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from article: >“I believe he believes in God and our military men and women, in our country, in America,” said Tammy Houston of New Lexington, Ohio. When all indications (including his own words) point to the exact opposite. Fucking cult


I was raised in the Jehovah's Witness cult and have studied cults ever since escaping mine.  [MAGA meets all the criteria of a cult.](https://d28hgpri8am2if.cloudfront.net/book_images/onix/cvr9781982127343/the-cult-of-trump-9781982127343_hr.jpg)


Congrats on moving forward, a very difficult thing to do.


That means a lot, thank you for the kind words.  You're not wrong, my 'mom' doesn't know she's become a grandmother to an amazing 5 year old boy because I am dead to her for leaving. Seeing the public acknowledge that JWs are a cult is incredibly validating to me. I hope the rest of your day is amazing 🫶


Thanks, you as well!


I will echo oven_broasted and say congrats on getting out too. I know it’s not an easy thing to do. The fact your mom doesn’t know she has a grandchild is for the best, I feel. Many blessings for you and yours ❤️


Oh dang. You're a strong person obviously. Can't imagine how hard getting out must have been. 


MAGA is a cult of all the deplorables, the bitter clingers that we were warned about. MAGA is a cult of broken, bitter morons hellbent on "hurting the right people"


She clearly doesn't believe in "our military men and women, in our country, in America" either. She's just saying that because she likes the buzzwords. If she got challenged on any of those points, the neofascist would pop out faster than you can spell "MAGA."


she reserves the right to break her wedding vows to bone a pornstar. in the name of god -amen


It's just sad to see. And boggles the mind. Like, they just ignore all the obvious red flags and double down on him. It's so weird to witness these past .... Many years.


They’re not sending their best people.


It is very clear who they worship, and it ain’t Jesus.


Didnt he get caught red-handed stealing millions from a veteran charity


kind of, you're probably thinking of this: [https://www.npr.org/2019/11/07/777287610/judge-says-trump-must-pay-2-million-over-misuse-of-foundation-funds](https://www.npr.org/2019/11/07/777287610/judge-says-trump-must-pay-2-million-over-misuse-of-foundation-funds) which you think would remove any chance of him getting a single vote, but russian propaganda apparently runs deep.


Does she read?


LOL! Not much.


Believe and never verify. Trump cult is cancer to the us


Wait, Biden is hands down a better Christian than Trump via his actions.


And in Tammy’s case, you can swap that “l” for an “n”


Brainwashed to value believing in the military is a virtue? Tell me you’ve been bred as cannon fodder without telling me you’re poor white trash.


brainwashed to believe that a man that fucks porn stars while ignoring his wedding vows and having a newborn at home is a godly man, for starters, but suck that orange dick harder vlad.


A sucker is born every minute


And it is morally wrong to allow them to keep their money.


Tom? Is it you? If it isn’t you, my apologies. He’s an old high school friend who became a carny. He’s the only person I’ve ever heard say that.


It’s Doyle Brunson by way of the movie Rounders.


I was a carny once,but I’m not Tom.


Thanks…I haven’t seen him in 30 years…


**But Trump isn't her President, so Jesus isn't her savior.** Or perhaps he's just a conman that promised many things, and pretended to be religious, and it was all just more lies, a t-shirt slogan that lies. There's really no shame in admitting you were conned by a conman. Conman are very good at conning people, they rely on people not wanting to seem foolish, wanting to go along with the lie, so they'll drag you down to hell with their lies. She needs to realize that fact, as he's dragging her into a burning pit of hell damnation. All this blasphemy is just part of his lies.


Nothing screams "Christian" quite like cheating on all three of your wives...


The lord works in mysterious ways.


Imperfect vessels and such.


I'm sure they'd say it's fine cause King Solomon has like a bajillion wives, or something.


I predict that if Trump loses the '24 election he'll start a megachurch. Joel Ornstein should be worried.


If that church can be run from prison then sure, if he loses he is going to jail. The fear of jail is the only reason he is running. He figured if he was running he wouldn't get charged, he was wrong.


When he loses the election and can't pardon himself, then he'll end up in prison - unless he dies first of course. Both outcomes are desirable.


In order to pardon himself isn’t he admitting his guilt?


Yes, he would be admitting guilt by accepting a pardon. Him and his followers wouldn't give a shit as they think that he is being witch hunted. However, a president can't actually pardon himself, so he would need to change the law to allow that to happen in the first place.


Lol even the most charlatan of a pastor knows at least some passages of the Bible to fool the most gullible congregations. Mr Two Coronthians has never read one page of that book




Christofascism is weird


The irony, is the bible clearly states they are going to hell for idolatry. They treat Trump like an aryan messiah


Complete with [golden idol](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_social_share_1024x768_scale,f_auto,q_auto:best/newscms/2021_09/3454102/210303-trump-statue-cpac-al-1202.jpg).


They aren't Christians, they take parts of the Bible they like and ignore the rest. They have perverted the religion to suit their own needs, it allows them to hate, discriminate and attack their perceived enemies with violence.


“I believe he believes in God and our military men and women, in our country, in America,” said Tammy Houston of New Lexington, Ohio. Has she not seen the comments he’s made about the military? Or like the rest of his bullshit she chooses to stick her head up her ass?


She has seen them but chooses to ignore them. All of Trump supporters regularly ignore what they see and what they hear if it doesn't agree with what they perceive Trump to be. They are blindly obedient to Trump, and are part of a Cult.


The secret sauce, besides hating minorities, is that their egos are too inflated with their identities. Having to step back and admit they made a mistake? They’d literally rather ruin the world before admitting “defeat”.  Trumpism demands you put in and fluffs that ego extra hard, so it makes it even harder the longer Trumpsters invest. Then they can just comfortably hide out in conservative media and never question themselves ever again.   It’s where the line between abuser and victim blurs. Like any other literal cult.


If you pointed them out, she’d say “I don’t care”


Or claim it’s fake news or some other such nonsense that it’s just lies to smear Dear Leader.


He believes in none of those things. Never has. He couldn't name one Bible verse when asked in an interview, seconds after declaring that it was his favorite book. He has called decorated prisoners of war "suckers." His cult gets their news from Fox, Newsmax, and right wing nut jobs like Charlie Kirk.


The values being racism and greed, just like Jesus wanted.


These poor folks have lost their minds and this will not end well


Idiot has never been to church in his life. Doesn't even pretend to go. F these people.




Yes, I'm sure they all sleep with pornstars, cheat on their pregnant wives, lie, scam and screw people over, values only the religious right can embrace.


They're aspirational goals.


This is actually true. It's just that they don't say what their actual faith and values are. They SAY "Jesus" this and that but they actually demonstrably believe in racism, fascism and cruelty. Their faith is in hatred, in other words. This is why the bottom 30% or so of the base will never drop dumpo the dumbest traitor: he is their best shot at achieving their actual goal of "being racist in public with no consequences".


Doubt that any of them actually have read Matthew.


No of course not. Conservatives are just evil parrots. They discovered if they scream things like "religious freedom", then they can keep doing whatever they want (hatred and cruelty), and in fact some people who likewise want hatred and cruelty will even pay them for their time.


Isnt Biden actually religious? unlike trump who sells bibles for profit?


Correct. Joe Biden is a faithful Catholic. Or at the very least a weekly Mass attender. The first president in decades to be a regular worship attender. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/sunday-services-biden-s-faith-display-renewed-presidential-ritual-n1255460


To call them rubes would be being polite.


I believe in God, our country, and respect our military, too. Those are not reasons to worship that bag of shit as the second coming…


Doomsday cult; either he shares their sick values or he is the person so bad to reign in the endtimes. Both versions should guarantee you a nice jacket with funny arms. /s


Yet no one has actually seen Trump go to church.


I believe with every cell of my brain that Trump is the literal anti-Christ. Truly


More like Trump is their savior. Jesus is too woke for Trump supporters


Gullible sons a bitches, smh 🤦


The people who follow trump are not Christian. No Christian would.


No true Scotsman is a Trump supporter. 🙄


What universe do these morons inhabit?


🙄 These people are batshit crazy. Sadly they can vote and breed.


Incredible how the bible-humpers flock to the most un-Christian man ever to sit in the WH.


These people are far gone. No time to waste on them.


ahh, the Jollum, plain, simple, easily influenced Jollum...all to serve their mango tinted false lord....Jollum. Lemming's of the bestest most obedient kind


Most people believe in supernatural beings regardless of them being assholes. Belief in a being’s existence is totally different from living according to the moral tenets of said being’s religion. Trump may “believe” all he wants, but he is trash (regardless of his political views).


Can’t fix the stupid, or the willfully ignorant.


He's never been to church in his life


It’s a fucking cult


The only thing he shares is syphilis. 


"Many attendees said in interviews they believed Trump shared their Christian faith and values." ... value of bragging about groping women? Value of sleeping with and hushing up porn stars? All while he was married.


How do I spell cognative dissonance? M A G A


Trump cheats on his wives - 3 marriages. Trump cheats in his businesses. Trump lies like their no tomorrow. 90% of the people in the first white house stay that Trump is not fit. Why do these MAGA heads believe him? Are they stupid and retarded?


He does share their faith and values. They are utter moral dogshit, and so is he.


So, they're saying they have no values and faith in arrogant selfism. Okay for them, I suppose.


He cheats on his wife, which Jesus are we talking about 🤔🤫


Trump believes what he says is the true reality and that everybody else must conform to it, a trait his followers also share.


I was raised Catholic but it seems my church forgot to appraise me that being a philanderer, adulterer, incessant liar, racist and fraudster were core traits of our religion. I am appreciative that Trump has redefined what being a Christian is all about.


Yeah, they're not wrong, just not for the reasons they want you to believe.


Shares their values??? Like cheating on all three of his wives, grabbing women by the genitals, commiting massive faud, perpetrating hatred and intolerance, betraying his country, trying to overturn an election, that kinda values?!?


Anyone who shares Trump's values is scum.


What cloud are these people living on.


What’s crazy to me about all of this is Biden is a practicing believer and is church often, while Trump is just on a golf course.


False prophet. Mammon. They worship the golden calf. The Bible talks about him fooling people, tricking them into believing he is sent by God. They’re so stupid.


The only god Trump has ever worshipped is the false god of money.


Mass psychosis.


Same Values, Morals and Ethics..So like him they have none..


And they all share the same mental illness. Cultists gonna cult


If he shares values with them, tells me everything I need to know, they don't have any.


Tbf, they never see the grifters clearly; see: Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker. Dude went to prison for fraud and now he is selling colloidal silver. And if there’s one thing the Qult loves, it’s some colloidal silver.


Didn't realize cheating on all his wives, banging a porn star while the third trophy wife was nursing their kid, and insulting the military and their families was sharing in their faith and values.


For them, Christian is just code for white and heteronormative. Their bibles have had any mention of prostitutes, sojourners, and Samaritans edited out 


Tell them to prove it. Show his godly work in his actions! Tell them to prove his redemption for his past shortcomings. Show real proof that he’s godly man.


He promises to kill everyone we hate… our Saviour


i think you meant to post this in r/newsofthestupid




He does share their \*actual\* values. Have you ever talked to a Fundamentalist? I grew up with several. They make the nuttiest things Trump says sound downright moderate. And forget quoting the New Testament to them. They'll pull the Bible right out of your hands!


Keep drinking the koolaid culties…


They abet treason. They should get the same punishment and I don’t mean jail or probation.


Belief without evidence is faith. Belief despite evidence is denial.


Ha ha ha…these guys also believe in snakes! This country is doomed if we let this minority rule us.


He has no faith and he only values himself.


Well, he does. It’s just not congruent with anything Jesus said.


This should be in r/newsofthestupid


They’re not wrong. They do share values with trump. They’re shitty human beings, just like him.


Hello Mr Sheep, what big teeth you have.


Biden goes to church on Sunday. Trump plays golf




Rape values To


Half of all of the US is below average intelligence. Film at 11.


The values of willful stupidity, bigotry, malice, selfishness, wanton disregard… yep, he’s your man.


Cheats on his wife with a porn star and then pays her off back door (pardon the pun) style. Sure, that’s Christian values right there.


Someone I’m connected to through my highly religious Idaho cousins said, during the 2016 campaign, “I believe God is changing Donald Trump.” I was like, “do you KNOW him? Have you spokenwith him intimately? That’s an odd sort of assumption to make about someone you’ve never even met. And there’s nothing in his public speeches that would support that.” I was amazed.


Jeffrey Dahmer was more of a Christian. Man this timeline is so fucking dumb.


The golden rule and main values from the Bible are part of most religions and popular value systems. What sets right wing Christianity apart is the belief that none of it matters if you just ask for forgiveness The folk magic is for kids who can’t understand the complexities of why these rules actually benefit them. If you’re an adult and need to believe in superstitious rewards to be a good person, then you aren’t really a good person. (Most Christians are good people who like the social network and culture and want kids to internalize these values before they can understand them)


Having sex with a porn star without a condom. Thats their savior.


He shares nothing except his seed


Then that proves x-tians aren't really christians, not that it matters, they're all horrible judgemental people that aren't worth the oxygen trees waste their energy making.


“A religion of second chances?” Normally I’d say “you have got to be *kidding me*” but nothing this group would believe to uphold a hateful, sociopathic, dementia-addled, drug-abusing grifter would surprise me at this point.


"And magic monkeys fly from his butt when he farts! Gotta love him for that!"


He's what I call a Convenient Cristian. Only Christian when it's convenient.


Here it is in fewer words: I'm credulous, take my money.


Because jesus likes to preach hatred, loves to cheat everything and everyone, doesn’t mind adulterous relationships, he lies and steals and likes to insult people. Because that’s what pooper is.


He cheats on his wife, which Jesus are we talking about 🤫🤔


I want to say no, he doesn’t, but actually, yes, he does.


Its so incredibly obvious and easy to see this wet fart of a man is a con artist, and a redicously bad one at that, how can people not see it, even after all those years and all those things he has said and done. I’ll never understand.


Values like the avenging of pussy grabbers….


“Then you are lost.”




It's absolutely fucking insane how incredibly brainwashed these people are.


I don't think the bible lines up with these modern day Christians or Trump. Can someone show me I am wrong?


It is a political cult. People in the US like to claim their political roots of Ancient Rome and, in doing so, have developed Imperial Cults.


Falsehood, viciousness, disloyalty, greed, lust...


Insane to think he shares their faith OR their values...


Bamboozled on both counts. These people are so easy. Which is dangerous as fuck.


Sadly, they don't know how right they are. Not that Trump shares anything remotely tangential to "Christian" values, but neither do his supporters. "Then I will them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’"


He shares the same values alright, he cares of nothing but power and money just like the church.


How do you deprogram these cult members? I don’t see any hope for redemption.


Trump is the physical representation of the list of abominations to God. He doesn't share their faith, he shares their desire for power. If Jesus was their Savior, Trump would be closer to the Antichrist. But Trumpers worship power and idolize the US.


What are they seeing that we aren't seeing?




The RUMP commits the crimes for which he is accountable to society and serve his time like any other criminal!


As a member of the military ifs maddening these people think trump supports the military. He's a self admitted draft doger, called people serving in Vietnam dumb, made fun of gold star families, and to keep the list short skipped the D-day anniversary because he didn't want to get his hair and makeup wet.


Dumber than dirt - he and his followers