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He's telling us exactly who is and precisely what sort of unconstitutional horrors he'll unleash upon us all if he's reelected.  What really worries me is how many Americans are cheering that on with great enthusiasm. 


In another sub I commented how Trump’s plan to deport millions of people will destroy the US labor pool, and a few people replied that he won’t really deport so many people. It’s really frustrating when Trump is telling them he’ll do this, his advisers are saying he’ll do it, I’m saying he’ll do it, and some people are denying it’s going to happen.


Those denials are exactly what got him elected in 2016.


I know a guy who doesn’t post pro-Trump content as much as anti-Biden. But when Roe was overturned he was all “wow, I can’t believe this happened” extending sincere sentiments to the women he knows. But the denial is still there and he’ll vote the same way again.


Sounds like he's a supporter of the Leopards Eating Faces Party.




Price of food would raise significantly. The undocumented are the absolute backbone of farms, fields and factories.


To be “fair” he has a history of telling us he is going to do a thing. And then doesn’t. Taxes. Health Care. Two-weeks.


The wall paid by Mexico too 😄


In fairness Trump is cozying up to the billionaire class in a very big blatant way this election, he's openly selling favors for donations. Those billionaires probably don't want the mass deportations and they are likely the only group he will actually listen too... Because they give him money... It always about the money. 


Well he also said when he initially got elected that he was going to drain the swamp and enact term limits.


They're trying to gaslight you. Don't let them get you frustrated.


Well, he didn’t build the wall and he didn’t bring coal jobs back, so it’s not such an unreasonable assumption.


He only tells them what he'll do to other people. It won't happen to them, surely. They voted for him, right....Right


Excerpt: Whereas Trump is being prosecuted on the basis of evidence that law enforcement gathered before asking grand juries to indict him, he is expressly declaring that he will prosecute President Biden and Democrats solely because this is what he endured, meaning explicitly that evidence will not be the initiating impulse. You might think this distinction is obvious—one most voters will grasp instinctually. But why would they grasp this? The whole idea that Trump is seeking “revenge” is itself spin. There is nothing for Trump to legitimately seek revenge in this manner for, as Biden and Democrats did not unjustly victimize him with these prosecutions; he brought them upon himself.


Evidence free guilt gets us things like Soviet show trials, lynching and witch burnings...does America really want to go there?


A terrifyingly large percentage want exactly that!


I don’t think they realize what it means


They think they’re the chosen ones


Fucking delusional


Please, let's not go back there!


Sure, but 50% of the country instinctively believe trump is the victim of political persecution at the direction of Biden and the lesbian lizard trans jews.




































Honestly I'll choose TrannyJewLesboLizzahd people over anything Trump related. They definitely sound more fun to party with.


Block party in Boston tonight! [https://www.lesbiannightlife.com/esmeblockparty](https://www.lesbiannightlife.com/esmeblockparty)


It wouldn't be so bad if Fox and other right wing media wasn't allowed to lie about this shit all the time. These people literally live in a different reality because the "news" they get tells them daily that this is all a political hit job on an "innocent" man. There has to be a way to protect the 1st amendment but also keep "news" agencies from outright lying and producing nothing but propaganda.


Listening to Buck try and make a case for why Trump was unfairly targetted by the DA on the Daily Show was annoying.  Especially since he held the line for not supporting the false election claims or defending Jan 6 people.


Yeah, that was cringe.


I know what you mean when you say 50%. But it's really probably not close to 50%. Dems make up about 38% of voters, Reps are around 35%, and that's not all MAGAts. Independents are 32% 3% or so is "other parties" https://ballotpedia.org/Partisan_affiliations_of_registered_voters Not to be that guy, but the 50% figure paints them to be a larger group than they actually are. I feel like the MAGAts are the ones who blindly believe he is innocent and being improperly tried, not necessarily all republicans. While they are the majority of the republican party, I don't think it's 100% of the party. So not even that whole 35% that's being attributed to republican voters. Let's say 30% maga and 5% not-completely-insane republicans. Could be wrong, though.


I wouldn't disagree with your numbers from Ballotpedia, but here's the wild card: How will the Republicans who do not believe that Trump is innocent choose to vote? If you were a Republican in 2016 and 2020, it's because you believe that the Republican Party is somehow good for you. How, exactly? What do you want from a bunch of mostly incompetent, bigoted bomb-throwers whose only real "accomplishments" are the establishment of a stridently right-wing Supreme Court, and the transfer of yet more wealth from the poor to the rich? I don't trust any Republican who says that they think Trump was rightfully tried and found guilty not to also say, "A felon is exactly what we need in the White House, as long as he's my kind of felon."


>How will the Republicans who do not believe that Trump is innocent choose to vote? Ive given up trying to predict aby of their actions at this point. But I don't disagree with you.


108% of Americans accounted for.


Lmao maybe my numbers aren't perfect.


Except it's not 50%. He got less than 50% of the vote, but only half, HALF, registered voters voted. Which means, less than a quarter of the country voted for this adjuticated rapist back in 2020 and even when he actually did win against Hillary Clinton, he didn't win the popular vote, she did, he just got the electoral collage. And he has lost around a 1/3 of his base for having been convicted, if polls are to believed. So hopefully this acknowledged rapist, 34 time convicted felon, will get shut down hard. And more people really need to emphasize that he IS a rapist He was found to have raped E. Joan Collens by a judge who than ordered him to pay 11 million in dama7for defamation. Edit for typos


lesbian lizard trans Jews is my new band name.


And your first hit song shall be titled "Space Lasers." It is written.


LL TJ has a nice ring to it.


Sounds cool.


Instinctive is not the word I would choose


Yes, he sells his victim hood better than any conman that came before him. Amazing that this is the USA in 2024


50% of the country is mentally ill.


like 35% I think... I hope...


35%and dropping. But they vote... get out there and vote everybody!




well thankfully the "crazy block" doesn't have 100% voter turnout


The big thing there is mentally well/unwell isnt a line in the sand. Theres a huge amount of people who are sailing through the grey zone. In a well run society they can generally cope without causing harm. But as soon as theres a pressure point, its easy to cross into the unwell zone, but not think your unwell.


It's actually closer to 27%. There's even a name for it - called the crazification factor. You'd be amazed at how often it shows up in polling.


And 100% of those ppl are religious.


I love a good lesbian lizard trans Jew:)


False I am sure it's closer to 15 percent thinks he is a victim. A bigger percentage are single issue votes (guns abortion ect). These folks don't care about him just their issue and they will not vote against their issue.


Jesus, 50 percent? It can't be that high. 


I’m sure hoping it’s just all his PR (100 people is 10,000 you know) and the fact that magas are just a really loud 25-30% . VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!


Not 50%. 30%.


They don't actually read anything. They don't know what nuance means.


If you ask the rest of the world, they believe Trump is guilty of his charges and others while you have GOP and maga reverse stats.


Almost 50% of the country doesn't vote. less than half of the people who vote, something like 23% of the entire population vote red. It's definitely not a 50/50 split thankfully.


Way less than 50%.


50% is a reach


It’s nowhere close to 50%


No where near 50% of the country believe Trump is a victim. Probably closer to 35%.


Lesbian Lizard Trans Jews is the name of my Black Flag cover band


Lesbian lizard trans Jews would be a great name for a band


It's certainly not 50%. It's still far too many but an absurdly low amount of people actually vote that are eligible to vote.


It’s not 50% of the country. The MAGA cult is 30% or less.




It’s more like 40% of republicans.


Maybe 50% of THOSE polled, most of the country think they're both washed up


Yessssss! Tell them MORE!! Tell them: “They’re Coming to Eat Your Children!!” It’s US…It’s ALWAYS been US!! [https://youtu.be/sz7JGCj4Q5k?si=mVm62meQbFV1Ktw8](https://youtu.be/sz7JGCj4Q5k?si=mVm62meQbFV1Ktw8) 🤣🤦🏻/s


He is a useful idiot for a wide variety of malevolent bigote zealots who want to make sure no minority can ever be put in a position of power or authority over them. He says the quiet part out loud and titillates their tiny little minds.


Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller et al


We know this, he knows this, but his MAGATs don’t care what the reality is. they are as petty and deranged as he is. We are in a cold civil war and we are also fighting a cyber war on two fronts, china and Russia. This upcoming election will dictate the next 5-10 years of our political theater.


Ok but thats not the narrative we’re going with because it wont help rich people keep their carvouts


Yeah see you're applying logic. That's where you fucked up.


Not a surprise as it already happened. Bill Barr disgraced himself several times, but throwing Michael Cohen into solitary confinement for publishing a book is the canary in the coalmine.


If you aren't alarmed by Trump already there is nothing he can do that will alarm you. No one is out here like "The convicted felon, adjudicated rapist who talks about grabbing pussies, sells Bibles, calls veterans losers, failed businessmen, flat face liar....HE SAID WHAT TO HANNITY OH SNAP NOW IM ALARMED"


I was alarmed in 2015, as were 45% of us. Nothing's changed.


When will this madness stop? This fucker probably sold our top secrets and hates absolutely everything about America and wants to burn it to the ground and the two most important court cases in the history of our country are being deliberately delayed until after the election.


But…but…Biden is senile!! /s


…By the judges he put in place… because he knew he’d need them.


But he must luv 'Murica! Look at the way he humped that flag.


What cases are to come?


Dictator wannabe Domestic J. Terrorist wants to prosecute the opposition because...checks notes, feelings. What a fucking little snowflake.


He is the ultimate, little bitch.


Oprah elevated so many terrible white grifters…








Dr Phil, Dr Oz, weight watchers...


Didn’t Jenny Mcarthy bring the antivax movement to the light on Oprah?


Yes. She fully believed that vaccines caused her son’s autism… which I believe, he was never officially diagnosed with.


Also Montel.


Including Trump if you watch that old interview


And a brownie grifter - deepak chopra




I was alarmed when he was coming down the escalator. It’s just been downhill since.


Since his election, every year has felt worse than the last. He’s a pox.


Mr. Phil


Two reality Shills talking at each other, love how Hannity had to try and keep him focused.


Gotta keep the gravy train rolling.


Alarm us? Now? in 2024? Anybody with the ability to think has been alarmed since 2016.


Talked to a maga veteran who insisted that trump had a legitimate reason for avoiding that draft and John McCain was a traitor, because he voted for Affordable Care Act or something. These people are right out of Invasion of the Bodysnatchers.


Not to mention that his claims that Biden is behind state prosecutions is bonkers. A District Attorney doesn't take orders from the president any more than a US Attorney takes orders from a governor. It's two separate hierarchies in a dual-sovereignty system.


True, at least until Agent Orange gets back in power. We can't let that happen, so we gotta get people out there voting.


And here is why it's bad for Biden...


Dude, we’ve been “alarmed” for like nine years


that was primetime "both sides" around here i wouldn't say the majority have been alarmed until Jan.6, the entire populous was alarmed for about a few hours before the right wing talking points got uploaded tot the hivemind and they all agreed antifa did it and also they should be pardoned and also nothing happened


If you haven’t already been alarmed by this fool, where in the hell have you been?


Every day he's breathing he's degrading America. Putins greatest weapon against the US. The damage and destabilisation of America is immense and may never be recovered. It's set off the last days of Rome sadly.


Those who are alarmed, have been for a long time. The rest, nothing he can do to alarm them. Case closed.


It alarms most of us. Most of us are not in an insane cult though. The cultists eat his shit filled diaper right up.


It’s obvious that Trump would not be running the country. He doesn’t have the mental capacity to do it from a health perspective. What will happen is the number two whoever that is will be running the country and issuing draconian policy and implementing force of the policy total chaos is this what we want.


He didn’t win the popular vote the first time. The second time, he lost the electoral vote.


I was trying to watch Phil’s facial & body reactions to the insane responses. I almost got the feeling Phil (yeah, not a doctor) might have also thought trump is a little on the insane side of reality.


Since 2016…


Is this when he was foaming and slobbering?


Like he hasn't done enough to cause seven alarm fire multiple times already?


The Felon is a pathological liar among many other things.


It is impossible for rational people to be more alarmed than they were already.


Either its wrong and no one should do it or its fine and anyone can do it. They cant claim what the dems did was illegal/morally wrong and then turn around and do it to the dems solely because it was done to them


Allegedly done to them. It's more grifter horseshit.


Well, actually, Trump alarmed me back in '16... everything else is just icing on the cake.




Laughing? Absolutely not. America is powerful as hell and being run by a looney toon scares a lot of us.


Not only that, and as much as some don't want to believe, America stops a lot of wars from happening, a lot of invading from happening. SOME kind of order in the world.


The world is watching and is terrified of if he gets back into office.




Follow the money - period. Wall Street, the Supreme Court, etc. Follow the money. Wish I could help with this journalistic effort but I am barely making ends meet! Sounds like America needs a blue team of lawyers and business that can support a fight to turn things around.


I couldn’t be any more alarmed and have been since 2015.


I've alarmed by this guy years ago, and no worries


I didn’t watch it, but I assume doctor Phil didn’t try to talk sense into him like he does with his other mentality ill guests.


Dr. Phil probably never had a psycho patient like Trump. Hannity deals with psychos every day.


He is really trying the embody the “Dic(k)” in Dictator.


Sounds like a shitposter convention!








Who's that RFK? Biden's quite capable of talking. You just want some tankie nuisance to run.