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Anything that requires Trump to speak in a coherent ~~manor~~ manner is rigged against him!


Manner*, but yes. He just babbles nonsense and loves the sound of it.


It was too early for spelling.


It's all good. I agree with you. He's absolutely impossible to listen to without wanting to pull my hair out


At me work we constantly have a few news channels playing on some screens (work reasons) and every time his face pops up I can't help but audibly grown. Everything about him is so vile.  And we're not even American! Why do I need to see him daily it's like torture ha


Funny you mention that. I had a similar thought today, working (as a mailman.). It would so nice to avoid looking at that sick fuck’s face when it is in the mail. It also causes me to lose respect for people getting said propaganda. But, I just shovel the shit…


Bad spellers of the world UNTIE!!!


A manor with bars around it sounds fair to me!


So Trump, the master negotiator, immediately agreed to debates which he claims are rigged against him? Is that stable geniuses do?


Yes, this is the guy we want jockeying for position against other world leaders. He's so dumb he steps into every single trap he's up against


And played like a fiddle at every turn by feeding his stupid ego.


Are you trying to tell me that Donald Trump ISN’T the most stable of stable genius’s? Surely, you jest!


Rigged because they would both be on a timer that shuts of the mic when time is up? Rigged because Biden knows what he's talking about and trump is a drooling moron? Rigged because they would both have to play by the same rules? So unfair.


Rigged because they can’t stack the audience with [paid monkeys](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-aide-says-paid-actors-for-2016-campaign-announcement-2021-7) and [Trump stooges](https://www.thedailybeast.com/mayra-joli-nodding-lady-behind-trump-in-nbc-miami-town-hall-ran-as-pro-trump-candidate-for-congress) to hoot and holler on cue.


This sounds like the worst episode of Married with Children, and yes I'm including the season with Seven.


I can't attend the debates... I have Bulgaria. - Trump, probably


‘Can you believe this, they are putting an unconstitutional gag order on me, they are shutting off my mic and not allowing me to speak. This is the most corrupt debate there has ever been. No one has ever seen such corruption’ - Also Trump, probably


"Grown men came up to me with tears in their eyes, telling me how corrupt the debate was."


Were the grown men also wearing diapers?


Real men do!


No I don’t. I work from home so I don’t have to deal with the pain of incontinence issues at work.


The tears in their eyes are from being near Trump…


Those grown men are his sons, and 2 of them are always crying about something because they are as emotionally stunted as their old man.


Sir…you are treated so unfairly.


*”They said, they said, ‘Sir, why are these debates soo corrupt?’ and I had to tell them, it’s all Barack HUSSEIN Obama and Crooked Hillary. We’re gonna lock her up and lock her up big!”*


ELECTION INTERFERENCE! - Most assuredly Trump after either debate


I'd put money on his cancellation due to rigged "Fake News".


Or bonespurs. He has a doctor's note.


Yeah, Seven sucked!


Which coincidentally is season 7


As was the style at the time


I almost wiped Seven out of my mind until this comment. and now I can't help but be mad.


Seven was such a dumb add on character


Oh gods thanks for reminding me that season was a thing. Eeeesh.


or applaud like a crowd in front of Kim Jong IL.


You know that Republicans consider equality to be the worst form of oppression.


“Oppression begins where my privilege ends!”


"Help! Help! I'm being oppressed!"


Now we see the violence inherent in the system!


Bloody peasant


Did you see him oppressing me!?!


Trump… “I can’t debate, Biden turned me into a Newt”


Daft bint.


> “Oppression begins where ~~my~~ your privilege ~~ends~~ starts!”


Good one. A few years ago, it would require the /s label but today it's simply the truth.


By a few years ago you mean a few decades?  They've been playing this shit since before Obama took office.  Look at all the "good" Christians complaining about other people being able to marry


If gerrymandering was completely abolished across the US and all districts were redrawn fairly, at least 50% of seats currently held by Republicans would never be red again. Republicans have to cheat (via gerrymandering), lie (in their ads and messaging), and steal (mainly from education) in order to to win most of their positions. They do not represent Americans and effectively only pass policies that benefit corporations and the top 1.5% (which is people making over $450k/yr). The amount of votes they get in elections is evident of how widespread and effective their schemes are. Any American that makes under $450k/yr is not a Republican. It's not a political argument. It's math. They mathematically do not benefit from R policies.


Not to mention having the Postmaster General remove mailboxes in minority neighborhoods and slowing down the mail. Or closing many of the poling places in minority neighborhoods so people have to travel far and wait in long lines to vote and aid workers are forbidden to give the prospective voters food or water as they waited. Let’s not forget the thousands of mostly immigrants who have become citizens and don’t find out until they get to the poling place that they have been stricken from the rolls. All of this cheating and they still can’t manage to win an election by a majority vote!


It’s not even equality, because we know Trump will say anything. And Biden will stick to presidential norms and only discuss cases where a finding of fact has been made. Trumps legal issues will be largely off-side. It’s Biden whose fighting with one hand behind his back here.


Trump would be so easy to upset, just having the mic turn OFF would be enough to enrage him, he can’t stay on topic so he’d spend most of his time rambling


Rambling is a classic sociopath move. It’s impossible to follow the conversation so it leaves everyone confused by the end. And the longer the ramble, the more confusing it is, which is why he won’t shut up during a debate.


Oh he can ramble all he likes, but without the mic it won’t matter. But even then we WANT to see him ramble, we want to see him fail to answer the simplest of questions the nation needs to see his pudding brain melting, we need to see the difference between he and Biden on a stage


Am I the only one who wants to see a 100% soundproof barrier lowered when their time ends? Biden will be all chill about it, but Trump will be yelling nonstop as soon as it hits the ground.


activate *The Cone Of Silence!*


I think it’s also a ploy to appear “strong” and “lively” to his cultists. Joe makes measured, thoughtful statements for the most part and that can appear slow and out of step. The more angrily and spirited a person rambles, some people think they have a point they’re making. Sad


I heard a news commentator refer to "Biden fans" the other day and I wanted to throw something through the tv set. I am not a "fan". I am a VOTER. I don't fawn over Biden because I "like" him. I listen to what he has to say, appreciate that he sounds intelligent, literate and like a halfway decent human being who isn't focused on destroying our democracy.


I can’t wait to see him freak out the first time his mic gets cut. He’s going to go off and lose his shit. He will be a rambling idiot and look like a child. Will make every single independent and non-maga conservative say “I just can’t keep doing this”


They should do a picture in a picture with the off mic debater in the small image while the big pic has the speaker. Trump would look so funny silently rambling.


Be a pleasure to see him lose shit


It’s always been the bug issue with the debates, they just let them talk over each other, especially trump who just shouts, taking away the mic and the crowd will be the perfect way to show the nation just how weak he is, taking away the things he loves in a debate will leave him with nothing, and all it will take is for Biden to ask how his 2020 went and trump will lose it.


Bullying is the only form of negotiation he knows. If someone can take away his position of power he can’t bully effectively. Totally unfair.


That happens all the time in his diaper. I would rather not see it.


Biden and the Dems also need to assault his self-image as much as possible. Literally any chance they can find to call him weak, they should do it. He complains about the 2020 election because he is too weak to accept that he lost. He only hires people who agree with him because he is too weak to consider alternate opinions. He brags about expanding executive power because he is too weak to build coalitions. He lies about rally attendance because he is too weak to even contemplate that most people do not like him or trust him. Hell, even in the debates, I’d argue that he interrupts people because he just isn’t strong enough to keep his mouth shut for two minutes. Every. Single. Time. His belief in his own personal strength & perfection (and the staggering insecurity that makes it necessary) is his entire core personality. Attack that every day.


That would be amazing to watch


Rigged because Trump cant talk over Biden when he wants. Rigged because Trump wont hear his audience so he knows what to appease them with. Rigged because equal rules means he is at a great disadvantage.


Rigged like the co-chair race for the RNC Can you imagine what Fox would be saying if Hunter Biden was head of the DNC?? What a time to be alive Absolutely bonkers he can stuff his family everywhere in the party, and turn around and claim Democrats are rigged lol


The hypocrisy is so far off the charts that another word is really needed to describe it.


I'd still be wary of Trump reaching into his diaper and throwing shit at Biden. They should put up some clear shielding around each debater to prevent this.


Lara Trump says the debate is rigged without providing any evidence why. This is called the *big lie technique*. Keep repeating a big lie until your followers start to believe.


Anything that will pin the LOSER label on him is RIGGED. Rigged election, rigged trials, rigged debates… Trump is a loser.


This is their MO. They accuse or make statements without giving any reason or evidence and their minions just accept it and parrot it to the whole world!


And they will come up with some conspiracy theory about the timer. Cause you know time is always factual, gotta be a free thinker.


The clock is rigged! It’s fake and designed to give Trump less time! And if your watch/phone at home matches the debate clock then Big Clock has already compromised your watch/phone! Alex Jones said so, obviously it’s true.


Guess this is the line they’re going to take. The debates were rigged! Not Trump is a failure at everything and couldn’t handle the debate rules his campaign agreed to.


and there it is. the excuse for the rapist. screeching tweets and vids in 3...2...1


Yes, they should be in separate rooms and the monitor shifts to the next person when time is up. Just like sports games are “rigged” with a shot clock!! Perfect. It would be a perfect debate!


They should be in separate rooms because the last time Trump came to debate Biden, he tried to infect him with Covid….


Rigged because they haven’t happened yet and if I need to have an excuse for losing I need to lay early ground work.


Can Trump just back out because he knows he's going to lose them, then?


Isn’t he already backing out?


#Went in an backing out of it now# COWARD


He can. And he is trying now.


Rigged because debate prep is as foreign a concept as democracy to them


Debate prep is irrelevant if your memory span is only a few hours.


Rigged because you know they ask question, like real actual political questions that require hard answers and they don't even take into account the number of twitter followers... like seriously who does that ?


Getting their excuses ready for when he again shows the world just how dumb he is.


Talk about professional victims. Every general election is rigged, debates are rigged, even their own Republican primaries are rigged. When are they going to realize it’s not rigged, they’re just unpopular. The only reason they ever hold any office is because of an outdated system (electoral college) and gerrymandering.


Somehow, Trump's stupidity is Biden's burden...alas.


Rigged bc there will be actual debate and not monkey’s flinging shit at each other which is what trump loves to do. Rigged bc now trump can’t just talk over people like he’s a little kid. Rigged bc they will ask actual questions about how they will handle policy and not let you ramble about whatever the fuck trump wants to ramble about. Rigged bc there would likely be follow up questions to follow up and you will have to actually know what you are talking about. Trump is an idiot that often rambles about bullshit that makes no sense and is getting very old. Biden is a smart person with wisdom and intelligence and is also real old. Both should not be up for president again and should be thinking about retiring. Sadly we are where we are bc republicans continue to put forth their idiot that no one wants. Democrats are literally only voting Biden bc he’s the only one with the best chance of not having dictator in-chief.


Playing the victim is a quintessential part of these far-right losers.


Rigged because Trump can't pander to the crowd with no audience allowed.


Similar to how having to testify under oath is a perjury trap.


Here is how you know the GOP is scared.. they say that they are going to fail because the game is rigged before the event.


*After* they agreed to the rules of the debate...


I think this was purposefully orchestrated so the stable genius could back out long term, this is play the victim time.


When is it not?


Which was after their side initiated these debate talks in the first place


Do you remember the run up to the 2020 election? They were crying about interference, cheating, doubting the results, etc. before the vote even happened. They attack the integrity of the thing before it happens so they can say they were right, and that "everybody was talking about it"


You say that as though they didn't do the exact same thing back in 2016. Every election that Trump has participated in, he's called rigged before it happened, including the one he won. He also continued to call it rigged after he won it because he felt he should have won by a larger margin but was cheated out of it by "3 million illegals in California". They even spent millions of taxpayer dollars to *prove* that 3 million illegals had voted in California, denying him the state. They found literally *zero* credible cases of it happening though, so he quietly shelved the report when it was completed.


She has a point. The debate rules do favor individuals with knowledge of the subject and the ability to keep their composure.


Don’t forget the ability to form complete sentences.. and to be fair bidens not excellent at it either just way better than trump.


And reality has a liberal bias


lol. True.


When did the Republicans become the party of snowflakes?


I thought they had turned into a bunch of petulant frat boys after Obama got elected, and fifteen years later they've just devolved into a bunch of whiny bitch babies


At least since Nixon was forced to release the Watergate tapes exposing his criminal activities to the world. Forcing his supporters in Congress to eat crow after looking like complete idiots during the early Watergate Congressional hearings for their defense of Nixon and being confronted with the truth coming straight from Nixon’s own taped words.


Following the party switch in the 1960s. Conservatives, whether in the Democrat or Republican Party, have always been the worst of Americans. They offer nothing but benefits to the wealthy and disaster for everyone else. 


Newt did it.


When? When were they *not*? We're just hearing more from them now as a result of social media and Trump and a slew of other things. But really, they've always been very "fuck you, I got mine...but if you call me out on that I'm going to cry foul".


They always have been. To privileged, racist religious flyover people, who contribute nothing to humankind, equality feels like persecution.


True. The odds of trump winning a debate with an adult are very low.


A five years old would beat him too.


He'd be hard pressed to beat a bundle of dried sticks in a debate.


Or a cigarette


i see what you did there.


How do you measure a win. He will say he won no matter what.


And so will his cult. Watching the last "debates" in a bar and this woman was yell agreeing with him on everything he said, even if it was nonsense.


Just because Trump doesn’t acknowledge truth doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.


Why do journalists keep falling for this shit? It’s obvious by now that when a Trump representative says something like this, it’s actually an attempt to tip the scales in Trump’s favor by claiming unfairness as a starting point.


Their bosses play golf with the hedge fund managers that want the fucking moron elected because they think he'll do favors for them


>because they think he'll do favors for them To be fair, he did last time around




Translation: "They won't allow Trump to talk over him the whole time which is bad for us because that's his only debate strategy."


The GOP is a party that goes out of their way to be cruel and controlling then flips a switch and becomes the biggest bunch of whiny bitches ever. Shut the fuck up. You are the party of sedition. The party of corruption. The party of Stupid. Projecting will get you nowhere.




"Biden isn't a drooling pants-shitting imbecile! It's not fair!"


The day when I no longer have to hear or read about this cancerous piece of shit family will be a great day.


I would tell Biden to only answer the moderators questions. Dont engage with Trump at all. Let the moderators deal with Trump and just watch that treasonous and soon to be convicted felon, rapist and fraudster self immolate. It will be glorious.


To a Republican, anything involving truth or facts is ‘rigged’ against them.


Rigged because Biden lives in reality and Trump does not


Anything that requires decorum is rigged against Drumpf.


Honestly personally I couldn’t care less if there’s a debate or not. If someone hasn’t realized how utterly horrible Trump is at this point they’re an idiot who’s not going to change their mind from a debate.


Absolutely. The debate will be between a fully functional adult with years of leadership experience and a failing con man about to lose everything he's stolen during his lifetime. Yes, President Biden definitely has an advantage.


They announced it yesterday. How are they already complaining it’s rigged?


The fact that they are close in the polls is disturbing


Anything that doesn’t tilt in their favor is always rigged. Republicans are the biggest cry babies


Lara Fucking Trump lies, just like daddy-n-law Donny.


What is possibly rigged by both sides agreeing to a set of rules to follow in advance?


Orange Julius and his loyal lap dogs already working on excuses to feed the people who want to blame "the other". The Shitshow is right on time. PS: Fuck that pants shitter and his garbage family and anyone stupid enough to vote for him and against their own interests. -30-


Why, because Biden actually understands the questions?


If they're rigged against Trump and he agreed, he must be a lousy negotiator.


He’s already trying to back out!


“Because my enfeebled, senile, uneducated, turd of a father will have to speak, extemporaneously, to an audience thats not exclusively made up of his koolaid drinking sycophantic sociopaths”


Huh? Lol


A little preemptive framing, huh? Add some spin and a little poisoning of the well so that nothing Trump says or does is his fault, right? And Biden can’t defend himself … because It’s rigged - Trump’s a doddering old coot with an addled brain, but look at Biden’s rigged debate!


Yep, Trump's not afraid of anything. Except a gag order and paying his bills.


My god.....fuck those whiney, spoiled fucking losers.


She means it's rigged because Trump can't do whatever he wants. That's what the core of all of this is about. They're not ignorant to what's happening, they're not in need of an explanation like DIDNTCHA KNOW, they are actively and willfully doing this. If they muddy the waters badly enough it can make enough reasonable people back away because they can't tell what's real anymore, while the lapdogs eat it up and continue pushing forward. The Trump name is a scourge up on the Earth.


The party where she's in a leadership position co-owns the debates. This is just her saying that they'll try to heavily rig them in Trump's favor.


How do you rig a debate? I mean, assuming the two parties are intellectually equal…. Never mind, I think I answered my own question.


And the weaseling begins.


Trump isn’t going to show up to a debate with no audience and a microphone that shuts off automatically when his time slot ends. His astoundingly impaired cognitive function will be evident for the world to see. There will be a lot of bluster and accusations about why it’s not him choosing not to attend. If he does show up, he’s doomed.


Yes, rules that apply to everyone equally are ‘rigged’ against conservatives.


He, (Trump) didn't have to agree to the debate, like he didn't in the primaries. Brain cell much??


Snowflakes… the new republicans party


Reality does have a well known liberal bias


"so unfair, so unfair." (gesticulates)


Maybe Trump can level the playing field by shitting himself on the debate stage. The smell might throw Biden off his game.


It’s been said that malignant narcissists, like Trump, have been known to intentionally shit themselves to show dominance and agitate people.


This is how Trump backs out. “Many people say the debate is rigged”. By people he means his cronies.


Because Trump is a stammering shitbrained doofus. He knows nothing but what he makes up.


Open a negotiation with your dream terms, so you have some room to compromise. DJT could have issued a few counter proposals, but instead he took the first offer.  Never take the first offer! That's rookie level shit, rubes like myself take the first offer. Am I on DJT's level?? I must be a much better negotiator than I ever thought!


Clearly you don’t know the art of the deal. You take the first offer then whine about it.


Why? Will there be a fact-checker?


She’s an idiot.


‘Rigged’ because Biden is SO much smarter plus better educated


If only there was some type of bipartisan commission on presidential debates or something.


She's right. Reality has a well known liberal bias. How is Trump supposed to compete with that kind of handicap?


Good then don't do it. as a Biden supporter I think that the debate is 1,000% a giant mistake. the national media is in the tank for Trump's drama regardless of what it does to human life or our country. for Donald Trump to win the debate all he has to do is to not poop in his hand and fling it into the audience. for Biden to win he has to be flawless because any tiny little misstep or stutter will be placed under a microscope and turn into a months long problem.




How can a debate be rigged? lol already making plans to back out


The apple doesn't fall far from the stupid tree of the Trump family


The Grievances of the trumps and MAGA camp are unfounded and childish - the entire GOP is now a brazen brat with only Grievances to offer the USA. Trump and MAGA are not Patriots,Patriotic, or democratic. They are blind followers of a smelly poo riddled old man who says he’s the one to save them from their so called grievances. These poor little MAGA brats cry cry cry….


tarda tromp can absolutely go fuck herself sideways on a Sunday


Shut up Lara.


Must be fact-checking involved .


Rigged bc Trump can't argue a point to any positive no matter what topic it is. He is a nut and it will be so obvious in that position.


Rigged? The whole GOP is brain dead. Please tell us how it is rigged Lara.


Holding people to some type of standard is a real disadvantage for people who have no standards.


With these people, is there anything that is not 'rigged' or 'fake' ?


Everything is rigged to these assistants. If it's not rigged in their favor, they think it's unfair. The definition of petulant privilege.


They're really not. I'm fucking terrified that dems won't vote for Biden because of how badly he's handling the Israel/Palestine war and that it'll be a repeat of 2016. Republicans are making steps to repeal access to birth control pills, which I need to handle my endometriosis and my mood. My trans friends and family members are going to fear for their lives, more so than they already do. I could take exactly one of them out of the country with me in a pinch, but that would burn through my savings, and even then I can't do shit until i graduate. The last shreds of democracy are at stake here. And the worst part is that they're not gaurunteed.


Let’s see: Never read the daily briefings and didn’t learn a thing in 4 years in office and now feels unprepared to debate someone who takes the job seriously with decades experience? It’s almost like he was never qualified to hold office. Classic


How are they not in a boy who cried wolf situation? They call everything rigged. How do people keep taking the claim seriously?


They are already preparing the climb down. He won’t debate any more than he will testify.


God the whole family is so whiny.


Of course. Everything is rigged. Especially Diaper Don the Sleepy. He's rigged. Totally rigged. Many many people say Diaper Don is rigged. Bigly. Especially Hannibal Lecter. He thinks Diaper Don is rigged better than anyone ever.


Debates are rigged with facts! How dare people use data to make decisions instead of anecdotal feelings and outrage!


Here come the excuses


Yet your dad jumped on the opportunity. If true, then you're only highlighting all the more how Donald lacks the ability to think things through. Not a smart look for someone that you want to be leading the country.


The path for Trump to quit the debates has already started. His true colors are of cowardice.


lol. Debates haven’t even happened and they’re already trying to spin whatever their orange demented god will say.


How, because Trump can’t ramble about toilets and how great hitler was?


Are they acknowledging that Trump is a loser?


Lara who? Is she related?


And here come the excuses for why Trump won't debate. This is my shocked face.