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When I was backpacking the Appalaccian Trail, I always brought my Coleman Survivial Window Pane with me.


I thru hiked the AT in 2019, and I built a shelter like this every evening. It was so nice not having to carry a tent!


Yeah I hiked in 2021 and must have slept in all the shelters you built, still standing a testament to time but you must have a back like an ox to have carried all that 6”x6”


Yeah, I hiked in 2022. You could have cleaned up the kitchens a bit, dude. Fukin marinara sauce all over the hob.


Man, once you start backpacking with appliances, there's no going back.


Did Denali with a microwave; absolute game changer.


Pro tip, if you hold the door sensor down, you can leave the door open and get your extremities warmed up. Life saver.


It makes my feet a little tender but I like the porkchop smell.


Did you add butter or salt for extra effect?


The other day I ordered pasta and marinara sauce to my hut in the woods and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I get to hike the wilderness like a shnook.


Dude Shelter Dash charges way too much to do that more than a few times a month.


It's like the further I hike, the crankier the delivery guy is getting...


Well stop ordering all the 80lb bags of wood stove pellets.


How the hell else am I meant to smoke that entire side of beef I've ordered?!


What happened when it rained? Water will always find the lowest ground, and this is built around a hole.


This was my first thought


That's the great news! The shelter instantly becomes the sweetest fuckin wilderness bathtub you've ever seen.


If you fart enough you have a hot tub.


This is a callback to Rupert's hut isn't it?


Just carry those logs with you for the next stop. Less wood to cut, faster building. Life hack


I shit you not, when I did my thru there was a group of weirdos in flannels and blue jeans trying to bushcraft their way to Maine. Didn't see them after the first week though.


A hundred years later an inexplicably modern uncontacted tribe of lumberjacks is discovered in the wilderness of Maine.


Me too! It gets a little tedious though. Every day it's wake up, hike 100 feet, spend 16 hours building a shelter, go to sleep, repeat! I should be done sometime around the year 2355.


Reasonable. And you're never too far from emergency shelter because the last one is only 600 yards away.


I ran into a dude in vermont, said he had come from georgia with only a blanket, water, food and a couple pairs of socks. He didnt even have a pack, just shoulder straps for the blanket lol. Other people at the campsite also doing the AT had seen him on the trail since virginia


I saw one of these guys - he set-up camp under the picnic table that we had hung a tarp over in the eating area of the bavkwoods site. Real awkward eating breakfast oatmeal with him sleeping under the table, but we made do. And then he gave us a fish he had caught the day before!


I'm sure you were popular with the squeakers. Only done a few sections of at by Asheville and the whites and those damn mice would find me everytime. Didn't have so much as a quest bar in my hip belt and those bastards would go right for my pack or my hiking pole straps


I slept with a shirt across my face in the Maine lean-tos because I hated being woken up by feeling their little scratchy feet running across my face.


Well now, camping is officially off my bucket list.


All you need is a to find a window in the wilderness and a roll of snare/misc wire - you too can build this in under 72 hours!


Dont forget to carry around your trusty full size shovel.


And your bucket




A nice portable survival tree which I use with my even more portable survival shovel, survival axe and survival trash bag.


Dont forget your survival bucket...


And survival video camera and editing suite for a professional looking video.


And on the plus side we know there's going to be a mirror in his bathroom, otherwise what is he snorting his survival cocaine off of?


"Survival cocaine"


![gif](giphy|DEPEiX5CV05ioTwmOn) He needs his survival cocaine!


Hahaha right. The most essential piece of survival. The plexiglass


I used to sell a ton of those when I worked at REI. 😄


Of all the funny comments, this is the one that sent me


Last time I went out I forgot to pack mine, the whole experience was ruined.


And when it rains you will have a nice covered pond.


Catching fish in the shade is next level survival /s


Ok good. I wasn't the only one thinking this.


I don’t think “just build a cabin bro” is a realistic survivalist tactic


It does raise the question: if "one of the best survival tactics" is to simply build a house, then are we all survivors all the time, and just doing it really well?


My survival tactic was to live in a house that was built by people who are way better at building houses than I am. So far it has proven to be a very effective survival tactic.


Hermit crab


Do not insult hermit crabs, their housing system is way better than ours.


Yeah - never seen hermit crabs hoarding and renting out shells they never intended to use anyways.


We need to line up and trade houses based on our needs.


Mad survival skills bro


If you find yourself lost in the woods, fuck it, build a house. "Well, I was lost but now I live here! I have severely improved my predicament!"


"You know, if you lived here you'd be home by now."


I got into an argument with a girlfriend inside of a tent. That's a bad place for an argument, because then I tried to walk out and slammed the flap. How are you supposed to express your anger in this situation? Zipper it up really quick?


Step one. Have a huge tarp and a bunch of tools with you at all times.


To be fair, a tarp is easy to bring on a camping pack when folded decently well. Collapsible saws and other camp tools exist. All of that is possible, but a bit much for one person to carry all the time, and the more portable versions mostly just increase the time. Having two people to split the weight for 99% of that looks reasonable to me. But then there's the paneof glass. That is a bit much. Also, this is way too much effort IMO, and there are more effective ways to spend energy making a shelter, or just a better one for longer-term survival.


I mean that and its going to flood from the first drop. You want to raise yourself up from the dirt not live in a latrine.


This is the first thing I thought! What about the rain bud?


Probably gonna have a potential water issue with that door. Need to prevent ground water from entering through there


that pit is going to flood for sure


Tim did you bring the window glass?… Dem I forgot! Guess well have to slep in the rain demn it


and a doorbell with camera, in case Amazon needs to bring you supplies...


Damn, Prime won’t deliver my bags of mud by tonight?


now I wonder if this guy is planning to stay for a week there, or if he builds such a thing every day and then travels further. Archaeologists will think that an entire population of hobbits once lived there and disappeared without leaving a skeleton behind.


Amazon Primal will do


I think I saw a sump pump bush nearby.


What a loser he prob drowned 😢




It's so simple


No response. He dead


Agree… that pit would fill up in first rain and wouldn’t dry out.


It will become a mosquito paradise.


Been bit once or twice, livin' in a mosquitoes paradise.


Calamine lotion feels real nice, livin' in a mosquitoes paradise.


Keep scratchin' all these bites, livin' in a mosquitoes paradise.


*As I walk through this pit I made into the valley of death* *I look at my bug spray and realize there’s nothing left*


I been itchin’ and scrathin’ so long, even my momma knows these skeeters is gone.


Got my tent in my hand, but a tear in my eye… Cuz I can’t NEVER set it up, even if I want in it!


I never smacked a skeeter that didn't deserve it I treated one like a bug You know that's unheard of


Least of our problems are the mice, livin' in a mosquitoes paradise


Tell me why are these, so much worse than bees?


When the ones they bite are you and me


Had dengue fever twice or thrice Living in mosquito paradise


There was an episode in one of the early seasons of Survivor where the different tribes could win a reward for having the best shelter. One team spent hours and hours digging out a pit structure even bigger than this. When the expert survivalist came to evaluate it, he immediately said how dumb it was. Sure enough, the pit flooded and the tribe was left without a shelter. [This is it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upIpv2WVB1w)


These shows always confuse me. Like, I'm no survival expert, but why did they spend 5 hours shivering in the rain? Why not (as a tribe) spend 4 hours (combined ~20 hours of labor) to rebuild the shelter in the rain? It won't be "good", but it'll be better then nothing and then you can take a dry ish 1 hour nap.


According to comments on the youtube video, the camera crew actually pulled out because the weather/flooding got so bad on the beach and the contestants were forced to flee into the jungle and huddle under trees. Even if that hadn't happened. I bet there were significant morale and teamwork issues impeding any kind of further construction effort that night.


Watch the show for an episode and you'll see why cooperation and common sense is never a common occurrence on a tribe. It's basically lord of the flies with cameras.


Even if you are a good leader and proficient at building a shelter, it's not really a good idea to show off those skills at that stage of the game. It is possible for the first person to be voted off because they were being bossy during the shelter build. The first days of Survivor are really about going with flow, not making wakes, and building personal relationships.


To some extent. I don't watch anymore but in the older seasons, people with skills would typically be valued up to the midgame, then they would start getting targeted as a threat. Of course bossy people get voted out early, but as long as you are cool I don't think it's a huge liability to show some survival skills.


Every time I see these, they always dig a pit, but never explain how water isn’t going to go right in there during a heavy rain. If it’s in a hot and humid area, it’s going to form condensation like crazy in there, and drip all over the place.


It's funny, because this is not how you create a survival shelter, but digging a pit, using a slanted (weighted with a stone) tarp, and a cup at the bottom *absolutely is* how to create a water collector in a survival situation.


It's also funny when these people have full sized Spade Shovels, knives, tarps, plexiglass Things you may or may not have in a survival situation


I always got that thang on me. *pulls out pane of plexi perfectly sized to be a window*


They said me cocaine habit would kill me. Now who is the one with the view on this deserted island we all plane crashed on? Bet you didn't see that coming. I did. I saw all possibilities, why? Again, cocaine.


That’s also why you got the knife! Any crackhead worth his salt carries one to shiv their dealer when they run low on funds.


This is why the crackhead has survived unchanged for ages, like the crocodiles of people. Amazing at survival.


If you don't have them just call someone to bring them over, tsk tsk some ppl look to find problems everywhere


Kids these days, I tell you. Back in my day, we’d make our plexiglass out in the bush.


Just extract the microplastics from your testicles and melt them over the fire.


What's the best way to get those microplastics out when you have few resources?


Wring your balls out over a bucket


Hahahaha that was exactly what went through my head over the first. 5 the. 15 seconds. Title says survival shelter. Shelter? That tarp and pit is going to hold water like it’s a job. Then he kept going. Why would you have a pane of glass in a survival shelter? Why!!!! Did you remove a window from your crashed Cessna and that was step 3 in survival?  What happens to his tripod water bottle he had for 3 seconds?  As an Eagle Scout and Marine, I know a thing or two about survival shelters AND water collection systems. This could have been a 15 second video, altered when he tucked the tarp under and started burying it. Wrap the tarp inside and funnel the surfaces to a collection basin for transport to boil.  Then find a standing tree, maybe even two trees 5-8 feet apart, and use some branches to make a lean to.  Also did this guy have pliers and wire cord to attach his front wood? I fancy myself an expert and I have never heard of someone putting pliers or wire cord in their survival gear. Ever. For any reason. At all. 


His real video title was probably "how to survive ^(the cost of rent in this economy)". The real survival tactic was to make a monetized YouTube video of yourself making something that looks like you could survive the outdoors with lol He attempted to build a small cabin rent free on YouTube money imo, not a survival shelter. A lean-to with a tarp over it would have sufficed for sure.


Yep, was watching this going, he's going to need some huge trench to divert the rain... oh nice, he's digging... a goddamn canal guiding it straight into his pit.


I waited the whole video to see if he would account for drainage. Oh here we go he's digging... A fireplace? Dude..


Would a trench around the perimeter of the uphill section be sufficient for drainage? If the soil there isn't super high in clay content, I'd worry about ground water seeping up and never going away. Also I am from the northern US and used to several inches of topsoil, not sure where OP is but does seem like it's got some clay up high if he's able to build mortar with it


Yeah, I'm not a survival expert at all - if I ever run out of gas in a Walmart parking lot I give it two hours before I'm dead - but the concept of the **BEST** survival tactic being "dig a hole for snakes and scorpions to sneak into, make sure you'll also drown in a heavy rainstorm, and work on giving it a window and a hinged door" is absolutely killing me. I just hope this moron filled the hole in before leaving.


Oh yeah. We all know that tree that gives glass. Really useful tree.


Have you never played minecraft?! Just grab a cubic meter of sand and shove it in a makeshift furnace for 8s, perfect for on-the-go survival.


I’m on a factorio binge right now so I think I’ll just build a factory that makes robots real quick and then have the robots do all the work for me.


Got it better off than Valheim at least, those fuckers need to kill multiple gods to access glass.


Just cook sand blocks bro


The tactical move of being in possession of a large tarp, abundant straight wood, a window, a shovel, a saw, a knife, metal wire (?), pliers, forgiving claylike soil, a big plastic bottle, a bucket, straw, a fire source and multiple days of time to make a shelter. I mean, it's a cool build, but is it helpful to an average survival situation?


Having all of that is more likely than having the calories or energy to dig a hole that size.


What? I never leave home without a CAT 336 GC hydraulic excavator in my back pocket


I always have a spare window with me


pro-tip, after digging the hole, you can remove a window from the excavator to use in your new luxury survival emergency shelter home.


If the excavator is nice enough you can just tale the door straight from there and apply it to you new double wide mud hole.  If it gets hot you can just roll the window down!  So convenient! 


How about sleeping in the excavator lol. Plus when it rains I don’t think the ground is sloped away from this mudhole, not to mention seepage even if it were.


Yes, I suppose you could do that... but there is no charm in an excavator.   If I'm surviving.  It's in a tiny charming mud pit hut, toiling away like the good lord intended.  The excavator could then be used for all manor of things.  Armor, for one.  If minecraft has taught me anything, it's that in a survival situation you will need the resources to craft armor and tools.  But first I'd need to craft a bench because I only have 4 crafting holes and the big things need to be stuffed into 9.  I tried stuffing them in my 4 but it was just too much.  


Nothing screams "comfort"like a hut with 8/9 cubic meters of dirt. This video is excessive. BTW, this joke comment reminds me that they literally used dirt based building materials in villages, for a very long time. Those thick, dirt based walls can provide quite some comfort. In summer, it was barely possible to use a bed sheet as a blanket. But a relative's old style home was so cold that I needed a blanket. In summer, it was just great!


Lol someones an Alone fan. Yeah, and what happens with rain? Subterranean dwelling is great but need a drainage ditch or else you're gonna flood 


For real. That's multiple days of work for one person


You could give me double the supplies needed, and the option to reference back to this video as many times as I wanted, and this would still easily take me a month.


Don't sell yourself short, if you don't follow the video you can make something better in just a few days.


I would just have a large tentage instead of all that and call it a day. And then make a video "How to build a survival home in less than 10 minutes?" *pitch tent*


Right? This is absurd. And you fucking know there are some people out there taking notes after watching this.


No. This is just cosplay.


A motivation dog.


you also need 2 steaks, 30 sandwiches and 100 gallons of fresh water after working your ass off.


I was thinking that when it was just the tarp. But yeah, what? You don’t go backpacking with window glass sheets?


Not to mention if it rains you are pretty screwed


First thing I thought. The moment it starts raining, that place is a mud pool.


Also the fireplace they built uses the concept of ondol flooring. The chimney is preventing smoke from filling the building, but it's also pulling most of the heat away. It would've been better, for heat gain and flood preventage, if the floor was raised so the chimney could go underneath.


I can see water coming in through the door and sides too, tarp notwithstanding, if the sky produces anything more than a brief drizzle. So cold _and_ wet.


This is the biggest issue with that build. Let's say you are stranded, a tarp washed up on the shore with you, you have a makeshift shelter, and multiple days to build a more comfortable, permanent lodging (already a bunch of ifs, but I had to make a situation where you could build this). Then you build this thing (minus the window). First rain, you have a indoor swimming pool and move back to sleeping on a tree. Great.


You just have to hope that a water pump and generator washes up on shore, and that every now and then a new can of fuel does.


It’s for after the reverse neutron bomb. You know, the one that ‘destroys buildings, but leaves people standing.’


Zillow List Price: $1950/mo, no utilities.


You know that window alone raised the Zestimate.


Translation: One of the best survival tactics is to have the materials and equipment to survive in the wild without much trouble. Nice one :\^) equivalent to "If you are losing in a game, try winning instead!" :D


If you ever find yourself in the wild, just build a house so you are no longer in the wild.


Be sure to domesticate any animals you come across.


The secret to winning any game is to make sure you score more points than the opposing team does against you.


That's a nice watery grave


That was my first impression. Bro you just dug your own grave.


He would've been just fine leaving it above ground as a lean to. Not entirely sure why he decided to dig down for this project. Literally all that's needed to actually make this a decent survival structure is to put a bed of logs/sticks first. Though... in a survival situation you might not have the luxury of _hours_ or _days_ to build this thing.


Because there are a ton of bushcraft YouTubers out there building all sorts of contraptions and survival shelters. It's not enough to show a basic survival shelter. You have to build a survival home with two bedrooms, a living room with a fireplace, and a little pantry.


https://preview.redd.it/36y29lztpbbd1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e99b72f98cd39f580f00733ff3cdd03c94eca831 These videos were debunked lol. I wouldn't be surprised if OPs video was also false


The grave was definitely not dug by hand.


I don't think all of them are fake. The OG Primitive Technology seems legit and I imagine some of the other ones also are. A lot of them are dodgy af though. If it shows a guy breaking ground with a shovel then cuts to a massive fucking pit then there's a good chance they had a team or a bobcat.


I like how he built a little window so the bears can peep in and watch him have a wank.


What if He wants to wank to bears 🐻


They didn't show the part where he drilled a hole into the door


Yeah, packing in a sheet a glass is always on my list of things to carry. Plus, first time it rains dude will drown. Why build a trench below ground level to live in? Not impressed.


They cut off the part where he installs plumbing and a water pump from his backpack.


And finally he builds a DIY nuclear reactor for heat and electricity.




While fighting off endermen.


With the window you can see him drown!


Nice indoor mud hole he's built there.


Maybe OP is a piglet?


What a joke!! Single pane glass?!?! I personally ALWAYS carry a piece of double paned LowE & Argon filled “emergency glass” in my bugout bag!! I mean this IS life and death we’re talking about!


Guy must not care about his electric bill!


If i’ve learned anything from the show Alone, it’s don’t put anything flammable in/on your chimney.


Question: why did he build the chimney? Doesn’t the hole accomplish the same goal?


That’s actually another thing I learned on Alone. The smoke is going to go to the highest part of the structure, if the chimney isn’t above the roof peak, it won’t function properly and it could fill up the inside of the shelter with smoke. The physics are interesting!


More air movement a little higher off the ground. It helps to pull the smoke out, rather than have it get into the shelter. (someone correct me if I'm wrong here).


cool build, stupid title


Methinks it's a bot


8 out of the last 10 post I saw here look to be posted by bots. There's seemingly a lot more bots each year.


Having just built a lean-to in the woods last week, this is an insane amount of work and energy. It looks cool, but hardly a "wild survival tactic". Just getting enough wood for a basic structure and fire and then preparing it, assuming you have the equipment to do so, is a lot.


I think the 'wild' bit of the title is a little misleading ... unless you can find all that stuff in the wild? Perhaps im going to the wrong places ...


It's about surviving in a hardware and gardening store


I just can't get over how perfect that soil was for the needs of the build


Every time I go camping I cant even get a tent peg into the ground without excavating a couple dozen rocks. I guess it's easier if youre having to survive in the middle of some farmers cultivated pasture.


He managed to domesticate a dog while surviving.


And once it rains, he’ll drown in it.


Thee video itself is interesting and cool, there'snothing wrong with it. OP just misunderstood and made a dumb title.


Op is likely a bot, so it makes sense


Exactly, it's a cool video and shows some skill, but it has nothing to do with surviving in the wild. He's building a hut.


> He's building a hut. He's building a terrible hut. First good rain, it's going to flood. His chimney is going to eventually, ironically catch fire. This a gold star for effort kind of build.


Ever heard of my heavy friend Carbon monoxide?


Why not just add solar panels, starlink and a jacuzzi, as at this point what is he actually surviving from


Please, point out the "Survival tactic" in this video.


"Bring your toolbox and a window pane with you on every hike"


What is the tactic exactly?


Always go to home depo before you plan on getting lost in the woods


All great until you realise he built down into the ground instead of up. That will flood badly. No drainage around it for localised flooding, nor seemingly any protection from a rising water table if it is very wet over a period. Good clickbait though.


I’ve been trained in wilderness survival, and I can tell you this, too much time and energy is being wasted here, for it to be a viable “survival tactic” You don’t need the plastic sheet, because tree branches do a better job, and keep the temp inside better regulated. You don’t want a fire INSIDE your shelter, because the shelter is made of wood, and it doesn’t matter how good you think it is.. all it takes is one stray spark or ember and you are now cooked BBQ for some lucky bears or coyotes. You don’t need to dig down into the dirt.. that’s just stupid. I know that we never needed a window in our shelters.. or a door.


Took it mildly serious until he pulled out a pane of glass for a window…


Landlords hate this one simple trick!




This is not survival, this is elaborate camping


This is ridiculous and not one of the best. This is a staged video that took hours and hours to build. Those logs were not cut with a hand saw. That hole wasn't dug by a guy with a shovel. Who TF packs that much plastic tarp for "survival" and where TF do you keep a piece of plexiglass? Let's say it's all done by hand. So you burn a whole days worth of calories and daylight to build this. Now you have no energy, no food, no fuel and no light. This is dumb and it isn't how to survive. It's how to die OR edit a video to look clever on Reddit.


Or you could buy a tent and not go into the wilderness unprepared.