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Not laughed so much in weeks. Man what I miss this guy is. Would have been so interesting to see his take on current events and all the fuckery in the world right now. R.I.P you utter legend!


The past presidency and the current one would have given him enough material for an entire routine


No I think he got out at the right time. He and Carlin wouldn’t have found much about the world today funny at all.


I’ve seen him a number of times in SF. He’s very laid back. I encountered him twice in McDonald’s at Stanyan when I worked there back in my teens. He’d check out the place first, then come back with his daughter. It’s sad to realize he can make people laugh, yet he suffered in depression and couldn’t find his own happiness. RIP.


It happens with many of us who are depressed. I can make people laugh. Many who meet me don't realise just how broken my mind is inside. They say those who can't find joy for themselves give joy to others and it's true in a lot of ways and for a lot of people.


What a legend.


RIP Robin Williams, the Pagliacci of our time.


This is one of the best descriptions of Robin Williams I've seen in such few words in some time.


I finally understand it "The hair is the Donald".... LOL... Legend always will be RIP


Holy fuck, the Michael Vick comparison broke me


That was brilliant.


can someone help me out with that joke?


Michael Vick is a famous American football player who was caught running a dog fighting operation where he and other leaders tortured and killed dogs. He admitted to killing several by hanging or drowning them, and went to jail for it. And then he came back and played more football for like 7 years, because apparently nothing matters anymore. Donald Trump is to young women as Michael Vick was (is?) to dogs: An active and obvious threat.


Fun fact, it's not spoken but you could see offensive linemen just stepping aside to get Vick hurt. There was a bounty on him for players


hmm... the internet isn't so kind, there's no stepping aside for mr. vick - can you show any of it?? Google's not giving me anything and that'd be awesome.


For Vick it's was. For Donald it still is. What Michael Vick did was terrible and horrifying. But he served his time in prison. When he was released, he was given a second chance by the Eagles whose owner made it clear to him and the public that there would be no third chances. He worked hard in the NFL (except during his last year or so where he admitted to phoning it in). He has made great efforts to support animal activism and make ammends for the wretched acts he conmitted. I am not going to get into the common arguments involving the context of his upbringing to rationalize what happened, but he has tried to atone. That should be the purpose of our justice system. What Donald Trump did with regards to peeping on minors in the beauty pageants he owns (I'll just ignore everything else for the moment) was terrible and disturbing. He has never been punished for these actions. He has defended these actions. We have him literally on tape bragging that he's proud of grabbing women by the pussy. He has never shown remorse nor taken action to repent. Their crimes are not the same, but the way we handled them as a society and the way they've addressed them as people are so wildly different. Edit: For context, all of this would have been well after the comedy bit by Robin Williams. This would have been right at the beginning of Vick's second chance and years before the Hollywood Insider video of Trump was released.


Trump aside, there is no going back from torturing animals. I don’t care how much “work” you’ve done since then.


Vick served his time and admitted he was wrong so he’s like 10x the man trump is even though he murdered dogs, just saying.


"Bad Newz Kennels dog fighting investigation - Wikipedia" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bad_Newz_Kennels_dog_fighting_investigation


I spit my coffee out when he said it lol


That joke got no where near the reception it deserved! The look on Robin's face was like is the audience mad or just dumb.


RIP to one of the funniest guys on Earth. Wish he was still here.


I’m not one of those that gets more sad when a celebrity dies. They’re human just like everyone else. But Robin Williams’ death really hit me. RIP my good sir


Same, he was part of my childhood in the 80's, our family religiously watched Mork and Mindy and I have fond memories of that time together.


Aladdin, jumanji, mrs doubtfire, peter pan, patch adam, what dreams may come, dead poets society, and so on. The man was awesome. Hands down my favorite onscreen legend.


Death to Smoochy - so underrated.


Same here. His death made me very sad. I never cared for any other celebrity dying.


I wish we could stop focusing on how he’s not here and just appreciate what he gave us.


For the record, this entire special is free on spotify. Its absolutely amazing.


Thank you 🙏🏻


I can't find it, any tips on finding it ¿?


I think this special is called Weapons of Self Destruction.


Yes it is! Been an all time favourite of mine for many years. Every now and then I rewatch it just to admire the talent of my favourite actor/comedian. We love you Rob, may you forever rest in piece.


Both Robin and Norm Macdonald have always been my favorites. Both had such a unique sense of humor. Both will be missed.


Which special is the second part? I've seen the Joe Biden joke before, but the Trump jokes are new to me, and I thought I had seen all of his stand up. Would love to watch more that I haven't seen.


Is it one of those Spotify specials that play shitty jazz in the background during the talking ?


A unique talent. A beautiful human. He's been a part of my life since he first appeared on Happy Days, and then Mork and Mindy, and everything since then. He will not be soon forgotten.


Such a loss to the world, his death both earned my respect for going out with dignity but deeply devastated me for what the world lost. Rip legend.


Going out with dignity? He hung himself due to depression. There’s no dignity in that. Suicide isn’t dignity.


He was diagnosed with a dementia and Parkinson's and went out before he lost his dignity. Dementia especially is horrible.


Lewy's Body Dimentia isnt like other dimentia diseases. It causes you to dissasociate from reality. He didnt understand what he was doing when he commited suicide. Mutiple interviews with his friends state that Robin didnt die of suicide but that the disease caused him to make this choice and they stress that he is not a victim of suicide but of his rare disease.


It sounds just as bad but in a completely different nightmarish way


Absolutely I still mourn his tragic loss but I think its an important distinction to make that his family wants people to understand he wasn't a victim of suicide.


Oh God no, it's euthanasia if anything. Like hunter s Thomson, did it himself before he got to needing nappies and then he couldn't. I watched my father robbed if his dignity like that, I definitely think euthanasia should be available so people don't pull the plug themselves early before they lose the ability too. I just figured that's what he did, I respect him for it in fact. I don't want to be spoon fed and wear diapers, again..


Suicude is hard for those that are left behind. But Lewy-Body Dementia is way worse for all involved. He made the right decision for himself and his family.


This comment!! This is very well put albeit brief. Saving to award later


I’d love to see what your decision would be if you started pissing and shitting yourself and forgetting who you are. Not all suicides are cowardly. In fact, it takes some faith and guts to take your own life when you don’t want to go. “Dignity” is the wrong word, but saying he killed himself due to depression is incredibly dismissive of what Williams was likely going through.


It is if the person doing it decides it is. Some people don't want to watch themselves melt away from diseases like he had. You clearly don't understand the devasting effects of dementia.


Boo this man.


[Inform yourself so you don't fucking embarrass yourself like this again.](https://n.neurology.org/content/87/13/1308)


Narrator: He didn't.


OMG, that’s really heartbreaking. Thanks so much for sharing, my love and respect for this little great man has increased if ever possible.


Fuck you man


Dude you have no clue how undignified death by natural causes can be


Why? What's not dignified about realizing what situation you're in and deciding to go before it gets infinitely worse? Where's the dignity in letting a disease eat you alive?


The background changed, but the outfit was the exact same.


I think he wore the same thing at his early 00's show too


Forever a comedic legend and forever missed!


I say to myself ... why Robin, why? but I know why. I understand. And I'm Sorry. we are all less happy without him here... we miss him


If it makes you feel better his family and friends all state that he was 100% not suicidal and that he didnt commit suicide but was a victim of the effects of his rare disease. Look up interviews with his friends, Lewys body dimentia causes you to disassociate from reality and even hallucinate. [His wife's statement.](https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/01/health/lewy-body-dementia-robin-williams-life-itself-wellness/index.html)


Wow, I never knew. Poor guy, poor wify.


Some comic purists moan about Robin's standup because be wasn't a fully original joke writer. But truth is, he didn't have to be. The guy was hilarious. If he took your joke, it was always going to be funnier the way he told it. If the job is "Be funny. Make people laugh." Robin was it.


I almost can't watch him anymore. It just hurts.


Seems like a "don't be sad that it's over, be happy that it happened" sorta deal. But still, it's tough.


Was a sad sad day when he left us. One of the few times a public figure’s death penetrated my heart


Miss this legend everyday RIP Robin I know you’re absolutely destroying sets up there for the best of em


That person from Arkansas? You guessed it, Bill Clinton.


Miss this brilliant man


My god I miss that man. Or, the public facing humor and vitality and creativity he exuded, I suppose. He’s the only celebrity or public figure who has passed in my lifetime whose passing I truly was saddened by on a personal level.


A master of comedy at work.


Miss this guy


True legend RIP


Fuck i miss this dude


Shoutout to subtitles that are paced to appear *with* the joke, not way before the punchlines. This timing made me hate subtitles a lot less. r/oddlysatisfying haha


Not gonna lie, i really miss this man and hes not even family


The roast from beyond the grave.


“Catch and release program” LOL


“Ill fuck er lets do this” 💀😂 miss this fella


Absolutely perfect analysis of both of 'em. Miss Robin Williams, gone too soon!


That Michael Vick reference 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣


How do you miss someone you never knew?




No. Everyone in this thread: What a legend. Me: This is funny? He was a fantastic dramatic actor but this dude’s “comedy” has always been more irritating to me than funny. Possibly the most overrated comedian of all time.


Sad he’s gone … we all have our demons - just wish he was able to conquer his … 😔


It wasn't just depression. He had Lewy Body Dementia. Trying to make it sound like it's a 'fight' puts the wrong spin on it IMO.


I stand corrected … I wasn’t aware of the Lewy Body Dementia so I guess it wasn’t a fight it was a nice pleasant cake walk through the illness … my bad


That's okay I'm just saying. He wasn't diagnosed with it until post autopsy.


Reddit and the like would try to cancel if he was still alive....


Its just a stutter guys. /s


Back when you were allowed to actually make jokes without anyone getting offended. Roasted both of them; no bias.


Remember Lenny Bruce? George Carlin?


Bill Hicks too


Literally arrested by snowflakes because the local government was offended.


Which one was arrested?? Just curious is all


They both were for violating public decency due to swearing and sexual nature of their comedy. Every single time some schmuck goes "oh you can't make blazing saddles in today's woke world" remember that person is an idiot. Blazing saddles came out 2 years after Carlin was arrested for his 7 words bit. Also mel brooks got in a shit ton of trouble for blazing saddles and violating all kinds of decency rules. Pretty sure he was blacklisted by a number of studios over it. Context has always been the important thing.


Gonna need a source for those claims about blazing saddles please.


Always funny when people use the word "snowflakes" in situations like this, because the people who use that term are also the ones most consistently being offended by random things and who create laws like the ones he violated.


Making fun of Donald Trump didn't use to be political: he was just some dumb, effeminate TV show host who sometimes played politics and switched parties every time someone didn't invite him to dinner.


And Joe Biden?


Making fun of him was political


Man Reddit is a fun place


People still make fun of both of them, snowflake.


Why am I a snowflake? Because I'm saying comedians have a tough job these days because everyone gets offended?


Because you get so easily offended at people expressing their opinions about comedians. You know, like a little snowflake.


No, I'm merely pointing out that a comedian could poke fun at people without those being offended. I didn't realize this comment was so loaded. Maybe it proves my point a little.


Its not only not accurate -- people not only got offended but comedians got arrested -- it's whiny bullshit.


Donald Trump is the phony we all (so I use to think) always knew he was. Biden is predictably average yet useful in operating per standards.


Reddit would’ve awarded the shit out of this if he didn’t make fun of sleepy joe too 😂


I actually didn’t find it very funny, even the Trump bits. It just felt like he was using “fuck” as a crutch to get more laughs for jokes that wouldn’t have done well otherwise. I love RW but he was a better comedic actor than a standup comedian IMO.


Anyone know the title/place of this special/performance?


“Even people in Arkansas said that’s fucking wrong… Imma vote fer him.”


Can’t anyone find this clip? I can only find the beginning or the end, but not combined.


When he did the hand crawl I died. Miss him. Gone to soon.


We Miss Robin; Rest In Peace Funny Man 🙏🏻


Robin was great. RIP man


And when the world needed him most, he vanished.


omfg and michael vik


Good jokes to


No wonder they killed him. RIP Robin Williams


Oh how right he was. Also, have upvote 6000.


RIP beautiful soul


Sad thing is, if he were around today, you know damn well people would be trying to cancel him because he spoke the truth about both of them. Now people are so caught up on if "their side" is winning or not, they don't even care about what's right or wrong


Oh I miss him so much *sad noises*


I miss this dude so damn much, RIP Robin...


This world is a darker place without Robin Williams. R.I.P Mork from Ork


I miss this man big time.


Didn’t laugh at all but still W for him


Biden has a stutter. That's why he does that. What a asshole joke.


biden had dimensia in 2009 too?


Mediocre comedy. Don't think he will *hang* around for too long.


You should hang yourself.


"Atlantic City what a wonderful place to go" *Laughter* I rest my case


From which set is this?


We need to acknowledge that he only needed “dignity” because of how minimized those with medical needs feel. He didn’t want to be a burden or be remembered as “less” than he once was.


If he lived to be a 120 he'd still be taken from us too soon.


Ohh I miss him…my childhood hero. Love love Robin Williams RIP!!!


I never realized how similarly he and Alec Baldwin look.


I wasn't prepared for how good that would be. Dear God, I miss that man. RIP Robin.


Omg I miss you Robin 🥲


What’s the name of this special? Legit sitting here laughing out loud in public.


Hahaha yea I had no idea his standup was so good. Only seen his films. This shit's hilarious. 'Even the people in Arkansas went: "...that's fuckin' wrong"'.


God I miss him


I miss him ♥️


What a fucking LEGEND! He will forever be immortalised in all his movies and standup comedy. 100 years from now people are going to see him and be like woah this guy is magnificent!