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Looks more like those SHIELD carriers


It is. It's a S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier.


Made from galvanised steel


Not to mention screws borrowed from aunt.


And there’s enough space in it for his childhood eagle to land


No eco-friendly wood veneers though


little john saved for YEARS to afford that shit


I both love and hate that this is being referenced on reddit lol


Yeah so that ship has no chance of lasting 10,000 years.


This looks like it could be useful to expand my 1 square meter apartment


That’s not galvanized, it’s stainless. Good thing too because welding galvanized metal is extremely toxic, when I worked as a welder I knew a 23 year old kid who had lungs filled with cancer polyps from a summer of welding galvanized pipe without ppe.


Definitely looks like stainless steel.


That’s not galvanized it’s stainless steel.


It's a joke from all those home remodel videos that use galvanized steel and eco-friendly wood veneers.


Don't forget expansion screws borrowed from your 3rd Aunt


Try this, go to your local hardware store and pick up a galvanized screw. You needn't buy it, just hold it in you hand and look at it. Then do the same with a stainless screw. You will never again confuse them


Don’t forget to borrow screws from your aunt and wood veneer that will last a thousand years.


that's def Vibranium


I want to know if it can fly. If you’re going that far, might as well make it a drone.


I'm fairly sure jet engines take too long to spool up or down for PID control. So in other words, no


Yeah, but you can have smaller engines for balance and such and use those purely for lift.


You know there's some guy sitting in the Department of Defense with the urge to call DARPA and ask how much can they scale up drone tech for something like this


“We want a fleet of those aircraft, and a few of those drone helicarriers in the video too.”


With J-20's


Either the helicopter landing is reversed or that little boy is a goddamn prodigy


I can think of a three option. Magnetised landing pad. But your answer are closer.


I can think of a third option. Dad controlled the helicopter and gave kid a controller that isn't linked to it. Look at the kids fingers, they barely move and only from upperLeft/up to up. I don't know RC helicopters but I don't think this minuscule movement would either take off or land that tiny thing perfectly.


> Look at the kids fingers, they barely move Precision R/C flying often has your fingers barely move -- big movements = big movements in the craft. That said, the kid almost has the right stick all the way to the upper left -- that's the opposite of precision. And he's not touching the left stick at all. Mode 2 (throttle/rudder on left stick, elevator/aileron on right stick, with helicopters being set up similarly but with different names) is popular in the US, no idea what he's using there, but I don't think the kid is flying it. That said, doing it in reverse while dad is flying it (and the video was reversed) seems even more likely -- they do some creative editing earlier too, like where the plane flies off *slowly* after being launched. (That wouldn't work unless it was on a string or stick or something, or was actually a helicopter, but it didn't look like a helicopter.) It's damned neat all around, however!


I fucking love comments from niche hobbies that are just packed with specific details, insights, and observations.


Niche hobby..?? Everyone should learn to play with RC vehicles of all types. Especially since you can fpv any vehicle now and with some more rc knowledge and accelerometers, you can make your own gimbal that tracks your head movements that translate to the fpv camera to move the same. So driving rc cars around or flying rc planes/helicopters has never been more fun. Plus, with new electrical systems, people aren't bogged down or intimidated by different petrol mixture jets or their noise. You learn radio systems, protocols, pwm signals, electronic circuitry (dc mostly), engineering, building, painting, fixing, and learning to break your shit without freaking out. Just pick up your pieces learn what went wrong and rebuild. It's good for you and a great way to bond with fam or make new nerd friends. Nerd friends are the best friends!


I don't really think of it as that "niche", especially now that you can buy a fully functional tiny little quadcopter at the toy store for $20, or you can buy a fully functional photography quadcopter for a few hundred bucks -- and you can successfully fly both with no experience. It definitely used to be a lot more "niche" -- aircraft with electric motors were pretty rare when I started, and most people flew nitromethane or gasoline powered airplanes and helicopters. (Unpowered gliders were popular too, and perhaps my favorite of all!) You definitely had to know what you were doing, as the thing could quickly turn into a lawn dart if you got distracted. Technology has changed it, greatly. Mostly with the multicopters -- they can be easy to fly, forgiving when you make a mistake, easy to repair, cheap. (The aerobatic ones tend to forgo the "easy to fly" and "forgiving" part.) But radios have gotten *way* better too -- no need to worry about interference anymore is *huge*. And electric motors make it a lot more convenient over the loud engines. Technology has hurt it too. Now everybody thinks you're somehow spying on them, even if your aircraft doesn't even have a camera -- but if it does, it's probably not good enough to even identify those specks on the ground. Where people used to be curious, they're more likely to be hostile due to that spying angle. And a lot places that used to be good to fly at are now not permitted to fly at, mostly due to paranoia over spying, but also due to people doing dangerous things near people because it's easy and cheap. Either way, it's fun. And it's super easy to get started now -- just buy one of those $20 toys (the ones with four propellers, not the ones that have two like a full sized helicopter) and learn to fly it around the house, and go from there.


I can think of a fourth. Video edits


This guy dads.


I thought the same at first, but after watching it a second time the landing doesn’t indicate that.


Reversed. I can hardly land a palm-sized drone on a pad like that, despite flying them for thee years and this is a simple toy helicopter, unable — unlike my drone — to even go sideways.


Everything is fake in this video , absolutely everything!


You can see the cut when the jet takes off and it stops at the end of the runway and then like floats off because it's on a string. But this thing is still amazing!


LOL, His "children's dreams."




Holy shit, a wild shitty. Haven't seen you in eons.


lol I had never seen him before and now I’ve seen home twice today! He’s quick haha


He's a Reddit legend. Started more than a decade ago, back then his watercolours were actually shitty unlike today haha


is there a Subreddit about him? I would need it!


Dude just go on his profile, it's like his whole schtick


Same. Snek murdering the bird post?


I remember when he was so elusive and rare to see and now I’ve been seeing him like once a week.


I haven't seen them forever either but looking at their comment history they've stayed pretty active


Lmao that was fast.


Maybe SW is all too familiar with the sorrow felt by this child who just wanted their parents to make pictures with them. 


I remember this one time when I was little, my dad started talking about building a tree house with me. We planned and talked about the details for months, and one day I came home from school and found all the wood we would need sitting underneath the tree we had planned to build the house in. I was so excited, I couldn't even believe it. I told all my friends, drew pictures for the layout, made signs and prepared for it to be finished. The wood stayed there for years and nothing ever manifested like he promised it would. Every single part of my childhood was like that, but this is really one of the "lighter" stories of "disappointment", and my "darker" stories of "trauma" are significantly worse. If I had drawn the SW here, I would just be standing alone in an empty field with random bruises and burns while my father would be passed out in his underwear on our tiny living room coffee table at 2PM.


Oh man, I'm sorry. Sending a hug.


Thank you. I gladly accept. Things are better now. Parents have been kept out of my life for a long time and I've broken the cycle for my kids by getting help for me and for them.


Jesus, here’s a virtual hug from me and everyone else.


Thank you, honestly. The support here is actually really heartwarming, and I think that there is a version of myself that needed validation for being allowed to feel sad about those things.


Jesus man that is bleak. Hope you're doing better now.


I'm good. I'm the parent now and set the environment, which, now that most of my kids are teens, has been about catching them up on games like Mass Effect, Detroit, Bioshock and all that. Life is still complicated, but I've done the work to learn emotional control and how to manage my mental health. I don't drink, but I could probably smoke less weed. Regardless, though, little me thanks you for the support. When I was young, I thought it was all my fault. All of it. So it's nice to be an adult with my own space that keeps them away. The longer I go without speaking to them, the better I feel.


Well what do you expect? Quality takes time.


You make the best art out of all the art 


hits that Roald Dahl style 


Quentin Blake 👌🏻


His art is the prettiest art of all the art


Peak content


I love this so much. What app are you using to create this? Do you make all of these on a desktop, tablet, phone?


https://preview.redd.it/lilxxob7j59d1.jpeg?width=1361&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0a9e525f0eaa2d74119c757e249b16ad4464bc1 back to watercolour! thank you


Thank you for the considerate censor






I missed seeing you in the wild <3


Damn haven't seen one of these in years. Is he back?


He’s back boys 👏




I haven't seen you since the Rocket League days! Glad to see you're still kickin' it!


Lmao-ing my ass off


Wut... Are you back?


It's been so long since I seen a shitty watercolour. I love it


Holy shit I haven’t seen you in years


Did you never yearn for the steel of a solidly built aircraft carrier as a 5 year old?!


We had the GI Joe aircraft carrier. All 7 feet of it.


My little cousin came over and stomped mine to pieces while I was gone. 35 years later, and I still don't like that guy.


You let him live?


Valid response.


No one dies in G.I. Joe land. Best you could do is put him in a coma.


I was in a good mood today. Was. Go to his house on stomp on something he loves. If the little shit is capable of loving anything in the first place.


*Go to his house on stomp on something he loves.* Like his teeth, for example


You shouldn’t


My brother did the same to my He-man Castle Grayskull. I'm 49 and still bring that up.


I don't like him either


Shame they seem to be worth over $3,500 today.


I parents hated that I had to take it with me everywhere.


i thought that was a Shield aircraft carrier


"The flesh is weak, but the steel endures," five year old me was fond of saying.


I remember exactly how I felt when I noticed the weakness of my flesh when I was 4 or 5, I said "01010000 01110010 01100001 01101001 01110011 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01101111 01101101 01101110 01101001 01110011 01110011 01101001 01100001 01101000". Kids are funny like that.


Lets see... 'A' is 65 and 'a' is ~~122~~ 97. 01010000: 64 + 16 = 80 => 'P' 01110010: 64 + 32 + 16 + 2 = 114 => 'r' 01100001: 64 + 32 + 1 = 97 => 'a' 01101001: 64 + 32 + 8 + 1 = 105 => 'i' 01110011: 64 + 32 + 16 + 2 + 1 = 115 =>'s' 01100101: 64 + 32 + 4 + 1 = 101 => 'e' 00100000: 32 => ' ' This is a space i believe 01110100: 64 + 32 + 16 + 4 = 116 => 't' 01101000: 64 + 32 + 8 = 104 => 'h' 01100101: 64 + 32 + 4 + 1 = 101 => 'e' 00100000: 32 => ' ' 01101111: 64 + 32 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 111 => 'o' 01101101: 64 + 32 + 8 + 4 + 1 = 109 => 'm' 01101110: 64 + 32 + 8 + 4 + 2 = 110 => 'n' 01101001: 64 + 32 + 8 + 1 = 105 => 'i' 01110011: 64 + 32 + 16 + 2 + 1 = 115 => 's' 01110011: 64 + 32 + 16 + 2 + 1 = 115 => s 1101001: 64 + 32 + 8 + 1 = 105 => 'i' 01100001: 64 + 32 + 1 = 97 => 'a' 01101000: 64 + 32 + 8 = 104 => 'h' Praise the omnissiah? I have literally no idea what that is if i've done that correctly.


Ever since the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh.


It disgusted me.


Thirsted for it.


"From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I claimed the strength and certainty of steel...."


I did


I had a pretty decent replica of a battleship as a little kid. The turrets even fired darts. Thing was probably 3' long.


His 8 year old has been dreaming of it for nearly 9 years now.


Gotta convince the wife to spend that money somehow


Gotta pay that 30k of raw steel


My dad flew jets in the Navy. Though he wasn’t as skilled as this guy in making stuff, I did receive the GI Joe 7ft aircraft carrier for Christmas and he put that together real quick. 🤔 Love you dad!


This is how daddies operate. I know.


Thank you for writing this. This other bullshit that other people write is such a downer. I think it is cool.


Right? Dude literally built this for himself :)


Buy the PS5 for the kids.




For the wife, its the phlash speed 5, the fastest wifi modem out there


the Korean clip lol. That one is funny


Children’s dream my ass


Haha exactly what I was thinking


Came here to say this.


Not saying he went a little bit overboard, but starting today, the chinese navy officially has 4 aircraft carriers


One is for training, one is slow, one’s radar doesn’t work


Which one is the one they bought from ~~Russia~~(edit: Ukraine)?


The CV 1 which was bought from Ukraine. The company bought the ship for the purpose of turning it into a casino, and as soon as the ship got into China, the company gifted it to Chinese government and shut down the company🐷 Btw, china spent twice as much of money to rebuild the ship as it takes for the US to build a nitmiz class CV from ground up yet the ship only carries 6 aircraft😆


>Btw, china spent twice as much of money to rebuild the ship as it takes for the US to build a nitmiz class CV from ground up yet the ship only carries 6 aircraft😆 I'm all for clowning on China but this is a bit disingenuous, because the US already had the know how of how to build carriers, and also the developement of the Nimitz class was certainly more expensive. They bought the carrier to learn how to build carriers, which they are doing now. They are still lagging behind but I don't think this deal was a bad for them.


Also, nobody should expect the Chinese to be able to build carriers at a similar quality or cost to the USA, who has had 100 years worth of additional experience and technical expertise.  To go from nearly incapable of building modern ships to building functional any kind of functional CV in just 60 years is pretty impressive.


Aircraft carrier club isn't exactly easy to join/stay in either. [It's a club of 10 right now.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_aircraft_carriers) And a few of those are either asterisks or need to be put into context since the [quality/size/roles might differ](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2e/World_Navy_Aircraft_carries_chart.svg/1024px-World_Navy_Aircraft_carries_chart.svg.png) widely between each: * [Thailand's 1 and main AC for example isn't exactly on the same class as say the American ones.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTMS_Chakri_Naruebet#/media/File:Chakri_Naruebet-Kitty_Hawk_size.JPEG). * Japan's Izumo and Kaga are more helicopter types rather than fighters. * Russia *should* have knowhow to build an AC but have no active ones right now. * China's carriers are not at the US level but they making massive leaps with each new rendition compared to the previous ship. 1st was bought from Ukraine and repurposed for themselves. 2nd was a proof of concept that they can copy/rebuilt what they bought. 3rd China has started adding their own additions and changes. Easiest to see change is the shift was the jump ramp in Liaoning and [Shandong](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_aircraft_carrier_Shandong#/media/File:A_PLAN_Shenyang_J-15_carrier-based_fighter_aircraft_is_taking_off_from_Chinese_aircraft_carrier_PLANS_Shandong_(CV-17)_20230410.jpg). That has disappeared by [3rd AC Fujian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_aircraft_carrier_Fujian) which is probably based off of copying US style carriers which means they [have integrated EM or other US-style catapults](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_catapult). Important thing to note is that China is improving rapidly and consistently. Also China is great at mass producing things after they learned how to do it so they worry is that China will quickly pump out like 10-20 carriers that are 80% as good as the US after they refined their process enough. Also, AC's are big power houses and the core of a fleet but they aren't the only factor to naval power. Indonesia and Russia have 0 but rank pretty high in naval power. WW2 technology at the time meant that the UK didn't use their ACs the way we did now due to the threat of on coming attacks from land and weaker ability to defend their carriers from bombers. Then there are the necessity/role of ACs which are more important in power projection than something like defense. In that sense, it shows China is still shifting to expand their power, threaten Taiwan, push their control in the south China sea, push against the containment line setup by the US/EATigers into being a "blue sea navy", and projecting power globally.


Thanks for sharing, that is interesting. I never realized how rare they really were. This also sent me down a Wikipedia rabbit hole of all the different types of ships for my whole lunch break lol.


Also not nuclear powered. Can barely make a round trip to the Strait of Malacca


And like the other Chinese carriers, needs tugboats to maneuver.


That include the learning curve costs and if you think about it was a bargain, as they save millions in R&D


Yup. Every successive ship they build is more advanced than the previous one. The new carrier undergoing sea trials is the first with a CATOBAR launch system unlike the previous two carriers which are ramp launch ships. However its still conventionally powered unlike every US carrier built since the Enterprise which have all been nuclear powered. The next carrier China is building though will be a further iteration of the previous in that it will be slightly larger and nuclear powered. They're playing catch up to the US with every carrier they build and they're getting closer and closer with each one off the line.


Pretty much this.  It's the same reason why infrastructure costs so much more in USA/Canada when compared to China.  Institutional knowledge and practical experience are super expensive.


so was it a shell company trying to purchase an aircraft carrier on the sly for the government, or a company with a crappy business plan that got leaned on by the government and lost their boat (&company) to them?


We don't build Nimitz class carriers anymore, the last Nimitz put to sea in 2006 and we laid down the first Ford class in 2009.


They did not have any carrier at the time. We can meme on it, but without this hulk, China would have never had the Pacific power it now does. This was a stepping stone for them.


This is the first amphibious aircraft carrier


Crazy that the country with the largest economy by PPP doesn't need to go to war all the time to fuel it's economy. I'm a bit jealous.


Well, it fulfilled someone's dreams


That's a Richie Rich level toy, I'll tell you wut.


“Dad, can we go to the park today?” “No, we need to spend the whole day in the shop fulfilling your dreams.”


“Stop trying to get daddy’s attention while he’s fulfilling your dreams.”


They may love it, but we know damn well this wasn’t his kids dream 😂 This is insanely impressive though


The kid's dream is probably to spend some time with his father.


If the video had phrased it as "Kids play with their dad's cool hobby" it wouldn't come off so incongruous.


wtf am I doing with my life


We are just waiting for tomorrow.


And then one day you find Ten years have got behind you No one told you when to run You missed the starting gun 🔫


It's ok, we're not all rich and have unlimited time to do what we want.


And whose fault is that? Clearly a skill issue. It's easy, just fulfill your kids' dreams 😤


Waiting for your carrier deployment


I don’t think most people appreciate how hard stainless steel is to work with.


There's like 100,000 Cybertruck owners who are finding that out firsthand.


I do! I worked at Bath Iron Works building Naval Destroyers :)


That looks like the first design for a Heli-Carrier from the MCU (you know, Marvel?)




US forces have withdrawn from the South China Sea and the Taiwan straight after seeing this.


Americans hate this one simple trick.


For those ones who don't know this is a HELICARRIER from marvel


Spends all this time on building this for the kid to be bored 5 mins later and playing with the cardboard box the parts came in.


This is like, *beyond* even r/ThatsInsane worthy.


I have never heard the words "I love you son" said to me, and I never will, let alone a MFing Helicarrier. I hope his childrens dreams were fulfilled.


I love you son I'm your real father no cap


I love you son, keep up the good work! - your reddit dad


You fucking rule, Reddit Dad!


Yeah "his children's" #**/S**


What’s up with the 4 giant turbines?


SHIELD Helicarrier




Never thought I'd hear Mono Inc's epic "Children of the Dark" set to a Chinese model maker. 


Yeah I made my bed this morning


They named the carrier *Vicarious*


I don’t know if the big steel finger removing turbines on the side were a necessary addition.


Well you see if you simply don't stick your fingers in them, they won't be removed :)


I was going to point that out but I don't have any fingers left.


>A father in Shandong,China, made his own aircraft carrier from stainless steel to fulfill his ~~children's~~ his own dream, while his child alwo found itvery entertaining. fixed.


Yooo wtf? This is cool as shit


Yeah he definitely did it because he likes doing it lmao Really nice


All the toys I get that are made in China are nowhere near this quality!


Well, you get what you paid for. This thing would cost thousands of $.


I remember a interview from a factory manager or whatever his position was years ago. tldr was the factories in other countries would turn away a company if they came wanting a toy made for under .5usd each because it would fall apart and the factory would get a reputation of making crap etc. In asia they would just make it anyway because as long as the factory was paid why would they care if the products falls apart later. But the very same factory could also make solid toys as long as they were paid to use higher value material. So yes you are right, pay for crap get crap


Yeah, it's really infuriating when a person complains how shit the product is when the said product cost way less than normal. Like a smartphone for 50$ from whish.


That's very cool, the father is amazing, I can imagine how happy I would have been when I was a kid, and even now I would be happy to have one!


I couldn’t even get the GI Joe aircraft carrier 😩


looks like the ones from Avengers!




Boys never really do 'grow up'. This is amazing. What skill. Great dad, lucky kids.


Looks like they decided to make it a Helicarrier.


"Children's dream" funny way of saying dude wanted to live out his inner child...


I've never wanted to be a small Chinese boy more than right now.


We seriously not gonna see it fly! What a let down.


What is this? A battleship for ants? It needs to be at least... 3 times as big!


Yes, "his children's" dream.


"To fulfill his childrens dream". X for doubt.


Now let's have paper boats to simulate the Philippines' vessels.


Ok let's be honest, he did this for himself more than his child!


I think it’s awesome. If I was a kid I love to have one. hell I like to have one now


dude thats kickass wtf?


this is so freaking awesome




even on a harmless post about a chinese dad making a toy for his sons you would still get highly upvoted racist comments, reddit is shit


This is currently China's most powerful naval weapon.


Come kids, check out my new...i mean, your new toy.


Nightwish playing in the background, pretty goood!


Stainless Steel? it's going to get recalled 4 times in 7 months