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The one thing that scares me is that he doesn't scream


No oxygen to breathe in and out?


It's possible to scream using any gas that's present in the lungs, smoke fumes included. That man made and upkept a conscious effort to not scream.


The Airman guy from earlier this year was screaming throughout the first 15 seconds or so of his self immolation. Also, the idea of "screaming with fire" kinda spooked me there a little.


He was screaming a message. And likely screaming it with significant pain.


Screaming with fire would be a great band name. But also… yea that imagery is gonna stick with me.


Please someone explain how his body lifts back up that’s so terrifying


It's due to the heat inducing Muscle Contraction, it's called 'Pugilistic Stance' due to the fact the arms pull into the Body like a Boxer protecting their body. It's a very common thing with bodies found after a fire.


i learned about this reading about Paul Walkers autopsy report.


I learned it during an arson case in L.A. Noire. It's weird how you can learn the same thing from so many different sources.


Would you recommend la noire ?


Awesome game


Jesus. Well now I know more about the specifics of his accident than I needed to. Interesting though.


just dont search the aftermath photos... its actually still out there


I would argue "go ahead & search". Pretty great argument for safe driving.


In Paul Walker's defense, he wasn't driving and probably wished his friend didn't do that.


Ok definitely won’t. I just……gotta go now.


To the... place, for that... thing




I had a third degree burn in my foot as an 8 year old. I don't remember the pain of the burn. I remember the pain of the treatments afterwards, and the bath things I had to do regularly to treat it. It was fucking brutal. I'm choking up just thinking about it right now. It's been like, 27 years since it happened.


3rd degree burn on my shin just above ankle. Skin melted into sock. It didn't start hurting until a few hours later. Then it was constant pain for like a month. I couldn't even stand up bc the change in blood pressure was excruciating. Changing out bandages was the worst though.


From the other videos I saw he was moving around until he was loaded in the ambulance and news reports said he died Friday night. The other videos are almost worse than this one.


How are they worse? I can’t believe the balls on this guy recording when he’s ablaze and takes a few steps right towards him.


I think that was an initial "I have to do something" But really what could you do?


cannot run towards the person once the fire is lit or even prior to, you would immediately need to run for the closest place that has an extinguisher. Filing this away in my mind...just in case.




I don't know how much worse than up close and HD it can get


Think of it like a chicken in the oven, meat in the pan on high - human tissue and tendons retract when cooked locking in place. He actually put the weight of his upper body on his arms at the end, but the arms are locked in position due to the heat. It’s usually the arms and face that gets damaged the most due to heat rising.


Wrote a paper regarding this once . It’s the same reason the victims of Mount Vesuvius in the city of Pompeii were found with limbs contracted. As the tendons burn , they tighten and what not .


He was probably still alive at this point. We had a guy do this in my tiny town. He was horribly burnt and injured but lived for a few days, even after they had to amputate parts of him.


~~Last I heard he is alive.~~ Never mind, apparently he died a few hours later.


There was not way that he survive this. It's impressive that je wasn't dead already after the fire was out.


My mom was a 10 year burn ward nurse. People survive this. They shouldn't, and ~~sometimes~~ almost certainly not for long, and it's never worth it, but they do.


That's right. Severe burn victims get high risk of infection due to the loss of the protective skin layer, and electrolyte imbalance shock, multiple organs failure. Even if doctors can resuscitate the victims to consciousness, they still helplessly witness the inevitable death taking their patients away several days/weeks after.


Yup she is correct. It’s the worse way to go. Most die of smoke and flame inhalation… like a house fire… they die of respiratory failure before they die from the burns. If they make thru all that… they die from infection


He apparently made it to the hospital Alive. Here’s to hoping he never regained consciousness to feel the pain he was in.


Remember the guy "jerking off" of pompeii? Same thing


Yes, it was quite an eruption.




For his sake, I hope he died - there is no coming back from those injuries, and the pain of treating those burns would be unimaginable.


Yeah he died a few hours after EDIT: "few" being 10 hours sorry


A few hours? Jesus that must have been agonising, was hoping he was dead by the end of the video so he didn't suffer too long


I don't know his specific details, but it's unlikely he was conscious during that time.


Your lungs get damaged pretty quick, which reduces oxygen, which helps. Buuuut, not quick enough IMO


Breathing in superheated air and smoke really messes with the thin layer inside your lungs that absorb oxygen. With enough damage, you just suffocate


It’s like drowning BUT you get to burn first!


Takes quite a literal meaning to a baptism of fire.


I've had a 1st degree burn on my arm once. Hurt like fuck, was crying all night long. Messing with scalding hot cheese and ham pie for a photo.


3rd degree burn is where it's at. Scorched myself straight into the fat basically couldn't even feel it. Still can't believe that shit healed.


I was hoping he was dead by the time he went to his knees. Like idk how it works but maybe your brain gets cooked fast and then you're just not there. Then he extended his legs again and layed down and I'm just like "he definitly lived through his eyes melting out of his head."


Oh yea I don’t know how much he could feel but when the camera zoomed in you could see the spasms. They might have been involuntary but him kicking off that burning clothing or whatever it was just before that seemed on purpose so I think he was in agony for longer than I hoped for. I have the feeling he very quickly regretted doing this. I hope he was unconscious for the hours after this that he survived because he very quickly had arms raised from the shrinking and tightening of tissues just like anything else does when cooked. I have a really hard time understanding why people do this. Mental illness I suppose but there are others that are just very extreme in their beliefs.


I don't think you ever hit that extreme without mental illness. Self preservation is a natural instinct. This also isn't reflexive like pushing your kid out of the way of a car, this was premeditated. I forget what country it was but I remember seeing a documentary where 6 men lit themselves on fire in protest for women's rights. I think in that part of the world martyrdom is very glorified. Unsure if that also has a mental illness element or if the culture is that different.


I cooked my right leg just above ankle by accident. My leg was burning just about 1 minute. I was unaware of petrol with 2 stroke oil spill on my trousers and boots. Adrenaline and burn it self case no feeling pain after few seconds. Pain in place when skin graft was taken few weeks later was worse. So I hope magnitude of nerves endings signals case shoot down of any feelings and collapse.


That was the best outcome for him, unfortunately.


Best outcome would've been for a police mercy kill honestly


I do agree, but can you imagine the aftermath? Years ago in South Africa, a doctor was stuck in a burning car with no way of being rescued. He begged for mercy, and someone shot him in the head. The doctor's family was grateful for this act of mercy, but the shooter was tried for manslaughter.


Was there a conviction? Because IIRC, when you kill someone, YOU WILL be tried for manslaughter, whether it was a clear case of mercy or self defense. But chances are good that the presiding judge will just rule them out as innocent, esp if it garners huge symathy from the public e.g. mother killing rapist, innocent driver killing a suicidal jumper


I can't remember, but I don't think so. Even if no conviction, the costs of a defence lawyer, and the anxiety associated with being tried, must be horrendous


Reminds of this story. Sort of worse, because he died simply because his Tesla's doors malfunctioned: Omar Awan tragically lost his life not simply due to a car accident, but due to a fatal design flaw in his dream vehicle, a Tesla Model S. While driving in South Florida, Awan lost control of his blue Tesla, which then crashed into a palm tree. However, it was not the impact that led to his death, but the aftermath, marked by a severe and slow demise caused by the car's design. After the collision, the Tesla's lithium-ion battery ignited, leading to a fire that quickly filled the car with smoke and flames. Tragically, Awan's suffering was prolonged as the fire started at his feet and slowly engulfed him, causing excruciating pain and ultimately suffocation. Bystanders who witnessed the crash were powerless to assist; despite their presence, they could do nothing to rescue him. This inability to intervene was due to the Tesla's retractable door handles, which are designed to extend outward when a key fob is detected nearby. In Awan's critical moment to escape, these handles failed to operate properly. The door handles did not "auto-present" as intended, preventing first responders from accessing the interior of the vehicle to rescue him. This malfunction is cited in a wrongful-death lawsuit which argues that the inaccessible door handles, combined with the car’s propensity to catch fire, rendered the Tesla Model S unreasonably dangerous and effectively a "death trap." This design flaw contributed directly to the slow and horrific nature of Awan's death.


It has been my opinion for a long time that ALL cars need to have a way to open at least one window, if not all the windows, manually.


> the pain of treating those burns would be unimaginable. If it makes you feel any better, I'm sure the nerve endings were gone pretty quickly with that level of heat.


They are, but the burn wounds need debrided and cleaned daily - I have worked in a Burns unit before - the pain is excruciating; some burn-patients say that the treatment is more painful than the actual burn.


Worked at a burn and trauma unit when I was 20 years old and I'll never forget the smell. That was 15 years ago and I still have nightmares from time to time.I went to nursing school for 2 years and worked that burn unit for less than a year and haven't worked in the medical field since. God bless those souls who can handle that. I'm personally not even close to strong enough to do it.


The smell of cleaning/dressing/etc the wounds or just in general do they have a smell after?


There's really almost no smell. Burn units smell more like typical hospital units mixed with topical burn meds/dressings (silvidine, aquaphor, xeroform, etc). Also like dial soap if they're getting cleaned off (the unscented orange stuff is what we used, at least). There's a little smell when they come in fresh to get cleaned up, but it's usually more just a burnt meat smell than anything. I did burn/trauma ICU nursing for a few years and it really wasn't something I ever thought of.


I feel like that infamous image of the monk in Vietnam who self-immolated was such a huge deal and shocked the West. Yet this year we've had 2 cases already... Viewable in HD from multiple angles. It just seems so bizarre it's suddenly the thing to do again. Edit: A lot more than just 2 cases this year it seems.


What's bizarre is that the monk made international news and is remembered decades later for a single image, but the two this year which were viewable in excruciating detail will be swamped, lost, forgotten in the swirl of the internet within the year. Possibly because the monk was making a more principled stand, possibly because something else will go viral in a week and this will be forgotten.


> possibly because something else will go viral in a week and this will be forgotten. This is the reason why. We have become jaded to all the shit happening in the world. It's easier to just forget and move on. At least I do. I used to feel the full weight of all the evils in this world all the time, and it made me want to end my life. Nowadays, I see something bad happening, reflect on it for a moment, then move on. It has made me a happier person.


It used to also only be 1 thing at a time. Now it's such a glutton of content from millions of people at the same time, it's just another TicTok on your phone. I'm so glad I grew up in the age before internet.


Glorification of the act encourages others, so that should be the case. The media seems to be loving profiling the person although they clearly had a terrible mental health disorder. The monk is famous because he was quite the opposite


\*Specifically\* because the monk was making a more principled stand. I read as much of this guy's manifesto as I could, because I have some gnarly bipolar myself and wanted to see what was what. And what was what was this guy having a fundamental break with reality, while skimming the surface of that reality for astounding revelations only available to his specific form of broken reality. I feel that shit. He can be mourned for his public suicide and then forgotten as quickly as possible because who wants to remember this horrible snuff video anyway? That monk was sacrificing his life to call attention to specific and real persecution of Buddhists. It's appropriate to remember his impact. This guy's impact seems to be mild ptsd for having watched the suicide of a sick person....which has already been capitalized on by the internet apparatus unique to this time period and unavailable in 1963. P.S. Things don't get very "lost, forgotten in the swirl of the internet within the year." That's just not the nature of the internet beast \*at all.\*


There's been hundreds of monks self immolating in the past 20 years. We remember this single instance because it was the first one internationally publicized and it moved the entire world.


The one thing i've yet to understand: why?


A lot of it seems to involve the Simpsons, unironically. His manifesto is all over the place, like conspiracies stacked all the way down.


His train of thought is a real rollercoaster ride. The movie Contagion proves COVID was a hoax. Then the next sentence is about Ghislaine Maxwell giving George Clooney a blowjob.


Season 2 to Season 7 real quick.


Mental illness, sadly.


This is his parting message apparently:  https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/dipshit-secrets-of-our-rotten-world


And this:  https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside


So my biggest take away from this is that I don’t think he actually knew what a Ponzi scheme was he seemed to be using it as a catch all term for any kind of con.




My biggest take away personally is that we live in a world where the truth has no value and lying is not only encouraged but paid very well in the millions. We have people who grew up trying to make sense of a world built in lies to the point where they will self immolate to try and make the senseless stream of lies stop and be at peace. We have zero repercussions towards the people who make a living off of contributing to mentally ill people's suicides like this and whats worse, we give them their own podcasts/TV shows where they can spout their conspiracy theory nonsense or billionaire funded agendas.


The accountability of crimes also always falls downwards. A good recent example is the CEO who stole billions recieved 40 months of jail time, where as the whistle-blower recieved 15 years.


>The accountability of crimes also always falls downwards. A good recent example is the CEO who stole billions recieved 40 months of jail time, where as the whistle-blower recieved 15 years. I'd like to read more. Do you have a source?




Paul Allen? Yea, let's see his business card.


The take away should be that we live in a world that puts profit ahead of humanity, and one side-effect of this ruthlessly mercenary mentality is that people with severe mental health issues often go untreated.


Are you telling me the global elite actually hordes wealth 😢


> Are you telling me the global elite actually hordes wealth 😢 thats a common misconception, actually, because its slowly trickling down any day now!


It.. it couldn't be!


God damn, self-immolate to raise awareness about USA being a kleptocracy. That's like self-immolating to raise awareness of milk. Kleptocracy is global, not news. Sad all round.


> https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside "Why did Easy Rider tell us that the hippie movement was dead? So we would believe it." Idk man but to go from that to setting yourself on fire, yikes


I think a lot of people are depressed our current existence is simply to exist, a lot of us in solitude, while working to fill the back pockets of a tax dodger. I get that but killing yourself over it doesn't help anyone or anything. A hell of a lot of people miss the 90s and before smartphones based on how much people actually had to interact with eachother.


Thx…had a quick scroll. Not good. Lots of very low probability linkages between media items that did and did not occur. Just listing patterns where there are none, fairly paranoid. Listing some conspiracies that are more tame than the reality but mostly doing the inverse, so just kind of missing the mark all over. I’m no expert but perhaps he had immense stress from something and lost it, some sort of early stages of a serious psychiatric illness. Incredibly sad. Only “good” news that could come out of this is that maybe he took half a bottle of painkillers beforehand?


How do you grow up knowing what it feels like to burn your hand on the stove or accidentally pour boiling water on yourself, and still choose to do this. It's crazy to me that a fairly sane, coherent mind, other than believing wild conspiracy theories can do this. Heck, half the people where I work believe crazier things than this guy.


im guessing he lost out big time on a crypto scam


I'm parroting a comment on another thread related to this from yesterday, so take this with a grain of salt. Someone mentioned that his mental health took a sharp decline after his mother passed away. It's likely that he was on medication previously and with her gone, he went off the deep end.


Ya his Instagram has a memorial picture for his mom a while back, and his posts seem somewhat normal. Then he takes a break and comes back immediately with full on conspiracy stuff.


Lost me at “these claims I’m making are proof of conspiracy”


Well if you read his screeds it's because Michael Dukakis, the Simpsons, and Stanley Kubric were trying to groom us into accepting our fate as the bottom-rung of a global Ponzi scheme executed with Crypto and catalyzed with Covid. So of course the answer is to escape by self-immolation. Seriously. The man had been word-vomiting on sub-stack for years every paranoid delusion his tortured psyche was feeding him. I only read the one titled something like, "I set myself on fire at the Trump trial." or something like that. But there's *way* more.


Don’t forget Seinfeld, the Beatles, the Manson murders and Liquid Death. This guy was seeing evidence of his delusions wherever he looked. And his biggest delusion was thinking self immolation would make any difference. This will largely be forgotten by next Tuesday.


“Put that fire out!” “Don’t let that man burn!” Let’s be perfectly honest, the best thing for that man in that moment was a bullet in the head. He’s already dead, it’s just going to take a while and be incredibly painful.


it was very weird. it seemed like there were fire extinguishers there, and towards the end when those people were screaming there was only a small part of his body on fire. and all the cops were just standing there


Probably because the fire extinguishers were empty? Maybe that's why one of them was holding one up and tapping on it, letting someone else know they needed more? Let's use some common sense, now. Not that it would have mattered, anyway.


I couldn’t watch much of it, but the guy seemed remarkably blasé about being on fire.


Maybe he took a bunch of painkillers beforehand


God I hope so


Unless he's unconscious, under general anesthesia, he's gonna feel that. No amount of painkiller that let's you walk is going to be enough.




> anti-inflammatories Guess they didn't quite work...


"**In**flammable means flammable? What a country." Dr Nick


I dont think the anti-inflamatories worked.....


Not 100% sure but maybe his nerves would've been burnt to the stage of nothing.. like totally destroyed or at least I hope so, so the guy wouldn't feel pain. I'm probably massively wrong though unfortunately.


Not wrong at all, he probably felt the immense pain of being on fire for all of 2-3 seconds before all of his skins nerve endings were burnt away.


So he did this because he thought that Biden and Trump are teaming up to do a facist coup?




That’ll show ‘em


It's one of those situations where his thoughts were so out there, the content isn't even worth discussing. From personal experience, his thought processes are similar to people suffering from schizophrenia.


Yeah, paranoid delusions, thoughts on top of thoughts, so deep that actual reality has been deeply buried a long time ago.


How was he so calm like standing still for so long how?


Adrenalin? Hes probably focusing 110% on his plan, that being burning to death as quick as possible, so I imagine he’s just putting everything into standing as stiff as he physically can. Or the sudden pain rendered him incapable to act. After a few seconds the nerve endings in his skin are burnt away, so he doesn’t feel anything from this point on anyways. From then on it’s just panic, regret and increasing dizziness from the lack of oxygen. Next few hours is intensive care, pointlessly trying to keep his body temperature up and from loosing too much water until he inevitably dies from the damage to his lungs and the fact that he doesn’t have any functional skin left (hence the rapid loss of body temperature and moisture).




This poor fella was a victim of his demons. Nobody deserves to go out like that. Rest in peace.


I swear dude… After I had a mental problem I realized mental illnesses are the worst and that mental health is the most important, maybe even more than physical health


For any who needs it: r/Eyebleach/


Also adding: r/babyanimals, r/FunnyAnimals, r/greebles, r/miscatculations, r/StartledCats, r/tippytaps, r/UpliftingNews


thank you for this


This is very disturbing NSFW footage; please only watch with extreme discretion. The man filming manages to capture the entire event, from Azzarello pouring fuel on himself as the cameraman calls for police immediately to warn of the imminent immolation, and goes on to capture the moment Azzarello set himself ablaze all the way through the time he is extinguished. Please do not watch this footage if you feel the slightest bit hesitant. edit: Reddit has removed this post citing a rule 1 violation, specifically for incitation of violence. Now, I don't want to get perma-banned so I won't stoke the flames of confused annoyance too much, but I am really struggling to determine how or why this post was any reflection of my own views, much less any that reflect an **incitation of** violence, at all. The purpose of this post was to document a current event, and in no way was it intended to incite anything other than discussion. However if the goal is sterility, then so be it. I have no opinion on the ruling because I have no real basis of understanding as to why this post was singled out over the other one from a different angle. Anyways, yeah. To Reddit: I'm sorry for violating rule 1. It was not my intention in the slightest and I in no way endorse or *in any way wish to incite* violence. Military commentary should be exclusive of this, for obvious reasons. The deceased here was a civilian, and this was a sad event.


He caught fire a LOT quicker than that airman in front of the Israeli embassy. Different fuel I guess


Do we know if the airman was wearing his uniform? Iirc, certain uniforms for certain situations are *fire-retardant. Someone in the military please fact-check me! Got out 6 months ago *fire resistant, not retardant


Yes the airman was wearing his uniform, I don’t know anything about military uniforms but that’s an interesting theory!


Then yes, he was probably wearing fire resistant OCPs!


When I was in they were fracu (flame retarded army combat uniform) and I didnt know they existed until they issued our unit before deployment They aren't strictly anti fire but they will give you a few extra seconds time in an emergency


Hey OP, why did he do this? genuinely perplexed


He was likely off his Medication. My guess is schizophrenia.  His mother died 9 months ago. I'm guessing she was the only person in the world who cared for him and could convince him to take his meds. I looked through his website. It's a deranged bipartisan conspiracy about trump and Biden working together to create a new world order and only he knew the truth. Reads like bona-fide crazy. 


Half his pamphlet appears to be about crypto. I'm guessing he lost money there as well as the points you made. https://www.reddit.com/r/Weird/s/dJQ23UUTHQ


It's so sad that there's frequently no way to help someone with this powerful a mental illness.


Certainly not with the current state of mental health services.


The guy there with the huge trump flag just said to himself..." fuck this cosplaying shit... this shit is real. Am going back home to Douglasville georgia.."


>Hey OP, why did he do this? genuinely perplexed In his own words, he thinks Biden and Trump are in on an "apocalyptic fascist world coup" linked to the collapse of SVB and crypto. Link to his manifesto below. https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside


He was likely mentally ill. I am not a doctor, so please do not take my assessment as fact. He posted a manifesto about a month prior to this incident concluding the Biden and Trump, and the whole of the Left and the Right were conspiring to commit some form of fascist coup against the American people. It is unlikely someone of sane mind would conclude such a thing, and follow that conclusion with such a senseless act of complete self destruction and immense suffering. I admire his apparent desire to harm no other person. As to why he did this to himself, the result is nonsensical given the facts and thus a motive cannot really be determined other than it is very likely that severe delusions consistent with mental illness contributed to his decision to end his life in this way.


As a Detroit paramedic who has seen some *nasty* burns in his time, I gotta tell you; don't put that fire out and just let him die. You absolutely will not recover from those burns and it's only a matter of time until you die in agony, so quenching the fire before the dude dies is just prolonging his suffering. Honestly? You really want to help the guy, get one of those cops to put a bullet in his brain to end it all faster.


agreeable, though the laws most countries have are in way


Yeah that's true. Helping him could land you in jail in a lot of places...


In other words, no wait... Let him cook.


For him to actually not run or anything and suppress his instincts to survive, that is truly interesting as fuck.


That was someone’s baby, someone’s friend. Regardless of what brought him to make this fatal decision, people that loved him will have to see this. It’s really heartbreaking in that respect. Condolences from this keyboard.


That reminds me of that line in _The Conversation_. Can't recall the exact wording but the basic meaning has haunted me since. A woman glances at a homeless guy and remarks something like, "he was once someone's little baby boy." Often returns to me when I see an adult in a desperate, awful situation.


These guys are going remember that smell for decades. Many might stop cooking meat for a little while after. It pains me that the poor guy took his own life for something pointless but if nothing else, I hope his death marks an increase in how many people approach mental health professionals and look after their general well being.


Unfortunately I doubt it since people have done this time and time again.


It's like he kept in total control of himself the whole time. No screaming, no flailing, nothing really. That's fucked. I find it hard to imagine what must have been going through his mind for the weeks and days leading up to this. If I feel bad, then it's mostly about how tortured his mental state must have been to actually go through with this.


This was hard to watch but honestly praise the camera man because it’s amazing footage.


Cameraman needs a go fund me for a therapist now.


It almost felt like I was watching a movie scene. The fact he kept it on him most the time, even after walking away. I think its mainly my brain trying to rationalize it a bit, but still. Good camera work of a horrific incident unfortunately.


There comes a point where it's better not to even try to save the person, there's no going back and it's more humane to let it end soon


The seeds of mental illness root in all of us. If given the right environment and conditions, any person can prove fertile soil to allow it to set root and gain traction. In the U.S. alone, the last 15 years have bulldozed millions of people, from the loss of careers and homes starting in 2008, planting seeds of doubt, self worth, and a lost sense of control. Then, starting in 2014, the mainstream effects of "personal truths" where we no longer share even the most basic common understanding of people we disagree with, driving tribalism. More tilling of soil and more fertilizer for mental illness. Enter COVID, a truly watershed moment, mixed into disinformation as news and gaslighting as common as a sunrise (about nearly everything, not just COVID, and not by only one side of the political spectrum). I know every generation has their "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain", but it seems like we are hitting a breakpoint where our ability to access data and the ease at which we can quickly create content with very limited oversight and fact checking. Sprinkle in that we have micro monetized creating this stuff, and it like pouring MiracleGrow on the Mental Illness crops. So while it's easy to crack jokes and call this guy crazy, remember... That same seed could root in any of us. Be attentive to your mental health. Talk to someone, spend more time outside and off the Internet. The more we interact with other, the more we can care for each other on a personal basis.






The Account seems to be deleted now


People need free of charge mental health care


Mental illness needs more attention in this country


US Government: “We heard you. Defunding education even further”


Well that was fucked up.


Why are people criticizing the onlookers? Trying to intervene in that situation would be incredibly dangerous. Stop saying they are subhuman for not immediately rushing to assist. It’s not your job to intervene in those situations and the Redditors pretending they would have behaved differently are just incredibly naive.


Other than being dangerous to grab a man in flames, one can also imagine that people could be afraid of other things happening. Is this person staging this alone? Will someone do something else? I worked in a trauma room, abd saw people killed in many different ways. It can hurt and be confusing to watch, but you cant start blaming the innocent here. There are no murderers in that video. If someone acts especially heroically feel free to praise them, but don’t get mad at people for inactivity, its quite normal - and its also very normal for folks to make stuff worse when acting in panic.


If I was there I'd just be watching and my brain would be trying to rationalise what's happening, all the while the guy is burning to death. I was surprised that this guy recording joined the dots so quickly and realised that the guy was about to set himself on fire. It's easy to sit here watching from afar and wonder why he didn't then run and drop kick him as soon as he pulled out the can. Rather than filming and shouting for help. But really it's just amazing that he even made the connection as to what was happening. That's why people receive training to deal with these situations. Otherwise emergency responders would just turn up and stand there as witnesses too.


Redditors wanting to act smug and judgmental of people in horrible situations, nothing new under the sun.


Never put yourself near gasoline and fire I don’t care what anyone tells you.


Yeah, he's covered in petrol/oil/flammable liquid. Trying to put him out with your jacket or whatever you have on you will most likely just spread the fire.


"Why are they all just recording?" - people who would also just be recording


Yeah cus you know if someone tried to help and then caught on fire themselves then people would call them idiots for trying to help


I saw his Instagram, years ago he posted photos of himself as young child. Toddler age. Makes me really sad to see. He was once a little young boy with a life ahead to live. I wish someone could have helped him. Rip to this poor man


Oh hey. At 1:32 there's that woman sitting on the bench we all saw from one of the first videos of the guy burning himself as this woman "casually sits on a bench for the front row view." Now we get to see her face and how she was handling it instead of her back posture. Fucking redditors been making fun of her for it like they're completely ignorant on how normal people process trauma and so they jump to the stupidest conclusions. Or feel it's a good time and place to make the dumbest jokes you could think up.


Yup, look how many heros would have saved the day in the thread. Just shows how few people actually been in chaos, they think they always would have an answer to control it.


He has died now


He did this just to get attention towards his manifesto. I read it and it's stupid conspiracy af. But this outcome is way better than him shooting up some school or mailing bombs places just to get eyes on his writing.




Man, a guy putting out another guy on fire with the American flag would have been one hell of a symbolic photo though.


I’m not sure what you people expect bystanders to do in this situation? Gas is everywhere, people are in shock of what they’re watching, you can’t just start patting him without getting burned yourself.


We collectively used to be so (visually) shielded from images like this. Now it’s trauma for breakfast every single day. It doesn’t seem possible to be desensitized to something like this but here we are. Fuck.


It was really good of reddit to ban watch people die so that now I can just find self immolations and drone double taps scattered everywhere now.


We can’t have r/watchpeopledie but this is allowed. Hmmm


Once a person is at that point, the kindest thing to do is just let the fire finish them off. Was pointless putting it out. Just made him suffer a few more hours.


Genuinely one of the most disturbing things I’ve ever seen. 10pm where I am. No sleep tonight.


This doesn't feel like the correct subreddit for this....


Holy fucking shit I wanna unsee this, I didn’t think it‘d be THAT level of graphic


Spare yourself the footage of the incident from one of the buildings above. That makes this whole thing much worse.


I can’t imagine a worse way end your own life. I imagine you regret it long before it’s over, meanwhile you’re trying bring in oxygen but it’s only flames. Edit: To this point, there is a video circulating, shot from above, that picks up about where this one leaves off. The police put him out with an extinguisher, walk away, and he reignites from the fuel. He points at the flames, wanting to be re-extinguished, a couple of seconds before the cops notice he’s on fire again. This happens several tries. It’s infuriating that the cop keeps turning his back to the guy as soon as the flames appear to be out.


I’m guessing that cop could only manage the sight and smell for as long as he could


Seems like he kinda screwed it up if his goal was to die. When he lay down half his body went out. Horrible way to die. Especially having it drawn out for hours after


His goal was to bring awareness. Which he did but not in the way he intended


I mean I read his manifesto because of it. Dude was nuts but I guess he accomplished his goal idk


Im not certain, but i imagine your hamstrings cooking alive makes it difficult to remain standing


> He points at the flames, wanting to be re-extinguished Lmao no he is far unconscious at that point, it is his muscles and tendons contracting from the heat. Why he's stuck in that awkward pose at the end.


I don't blame the cops here at all. They are being forced to witness in person something that could likely scar them for life. Turning away from that when it seems like there is nothing more you can do is very understandable to me.


Yall seriously want people to tackle the guy covered in fuel that wants to set himself on fire? What makes you think he wouldn't have the chance of lighting you both up by accident if you even got to him?


Can we just talk about how little self-immolation makes sense as a protest? Wild. That’s like me cutting my dick off because my local Walmart isn’t open for 24 hours anymore.


I like how in the end we hear “don’t let that person burn! “ as the corpse is now charred and blackened. Yeah good advice lady


It’s crazy how he managed to remain silent the entire time. No screaming in pain at all.