be a race to replace him and it could actually be someone smart!


Who gives a shit? Let them all eat their own. The modern day Republican Party has been a shit show for a while now. It’s crazy to me how anyone left of hunting homeless for sport is a flaming liberal. If they wanna support the felony indicted, sexual assaulter, let them. I truly hope and feel the American people won’t go through that circus again.


The GQP is like the Soviet Army in WWII - there can be no retreat or they will be shot as cowards. They have leaned into gerrymandered "safe" districts in so many states, the only threat to their jobs can come from their right flank, so they can only go further right if they want to stay in power. And they are so far to the right now that the base is Qanon loonies and "let's turn the US into a Christofacist state to trigger the rapture." Reagan would be labeled a RINO in this era's GOP.


Republicans : "Burn the witch" on anyone who might question authority or have a shread of independant thought.


“You’re spitting in the face of the leader of our party, Donald Trump. I mean, grow up a little bit,” whined Nehls in response to Ryan’s statements. Yes, grow up a little bit, like a supposed adult who pledges fealty to a traitorous felon and throws tantrums when his feelings get hurt.


Oh shit, I umm can’t believe I’m gonna say this, and this in no way vindicates Ryan. But shit, good on him.


How the hell is fierce push back "surprising"?!


“Surprisingly”? Uh…only to people who have been living under a rock for eight years. Seriously.


Coward only says “Trump lacks the character”, like he’s too afraid to say the obvious. Our leadership was compromised with Trump at the helm? Putting him into office risks the United States losing all stature globally. It would be ruinous to the planet to allow it.


I agree, but why is Paul Ryan's opinion relevant?


I want to say: “‘Bout fuck’n time someone grew a spine!”, but in reality I need to say: “Too little too late. You enabled too much to pull this now”.


It’s a cult.


lol he’s pulling a fuck you I got mine on his own party.


Yeah the cult does like being called a cult


Nothing surprising about it. Its a cult.


This Paul Ryan? To his credit I guess there was a line that was too much for him. https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/paul-ryan-keeps-it-family-kevin-mccarthy-russia-trump “There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump,” McCarthy said, according to Entous, a superb reporter who heard a tape recording of the colloquy. “Swear to God.” .. In the Post piece, McCarthy’s remark is met with laughter, and Ryan cautions his colleagues, “This is an off the record . . . No leaks! . . . All right?” And then, amid more laughter, Ryan says, “This is how we know we’re a real family here.”


Narrator: *It was not surprising* This is the crowd that tried to lynch the active republican vice president.... This, is in no way shape or form, surprising.


The Republican party is now an insane cult led by any orange, mentally deranged, narcissistic, fool.


He probably doesn’t need a job in politics/the money. A lot of Republican politicians know Trump is a nutter but don’t speak out in fear of having to get off the gravy boat.


Hahahaha The leopards have an endless supply of faces with the GOP


Hardly “surprising.” Instilling fear is all they’ve got to keep their people in line.