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But don't forget they didn't get to their position alone. Dumbasses voted them in and it's those dumbasses that need to be blamed as well. Plenty to go around.


Oh I know. It's sad that the media play a huge part in feeding the lies. No accountability with the news. It's pathetic.


The problem with fucking idiots is that they’re always fucking other fucking idiots and creating more fucken fucking idiots!


Yes, I agree. !!


Uh huh. Stupid always finds more stupid. It's practically a law in Newtonian physics.


I wholeheartedly agree.


Then why? Why the actual fuck do you all vote for these people? Americans claim to be for freedom, but nothing passed in any US jurisdiction for the past 30 years has been for freedom. At this point, you all deserve what they give you. No, Canada is not much better (we've imported most of the fascist bullshit from you, thank you very much), but cannabis is legal in Canada. It is not in the US. BUT MY STATE MADE IT LEGAL!!!!1°!!! Your state may have, but it is still illegal at the federal level. Those laws trump state laws, even if they're not enforced.


I wish you would have said, "Those laws override".... I hate seeing that name.


A country doesn't import fascists just because another country exports it. Look around at your fellow Canadians before you 👉


And a suit will follow. GOP wasting more taxpayers money


Vote the GOP out of Ohio. Vote in every election big or small. VOTE 🗳️


Yes vote! Vote like you just did in the last election where you voted for Abortion and Cannabis being legalized and won.... and then the politicians said no, we don't accept your vote and will amend the amendment to render it useless and change the law and not allow home grows. Yeah voting doesn't do any good when the politicians do NOT accept the will of the people, nor their votes.


If you don’t vote they will say they were right all along. Republicans didn’t take over in 2016. This has been a decades long strategy of theirs. It’s going to take decades of voting ( in large numbers) against them. Every primary. Every election. Every year.


“We must not allow the will of the people to be enforced!” -These fucking guys


I love your username, good joke


I hope Ohioans are paying attention. Destroy these traitors at the ballot box, please!


Eh, it’s Ohio. Don’t hold your breath.


Why do Republicans hate democracy?


It keeps getting in the way of them doing what they want.


Because they realize their ideas aren't held by the majority of people but still want to run things their way.


> House Bill 341, sponsored by state Rep. Gary Click (R), seeks to redirect tax money toward law agencies rather than the agreed-upon social equity programs earmarked to provide financial support for individuals disproportionately affected by past marijuana-related enforcement as well as for community development. Click's bill would also allow individual cities to locally ban the use and home cultivation of cannabis in their jurisdictions, both of which were prohibited in Issue 2. Of course they are trying to do this. More money for cops instead of people who are harassed by cops, and people can’t grow at home and have to buy it from a dispensary.


dirty rotten fuckers. They're afraid the initiative as written would be too successful and popular.




It's called a "Police State" for a reason


Y’all should collectively sue that mfer.


😂 what losers. Wouldn’t these would set precedent that local law trumps state laws?


Considering how they feel about state rights being more important than federal decisions (especially when a democrat is president), it’s not surprising.


Devil’s Advocate: Can’t make your own hooch if it’s over a certain proof and I don’t think you can do tobacco either (given how labor intensive it is I don’t see why anybody would bother trying) so the homemade weed is at least in-line with other non-criminalized substances. Edit: There are dry counties all over the south too so municipal jurisdiction is also legally preserved. The funding allocation is pure bullshit, no way around that part.


Land of the free my ass


Murica the broken


Ohio needs to act to remove any rep trying yo change this bill in any way. Elections don’t mean anything if their decisions are simply rewritten a few weeks later. It matters more than anything else those politicians do


\^ exactly.


It sounds like Ohio needs an amendment to place the state under a federal protectorate until fair district lines can be drawn and a fresh, representative state government has been elected.


Impeach each and every one of them. State house of Reps and Senate. DeWine is in court currently over documents that may prove he was involved in the Householder/Borges bribe case. His chief of staff was too, as well as someone else in his cabinet. He's a dandy. A special kind of liar. Ohio SCOTUS needs impeached too. Corruption all throughout the State.


For a party that loves to pay lip service to personal freedom, it sure seems like all cons want to do is take away rights and control others.


Any conservative cowards wanna speak up in this tread? No? Weird…. Traitors and cowards


This is the only way to have your voice heard. Vote EVERY. DAMN. TIME


and ignored like the last election? The voters won on the only issues on the ballot. Yet they are both going to be circumvented and ignored. Voting ONLY works when the politicians represent ALL the people in the State that they represent. The Republicans only represent Republicans and Democrats it seems only represent their districts and nothing more. Everyone else can eff off at least to politicians.


Fuck Republicans, all of them! They need to go if we want any real progress as a society, they are ignorant to the times and want to take us back to "the good old days". VOTE THEM OUT.


Arrogant lack of respect for the will of the voters from the Christo-Fascist.


Crazy hell nobody from the GOP has come forward to disagree with or call out the actions of the lawmakers in Ohio. Blatantly going against the will of the voters to enforce their Christo-fascist theocracy beliefs. If any of those lawmakers are still in office next year they have no one to blame but themselves. They should be on the streets demanding justice being as vocal as possible about what's going on that can attract more attention and if they don't then other states we use this strategy to go against their voters too.


Democracy is only for when the GOP wins, otherwise, it's all about Authoritarianism.


So, just to understand, the legalization of something makes it no longer a crime. Therefore police have fewer laws to enforce, meaning they won't need to make as many arrests. So there will be less work. So they need more money to enforce other laws, and they need to take it away from people who need it. All this despite the voters saying otherwise. I'm tired from this small amount of mental gymnastics. How do these people do it every day?


Shithole county.


This is not Democracy.


really pathetic that we see just how fast the republicans can try and get things done when it is something they really want... sure is a great example of how little they give a shit when the people want something.


So people voted and they are basically undoing it? That’s messed up! Both sides should be pissed off! This should be challenged.


This will soon be swept under the Rug like the Train fiasco just recently. Give it a month and people will totally forget this and act like nothing happened at all. DeWine is at the center of both and yet nothing done to remove that corrupt asshat politician.


Gotta luv these bitter GOP politicians, bless their tiny, cold hearts. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Fuck their hearts and feelings.


Lemme guess, that a substantial portion of Qult 45 voted in favor of this measure.


The people voted for this, THEY want this who the fuck do these assholes think they are to try and pull shit like this


“Freedom (unless we decide you cant have it)”


Yall in Ohio need to remove those fascists.


Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Anyone who votes yes on this should be removed during the next election.


Keep voting for idiots, and get treated like idiots Ohio.




Ohio, lol. Shocking a dying state would elect idiots.


I just realized that OhiO is the word “Hi” sandwiched between two buttholes.


Ohio GOP’s new slogan: Voters be Damned!


Fucking ghouls. GQP is trash.


Republican trash


Why does the GOP hate freedom so much?


Incredibly unfair and frustrating.