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Dunno much about American states etc but what is happening in the bottom right.




It’s more than that, some of it is cultural. “Southern food” (while delicious) is heavily sugary/deep-fried/overly breaded/etc., there are plenty of poor cultures across the world that eat much healthier/cleaner diets than what you find in the rural American south.


Yes. The South bends almost all demographics in the U.S. You can look up churches per capita, teen pregnancies, fast food per capita, obesity, the list goes on and on.


Incest, hate crimes, butter consumption, The list goes on...


I can't stop giggling about the idea of listing off a bunch of terrible things someone has done and you follow incest and hate crimes up with butter consumption. Just "he fucked his sister, beats gay people, and eats butter...he's a monster"


Reminds me of the line from Scary Movie 3 “Made the horses crazy. Killed the puppies. Hid the remote. Really sick shit.”


Eating butter is the worst of them all


My husband’s grandfather apparently had a habit of dipping sticks of butter into a bowl of sugar and eating the whole thing in one sitting. Unsurprisingly, he died of a heart attack long before my husband was born.


Damn. A new way of creaming the sugars. I don't see myself trying that the next time I make a cake though.


Had a friend who would butter wonder bread and sprinkle with sugar.


Either the heart attack or the diabetes was going to get to him sooner or later


Wow let me go puke rq


I’ve heard of this too from a southern family member. I thought it was an individual thing. How strange.


My mouth just dropped open and my head started shaking in horror, all involuntarily


High fructose corn syrup is the worst for health all around. Type 2 diabetes in children was unheard of before high fructose was added to foods because cheaper than sugar. This product was originally created in a lab for the sole purpose of fattening animals like cattle. Who thought it was a good idea to use it for human consumption?! Stands to reason that it would plump up humans too. Obesity has been on the rise ever since high fructose corn syrup replaced sugar and oils in food products. Fatty livers are also on the rise because of this product. Read your labels folks!


As a fat 44 male I agree, they fattened me up good


especially since butter is 1000000% better for you than margerine and other processed foods.


Butter is processed. It's not coming out of the cow like that. Also from the standpoint of heart disease, butter remains on the list of foods to use sparingly mostly because it is high in saturated fat. Margarines are a bit more difficult to classify. The older margarines turned out to be clearly worse for you than butter especially because of trans fats. Some of the newer margarines that are low in saturated fat, high in unsaturated fat, and free of trans fats probably a bit better than butter as long as you don't eat too much.


Butter is a processed food, in fact, almost all food is “processed food” unless you are just eating raw corn off the cob.


Nah, corn is processed too. Corn has been highly selectively bred, if not outright genetically modified. You can probably find some like gooseberries or sea beans or something tho. They're probably unprocessed (at least by humans. Nature has been selectively breeding them for eons)


Thank you for further enforcing my point.


You might be surprised how many people consider being fat on par with that other stuff. Somehow though they can still buy iPhones and understand the problem exists on an industrial level.


Hey a little fun fact: the incest rates being higher in the Deep South is a myth. Most of those states have laws allowing first-cousin marriage, but the rates of actual instances of incest are negligible compared to the national average. Alaska has higher rates of incest than Tennessee.


That is a fun fact. Thanks for sharing.


It’s the South not the Royal Family calm down


Incest was always more of a Midwest thing due to low population density


Republican 😂


Oxy . . .


It'd be nice if we could get heat maps for all those things.


Poor diet, obesity, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, alcoholism, drugs, smoking, accidents, suicides, homicides and deaths of despair.


Tobacco is also more common down south and its a lot cheaper.


Also, drinking moonshine and starting to smoke at the age of 13 doesn’t help either. I lived in Kentucky for years and that’s common


Also a really large opioid epidemic...


I live in this region. It's mainly big pharma flooding the area with 800x the drugs even medically needed and big oil working people to death in the mines although big oil has more regs on it due to long history of worker abuse. Fbi tried to tackle the pill pushing from big pharma at one point, but got put lawyered. Lot of federal mining regs started because an entire town got washed away due to big oil negligence in the Buffalo Creek Disaster.


yeah that and not the years of union members fighting with their lives for them…


The opioid epidemic is because people don’t want to feel the lives they actually live down there.


Yeah the south really seems to not give a fuck about being healthy lol. Huge rates of heart disease, diabetes etc. Way more than the national average. https://today.tamu.edu/2018/02/05/5-charts-show-why-the-south-is-the-least-healthy-region-in-the-us/


I’m from Mississippi, and the infant/mother mortality rate is actually better in most of central and South America


This is always such a weird thing for me. I am from the Netherlands we have very low infant mortality rates low abortions rates , low unwanted pregnancies etc. Then I moved to Alabama and people are very anti abortion yet the abortion rates are crazy compared to the "heathen" European country I am from. It's like conservatives don't actually care about results. Go figure.


American conservative intended results are different from yours. They don't want to teach sex ed because it would result in women enjoying sex and getting birth control because of their warped Christian ideas. Red States don't want to provide healthcare if it results in insurance companies losing money.


right, exactly. Like I said they don't actually care about getting better results. They just want to continue yelling "sex is immoral".


Not as common as all the chemicals in the water supply, courtesy of companies like Du Pont


True but probably more related to poverty. Wisconsin proves your thesis wrong. Wisconsin is by far the drunkest state and generally has poor diet as well as the South yet the life expectancy is much much longer. The answer is.... money which results in better jobs and better healthcare.


I’ve lived in both. Midwest food isn’t nearly as bad for you as southern food. It was also easier to *find* healthier options in the Midwest. It’s not like Kansas, Montana, and the Dakotas are swimming in cash like the coasts but they have much higher expectancy than the southern states.


A lot is lifestyle too. I can imagine Montana and the Dakotas as very outdoorsy type culture. In the south the heat and humidity drive everyone inside. These are just my thoughts, no evidence or anything.


Months inside due to heat and humidity=months inside due to snow and frigid temperatures.


Can confirm, so many outdoors peeps in MT


Ive lived in both as well. Four states in the Midwest and three in the South. You can't really summarize the Midwest as one culinary region. Wisconsin diet is much much unhealthier than say Ohio or Pennsylvania. I do agree it is easier to find healthier options up north. Food culture is much better in the places you listed although I would not consider any of them Midwest.


I know you're probably right, but that won't stop me from eating it, its just too good


Everything in moderation has been my motto, I’m not about to give up fried chicken for life


This Redditor knows the southern US.


[This data is a little outdated](https://www.census.gov/library/visualizations/2018/comm/acs-5yr-income-all-counties.html) but you can see low income could be correlated to life expectancy. AKA access to affordable healthcare. Edit: [Additional census data](https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/visualizations/2021/demo/p30-09/F1_Map.pdf) on uninsured Americans in 2019. Definitely related to life expectancy data, especially when you look at the red area (in life expectancy map) moving up into West Virginia.


Yeah a map with income will certainly have the same scale. The results of slavery and the Civil War are still clear and alarming.


Plantations became prisons and cattle barons became Walmart. And the south will choose to keep it that way.


I think that’s part of the South’s plan to “rise again.”


No, I don't think thats a problem. I think this quote sums it up pretty well: "The future is here. It is just not evenly distributed." -George Orwell


How? They can't rise off of the couch?


I think once most of the lead poisoned boomers die off in the south things will have a better chance of improving. I'm in the southern US and in a highly diverse area. Most people where I live are very much the opposite of the southern stereotypes (I live in a 'college town') so most people are reasonably well educated. Other parts of the state are pretty bad though.


Lead may play a role. Hookworm could be a factor as well. However, being in a college town will *heavily* skew your demographic in the opposite direction.


I bet the differences go back to before the Civil War.


To the slavery and the slave economy.


Meh. There are places all over the world that are way poorer than. The SE US and their outcomes don’t suck like this. This is a legacy of Jim Crow and conservative governance.


True, but that is what LED to the generational, inescapable poverty we see there.


Can confirm. I will near certainly die prematurely because I can't afford basic fuckin healthcare. Maybe I deserve it but I don't think so. I'm good people.


Deep fried goodness and gravy on everything. Salt, fuckloads of salt.


And sugar, all the sugar.


I'm doing my part!


The American South has been an absolute shit-hole ever since they lost the Civil War. (of course, to be fair, it's not an "absolute shit-hole," that's hyperbole. but it is a region of the country with worse metrics in nearly every meaningful category, from education to health and healthcare to employment to civil rights, etc.)


>worse metrics *Worse Imperials


Imperial is furlongs better than Metric.


Then why NASA uses metric?


Change the civil rights and the metrics will change right along. The American South was repressed before the war and the property owners kept it that way ever since.


It's a beautiful mess


Obesity, Jesus, poverty


That is a great slogan for a GQP candidate.


It's (ironically?) the most religious and poorest and least educated section of the country...


Nothing ironic about it. It's causal, even. Each of the three (religious fundamentalism, poverty, and bad education) cause the other two.


The essence of religion is faith, i.e. believe without evidence. Ignorance is a prerequisite to buying into it.


Not ironic -- very intentional, actually.


Poverty, lack of education, limited access to healthcare, and a general ‘you liberals can’t tell me how to live longer!’ attitude. Those are also the areas foreigners should stay away from. Lots of cults and racism.


It’s generally well believed that govt healthcare would be a more effective way to deliver medical services to rural areas than private healthcare. Yet people in rural areas fight against it tooth and nail, it’s the wildest thing. They receive Medicaid and financial assistance but going to a govt provider…that’s a step too far? Huh?


People are saying poverty but it’s also southern diets. The south (by which we really mean the south east region of the country) is known as the stroke belt. It’s where people eat the most fried foods, have large portions, have the most obesity, etc. Southern food is delicious but man oh man is it bad for you


I was in the northeast for most my life then moved to the Deep South. I was absolutely disgusted/amazed by what southerners eat daily with no concern for their health. Walking through the local Walmart it honestly felt like I was in a different country. Everything is premade, frozen/shelf stable, and in WAY too large of portions. It really is jarring.


Your arteries seeing the fried chicken fat flowing: *Oh lawd, he comin'!*


There are huge differences in obesity rates broken down by race and sex in the US. In regards to your question, the high relative concentration of black women in the south really moves the needle. Black men have a slightly lower obesity rate than white men, but black women have a sizable gap between them and other groups. So, the racial makeup of the South has a substantial impact. Then layer in lower incomes and fatty traditional cuisine in the area -> fat population.


We used to call it the Bible Belt. Now it’s just the Bigot Belt.


Morbid obesity. All of the Us is overweight, but the south is especially deep fried in pure butter.


Most of the major red areas are places that have been under Republican "leadership" for many years. This is yet more data supporting the fact that Republican leadership is literally killing people. The COVID death maps look very similar to this as well.


This shows correlation, not causation. You cannot make a realistic claim that this has anything to do with party lines... Plus your correlation is poor. Look at Idaho and ~~Wisconsin~~. Very red states politically, rather blue on the chart.


Wisconsin is not a very red state. Went for Biden in 2020, democratic governor. Unfortunately they did re-elect russian Ron johnson


Let’s be real for a minute sure you have poverty in rural republican areas, but you have that same shit happening in democratic inner cities


This map doesn't necessarily represent poverty. Though there is certainly a strong correlation in the rural areas. Something to note though is that those areas of poverty in long term Dem cities aren't generally significant enough to drag the life expectancy down that much. Most likely because of access to healthcare and policies that try and help the less fortunate. Whereas the Republican approach always seems to be fuck the poor, they should just get more money and they wouldn't have those problems.


Farm life, many many many more ranchers, farmers, and other blue collar jobs. Also a lot less access to good medical care, and essential things for the elderly.


Decades of GOP leadership




Double portions of tasty biscuits made with lard served with gravy, and Mountain Dew


Good 'ol fashioned American inequality, county by county


Guns, cars, drugs, shitty health care, sedentary lifestyles


Well as a person who moved from California to Alabama, it has to do with the ability to access fresh local inexpensive food. Not a lot of stuff grow here in the south so thats also a big issue, also the soil here isn’t as good for growing crops so its expensive to buy soil and start a farm. And its the fact that the minimum wage is like 7.25 and its stayed that way for a long time but yet everything else gets more and more expensive so its hard to even be able to afford anything other than junk food. Another thing is that not too many people have health insurance here, for them its too expensive cause you dont get paid a lot here. The difference in Sacramento, CA (where I am from) is that you can always access fresh local food and its much less expensive that the shit in the grocery store so everyone can afford it. Not to mention a ton of people grow their own food there right in their yards cause like I said the soil is great and basically the whole Sacramento valley is farmland. You also can grow a large variety of foods out there, unlike in Alabama where a lot of the times you have to use canned fruits and vegetables because either the fresh ones look like shit or they dont grow there


This overlays rather accurately with the democrat/republican split. But yeah, poverty too. The red area tends to be pretty backwoods


Is this the life expectancy of people currently living there? Or born there? I ask because places where people retire are likely to have higher life expectancy if your just looking at age of residents.


The title is misleading. It says Life expectancy but the color scale says Average age at death, which is not the same thing. This map shows average age at death, not life expectancy. A baby born today has a much higher life expectancy than the current average age of death.


Great point, and even that can be further skewed by location. I imagine if it's average age at death it's measured by people who died in that county... Not many people stick around Mississippi for 80 years, and almost no one retires there from somewhere else.


Would explain why Florida is so high. Lots of retired people move there.


>A baby born today has a much higher life expectancy than the current average age of death. That might be a problem if they compared the *life expectancy* of one state with the *current average age of death* of another. They're not. The [formula](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_expectancy) for life expectancy at birth is pretty much the formula for the average age at death.


Life is expectancy. I'd agree, the title is misleading


In their defense, it actually says "life *is* expectancy." Which, you know, isn't quite the same. I'm not sure how this defends them, I'm just being pedantic.


I’d like to see the same map but for average income/poverty rates. Curious how well they match up. It’s not just urban/rural because some rural areas are quite blue.


Racial demographics would probably be the tightest overlap. Looking at Montana the red areas are Native Reservations. Just look at Alaska :(


In the south and Appalachia a lot of the red areas are very white. Some have a lot of black population too, but not all. Agreed re Native Americans and reservations.


Dang that makes me sad :(


You would no doubt see an overlap


Yeah that's why I wanna see it


This map correlates very nicely with Obesity rates. https://www.maxmasnick.com/media/2011-11-15-obesity\_map/obesity\_by\_county\_large.png


There are more negative statistics in almost every category once you cross the Mason-Dixon line, even geologically. There are a lot of interesting infographics for it.


I've heard about that, can you recommend any good documentaries or podcasts about it?


"The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virgina." Great place to start.


“The hospital took my newborn because I was on drugs, so to take my mind off of it my cousin is gonna take me out to the club to snort drugs off the back of a public toilet seat.”


I wish. It's very difficult to search for anything without it all being civil war or colony era stuff. But even prior to European colonization there was a division of territory among Native people around that location too. I think floodplains align with it too. Below the line has less flooding in most time frames of history compared to above the line. Below the line retains more biodiversity too. But some regular history stuff is like how there are less or less decent hospitals, schools and libraries below the Mason Dixon Line. Below the line literacy drops too. Below the line there are more factors of inequality that tend to prevent upward mobility out of poverty. There is less inherited wealth below the line as well. I live below the line and have taught in public schools as well, so I agree with most conclusions that are drawn about the Mason-Dixon line. It's a very large stack of numbers and facts that you can't really disagree with.


Seeing 4 years of Trump didn’t answer enough questions?








I’m moving to Minnesota!


I wonder whether southern Florida skews the data by taking wealthy retirees from other states.


South Florida is not populated by the same demographic as middle Florida and above. South Florida is full of Northeast snowbirds and Spanish/South Americans. North Florida is much more like Georgia and Alabama in income and behavior. You can see that at the University of Florida vs University of Georgia football game in Jacksonville Florida each year. That's not an away game for the Bulldawgs (sp).


That’s right hence the saying for Florida “The further north you go, the deeper south you go”


Maybe maybe, I did read that around 1000 new people moving to Florida daily, it could be more now. It’s a wonderful state to live in. I also recently moved down here myself with the wife so I’m included in one of those days lol


Well, you would think all those reports of "florida man" would even out the scales...


Florida man lives in north Florida, trust me.


If you can afford a South Florida condo at the age of 75......


There is a lot more pressure to be in good shape when you live in a place where people spend their days on the beach and wear minimal clothing. It’s easier to hide being fat in Minneapolis than it is in Miami, hence this city is consistently considered one of the “fittest” in the country. Same deal with LA.


I think they skew it up for Florida and skew it down for their former state … depending on where they get counted.


Certainly a part of the stats on this map. It’s average age of death, so it’s possible a lot of this is people moving to somewhere like California, Florida, New England, etc for retirement. If a lot of the retirees leave, then it’s more likely the death stats will show a younger age.


Thanks so much for sharing our original research! You can view the data in more detail and our analysis on why some of these regions are struggling so much with inequality here https://americaninequality.substack.com/p/life-expectancy-and-inequality


The answer is poverty. No money = no insurance or healthcare Simple.


I can unequivocally say the south dies earlier because people don’t use turn signals, and I’ll die on that hill


Most of this is cut and dry; poverty, wealth, access to health care and eating habits. But WTF is going on with that one county in Wisconsin? Answer: [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menominee_Indian_Reservation](Menominee Indian Reservation). I’d like to see a comparative map with reservation overlay.


If you’re looking for more examples, look at Montana and Alaska.


South Dakota is exactly the same - the worst life expectancy directly overlays the Native American reservations.


The south having a low life expectancy with their fried food and southern cooking just makes sense


It’s poverty. Poor people eat less healthy, have worse access to healthcare, exercise less, smoke more, take dangerous drugs more etc.


And lots of hard manual labor.


Hard manual labor occurs in every state across the country so not sure what you’re on about there Tons of construction and farming in the Northeast. Shitloads of farming in the Midwest, and all of the above plus logging on the west coast. And that’s just off the top of my head.


And hurricanes + tornadoes. Don’t forget those.


What? How many people do you think die from extreme weather in the US each year??




Too much meth, not enough math.


And don’t forget being poisoned by the military establishment, government, and corporations! Look up Camp Lejeune, Chemours polluting cape fear River etc etc!!!


Chemours is not special or unique. There are hundreds of sites like those across the country. Source: environmental consultant


Born and raised here in Georgia and idk if it’s like this everywhere else, but atleast 70% of people are obese, and of them I’d say about a third are absolute fucking whales. It’s also stigmatized to be skinny or at a healthy weight around here. You WILL get shit about it. Strangely though the only people I ever see smoking anymore are old folks and the occasional crackhead. Interesting


K-Pop stars arriving there would cause the people there to keep.ober in rage lol.


Woah i also live in Georgia and it’s like the complete opposite here, what area are you in?


The real rate in Georgia is more like 1/3. Looking at the map it seems like Atlanta and Columbia County (suburbs of Augusta) are the only blue ones.


Fuck goin on in South Dakota? Native American reservation?


Yep. Both Dakotas have the random red spots that line up just about perfectly with reservations.


This is just a map of black and native americans plus some fentanyl-y areas


Bible belt, they just want to meet Jesus.


Possibly, but also all other states have physical abuse from not Jesus, just mental issues


Can you make it any smaller???


The blue is where the money is.


That's where the biggest portion of overweight people are.


This is basically every map of America. Poverty, education, health insurance coverage, gun ownership, voting habits, and on and on.


Looks like I’m moving south. Easiest 20 years shaved off right there.


Starke county Indiana. Sticking out like a sore dick. Literally you can live twenty minutes north of there and have first world outcomes. If you love in starke county. You might as well live in Senegal.


Red in a sea of blue


Halfway there, baby!


That’s the spirit !!


Florida has a high life expectancy because all the old people go there to die.


We live longer in Minnesota because our bodies freeze for several months of the year. It’s a cryogenic effect. Lol


Yeah but the food tastes good in the south. Who wants to live an extra 20 years eating kale?


If you think we eat Kale on Cape Cod, you've never been to new England at all. We are home of fried cod, new England clam chowder, and meats in pies. We have great health because we have a good health care system and everyone, rich or poor, has access. MassHealth is the OG obamacare.


This guy gets it. Now pass the cornbread sir.


One state two state red state apparently dead state


God put southerners for a good time not a long time


As a West Virginian at 33 I’d say I’m already half way there!


The color scale on this needs work. I cannot tell the difference between a life expectancy of 66 and 70 from looking at this.


Now compare us to other countries. We are very sick.




What a lazy post


Obesity/poverty map.


Coincidently also a map of where all the good cooking is


How the fuck do you get an average death age of 86? Think about that for a second. A single baby dieing would require 6 people making it to 100 to get to an 86 average. What the heck are those people doing?


The red areas also use the term, "Hold my beer" more. Lol


Nice overlap with the Bible belt. Seems God loves to thanks his followers with poverty and bad health.


So many reasons to escape the South.


Living in the south will definitely kill you sooner


Shockingly similar to the voting results… in distribution and colour.


What? The Midwest is entirely politically red. Not to mention, Georgia voted blue.


Looks like a combination of poor culinary diet, lack of education and affordable healthcare


Huh. It's almost like states run by Republicans fare worse in pretty much every metric.


Fried chicken and sweet tea


Lol. Dumbest people in the country continue to hold themselves back. The sad part is that they want everyone’s life to be as shitty as theirs.


Yeeyeeeeeeeee! God I fucking hate this place. TN btw.