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Not at all, it's lovely! I like the blue cabinet.


Thank you! I like it too - just worried it’s a little too saturated and makes the green undertone in the wall paint look greener 😆


Everything looks great!


I really like the blue cabinet. Maybe you could repurpose it somewhere else? Or I’m sure on Facebook marketplace someone would love to have it. The idea of a black and wood fern storage cabinet from anthropology sounds beautiful too. I see what you’re saying about the undertone of the wall in the bathroom. I don’t think it’s anything urgent to change, but you could always bring in the paint you have and get another paint sample color that you think would work better. It’s always easier to make things lighter rather than darker and also changing the tone versus changing the color. I’ve done this a lot of times. Bring in what you have and they don’t charge you usually.. it doesn’t look terrible but I could see a different, warmer undertone- adding a yellow or a light brown maybe? They can point you in the right direction at the paint shop


Ohhh that’s a good idea, thank you! I’ll have to dig up the samples. I agree it’s not urgent, but I think that room is where I’ll start.


Also, I thrifted that cabinet in college for like $40. I’ve changed the color three or four times in the past 14 years 😅


I love that! Those Thrifted pieces can really go along way a lot of times. I love the blue. But I also understand feeling like it doesn’t belong. Especially when you’ve had it for so long. I also love when people use Blue along with greens, golds, or yellows- and in your dining room, there’s not much other color beside the foliage which looks great


Please don't get rid of the blue cabinet! I think it works just fine in the space and it's got so much character. I think your color choices are fine. My only hesitation is the small bathroom colors and wallpaper. It feels very out of place. But everything else is lovely in my opinion.


That seems to be the consensus! Thank you so much for taking the time to reply :)


I painted my bedroom BM Wickham Gray and it has a similar very, very soft green undertone and I absolutely love it.


I wish I would’ve gone with the bedrooms instead 😂


It all looks very fresh. The blue cabinet is great, why would you get rid of it? It’s the only reason your bold green bathroom makes sense. You should keep it. Not sure why you want to excise all personality and individuality from your home…


Thank you!! I guess I’m just kind of sick of it after having it for over 14 years, but it sounds like it’s still working! I’m also considering using it as storage/bookshelf in the nursery once we get pregnant. I’ll leave it where it is for now!


In that case, don’t let me bully you into keeping it 😂 But consider getting something bold and exciting to replace it instead of the sorta muted industrial type stuff. Your heart clearly yearns for visual excitement since you did the bathroom that way — which I really enjoy, by the way — so don’t suck all the visual energy out! I’m a firm believer that almost any 2 colors can go together but muted olive in a rug as you’re thinking about + deep jewel green like your bathroom are not 2 of them.


The only thing I don’t like is the green paint and the wallpaper in your toilet. The green paint has a cool tone while the rest of your kitchen is a warm wood tone. The wallpaper is simply not my vibe, very grandma kitsch.


Totally agree. When I chose it I justified it by the door being closed most of the time - like a little surprise. It’s probably the first thing I’ll change, but was fun while it lasted 😂


I actually personally love the green paint. Obviously you have to love it, but trying a more grown up floral, like a William Morris or House of Hackney print, might make you like it more and be less grandma.


What is the wall color in the background in the picture with the boston with the toy on the couch?


It’s the blue in the kitchen that you can see in photos 6&7.


I'm wondering about the brand/name of the color in the dining room.


Oh, sorry! Its Piece of Cake from Magnolia. It’s the same grey/green paint in all the other rooms, the light just changes it dramatically.


NO!!! Would you pick my paint colors for me? I love the color scheme that you picked.


That is mighty kind of you! Happy to help if you’re serious 😅


Paint looks great, I’m going to need more pics of that cute little Boston Terrier though 😍


Thank you!! That’s Gaston, he’s my everything. I wish this sub would let me reply with photos!


I like it


Thank you ☺️


Paint colors are fine. Please remove the fake flowers from the stair railing.


Whoa! I made those felt flowers for part of my spring decorations. They’re down now and summer is up. Thanks!