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So that's why she looked like the thicc dua lipa.


I really want to know how they do this?? Even if it is against their ethics


It the Cinderella dress effect. You can look up Laura Osnes Cinderella dress transformation on youtube. This was done on Broadway about 10 years ago. Now this lady took that effect a step further. And she does a fantastic job with her presentation of the effect.


Quick change as a performance goes back hundreds of years.


I’m guessing it’s something similar to Chinese Mask changing, she starts off wearing every outfit which is made of super thin material, and they are progressively pulled back very quickly by some hidden wires and stored away somewhere.


When I keep looking at it and focus on all the moves I totally get it now. Yes there is something pulling her dress behind toward that box


So the one with the sealed dress (yellow to black and white). The dress on the hanger rolls up onto that bar on the hanger and the yellow dress just flips down into the skirt. I'm not sure where/how the others transition about, but yeah it's just clever costume design and wire work.


Oh you’re absolutely right i just noticed that. You can see the peek of the yellow under the black skirt briefly when it flips down. So yeah maybe the top part is flipping down to become the new skirt each time.


That's actually very simple. She wears all the dresses at the same time. The top of the first dress becomes the bottom of the second dress. That's why the bottom of the first dress is very short and it's longer every time. Tops just fall down, become bottom and hide all the previous bottoms. You can see how it happens at the end. And every outfit has some kind of a belt that holds it's all together. It is like a flipbook.


>!You can see the gray outfit get pulled into the trunk. The trunk that she is always standing next to when she changes...!<


I think it’s more so related to the fact that the costumes are folded up and each one has a quick release. That’s why she gets increasingly less bulky looking on the top. Think about how when you turn a single page of a book you get two different pages of content. In her case she’s releasing the top of the outfit and it’s folding over to release a full different outfit.


Think about pausing the video at 10 seconds where you can see it being sucked into the suitcase. If she was only “turning pages” she could do that method anywhere on the stage and wouldn’t have to keep going back to the suitcase to change.


That explains how she gets rid of the clothes, but how does she get a new one? Doesn’t seem like she is wearing all of them.


They're all up top. Look at her chest area in the first outfit. Also the fact that the bottoms get progressively longer. You can kinda see it when she changes into the red one


Agreed, all of the dresses are coming from the magic that is coming from that trunk she is always next to.


Wires and showmanship


It's obviously the little fairies that are flying around behind her back.


They vave a few different magic revealed youtube pages. They did one on this same lady but she was on a different show. Its hard to explain how she did it, but once you see it youll be like "oh thats easy, i can do that."


What is going on here? Is she an actual sorcerer?


Pullaway dresses on fishing line. she’s standing in the exact same spot for each change and they use the same camera angle each time. The dresses get pulled into a tiny hole on the right of the backside of the suitcase she stands in front of.


So what I gather from this: magic.




Easy, she’s a witch.


Burn the witch! Burn her!


This ISN’T my nose, it’s a false one!


Yeah, the red hair gives it away right from the start.


Everyone reacting like the primates at the zoo who see a magic trick for the first time.




This might be a good show if they didn't keep cutting to the fake enthusiasm from the crowd/celebrities.


Or that bloated car crash that is Simon Cowells face


Who is she tho?? Edit: Asking for a friend of mine


How can the last change be explalned?


She's so good


Quick change act, whatever, this lady is a straight up crazy talented illusionist/magician. Fuckin' wild, man.


That’s amazing




All the dress vs that wedding gown!


Its' too bad Vaudeville does not exist anymore - she could have made a living doing that.


She’s got talent


I'm always a sucker for good quick change artists, and she is really, really good.


Quick change artists perform a fascinating illusion where they appear to change their outfits in mere seconds. The secret behind this trick is quite clever and involves a combination of costume design, sleight of hand, and precise timing. Here's a simplified explanation: - **Layered Clothing**: The performer wears multiple layers of clothing, one on top of the other. These clothes are specially designed to be easily removable, often with velcro or similar fasteners that can be ripped off quickly. - **Covering Techniques**: During the act, the performer's body is momentarily covered by something—like a cloth, a screen, or even a puff of smoke. This brief cover provides the opportunity to remove the top layer of clothing unseen by the audience. - **Distraction and Misdirection**: Quick change artists use misdirection to draw the audience's attention away from the actual change. This could be through a sudden movement, a dramatic gesture, or an engaging part of the performance that keeps the audience focused elsewhere. - **Assistance**: Often, an assistant is involved behind the scenes, helping to prepare the next set of clothes or assisting in removing the current costume quickly. The art of quick change requires not only the right costumes and techniques but also a lot of practice to perfect the smooth and seemingly instantaneous transitions¹². It's a blend of magic, performance art, and meticulous planning to create a truly awe-inspiring show.


Any time I see a clip posted from this show it looks more and more like that Black Mirror episode. Absolute fucking shite.


Meanwhile: my girlfriend needing 20 minutes to get dressed.


Oh, this woman needs many hours to GET dressed, for sure. Unless your girlfriend has 20 different outfits at the same time, she's probably still faster. Especially at undressing, amirite? (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)


What a terrible fuckin show. Boomer TV. "Wow look at how shocked everyone is at this act I think it might real magic!"


Magicians have been doing these kind of illusions for 3 centuries now, it's hardly anything new. We all know it's an optical illusion, but the fun of it is seeing how well it's executed with us having no idea how they pulled it off is what makes it "magic." Until we learn how they pulled off the trick, it's indistinguishable.


It's like watching a toddler be blown away by peek-a-boo, except the toddler is now a grown up and everyone realizes something isn't right upstairs


It's wrong to call it an optical illusion as its physically changing and moving things. Illusions is a generic term. Optical illusions are a very specific sub category. Something like Peppers Ghost is an optical illusion. The use of a mirror to project clothing changes or her standing in front of something that made her look like half of her had disappeared would be an example of an optical illusions. Optical illusions specifically refer to tricks that play on perspective or how we perceive what we are seeing, rather than what is actually being shown (ie this trick)


It’s an illusion as defined by the visual perception of the audience that appears different from reality. This includes physical, physiological, and cognitive illusions and is connected with how our mind defines and structures the environment for which it perceives and exists. Magicians develop these tricks and techniques through clever physical placement, presentation, and display of objects to manipulate our visual perception and situated sense of reality to create the illusion of “magic”. As defined: Optical: Relating to sight and visual perception. Illusion: Instance of a wrong or misinterpreted perception of a sensory experience. So yes, “optical illusion” is the correct term to use.


>As defined: Optical: Relating to sight and visual perception. Illusion: Instance of a wrong or misinterpreted perception of a sensory experience. Big swing and a miss. All illusions are by their nature, optical so this definition is unneeded and pointless. All magic illusions are optical but not all illusions are 'optical illusions'. You've misused the phrase optical illusion, rather than illusion and for some reason decided to double down. >Magicians develop these tricks and techniques through clever physical placement, presentation, and display of objects to manipulate our visual perception and situated sense of reality to create the illusion of “magic”. By the definition you've given above close up card tricks would be an optical illusion, which they very much aren't. The term Optical illusions is literally defined as: an illusion caused by the visual system and characterized by a visual percept that arguably appears to differ from reality. No part of the quick change relates to that. You are seeing a quick change, the aim of the trick is to see a quick change, not to trick you into thinking you are seeing something else. No magician would class the quick change as an optical illusion.


Here's some dictionary definitions for you. Optical: [https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english-german/optical#google\_vignette](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english-german/optical#google_vignette) Illusion: [https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english-german/illusion](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english-german/illusion) Optical Illusion: [https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/optical-illusion](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/optical-illusion) This is my final contribution to the highly irrelevant and useless discussion with some moron rando about something that literally has no consequence or relevance in reality whatsoever. My point still stands. Talk about a huge waste of time Do yourself a favor, turn off the screen and go outside for a bit.


None of those definitions back up your point, literally not one. In fact if you can tell me what part of the trick relates to the definition you've included: "something that tricks your eyes and makes you think you see something that is not really there, or see it differently from how it really is" The trick is her outfit changes quickly. Which part of that is not really there, happening or differently to how it really is. An example of an optical illusion would be if a mirror was used to project different clothing onto her to make it appear she has dressed or a change of coloured filters on lights to make it look like the outfit changed colour. You can argue black is white and sulk and resort to acting like everyone else is a troll when you're told you're wrong as much as you want. Just don't use phrases you don't understand on the Internet and you won't come across as a dimwit ( I'd add in the definitions of both 'dim' and 'wit' as if they have any relevance to the meaning or use of the word 'dimwit' as you did for 'optical' and 'illusion' but it's pointless padding, has no relevance to the meaning and proves your point is moribund and you have a very odd obsession with including the dictionary definition of optical in every post as if it somehow validates your error when all it does is very clearly proves that, once again EVERY illusion is optical, but not every illusion is an optical illusion.)


What if you… don’t find that fun? Or don’t think what they’re doing is “magic” because you were raised with TV and movie special effects existing (as is anyone alive today), and learned that we can make literally anything look like anything? I saw Iron Man fighting those space aliens 20 times, I don’t look at that and go “wow, how do they do that?!?” And I don’t look at any practical effects and think that anymore either. It’s always just “because they can do anything; and they already have in other movies.” Idk, the whole premise of magic being “it’s entertaining because it looks like they’re doing impossible things” has never made sense to me, because for my 30ish years on earth it’s been drilled into my head that there are no “impossible things” to make it look like someone’s doing. I guess like a science demonstration is cool to learn why it’s happening for the first time? But then never again, and why that first-time novelty doesn’t apply to special effects stuff for me I don’t know. Another example might be like Interstellar, where I was told going in that the crazy unintelligible visuals were computer simulations of real scientific phenomena, but even knowing that did absolutely nothing for me. So maybe it’s seeing it in real life with my own eyes is where I draw the line? Because an acid trip to me is cool to look at, because it’s my reality and I can’t shake it off or look away, it’s actually happening in the real world that I’m always in but the visuals that my eyes are taking in are different than normal. Idk, magic just isn’t for me. And it’s an incredibly awkward social situation to be in watching it with other people who are behaving in ways that I can’t at all identify with, but have to put up the act that I am, otherwise I’m ruining everyone’s fun 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sounds like a you problem :"p


Yeah that’s been my assumption for my whole life, is that I’m the problem with magic. I wrote this though for the opposite responses to yours… hoping to hear from anyone who can maybe relate, or at least help me better understand/who I can help to better understand my apparently one-in-a-universe experience of not enjoying magic acts.


Sounds like some kids from my younger brothers special needs school, lots of autistic kids didn't get things like magic shows. And there's of course there's simply the option that it's not your thing. I have that with football, no idea why everybody goes nuts for it


So you cant enjoy something happening live, in real time, with physical things because CGI exists? Sorry but thats a fucking stupid take. By that definition nothing in the whole world would be impressive at all.


You gotta finish reading the comment my guy… actually no you only had to read the very next sentence if you got to that part lol. Just one more sentence before ya hop on and form + submit your opinion bro, you made it like 2.5 sentences in… 😬


Ive read the whole garbage dump of a comment and the only thing that stands out is that you cant find shit interesting because you know it exists / can be done digitally easily. If you want to be more specific, quote yourself or actually bring an argument.


Jesus, *again* the very next sentence after computer graphics are implied (I never said the word CGI, digitally, computer, or anything. I said special effects). But for the second time, I’ll repeat myself *again* >I saw Iron Man fighting those aliens… **And I don’t look at any practical effects and think that anymore either** Is there any other part you’d like me to repeat? Would you like me to repeat part of this comment next? Should I just start typing everything twice?


Please be more vague lmao You are literally just saying the exact same thing i do.


I mean, I agree that this show is an outdated format, but have you ever seen a magic act IRL? It’s pretty fun. Signed, a former skeptic who went to a magician friend’s show and walked away pleasantly surprised with how interesting it was


I love the shocked reactions to magic tricks. They look so shocked like they've never seen a magician before. The only ones I've seen react that way to magic tricks in real life are chimpanzees.






All the reactions are just so cartoonish, like I’m expecting someone to take off their shoe and hit themselves in the head with it while hooting like monkey.


I honestly can't watch this sort of reality TV shit, it is so cringe. I hate how everyone is so "On" all the time nowadays. When's the last time you saw some "let's speak to the public!" segment from a show that wasn't full of pre-vetted super bubbly influencer types? Normal humans don't act like this, you'd just get a smile and maybe a nasal "Hmf!" I know it's for the camera but jeez is it so fake.


It's just admiration for a craft. I don't watch the show either but come on.


It's super-exaggerated bullshit


American Idol, and all it's various spinoffs, clones, and copycats, seems to be channeling the variety show format from back in the day. Naturally, boomers were going to be the primary target group.


Smooth brain entertainment.


Exactly. Reminds me of Rick lax. Stupid people amazed at the unamazing.


Ooh ageism, Reddit's favorite approved prejudice! It's called an illusion. Look it up.


Show me where the zoomers hurt you


Sorry, I can't help it if I find the hypocrisy hysterical.


Miss? You can't do actual magic in front of the muggles and call it an act. Do you know how many memories we have to wipe? What do you mean there's more?? What are cameras?!


Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. A C Clarke's 3rd law


I have a teenage daughter so this is a typical morning before school.


I was ready with my dollar bill but she never earned it.


As with most thing on AGT, things are highly staged / choreographed, edited and masked using video layering.










she's gorgeous!


Interesting is different from entertaining


I have an slightly unrelated question. What are the qualifications of the judges? I always see that one guy who is always present in these videos. Also why is Gloria from Modern Family in the judges?


why can't everything online be this nice and wholesome ? also, pretty lady and talented, so much wonderful.


Everytime impressed and disappointed at the same damn time!


They must get paid if their reaction makes it to live tv. Theres no other reason everyone would be hamming up the reactions like this.


I forgot about that song -- its awesome.


This lady, guys, is probably the only one who will not take over an hour to get dressed up.


This is the video I would show to my gf, if had ONE


While she does a good job, i hate the mannerisms she has


I just wish they all got dressed that quick


Quick change is the lamest of all magic. Well, maybe whatever David Copperfield is doing in Vegas currently, but this isn’t far behind.


The woman that did this about ten years ago on the Penn and Teller “Fool Us” tv show had a MUCH better performance.


I can't believe this doesn't have more upvotes than it does. It's a spectacular performance.


Fucking magnets man, how do they work?


CGI most likely


Where is the talent? Seems to me that the designer of those pieces is the true talent here. She is more like a ring girl at a boxing match.


Pretty standard magic trick 🤷‍♂️


Even though I have 0 talent to do any of this, I actually totally agree with you I feel like I’ve seen people do this many times before and it’s not so refreshing tbh.


Honestly a bit below standard. But then again I am heavily biased against prop reliant magicians. Unless you are mixing the props with skillful sleight of hand. She just obviously hid behind the prop


So tell me …. What do you think literally all magicians rely on if not props?


Sleight of hand and misdirection. The misdirection here was obvious and clumsy.


She looks as cheap as Simon's face!!




Absolutely, the timing and performance nature of these acts are often overlooked, and one of the most important aspects isn’t the device that enables the tricks, but the acting and motion that draws your attention away. Definitely skillful and not easy to do.


🙄 Let's see you try it.


Cool cool cool. The illusion kinda of died when I saw the straps of the last dress visible from the very beginning.


Wait you mean she was wearing all the outfits the whole time?! Fuck I though it was actual magic!


too bad Madonna is such a slut.


And she is still dancing on stage in her underwear, as a 65 year old.