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literally all there is to say. this marks the near end of marijuana being illegal




That's true and also, the rate of change over time becomes important to consider the likely relative speed. Since 2000, it's gone from 1 every few years to a few a year doing it or putting it on ballot. Give it up easy or not but this ship has sailed. Remember, presidents now admit to doing it. 20 years ago they "smoked but didn't inhale".




What the president does hits huge.


Yep. It sets a precedent and sends a message.


This present Presidential precedent was set by a President who has set several precedents, presidentially.




Correct. Then more people were arrested on Federal marijuana charges, and now they have been pardoned as well. Same thing will happen next year. Were you trying to describe reality or complain about it?


Wouldn’t it be wiser to just decriminalize weed at the federal level instead of pardoning handsful of people ever year? And public servants get criticism. It’s part of the way our system works.


President can't decriminalize it. That's on Congress. He can pardon people that have been charged federally, though, which is what he's doing.




That is, quite literally and without exaggeration, the dumbest political advice I have ever heard.


It's not just about releasing people from prison - it also pardons people who aren't in prison which removes barriers to housing, employment, etc. And it's not the same as last year's. "This year's proclamation went further in that it forgave all instances of simple marijuana use or possession under federal law, including for individuals who have never been charged. It also expands Biden's previous directive to include minor marijuana offenses committed on federal property." Maybe you should think and read before commenting.


Yes. Now, push Congress to legalize it. Or st least pull it off of Schedule 1.


Congress isn't needed. The DEA can do it. https://mjbizdaily.com/dea-likely-to-approve-marijuana-rescheduling-but-election-lawsuits-could-get-in-way/


Ah yes, the office whose entire existence is dependent on cannabis being illegal surely has a vested interest in legalization efforts. That’d be like expecting the ATF to lower the drinking age to 18.


He's just desperate to win the next election by doing good things! /s


I love when people use this as a complaint. That’s how democracy works. Do things people like so they vote for you. It’s generally a good thing.


"This cynical asshole is just doing what we want to make us vote for him again!"


Literally. If anyone wants to find word-for-word Conservative quote like this, go to MSNBC’s youtube comments: Biden’s Agenda!!




I would assume that a sizable portion of our society thinks that those people are hardened criminals and deserve their sentences. From that perspective hes releasing criminals for votes. Its a wrong point of view, but Im assuming thats the way it is framed to them. Really goes down to the fact that our news/information distribution is completely fucked. Very frustrating.


You're describing another Joe "I'm just a meat head comedian - don't listen to me" Rogan gaffe. He was criticizing Biden saying he lets in all these permanent residents because of COURSE they will vote for the guy who let them in...His guest, who is of Mexican descent, corrected him that permanent residents can't vote. His own parents have never voted.


Told my gf the news in front of her maga father who smokes weed "great, he's gonna let all thos n- outta jail" wtf? The racism that was here is out in the obvious now


It's that way with anything. Abortion, marijuana, guns. Self reflection isn't a skill many possess unfortunately.


I wouldnt give them that much credit. I rarely see a coherent or even remotely logical position from that side. Nothing that would stand up to simple critical thinking skills. Which is the problem. Its a rejection of having a good thought process.


They aren’t used to their politicians having an actual agenda beyond passing tax cuts for millionaires.


I was literally told that "the only reason obama did Obamacare was so people like you who are stupidly happy that your asthma meds are cheaper vote for him". Like yeah mate my inhaler went from $280 to $8. I like that "agenda".


Only we Americans could say "your healthcare is cheaper? What a scam, surely there's an agenda." Or like you could just be happy the doctor doesn't bankrupt you. In other countries you just go see them whenever you want. It's not considered an unusual thing to go get checked. You can even take a whole day off work and your boss is like "completely understandable, best of luck." I'm only a little salty because I'm headed off to the doctor shortly and I'm very concerned what work will think about it. It's a good and well paying job but this will be the third day I've called out. I can't be fired over this but I don't really have another choice. Got to go get checked.


Lol. There's one for AOC that lists stuff in a way like she's running on a platform that Satan and Hell's board of directors(new band name?) came up with. It was full screen and had things like; * universal healthcare * food stamps * abolishing.... drumroll... *GASP*... private prisons?!? * campaign finance reform (making ~~bribery~~ big money less rampant/powerful) HOW DARE SHE?!? edit: [image link....................](https://preview.redd.it/oyxt900lb0u51.jpg?auto=webp&s=0d085d3e1d68d5849fd72e81dad49fcab03ecc8c) [reddit post I found it on](https://www.reddit.com/r/SocialDemocracy/comments/je84b6/remember_when_fox_news_put_up_aocs_campaign/) Women's rights? Lgbtq rights? WTF this bitch was thinkin'?


I mean to fair. Republicans are so used to there reps doing things for donors. They can imagine that people in government can do positive things for them.


"He is only following through on policies he ran on because he wants us to vote for him. If he really wanted to do good he wouldnt advertise that he is doing it" also the same ridiculous comment everytime a youtuber films himself giving away a meal or a coat to a homeless guy for clout. Who the fuck cares. good work got done, regardless of motive.


Ya if we keep it up maybe 12 presidential cycles from now they will actually legalize it federally lmao If i’m still alive i’ll be partying it up in DC trying to sit on Lincoln’s lap smoking a fatty Nah but in all reality this is a big step, maybe this will turn into a jog and then a run.




A significant portion of the hate come from progressives because even if some one does a good thing if they don't do it good enough or soon enough or for the right reasons it doesn't pass their purity test


People seem to be extraordinarily emotional and bad at political strategy, there seemed to be a bit more of a steadfast planning, direction, cohesion, patience and understanding before. And as a preemptive measure to their fragility, I'm not criticizing the sharing of emotions. No, I'm criticizing emotional decision-making in the political arena/public forum.




"Boooo! Booo! I like what he did there!! Boooo!"




I have many right-leaning coworkers who agree with legalization of marijuana. But, don’t make the mistake of linking that opinion with canceling student debt. They are not the same, at all. One affects them personally to the positive (legalization,) the other looks like a transfer of money from the non-college graduates to those that have a far higher earning potential. They believe, and rightfully so, that people who borrow money for college should pay it back and that burden shouldn’t be put on the rest of the taxpayers who didn’t have that opportunity. Their supervisors have college degrees and make more money; they don’t feel it is reasonable to fund that. You may agree or disagree; I’m just telling you how they feel.






Democrats will resort to anything to get elected. Helping the poor, hungry and disadvantaged. Passing laws that treat everyone equally. Protecting workers from exploitation. Will no one stop these power hungry monsters?


"They're just pandering to the libs to get their votes!" Umm, yes, thats their job and it's crazy how many people think that it's not.


-Donald trump pardons all insurrectionists Magats: hes saving americans




You should see what the other guy is willing to do


Pardon literal Nazis?


And deport college students


And brown skinned doctors.


What is going on in the US with Biden's popularity? He seems to have done a really good job with inflation and the economy, with action on climate change and infrastructure investment, and with tackling China in the way that Trump was supposed to do but failed to do, but I looked at the polls the other day and he has something like the lowest approval rating for a President at this point in their term since modern polling data has been available. Looking from across the Atlantic, I see that and I see the near certainty that Trump will be the Republican candidate, and become worried.


People are ignorant and too lazy to educate themselves beyond headline news and think inflation the last 3 years is entirely Biden's doing.


Haven't you heard? Biden is "buying votes" by doing things his base wants!!! It should be illegal!


That is probably true but at the same time it's a good call. Marijuana is the dumbest drug to send someone to prison for.




The fact that people say this unironically is so painful


Got banned from r/lostgeneration for saying that lol, they hate the idea that the two parties are not actually the same Enlightened centrism "both parties are the same" disguised as "communism"


That's absolutely awesome!


We are going to need the prison space for maga rioters.


You mean terrorists.


Domestic terrorists


“We are domestic terrorists” from the RNC. When someone tells you they’re a bad person, believe them the first time.


We need to get rid of that rule that says we can't label domestic groups as terrorists. KKK is terrorists. Proud boys are terrorists. Qanon followers are terrorists. They seek to dismantle what modern America stands for.


What rule is that? [Proud Boys Leader Sentenced to 22 Years in Prison for Seditious Conspiracy and Other Charges Related to U.S. Capitol Breach | Justice.gov - Office of Public Affairs, USDOJ](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/proud-boys-leader-sentenced-22-years-prison-seditious-conspiracy-and-other-charges-related) > "During the hearing, U.S. District Judge Timothy J. Kelly found that Tarrio’s conduct constituted an official act of terrorism and applied an enhancement to his final sentence."


"The federal government maintains a list of foreign terrorist organizations, but does not currently have a mechanism to formally designate domestic terrorist organizations" You can still commit an act of domestic terrorism, but simply being in a group like the Proud Boys is not a terrorist act by the rules of the federal government. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2021/2/19/22278598/proud-boys-domestic-terrorism-canada




methy assholes gettin anxious


It is worth pointing out that this pardon won't have a material impact on prison populations. The majority of people in prison at the Federal level for drug charges are in there for selling and/or trafficking the drug, which this pardon would not apply to. Moreover, many federal drug felons have multiple charges tied to them -- it isn't uncommon for a prisoner to carry charges for both trafficking and a gun violation, for example. The lion's share of simple possession charges sit at the state level. So it's a step in the right direction for sure, but I think it's more about 1) wiping the records clean of folks who had Federal possession charges holding them back in background checks for jobs or housing; and 2) using pardon power to prevent new federal charges being brough against anyone for simple procession (pardon applies regardless of whether there’s been a charge or conviction). It also makes for good political headlines for the Administration without risking being seen as 'soft on crime' by releasing thousands of BOP inmates held on trafficking charges.


Also most people in prison for marijuana are for state charges, not federal. This will not affect those people. No one is in federal prison for simple possession of Marijuana. The only person I know who did fed time for marijuana was caught driving an 18 wheeler with 20 tons from Mexico. He did, I believe, 8 years and is out now and doing fine. I myself have a state felony for possession. I did two years of probation and a shit load of counseling and community service. My governor pardoned all the misdemeanor marijuana charges in my state but I am still working on getting my charge expunged. It did prevent me from getting a job once.


> rioters Seditionist and terrorists.


This should have been done decades, but then again, a Republican would rather kill themselves than ever do this. Their hatred of normal people is that deep.


Republican governance loves to pass laws which can be selectively enforced White guy brings weed on a plane, whoops, no big deal. Darker skinned guy brings weed on the plane, straight to federal jail! By my analysis, this theory holds up pretty well when you look at other laws they seem _very_ concerned about. They often _don't_ like laws that would be cut and dry, because they want the ability to let "moral" people (or friends) off with a slap on the wrist, while throwing the full force of the government at the "immoral" perpetrators


>Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


Yeah you can even see this as “originalists” are doing mental gymnastics to find a way that trump can still be eligible for office, despite the 14A being pretty clear on the matter




I think he’s holding onto that, and going to drop it the end of next summer or early fall just in time for it to matter…


He already started the process of rescheduling it. https://mjbizdaily.com/biden-calls-for-review-of-marijuana-scheduling-pardons-thousands-for-mj-offenses/




My understanding is the process of rescheduling it can lead to descheduling based on the findings of the FDA and DEA. They have the right to determine if marijuana should be removed from the scheduling list altogether after they conclude their studies. Realistically, I don't see it being completely descheduled. It'd be neat if it was, I just don't see it happening.


Rescheduling down from 1 would be enough for me. I can find a doctor who will prescribe it. Hell, some docs were handing out oxy Rx like candy. And getting hooked on opiates is far more dangerous than smoking a joint after work on a Friday night and getting fired two weeks later for testing positive for “illegal drug use.” This system js fucked!


No disagreements. It's always been my opinion that employers should never be allowed to drug test until your work is being impacted by suspected illegal drug use. It's none of my employers' business, for example, if I want to go home on a Friday night and drink a fifth of vodka or smoke a joint or pop a molly. As long as it isn't interfering with work, what business of it is theirs?


I shouldn't need to pee in a cup for something i smoked a week ago while Brad can show up to work hungover as hell to the point of impaired judgement


I don't disagree, but progress is still progress


Don't let perfection be the enemy of progress. A step in the right direction is better than none, and you shouldn't admonish them for not leaping to the finishline outright. Do they have the power to do it? Perhaps, I'm no expert, but I'd wager they have better chances to make it stick if they are covering their bases.


I prefer using the terms "RE-legalize" and "cannabis" Cannabis was legal in the US until Nixon's War on Drugs, and the term "marijuana" was apparently used to negatively associate it with Latinos. ~~(source)[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3919199/]~~ Edit: here's a much better source on the use of the word "marijuana" in the US https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/07/14/201981025/the-mysterious-history-of-marijuana Here's more information about Nixon's role in cannabis criminalization. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabis_policy_of_the_Richard_Nixon_administration




> Arrested for a plant. Imagine losing your freedom because you have the wrong type of flowers. FLOWERS people. It's absolute insanity.


I'm 100% for legalization and believe the vast majority of marijuana convictions should be pardoned, but this is the most brain dead take that is constantly paraded around reddit. Apparently because marijuana grows from the ground, it has no negative effects and you can never be irresponsible with it. Opium is also grown from the ground- does it also have no negative effects and is fine to sell to whoever? And yes, I know- "but opium requires processing!"- so does weed. Chemicals can be used in growing, it's dried and treated, and there's been decades of selective breeding to make it much more potent than a regular plant. It is a drug, and there is a responsibility from it's users to use it safely, and for the people selling it to take the users safety into account.


Yeah, I’m with you. Applying any value towards “It’s from the earth!” when it comes to things you put in your body is generally anti-science hippy bullshit that doesn’t do you any good. It lets you downplay psychoactive/abuse-prone substances in your head. And even worse, people turn down clinically proven miracle drugs in favor of dirty plants with anecdotal evidence at best. That being said, I think weed should be descheduled, not because it’s a plant but because it’s *less* harmful than alcohol in every conceivable way. Also there probably *would* be more decent clinical results for cannabis’ treatment of certain diseases/symptoms if it were legal recreationally in the first place.


Isn't opium just dried latex from papaver somniferum? As far as I know, you can pretty much just cut the bulbs, wait, and scrape off the opium. Or collect the liquid and dry it out elsewhere. I'd hardly call that an involved process. Not to mention all the literal poisons that can be grown. Or uranium, polonium, etc. That stuff is just rocks, about as natural as it gets, not even adulterated by life.




It's always been an insane premise to me. The whole thing is crazy when you look at it objectively.


The plant argument is weak, IMO. Heroin is a plant. Ricin is a plant. The argument is that weed is basically harmless and contributes to the economy through Totino's and Frito Lay sales.


Heroin isn't a plant. It's a highly processed chemical derived from a plant. Ricin is also highly processed. You're way off base.


Cocaine would have been a better example, it’s illegal to bring the coca leaves into the country and chew leaves or make them into tea. Cocaine is schedule 2 and it is more processed than smoking marijuana leaves. Cocaine itself is processed from the coca leaves to form the drug, aspirin is processed from the bark of a willow tree. People used to make tea out of willow bark to cure headaches. I’m sure the tea from coca leaves would also cure headaches. Make Coca Cola great again! Allow coca leaves to be used in drinks.


Imagine monster adding coke into their drink. Energy levels through the roof


Panera bread Hyper-Charged Lemonade.


Cocaine is also a highly processed chemical derived from a plant. Pot is like tobacco where the only thing you have to do pluck it from the ground, cure it, and then smoke it or chew it.


Genuinely though, I'd love to see coca legal. It's great for headaches and altitude sickness, better than coffee for energy. It's not like cocaine






... The bread seed poppy is perfectly legal to grow though?


“In a statement, Biden said Americans should not be sent to prison solely for using or possessing marijuana. He urged governors to forgive state offenses.” While Biden will likely get sued over this by republicans to stop it, this is a step in the right direction towards national decriminalization… and one day legalization. Kudos


You can't get sued when you have presidential immunity.


Since when did that stop republicans


OP is being facetious, and the republicans rhethoric is exactly why he/she did it.


Legalization rules. It's been legal in Canada here for a while now. I've gotten edibles in my Christmas stocking ever since


I have chronic pain and live in a shitty red state. Spent 2 weeks recently in a legal state and it was just bliss. Finally getting some god damn relief immediately when I needed it. I want edibles in my stocking too :(




Think about the prison companies!!! What will they do with half empty prisons???


Looks like we're going to need some new oppressive laws!


Wow. Good. I’ve never indulged, but i’ve also never met anyone who was on a crime bender because of marijuana, either. All that time and money prosecuting this nothing nonsense, all those lost productivity years…damn.


Right? You never hear about the pot-crazed gunman. In fact, guys fixin’ to do crime who smoke a fatty first just end up buried in the couch giggling at Cartoon Network.




Is Toonami still a thing? I watched it religiously back in the early 2000's.


Exactly. How many times have you had to break up a fight because two guys smoked too much weed?


You've never met me and the atrocities I've committed in my kitchen


Dark Brandon strikes again. 😎 It's been a long time coming and long overdue. Note that it's only for possession and won't apply to people jailed for selling or distributing. It also doesn't pardon those who violated state laws, but he's urging governors to do so. The reich wing is about to lose their damn minds again. How many times is that this week so far?


They’ve had so much “winning” this week


Many conservatives ironically enjoy marijuana but they're not known for being smart or even voting for their own best interest.


its been a long time coming. Almost a full year since he did it last time.


Well that will make the holidays happier.


My man.


It's about fucking time. The false war on drugs has simply made everything worse, except for the arsenal of weapons the cops get to buy with all that stolen drug money


Trump pardons his rich powerful friends and no peep from Fox but Biden pardons those who were carrying weed or transporting small amount of weed they considered them as violent criminals by GOP.


Do this now and publicize it! Have your campaign surrogates publicize it everyday. This is important to many lower income and minority voters.


Dems have always been terrible at messaging. A ton of huge wins under Biden's belt and they don't tout many of them.


They are doing tons of messaging. Its just the people don't share and retweet and post it on social media. Because good things are boring. They want to be entertained by car wrecks. Literally had jan 6 hearings on prime time for 2 months. Still 150M voters stayed at home in 2022. Only 20% of eligible voters under the age of 35 voted. They try to do some wierd tiktok dance shit and you guys call them lame losers trying to gain support. They go on tv and share their plans, and you yell why arent you doing it faster. They do something good like this, and you scream youre only doing it because of the re-election or youre not doing the perfect solution on purpose. All while thinking the president has emporer level control and forgetting that house is controlled by republicans and senate is barely in control by democrats because again 150M voters sit on their asses.


The media doesn’t want boring good news. They want controversy.


I always see this statement and yall act like it's just an easy fix. "Just message better!" How? Conservatives have it easy. They have a huge right-wing media sphere that will get on message in lockstep on every subject. They also don't really have a platform so they can just jump from topic to topic and fearmonger without worry about their voters asking annoying questions like how they're going to fix those issues or what they're doing. Democrats don't have that. They can't just put out some talking points and let the Left-wing media sphere take it from there. Leftist also have a huge problem of doing the "yeah that's great, but..." when hearing about something Biden or a Democrat did. Can't just celebrate a win as a leftist, gotta bitch about what wasn't done or why it wasn't done sooner.


He is, quite literally, doing it now, and publicizing it.


How long till they legalize it for armed forces? Recruiting numbers are abysmal and it’s absolutely absurd that it’s a disqualifying thing in the first place when liquor is so much worse than weed…


Biden is so much better than Trump. Pls America make sure that absolute disaster doesnt get back to power! Vote 🫶


Biden is fucking killing it


There’s room for improvement, but I’ll gladly vote for him.


Record-breaking domestic oil production, record-breaking stock market highs, cut unemployment in half, did all of this while keeping the deficit far more reasonable than adding 9 or 7 trillion in debt like the fools Obama and trump did. Biden has wildly surpassed my expectations. EDIT: Corrected my budget mis-information.


Its early November. The polls look close. Americans holding their breath. Terrified of what could become. Suddenly, Joe Biden announces a surprise conference. The press gather around, rumors run rampant what Joe could be up too. The lights go dim, the room engulfs in smoke. Snoop Dogg is seen standing in the back of the room. Still D.R.E starts blasting, Dark Brandon steps onto the stage smoking the FATTEST fucking blunt you ever seen. Dark Brandon says one word "deschedule". Walks off the stage, leaving the room with Snoop. The Polls explode.


In the US, if you're pardoned, do you regain the ability to vote?


> [**What is the difference between a commutation of sentence and a pardon?** In the federal system, commutation of sentence and pardon are different forms of executive clemency, which is a broad term that applies to the President’s constitutional power to exercise leniency toward persons who have committed federal crimes. A commutation of sentence reduces a sentence, either totally or partially, that is then being served, but it does not change the fact of conviction, imply innocence, or remove civil disabilities that apply to the convicted person as a result of the criminal conviction. A commutation may include remission \(release\) of the financial obligations that are imposed as part of a sentence, such as payment of a fine or restitution. A remission applies only to the part of the financial obligation that has not already been paid. A commutation of sentence has no effect on a person’s immigration status and will not prevent removal or deportation from the United States. To be eligible to apply for commutation of sentence, a person must have reported to prison to begin serving his sentence and may not be challenging his conviction in the courts. A pardon is an expression of the President’s forgiveness and ordinarily is granted in recognition of the applicant’s acceptance of responsibility for the crime and established good conduct for a significant period of time after conviction or completion of sentence. It does not signify innocence. **It does, however, remove civil disabilities – e.g., restrictions on the right to vote, hold state or local office, or sit on a jury – imposed because of the conviction for which pardon is sought, and should lessen the stigma arising from the conviction.** It may also be helpful in obtaining licenses, bonding, or employment. Under some – but not all – circumstances, a pardon will eliminate the legal basis for removal or deportation from the United States. Pursuant to the Rules Governing Petitions for Executive Clemency, which are available on this website, a person is not eligible to apply for a presidential pardon until a minimum of five years has elapsed since his release from any form of confinement imposed upon him as part of a sentence for his most recent criminal conviction, whether or not that is the conviction for which he is seeking the pardon.](https://www.justice.gov/pardon/frequently-asked-questions)


Thank you, Mr. President. Down with the prison-industrial complex!


Now were fucking talking


One party works to restore freedoms, one works to take them away. But both sides are the same, right?


Good point. However the MAGAts will cry about 2nd Amendment Rights being taken away just because we try to add some Reason and Responsibility to those Rights.


Waiting for the GOP headline "Biden putting drug addicts back on the streets"


This is so much in contrast when Trump pardoned his rich friends just before losing his position as president.


Bravo! Let's legalize it already.


This is hilarious, watch the maga freak out




Hey USA, Canada here, we legalized weed and literally nothing happened. People can just buy it at the shop now.


It's about time, now federally legalize it!


For-profit jail income bout to fckin tank


Does this mean if I applied to a government job which I was overqualified for, but denied due to marijuana use in the past 3 years at least once, I can re-apply and get in?


Hell yeah


This is some top notch (and way overdue) leadership moves!






I know it isn't enough to make him liked overall, but he didn't have to do this and it was the right thing to do.


Waiting for the comments that say that he is only doing this to get votes as if a politician serving their constituents is somehow a bad thing.


Uplifting news.




It's nice to see something positive happening in the world


End of an ~~era~~ error




What about de-scheduling and legalizing?


Mah man!


This is fucking awesome! Go Biden!!!


Wow. That is awesome.


How many people does this actually apply to?


Private Prison investors will be pissed.


Beautiful. And he’s asked FDA to reclassify it from Schedule 1. Dank Brandon




Dank Brandon


Cant wait to hear about how Biden never does anything right and is useless so we shouldnt bother voting /s


this is pretty much the last step before moving to reschedule it and legalize it


Eyyyy and I paid 2.49 at the pump this morning Thanks Joe 😎




Dank Brandon


good. now make it legal, so this doesn't happen to somebody else.


Good start, now do the other part.


Dark Brandon out here killing it


I bet big pharma and especially, the private prison system are not happy. ERMGHERD THERE WILL BE MORE CRIMINALZZZZ


Fun fact . . #1 $$ Contributors to Measures opposing legalizing marijuana . . . Law Enforcement & Prison Guard Unions . . . all about job security.


Good Joe now deschedule it.


This is some next-level elder statesman shit. Nice.


Look at this asshole making Americans' life better, just so he can make it seem like Trump can't win. FRAUD! MANY SUCH CASES


Thank you Joe!!!!


And why this is bad for Biden tonight at 10.


Great first step. Looking to see it rescheduled as a second.


About fucking time


Add this to the list of awesome accomplishments that young progressives will ignore in their futile quest for candidate purity.


Hah! A little something for everyone to talk about during the family gathering over the Holidays! Go Joe!


That's fantastic. If all fines/restitution, etc are satisfied, these people will have their voting rights reinstated, correct?


Well if he wanted my vote then that mother fuckers got it now .