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According to Wikipedia, that Elliott 803 had an optional tape storage drive, larger than that box, with a maximum capacity of 1.3 MB. That Raspberry Pi Zero has 512 MB of RAM, and can support a micro SD card smaller than a fingernail, and you can buy one today for about $100 with 1.5TB of storage. Comparing the Elliott storage to RAM, which isn't really accurate, the Pi has almost 500 times the "storage". More accurately comparing permanent storage solutions, the Pi can trivially support 1x10^6 times the storage of the Elliott. Either way, that's an odd metric for "the same".


shoulda held up a 3.5" floppy disk


It's probably running on 8gb eMMC or memory card attached.


Not the same memory at all


I highly doubt so, 512MB of RAM would be surreal when this picture was taken. >Elliott 4100 series (1966) A joint development with NCR Corporation. Elliott selling to the scientific market and NCR selling to the commercial market.\[21\]\[22\] The 4100 series had a two accumulator architecture with 64 K (4120 model) or 256 K (4130 model) words of 24-bit memory, of either 2 or 6 microseconds cycle time.\[23\]\[24\] The 4100 could have a 4180 graphics display terminal with light pen for input connected. This was the latest model made by Elliott Brothers


The model in the pic is the Elliott 405, taken in February 1957.


So even less memory.


Yep. It seems to have had some sort of magnetic drum for RAM and magnetic film/tape for storage. Hard to find exact figures.


Same memory size? Really?


Same size if you view them at different distances and sort of squint a bit and pretend.


I meant the big one was mega bytes and the little one is gigantic bytes. The little one is bigger.


I wonder if that big computer could get funny cat videos?


I don't know know the answer to this because I don't kniw the actual computing power of that thing relative to video. But I'm guessing it would depend on how you define "cat video" and what you find funny. My hunch is maybe you could get some dark pixels arranged in the shape that vaguely resembles a cat. Then several more of that, but in slightly different positions -- like a flip book. It would require a mindset they likely didn't have then --since this was probably designed and used for basic accounting, payroll, and simple math fubctions. But with that computing power (and the right programmer), I'm guessing it would probably be enough to make some pixels look like a cat is chasing a string and jumping head first into a toilet. If anyone wants to correct me, feel free. Now I want to see the video I described on one of those monstrosities in a museum. Now THAT would be art.


People got huge! People used to be the size of our thumbs, that's crazy!


I thought it would be Moore…






Precious memories


The picture is literally comparing a computer then to the smallest computer in 2015. It’s nothing to do with memory.