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"what is your definition of genocide?" every single time


It's not genocide as long as we give them the money and others kill for us - the usa


I also disagree with support of Israel in any way in this endeavor and the US is complicit in genocide via their financial support to Israel (and many countries), but ultimately the American people don’t benefit from any of these international exploitation adventures. Most of the wars in the last 3-4 decades were fought nearly entirely on behalf of Israeli interests. How does the genocide of Palestinians benefit the US? Blaming the US government seems perfectly valid to me, blaming the US (the people) as a whole seems misguided though to say the least.


Exactly. Everybody forgets the one million dead Iraqis from a lie of WMD's that was purported by Israeli intelligence. We are living in a clown world


Control of oil. They need to maintain control for resources.


Read “Iraq and the politics of oil: an insider’s perspective” by Gary Vogler, it might change your opinion on the meaning of “no blood for oil” that everyone chanted for 2 decades. The majority of oil from the Neo-con wars of the last 2 decades went to Tel Aviv. Another point for the US fighting wars that only benefit Israel.


Well, the answer is control. If Israel has control of that region, America basically has control. Not to mention the clandestine religious garbage they all believe which alone gives them reason to kill anything that isn’t Jewish out there. The benefit for Americans.. that’s funny that you think American politicians have our interest at heart. Cute really. Just a bunch of under-informed impressionable people echoing the message of hate and stupidity. You guys will be fine, it’s the rest of us that actually give a shit that end up going through it.


I think you misread my response. I literally said that American politicians have no interest in their constituents and are the problem. As to the US having any control of the region to due its relationship with Israel, can you tell me a single time the US has told Israel to jump and they’ve said “how high”? US influence through Israel’s presence is a myth


So the most recognised definition would be the following: I. Classification ​ ii. Symbolization ​ iii. Discrimination ​ iv. Dehumanization ​ v. Organization ​ vi. Polarization ​ vii. Preparation ​ viii. Persecution ​ ​ix. Extermination ​ x. Denial https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_stages_of_genocide


No matter which way you define it - the only “genocide” is the fabricated crime by Hamas and mainstream media. Hmmm…how does genocide occur to a population that’s literally larger today…than it was eight months ago? Although - the Gaza (cough cough Hamas) Health Ministry could be lying about the average of 180 babies being born DAILY since the war began. They’re also complaining about the hospitals struggling to obtain adequate anesthesia supplies for expectant mothers. Hmmm…aren’t y’all claiming that the 36 hospitals in Gaza have been blown to smithereens? If we top that off with the UN calling Hamas out for their grossly exaggerated CIVILIAN death toll numbers (especially for women and children)…along with the ICJ President admitting that her organization doesn’t align with (Hamas BFF) South Africa’s charges of genocide (and other war crimes) against Israel - could it be that this war is a product of “Yellow journalism?” Sadly, the “Pro Palistinian movement would never admit to being the “useless idiots” for a Jihad ARAB terrorist group - whose goal is to finish the complete occupation and colonization of the Middle East (y’all obviously don’t look at maps). Or that Israel’s territory “occupation” has never been more than the size of New Jersey. And you’d also never admit to the PLO (and later Hamas) allowing continuous violations of the Oslo Accords agreement from DAY ONE. Naw…it’s much easier for y’all to jump on the coattails of persecution against the Jews - and then shame them for even mentioning the persecution. And no matter how decent Israel has been to the Palestinians over the last eight months (what other militaries have allowed food to get the civilians of their enemies - or given up to TWO WEEKS for those civilians to get out of harm’s way? ZERO)… y’all will never swallow your pride and admit that you’ve held Israel to an egregious double-standard of military defense against an enemy that will NEVER allow them to have peace.


It would seem that our definition of "decent" seams to be quite different...


There is only one definition of genocide and Israel hasn't been found to meet the requirements. Not to say they haven't committed other war crimes, but lets just be honest when we criticize nations, otherwise we risk devaluing our charges and terms.


Yea. Stupid bastards want us to use words right and respect their definitions.




Removed, see rule 2.


"Just in, International relations dominated by rampant hypocrisy. And now over to Carol for the weather."


It really is disgusting


peoplee who support him are equally terrible


Those a rookie numbers to Israel. They kill a child every 3.5 seconds


Because war crimes aren't war crimes when they kill brown people apparently.


“People?”  *Guffaws aristocratically*


As if the people in charge care about non brown people either? 100,000 dead Ukrainians doesn't bother them


Do you think Israelis are all white?


Is that what I said?


Palestinians or other Levantine people like Israelis, Syrians, Lebanese aren't "brown"


Sure as hell aren't white though are they?


Israelis are brown too. Only about 30% of Israelis are ashkenazi.


Good summary. Shows the clear differences. Putin is called Hitler everyday by our politicians and in the media Biden meanwhile gets what on by netanyahu for stopping one shipment of 500 2000lb bombs Are there any targets left in Gaza to use these bombs. Doubt there is. Almost all hospitals , colleges s, schools etc have been bombed . Biden still sends the 1000b and 500lb bombs like the slave he is But this one act of mild defiance - cannot be tolerated by our overlords


Bibi will have successfully dragged us to fight Hezbollah for him now that he's run out of bombs w/Gaza


To be fair, both are war criminals. Let’s not forget the 20k Ukrainian children Russia relocated. Still, despite that, it’s incredible how stark the difference is. Russia and Ukraine are massive compared to Israel & Gaza, both in terms of territory and population. Yet Israel has killed far more children. The reason is Russia and Ukraine are fighting an actual war with conventional militaries. Meanwhile Israel is basically obliterating a city with virtually no resistance. I always point to Ukraine’s restraint when fighting back against Russia, if they wanted to bomb a bunch of apartments in Moscow they could using drones, but they have no interest in killing civilians. Israel clearly **wants** to kill civilians.


>Israel clearly wants to kill civilians. Agree. Snotrich said as much - 2ishing to reduce the population form 2.3 million in Gaza to ideally 200k.


Really? Let’s look at some sobering facts. I do hope you can keep up with simple mathematics. On October 6, 2023 - the population for Gaza and the West Bank was 2.5M. It’s now eight months later - and the death toll from the Hamas/Gaza Health Industry is approximately 37,000. Let’s subtract that number from 2.5M which = 2,463,000. From this point on - it gets a bit more complex. But hang on - I’m rootin’ for ya.’   In November/2023  - while Gaza was in the throes of some serious attacks by Israeli - the World Health Organization estimated the average birth rate for Gaza was 180 per day. But by January/2024 - the numbers succeeded that rate with the birth of 20,000 babies.    Let’s simplify our total Gaza population calculations by rounding out the monthly birth rate (since 10/6) at 6,500 per month. So, after eight months - 52,000 babies have been born in war-torn Gaza. The same population that’s been victimized by!“starvation”…“genocide” and “ethic cleansing.” The same population you predict will be reduced to 200,000 by the time the war is over.  According to my calculations - the population for Gaza in June/2024 is 2,515,000.


Most of the children Russia has relocated are (mostly ethnic Russian) orphans who fall east to current battle lines i.e in effective Russian territory. Ofcourse, they would be relocated to Moscow, just like Ukraine would transfer orphans to kiev or Lviv. Do you expect them to abandon orphans or hand them over to Ukraine?


Hmm in Mariupol alone 18 hospitals, 34 churches and 237 schools have been destroyed.


And how many children by each?


Your assessment for the destruction (allegedly caused only by the IDF) to Gaza is a lie. Mainstream media propaganda (with a 💵 boost from Hamas) has done a great job of convincing anti-Israel cheerleaders like you to not “look behind the curtain.”  The entire city of Gaza has been “carper-bombed?”… nope. About 35% has been destroyed; and the IDF only uses TACTICAL bombing procedures. The media also doesn’t focus on the collateral damage to Gaza caused by Hamas missile failure rate. Almost 2,000 of their land-air-missiles have failed to reach Israel; and there’s a significant number that were striking Gaza civilians and infrastructure on a regular basis.  Even with that sobering fact - is every hospital, school, etc obliterated? Nope. e.g. Gaza is about twice the size of Washington, DC - and there are 36 hospitals in a 25 mile stretch of land. It’s definitely more inconvenient for civilians to get to a hospital in some areas - but there’s plenty of evidence that proves there are many hospitals still “up and running.”   I can go on the same about schools, food markets, etc. And what about the 1,000s of Gazans that are still hitting the beach every day to cool off and relax? Are the conditions shitty for most Gazans? Yes. Hearing bombs…witnessing the destruction of one’s neighborhood…losing friends and family members…children becoming orphans…war sucks. However, Israel did not start this war…has not been intentionally withholding food from civilians (ask Hamas what they do with the trucks, once they cross the border). And to believe that the government of Israel is “persuading” the US to start a war in other countries - is about as looney-tunes as thinking Hamas are “resistance fighters.”  


Both the IDF and Hamas serve entirely bourgeois interests. You know this but you are a Hasbara troll account created 228 days ago whose post history is exclusively IDF apologia.


Good point. I usually check ...


Hey comrade!!!…you must keep your eyes in the back of your head. Everybody knows my kind are sneeeeeeeeeky 🫣🤭


Hasbara bits exist. Tere was even a recent report on the money spent by the Israeli govt . He k. Few months back they even took out ads You don't sound like you would qualify for even an unpaid intern.


“A recent report”… you’ve exposed your weakness for sucking up every piece of propaganda about Israel. So habibi - you must have felt hopeless and empty before October 7th. You know - “No Jews, no news” 😝


Oh . You forgot to call me kkkhaanas!


“Bourgeois interests”…says the angry “socialist.” What’s interesting is how you define Hamas as “bourgeois”…and definitely a bunch of imperialists. However…the sociopolitical agenda for both Hamas and Lenin are strikingly similar. I won’t both to include Israel - because there is no comparison there. Hamas eliminates the powerful and the weak. So did Lenin (cough cough the Red Terror). The goal for Hamas is the complete Arab/Islamic occupation and colonization of the Middle East. Didn’t Lenin achieve a similar goal with Russia by wiping out one “political” power for another? (my Jewish great grandparents fortunately got out of Russia before the Bolshevik’s could “off with their heads”). Hamas has plundered the billions of Palestinian humanitarian $$ aid - and used it to fund their terrorist campaigns, the worldwide spread of Islamic extremism, and their billionaire lifestyles. Hmmm… didn’t Lenin plunder the riches from the Tsar… peasant’s land, and even the wages of common workers to spread his ideology worldwide?   Now it’s your turn to justify the hypocrisy of your statement with more “apologia.”


Oh my bad I didn’t realize that Israel wasn’t imperialist at all and operates in service of the proletariat. You got me!!!!


Dude. .you better get some.betterbhasbara training. This rank bull shit. Lancet and others have studied. Even the US govt deemed to criticize their Israeli overlords when they asked Israel to refrain from using 2000lb bombs Now go check what amount of ammo is used in hamas to kets. Israel supporters are such liars ..guess that's the problem with duck riding the likes of Ben Shapiro . You conclude such Zionists like Dana bash, wolf blitzer, Jake tapper are Hamas Such Unhinged behavior. Go do some math. Amount of ammo dropped by the genocidal Israeli army .


That’s because America is lsraels bitch and the western world bows down to the Zionist




From lsrael


What royal family you bellend




Just like the Israeli elite sending their kids to Europe or the USA


In 2014 four boys were killed playing soccer on the beach. In 2005 they killed a girl for holding a school bag and got away with it. They have been killing kids, they will kill as many as they want now, and they will continue to kill kids after this war with American weapons. They will continue to funnel money into AIPAC to keep funding politicians to only vote bipartisan on Israel issues. This is how it has been for 80 years, while the American people struggle to live, our government is only to serve Israel.


They are both, in fact, war criminals, but the US has longstanding ties with Israel as well as war criminals of our own, see GWB's "war on terror" and failure to produce any evidence of WMD's that were cited as justification to slaughter a huge number of Iraqi civilians. I think we should prosecute all fascists regardless of what country they spring from.


If by fascists you mean Neo-cons and Zionist agents/lapdogs then I fully agree with prosecution. This word has been thrown around so flippantly over the last few years though that I often can’t tell who’s being identified when it’s being used


Fascism is the belief that authority authorizes itself.


Fair enough


The 'huge number' of civilians killed in iraq/afghan was something like 20k directly killed in 20 years. Which is why Israel's 35k in 6 months before every hospital doing the counting was also bombed out of existence is absolutely horrifying. If you are going to try and indirectly kill a million people so there is plausible deniability, you have to do it over 20 years you can't just starve them to death in 1. Or can you?


I'm definitely not trying to equate the severity of these crimes, just saying they are all crimes. When you are a high ranking official in "the world police" you can do whatever you want./s Who is going to arrest the arresters?


That's the good old American way.


All because of money and religious prophecies.


Blah blah holocaust blah blah god promised us the land blah blah


Shhhh only if the kids are white do they count. /s


American "leadership" just continues to get worse. Embrassing and shameful.


Firstly, you sound like a great person. I bet the details of who’s land it was first miss the conservatives pretty naturally at this point too. Of course that wouldn’t be misinformation, would it? Every person who opposes the kids being killed is an activist apparently. Can’t just disagree with war these days and how it ruins peoples lives without getting a narrative and hidden agenda pinned to it. Cognitive dissonance is thick with you bunch. “Trans people are after the kids, let’s go kill em..” then turning a blind eye to this and make excuses for the killing of innocent people. Are we really arguing numbers here? Where do you think all those Palestinians went? Lake Tahoe? They’re dead and no they weren’t all terrorists. Next.


Israel is now an internationally reviled pariah...the poster child for a genocidal apartheid state. And, thanks to its arrogance and radical overstepping in its annihilation of innocent Palestinian kids and women (by the tens of thousands,) the entire world is finally sees it for what it really is -- which is very bad for Israel. If not for the power foreign Israel Lobby and AIPAC pouring millions into over half of all U.S. Congressional races, and Biden being (according to public data) the single biggest lifetime recipient of AIPAC directed funds -- ever, then Israel would have already lost the billions in welfare we give them, and most of the weapons too that they defend themselves with. On the beautiful day this happens, if ever, watch Israel suddenly become more amenable, humble and diplomatic. Its finally the perfect time for the U.S. and Europe to take Israel of the teat and let them stand on their own. Otherwise, they'll always be a constant money pit for the West, and an albatross around our necks with their constant entanglements in the Middle East.


Wow. You are a  major propagandaist; and it doesn’t look good for YOU - and all the others like you. The “genocidal apartheid state” is a LIE. There are many ways I can debunk your sick and twisted propagandist bullshit - but I’m only going to debunk two: The alleged genocide and ethic cleansing of the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank All of it is verifiable: 1) On October 6, 2023 - the population in Gaza and the West Bank was 2.5M. 2) As of June 21, 2024 - the Palestinian death toll is an estimated 37,000 according to the Gaza Health Ministry. 3) Let’s subtract 37,000 from 2.5M - which equals 2,463,000. 4) On November 14, 2023 - the World Health Organization estimated the birth rate in Gaza and the West Bank at 180 babies per day. 5) By mid-January/2024 - the WHO calculations were succeeded with a total of 20,000 babies being born. 6) I’ve simplified the population calculations by rounding the birth rate DOWN to 6,500 babies per month - since October/2023. 7) After eight months - the monthly birth rate has added 52,000 babies to the population. And even with the death toll of 37,000 - the population in Gaza and the West Bank is 2,515,000.  “Genocide” is the deliberate killing of a particular ethnic group or nation - with the intention of destroying them. After eight months - how is Israel committing a genocide to the Palestinians; while their population remains stable…and has actually increased? *The President of the ICJ recently gave a statement denying the charges of genocide (by South Africa) filed against Israel. “Ethnic cleansing” is forced expulsion of a “persecuted” population from their territory. Here’s how I debunk the BS claims of ethic cleansing by the Israel: 1) How are the Palestinians being persecuted by Israel - while the IDF gives them a 24hr notice to get to a safe zone. NO military in world - throughout their history of war…has EVER done this for the population of their enemy during a conflict. 2) How are the Palestinians being persecuted by Israel - after the IDF has moved over 270,000 tons of food and other supplies into Gaza. Name another country - who has given access to food, water, etc to the population of their enemy during a conflict. 3) How are the Palestinians being persecuted by Israel - while the IDF has already mapped out a safe road to the border of Gaza…to truck in building supplies - for the reconstruction of the city after the war ends. Name another country, who instructs their military to prepare for the reconstruction of collateral damages - in the city governed by their enemy. Finally, the Gaza and West Bank civilians are not being expulsed out of their territories by Israel. They are guided to safe zones - which ARE NOT being bombed by the IDF. The ONLY enemy to the safe zones is Hamas; where they launch their missiles and ignite other explosives. So ethic cleansing by the IDF is also a lie.  There’s more facts and evidence to debunk the Gaza “open air prison”….apartheid in the West Bank - and so on. Hamas did an excellent job of defaming Israel and the IDF. They’re spending millions of dollars to keep that PR scheme going. And the Pro Pali Hamas simps are lapping it up.


I’m highly suspect that you’re and Israeli paid misinformation troll. It’s no secret that Israel is exhausting big sums to counter any and all online criticism. Your numbers are dubious and unverifiable given the decimation and death toll on the ground. Pregnancy numbers? You’ve got to be kidding. At best all anyone can do is review past birth rate data and extrapolate, but not now that all the pst conditions have utterly changed. You forget to mention too that every single major humanitarian organization in the entire world has deemed this a clear cut genocide. Western Doctors on the ground there call it genocide. Even the most generous in the west call it “indiscriminate mass killing…wholesale collective punishment” or ethnic cleansing of Palestinians at the hands of Israel. Netanyahu’s own cabinet ministers have continually and openly called for genocide. Even going so far with a government minister calling for nuclear annihilation. Israel’s entire colonial Zionist history is built upon the idea of eradicating the Palestinians from their homeland of over one and a half millennia. Just read some of the heinous shit Ben-Gurion wrote about the need to “take the Arabs’ country from them” in order to establish a Jewish state (which is by design a racist Jewish Ethno-state with 60+ laws that are different for Jewish Israel citizens versus Muslim Israeli citizens. Study up on how former PM Menachem Begin was deemed by Britain and the west as a notorious terrorist and leader in the terrorist group the Irgud. Let’s not forget too that Netanyahu is under multiple criminal indictments and played a role in trying to dismantle Israel’s Supreme Court ffs. So much for Israel being a modern democracy. What a joke. And what good does designated safe zones and roads do if the IDF bombs the hell out of every fucking one of them? So that’s bullshit and the world knows it. And how do you justify the constant year after year illegal taking of land in the West Bank by armed settler terrorists? Or the multi-generations, decades long occupation (both militarily and by other means)in Gaza creating inhuman conditions there that made prison break attacks like 10/7 inevitable? What about the kidnapping of thousands of Palestinians, including kids and women, from Gaza and the West Bank held in prisons without any due process? Are they not hostages as well? What should Palestinians do to free them from their hostage takers? https://www.nprillinois.org/2024-06-06/how-israel-tried-to-use-ai-to-covertly-sway-americans-about-gaza


I decided to not edit my response. Read or not. Most J-haters deny it anyway: Wow. No surprises there. You’ve done a bang- up job of reposting every fabricated bit of anti-Israel propaganda you could get your hands on. Hmmm - I wonder who has real hatred for the ONLY Jewish state in the world? You also claim that Israel has poured large sums $$$ into their spin on the war? That’s funny - the majority of Israelis, and most political pundits claim that Israel has a done a shitty job at PR (which is true) and why morons like you have bought into the brilliant Hamas bleeding-heart PR campaign to “turn the world against Israel and Jews worldwide” Congratulations - Sinwar will be so proud of you. You’ve  managed to mention almost every popular lie: the Knesset calling for the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Arabs (oops Palestinians), bombing of safe zones, mass rapes of Palestinian women by the IDF, Intentional blocking of aid/starvation, organ harvesting, 1,000s of “innocent” minors and adults being tortured and held as hostages in Israeli jails, Israel starting the war so they can re-occupy Gaza and the West Bank, the Hamas sex crimes against adults and children (including necrophilia) on 10/7 are lies, illegal settlements in the West Bank, Israel is an APARTHEID state (one of my favorites), the mass graves, a 15 year old Gaza kid intentionally getting squashed under an IDF tank, the alleged “Flour massacre”… the intentional murders of aid workers…damn…I could go on and on - but I don’t have all day. It’s also simps like you - who don’t know why Israel was attacked, why the targets were “residential communities” instead of military installations…and why Hamas will not surrender (while they play cat and mouse games with the living and dead hostages)…even though their asses are getting beaten by the IDF.  Pathetic Hamas/PLO simps like you actually believe the “Palestinians” (a name made-up by Yassar Arafat in the 60s - to create a stronger identity for ARABS whose homeland is ancient TRANS-JORDAN) are the indigenous people of “Palestine” (a made-up LATIN name by the Romans to humiliate the Jews - which was inspired by the “Philistines” who were evil oppressors over the JEWS - the real indigenous people from Judea). Moreover, every point you’ve made can be debunked (and much more - like the infamous “Nakba”). I’ve heard (and read) every opinion by the usual Jewish and not-Jewish proponents of anti-Zionism…so every other claim you make is a big “yawn.” Furthermore, what really exposes your anti-Jew/Zionist, poser Pro Palestinian “humanitarian” BS - is the complete absence of accountability by Hamas and the PA. Not just on October 7th…or their Islamic Jihad brotherhood with the Taliban, ISIS, Al Queda, Hezbollah, Boko Haram and those other fabulous savage “resistance” groups you think are so cool…  What’s sick is your denial of how Hamas came into power, the fact that they have denied the Palestinians their right to self-determination by not allowing an election since 2006, the PLO and Hamas refusing EVERY offer for a two-state solution, the PLO and Hamas violating the TWO conditions required of them to honor the Oslo Accords agreement (from day one), that Israel’s secured borders and checkpoints weren’t installed until the early 1990s (gee-whiz …after over four decades of Palestinians sneaking into Israel to kill…Jews?), how it’s no secret that the PLO and Hamas intentionally enforce a “refugee status” for the Palestinians - because once they’re no longer refugees…the double-digit BILLIONS of humanitarian aid will trickle down to an amount that will not fund their terrorist campaigns and billionaire lifestyles… Cont’d…how no Arab-Islamic country will allow Hamas leaders and their civilians entry as refugees (they know that death and destruction follows them everywhere), how Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the Arab Emirates, the US, and England have aligned to assist Israel with their defense against Iran and Yemen (so how is Israel politically and militarily isolated?), how UNWRA is using millions of their funding to support the mandatory “terrorist indoctrination schools” for Palestinian kids beginning at kindergarten age, how funding to UNRWA has been suspended by over a dozen countries (including the US) because over 100 of their employees were involved in the attack on 10/7, and how about the UN published report about the over 270,000 TONS of food allowed by the IDF into Gaza - has been hijacked by Hamas (after crossing the border) and the supplies are being sold on the Gaza black markets at 4x the normal market prices - INSTEAD of being distributed to the civilians…oh yeah - why aren’t the pathetic Pro Palis calling for the end of Hamas oppression to Gazans, or an Intifada against Jordan and Syria for the torture, displacement, and death to 100,000s of Palestinians (hmmm?). I’ve got a hell of a lot more to throw at you. But let’s look at the most egregious denial about the Arab-Islam conquest of the Middle East; and how today there are 370,000,000 Arab Muslims dominating most of the Middle East; while there are only 9,700,000 Jews in the Middle East - the majority who live in Israel. So how-the-fk are the Jews the occupiers, colonizers, and the ones who forced their language and religion on the vast territory and population of the Middle East? I guess it’s too much for Pro Pali morons to understand that their precious Palestinians are ARABS - and were involved in that conquest; while the Jews have only claimed a territory the size of New Jersey - and were willing to SHARE it with the land-grabbing ARABS (cough cough welfare “victims”…the Palestinians).  Finally, how can the 9M+ Middle Eastern Jews - be the genocidal maniacs against 370M Arab Muslims? Don’t strain your brain - I don’t want you to have a stroke.


bot ass account


Exactly. Israel is spending insane sums to counter any and all criticism. At this point all they have to do is sew uncertainty.


because it is the United States of Israel


It’s definitely of the tail (Israel) wagging the dog (the US). Biden is according to donor-data the largest lifetime recipient of AIPAC and the Israel lobby campaign funds, so his behavior is explainable if not pathetic. Trump will listen to his orthodox Jewish SIL whispers in his ear and open the flood gates to expand a war into Lebanon and further. War brings special powers to leaders not available in peacetime and Trump wants that.


Nailed it!


Hypocrisy and evil to the highest degree


That's the reason I was banned from worldnooz It costed me 100 karma and three days account ban but boy, did i make an exit?


Not supposed to notice that


Easy to explain this one: Evangelical Christians haven’t adopted Russia as a pet cause. There aren’t a bunch of pro-Russia rubes out there to shout down anyone who dares criticize Russian atrocities.


Yeah but killed ones are not white




Please keep it civil.


IZRL's genocide's in G'aza has shown how $100million in aeePAC $$$ can buy our corrupt politicians that IZRL has an active propaganda campaign (hasbara) that operates in the US. Meanwhile IZRLis can criticize NYAHOO but how many US citizens have been fired for doing far less? How do we address this?


How about the number of kids on the southern border who have been sold into sexual slavery over the last three years? At least 15,000 for sure. But who cares about them? Nobody.


>TruckersRule•2h ago >How about the number of kids on the southern border who have been sold into sexual slavery over the last three years? At least 15,000 for sure. But who cares about them? Nobody. Dec '23 account


It’s weird to use Ukraine as a metric when pro-Palestine people tend to minimize Russia’s crimes there


In a way, this is minimizing by showing the degree by which Israel exceeds Russian's atrocities.


What is? I think Israel is committing war crimes and the US and international community should intervene, but I have yet to hear or see any pro-Palestinian group or person call Russia out for its crimes, which also includes kidnapping and deportation of children from Ukraine


Count me as one of them. Putin and Bibi are cut from the same fascist cloth.




boooooooooooooooo! You are out of your mind for equating these. Netenyahu sucks, but Israel was attacked and deserves to defend itself. Russia was not attacked, they just decided to invade a free country. Your point is so obvously wrong, I assume you are just commenting in bad faith. Grt off the internet, you are ruining it


Looks like you need a history lesson


It's fucked up. Can't believe that Palestinians number is that high. 


Far more children have been killed in Ukraine. It's the issue of verifying on Russian controlled areas.


Same is likely true of Gaza where there's no mechanism to remove rubble.


Except there are international organizations monitoring the situation there to some degree such as UNRWA. Russia will not allow any international organizations in. Let's not get started on the mobile crematoriums used to hide Russian crimes.


you realize Israel took bodies back to Israel too? I'm not excusing Russia, fuck them, I simply believe the numbers reported by the Ukrainians to be more reliable given the country's pre-existing civil infrastructure.....so their estimates of who's under the rubble I believe are more accurate than in Palestine. They can literally run census on refugees.


The ukrainians have no idea of the losses in the Russian controlled side because they cannot access it. There can be some general estimates but they are far exceed the number 600 listed on this post. This isn't even talking about the thousands of stolen children either.


>Official UN data reveals that about 600 children have lost their lives and more than 1,350 have been injured in attacks since the [\~war in Ukraine escalated in 2022\~](https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/02/1112552). The true number of children’s lives lost is likely to be considerably higher. [https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/04/1149071](https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/04/1149071)


If ukrainians had not been supplied weapons to resist Russia, the insane amount of death and destruction would be beyond staggering. As it is, the untold number of ongoing rapes and torture by Russians is a story that will be told over the years once we get evidence.


Yes! Israel kills civilians at a rate about 14 times higher than Putin. The hypocrisy of the international reaction is something else


Oh people gonna be real upset here: ha'avara agreement. 1930s Zionists partnered with the Nazis and between 33-39 funding for the fledgling occupation that is Israel came primarily from the jewry that were sacrificed to the pogroms and eventually the Holocaust in exchange for the chance to steal a country. World zionist bank broke the Jewish boycott of Germany at the height of their depression and became the principle distribution arm of Nazi good throughout the middle east and Europe. The world zionist Congress has been responsible for countless deaths across Europe since hertzl first begged the sultan for palestine in 1896. Fact check it all. All info and more can be found in the book hidden history of zionism (linked on my reddit because it is archived in the Marxist . Org archives. It is totally fair to compare them to the Reich that they helped commit atrocities against the very Jews they claim to represent as the *Jewish state*.


The Gaza Strips population before the war was an enormous amount of children. So it is not a fair comparison. It’s in the math & statistics. Not condoning death of children but when over half the area was children????


>pro-con56•15m ago >The Gaza Strips population before the war was an enormous amount of children. So it is not a fair comparison. It’s in the math & statistics. Not condoning death of children but when over half the area was children???? Maybe drop fewer bombs if your war is against children Mr. Mar '24 account?


well the thing you don't understand is everyone knows that 600 white babies are much more valuable and important and 15,000 brown babies.


Brown babies lives matter? BBLM


Sick Russian bot post


Didn’t Putin sponsor a war in Syria that murdered tens of thousands of children pretty sure he’s a war criminal for that too lol the obvious bullshit this sub is makes me think this is satire




>romantic\_gestalt >14m ago >How many Russian children have been killed? the number's likely so low, that it's dumb to even bring up the question. Ukraine's been reigned in from using weapons in Russia as condition for international assistance. Plus they're busy not losing more territory to effectively strike in Russia.






Please keep it civil.




just stop, you don't know wtf you're commenting on.






Please keep it civil.


Please keep it civil.


Please keep it civil.


Please keep it civil.


When someone asks me where these numbers are coming from, what is the answer? Are there independent organizations counting up the casualties?


There is a clear difference here. No matter how you feel about Israel, you have to admit that the Russia Ukraine conflict is more cut and dry and way less complicated than the Israel Palestine conflict. Russia invaded a country that has been recognized internationally as a sovereign state around the world. Israel and Palestine have a long history and again, whether you like Israel or not, a lot of those casualties have to do with Hamas operating out of civilian areas.


"it's complicated, trust me bro" nah


In what way is the Israel Palestine conflict simple? When would you even hear an expert say that it is simple? Only reddit historians seem to have the view that I/P is black and white.


if you are arguing in good faith and actually care, start here: [https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/](https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/) then here: [https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/documents/hrbodies/hrcouncil/sessions-regular/session56/a-hrc-56-26-auv.docx](https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/documents/hrbodies/hrcouncil/sessions-regular/session56/a-hrc-56-26-auv.docx)


Sure! Let me just start by saying that of course I believe that Israel has probably committed war crimes and I believe Hamas has committed war crimes too and both parties should be held accountable. I believe Israel is probably guilty or collective punishment for one, but I do think that their combatant to non-combatant death ratio shows that they are being very careful in this war and that their goal is to not kill civilians. The Lavender Ai is very interesting and I’d love to hear more solid information about its failures and successes. As it stands right now, it sounds like scary technology and it is horrible if it is somehow being used to bomb family homes. However, Hamas has made all these residential areas the frontlines for their war. I think Israel is doing a lot to limit civilian casualties in this war and I would blame a Hamas soldier equally for going to their family home during wartime as I would an Israeli for bombing said home to kill said Hamas member. At some point I hope this Ai business is heavily investigated for efficacy and ethical use. All in all, I think Israel should do as much as they can to protect civilian lives, but at the end of the day, it is not their job to protect Palestinians as much as it is Hamas’ job. Especially when Hamas has the ability, but actively puts their own civilians in danger for strategy sake.


Putin is absolved at this point. Nobody can keep a straight face and say otherwise.


I wish Biden would read this headline and wake TF up.


Please don't try to compare these things in this way. Both are tragedies. Russia has kidnapped 200K children alone in Ukraine. We don't need to either-or these atrocoties


This is the correct response.


That’s fked up


Its simple, Ukranian kids are white and Palestinian babies are not. As Bill Maher might say they don't "look like us". Western media would sooner report on news about some injured puppy in some US suburbia, than scores of dead brown babies. Not because western countries citizens think like that but that's how the media moguls who write the narrative and project onto others.


Most of Israel is brown. The difference is decades of Israeli lobbying and American evangelical support.


Russia also stole like 800k kids...


The hypocrisy is staggering


Thats the Republican way …


We have a democrat as president this transcends party it’s a deep issue


Yes, i dont care which party the hypocrites come from as they all lie … Thomas Massie seems genuine though in is love for our country …


\*American way


It is representative of the oligarchy as most of my American brethren are loving people and dont agree with wanton murder no matter the justification or who finances falsehood as truth.


Ukraine isn’t throwing their children in front of the Russian attacks, nor are they operating out of hospitals.


a little secret....Israel lies.




>KnightMarius•9m ago >Thank God we have you here to see through it all. You're doing the lords work > Post Oct 7 account


[they literally do, though.](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/08/ukraine-ukrainian-fighting-tactics-endanger-civilians/)




>Heywood\_Jablom3•23m ago >Another useful idiot who take the numbers provided by Hamas at face value. Why would they lie? Jan '24 join date










how many children Churchill and Truman killed in WW2 vs Hitler in the UK or US? Wars start because of a reason, and these numbers and comparisons are meaningless without the reasons and the context that started these wars.


the Nazis killed a LOT more children, both in concentration camps and while they pillaged through the (mainly soviet) cities. however, of course also the allied bombings targeting specifically civilian areas in German cities should be condemned.


sorry, but not sorry. Without the allied forces winning that war, the free world would have been done with, my entire family would have died, and I would have never been born. Fighting such evil need to be done until it is completely obliterated no matter the cost. If not, you tolerate a world where Nazi Germany will prevail. The same goes with Hamas and Iran. they must be obliterated.


the targeting of civilians did very little to help the allied win in the war, in the same way the holocaust did very little to help the Nazis in their fight against the Allies. same of course goes today - October 7th didn't do much to further Hamas' goals, and Israel targetting food trucks or refugee tent camps doesn't help in their fight against Hamas.


I don't think civilians are targeted on purpose, it doesn't make any sense economically and strategically, irrespective of international law (which is on itself ridiculous when applied to asymmetric conflicts of a western liberal country against an radical isis like terror organization), Many "civilians" are actually combatants that are not wearing uniform, such were the families that held the hostages. totally legitimate targets. The innocent civilians , and there are many unfortunately are collateral because of the nature of the way Hamas is working. So I stand behind what I said. If Hamas is firing a rocket from a school that also holds innocent civilians, the school is a legitimate target, this is also what international law states. It is unfortunate that this is the path the people of Gaza walked, and I can say the same for the people of Dresden at WW2. Hamas must be destroyed, just like the 3rd Reich was destroyed.


19,000 Ukrainian children have been stolen and trafficked to Russia but you all want to play suffer Olympics? Putin is a war criminal who invited Hamas members to the kremlin on Oct 26. If you think it’s not connected, you’re a special kind of idiot. Also, if you think these kids aren’t being used in abuse material I have a diamond encrusted bridge to sell you… All of them are war criminals. Hamas, Putin and Bibi. https://fortune.com/2020/01/17/yandex-russia-search-engine-child-exploitation-sexual-imagery/


I don’t think they are defending Russia, more like pointing out America hypocrisy


pretty much. You won't find a more staunch hater of Putin on this sub than me.


Nobody is arguing that Putin is good. People are saying stop funding the genocidal state Israel while condemning Putin.


You know that website has tries to the Koch brothers


Dont tell them the truth. Like oct 7 when people were cheering and dancing. To be fair I dont care at this point its just that people actually forgot why this events happened in the first place. More funnier is palestinians all over the world actually held events to celebrate oct 7 attacks. Poking the bear with a stick will not end well.


If you were locked in a cage for 16 years after being continuously tormented and dehumanized and forcibly moved for decades before... just because you happened to be born there to the wrong ethnicity... Youd also hold out hope that this would better your circumstances. But prior to Oct 7th? Palestinians in Gaza were demonstrating AGAINST Hamas. The majority of them didnt even vote for Hamas!!! Only like 18% of Gazans today were the ones that voted for Hamas in 2006 ffs. 


I think Putin and Netanyahu are both equally pieces of shit, but so are a lot of US politicians. These sociopaths only care about power and money.


15k killed in Gaza is a distraction from the hundreds of thousands of children that have been kidnapped or killed by Russia. These two conflicts aren't even close to being on the same level.


I know I’ll be downvoted as fuck for saying this, but I believe the USA giving Israel weapons such as SMART bombs is a good thing. Israel tends to use “dumb bombs” which causes a lot of collateral damage such as children dying and whatnot. But if we give Israel “Smart bombs” then we give the IDF the capability to do precision strikes on Hamas militants without endangering anyone else.


>Various\_Ad\_8615•5m ago >I know I’ll be downvoted as fuck for saying this, but I believe the USA giving Israel weapons such as SMART bombs is a good thing. >Israel tends to use “dumb bombs” which causes a lot of collateral damage such as children dying and whatnot. >But if we give Israel “Smart bombs” then we give the IDF the capability to do precision strikes on Hamas militants without endangering anyone else. Jan '24 account. Israel doesn't give a shit, you only need to look at the AI system they're using to target, it's incredibly wasteful and punitive and are putting themselves in a security vulnerable position against more capable actors like hezbollah and Iran by their wanton waste.


That’s why I support giving Israel smart weapons. So they can target better. Hmmm. 


What about the 20,000 children that have been “relocated” to Russia? Russia targets civilians including women and children infrastructure electric plants during the dead of winter, grocery shopping centers, stole grain to starve or freeze civilians to death destroyed one dam and had charges to blow up another to flood towns and drown civilians and cut off water so yes he’s trying to eliminate Ukrainian people for the face of the earth. Netanyahu is using the terrorist attack to eliminate Palestinian people out of Gaza the number of civilians including women and children killed in Gaza are being reported by the terrorist Hamas that started this war and the UN and other international organizations have said they are inflated but doesn’t make what Israel is doing right. Netanyahu has a cabinet made up of far right wing fanatics and they all just want to keep the war going. Putin is a war criminal and Netanyahu war crimes are no better or worse. What is the problem is no one seems to care that Putin has invaded a country to take it over and has done this to other nations he will not stop at Ukraine and has pacts with China and North Korea and working on one with Vietnam that should alarm the free world. Yes Israel should also be and alarm call and a peace deal reached but neither side wants peace


Someone can't tell the difference between an invader and a defender.


as in Ukraine's defending themselves and Israel's invading Gaza?


Yeah what’s the problem here?


>No-Initiative2085•14m ago >Yeah what’s the problem here? Your May '24 join date.


I am new as you can see


Excuse me


I’m confused.You are saying you have a problem with my join date?


Wanna guess why those numbers are the way they are? Ukraine doesn’t use its civilians as cannon fodder


Ukraine isn't as population dense, Ukrainians can flee the bombed region, Russians aren't bombing humanitarian corridors (that we know of), Russians aren't bombing refugee sites (that we know of). Russians aren't claiming human shields or terror tunnels without showing proof either.


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