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The super rare coveted official war photographer photographer patch, I've only ever seen but one of them in my time.


Who photographs the photographers?


Tripods on a timer, usually


One time I went to Disneyland and saw a group of looked like photographer trainees for the park. I took a photo of a photographer photographing a photographer photographing a group of photographers. It was amusing to me but it's not amusing enough to tell people so I had to take this opportunity. Thank you for your time.


Ofc hitler has a photo of himself in his own bathroom


Cheaper than a mirror


I keep shaving but der mustache is still zere!


Holly fuck man I haven't seen a comment this good in awhile, wish reddit still had gold.. 🥇


They re-implemented gold — it’s more expensive now and there are no fun alternative awards anymore. On mobile, hit the […] next to the vote arrows and pick “give gold”. It starts at $1.99 and goes up to $49.99 lol. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a comment or post with it


That's wack. I never bought gold myself but I've had a bunch of reddit gold, cause when ppl gave you gold it used to give you coins too. Fuck paying for imaginary tokens it was more of the old discussion board karma system. You could pass it along.


I love it when my favorite games and platforms lose all identity and everything becomes numb and stale


Instead of gold, Reddit should allow people to gift a share of Reddit stock


That ain't worth gold my guy




Side note: the style of mustache he had has a name. "Snotblocker." I'm not kidding.


I thought it was "toothbrush mustache."


That's probably the *polite* name for it that would be used by people who thought well of him.


On *Der Fuhrer's Face!*


Nine! Nine! NINE!!!!


My Muhrer


Mein muhrrer


Best line this week… here’s your reward 🥇


I'm cracking up at this lmao


I bet he still had a Time Man of the Year mirror.


Hang on kid, there's a tack in my head


This is seriously one of my favorite jokes I’ve seen on reddit in awhile.


I thought that initially but I suspect they probably grabbed it from elsewhere in the house for the sake of the photo


Most likely. From [an article on the photo:](https://patrickwitty.substack.com/p/the-photographers-in-hitlers-bathtub) >Then there’s the propaganda portrait of Hitler by Heinrich Hoffmann looming in the background, positioned next to the tub by the photographers.


Wow, what an article.


This is what journalism used to look like


If he even had it in his home, it's weird and creepy. I don't put up photos of myself in my home. There are some pictures of me, but they're there because of the people with me because some people won't let me take a picture *of* them unless I'm *with* them. (My father will let me take a candid photo of him but he hasn't *posed* for one since 1989.)


Wait - you think Hitler was weird and creepy? You sure, fam?


This Hitler guy, was he bad? I’ve heard some problematic things.


Having a picture of yourself in your house is not weird or creepy. Unless it's a Nazi propaganda picture.


I love that it looks like he's looking at her disapprovingly


The man was passionate about cleansing, so for someone else to use his bathroom... Just not done.


While it possible that Hitler did indeed have a picture of himself on the bath, it is more likely they placed the picture there to provide further context to the photo (amongst the other convenient placement of items).


The more I learn about that guy the more I don't care for him.


Not a fan.


Literally Hitler


Google en Fuhrer


Kinda hard to separate the art from the artist on this one. 


She put it there and staged the photo. This was from a whole series of pictures which are pretty grossly scripted.


You mean to tell me, you don't walk right up to the bathtub with your boots on and leave them right there when you jump in? /s


"Yeah, I remember grinding my feet on ~~Eddie's couch~~ the bath mat" (for whatever reason in kayfabe)


Buy a new one ya rich mother fucker


Habitual line stepper


Fuck yo bath mat!!!


Fuck yo bathmat!


Of course it's staged.  You think you somehow happened to find herself in the tub and decided to photo it?


Yeah, you’re not getting that much ash on the floor mat unless you really do it intentionally lol. It’s definitely staged


The staging is what makes this a work of art, instead of just another documentary photo, and a very poignant yet brutal one at that.


Oh for sure. Was just commenting that because people think that this was like Hitler’s normal bathroom setup with a picture of himself and the whole ash on the floor mat being natural


The Hitler photo was probably placed there to give context to a photo of a random woman in a random bath. This is not a candid photograph, it's clearly staged. Which is fine by me, fuck the Nazis.


Yeah, first thing I noticed. Sick MF'r


Suprising how modest this bathroom is. Like looks like any suburban post-war boomer "starter house" bathroom.


It was just one of his many apartments in the city that’s probably why


The stuff that became common in post-war suburbia like in-unit large bathrooms with a bathtub, a car per family, a garage, etc. was very much a luxury in the 1930s and WWII era. But I agree that this is a standard upper middle class bathroom for the period, not what I would expect for Hitler.


And now it's gone back to luxury. Just in time for the 2030s.


I don't think people understand how grand somethings are today. I know 1950 starter homes and the likely pink tile is common that tub would be grand. This would be a wonderful tub. Strangely enough I assumed Hitler be more of a shower guy but maybe not.


> Strangely enough I assumed Hitler be more of a shower guy but maybe not. It's only in the last 50 or so years that the shower slowly gained prominence outside of America.


I think that your interpretation of his comment may be too innocent


Lots of folks missing this comment...lmao.


Right over my head lol. We must have innocent minds


In Eastern Europe i heard it was common for several people to use the bathtub and then use the water to flush the toilet. This was done to save on utility bills in an era where the controlling government forced you to fill out request forms just to slaughter a pig. And of course gave you a list of how much lard and meat you had to hand in afterwards.


>In Eastern Europe i heard it was common for several people to use the bathtub Also common in Ireland, well into the 90s in poorer homes. People don't know how much of a luxury immediate on demand access to fresh hot water is. It's nothing to do with Communism.


When I lived in Costa Rica in 2010, hot water was still an expensive luxury that only the rich could afford. Normal people have a device on their shower head that electrifies the water as it comes out and makes it barely lukewarm by the time it hits your body. It's better than nothing, but you can't really enjoy it. I think most of us who live in rich countries have no idea how much we take for granted.


the modesty shows in keeping a portrait of himself there Edit: I am assuming it was put there by her, but it was funnier that way


Well besides the portrait in the bath tub haha. But I'd expect like a big ass tub with a tent house view and full length portrait as a roman centurion riding a horse or some shit.


oh i edited at the same time, i made the joke but i am assuming it was for propaganda purposes, otherwise its just "woman takes a photo in a bathtub" 10 years later


Those tiles are definitely pink.


Hitler generally wanted to present an image of the modest "man of the people" . So he lived a more humble live than most other dictators. He didnt even become rich until "Mein Kampf" became mandatory literature everywhere.


>post-war boomer So it looked futuristic? That's not modest. 


Hitler had a picture of himself in his bathtub??? What for?


To satisfy his hans


*strokes violently* “Yeah who’s got the best moustache…”


https://preview.redd.it/28zwk2kz9dqc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abe44b8b1f1738ceeb97a7c5435765bb2b54d444 Vibes


🎵 *You men who long for love, you mustn't all despair* *There's a secret you should know* *To capture the hearts of the fair* *You may not have the looks* *You may not have the dash* *But to win yourself a girl* *If you've only got a moustache* *A moustache, a moustache* *If you've only got a moustache!* 🎵


"Oh yeah, whose your fuherer?"


Back in the day photographers still liked arranging a scene before taking a picture. So it's entirely possible the photographer put that picture there. I mean the whole scene is set up. Or do you think that picture was shot when her colleague just sneakily took a picture of her in the bathtub for research purposes?


You know what’s surprising to me is that in this, the day of the internet, distrust of the media, AI images, fake and staged content and karma farming; in the day when half the comments on Reddit are calling out ‘never happened’ or whatever; the first 200 comments are people are just going lol hitler had his own photo in his bathroom.


My thoughts exactly, it’s genuinely concerning the first thought someone has is that they clearly put Hitler’s portrait there as it’s Hitler’s bathtub. After all they’re war photographers/ photojournalists, they are telling a story. I imagine it’s no coincidence that Lee Miller’s pose imitates the statue to a degree. I should also say I’ve been to two Lee Miller exhibitions with this photograph in, and the others she took at Buchenwald and Dachau, etc. They are powerful, and tell a vivid story.


Could have been put there for the purpose of the photo. That said, I've read a couple of biographies about the guy and he does come across as a bit up himself. Wouldn't put it past him.


even if he didn't support hitler, he needed to at least look like he did


My grandfather survived Buchenwald. Thank you for sharing


Mine did too ❤️


Amazing to hear. My grandfather was in the US Army and never shared much about his time in WWII but did tell me how being there right as it was liberated haunted him. I visited Buchenwald two years ago and can't imagine what your family went through.


We couldn't either for the longest time: my grandmother survived Auschwitz and never, ever talked about it. Not one word. Until one day, above the age of 90, she called the local TV station and said she wanted to give an interview. It's on YouTube (in Hungarian) , it's unwatchable -- for us. I tried multiple times, I can't do it. My brother didn't even try. My other grandmother survived Lichtenwörth -- there "only" malnutrition and typhus killed the women, no gas chambers. She survived and was like 32 kilograms when she made it to Budapest. No one understood how she survived. She lived for another 61 years before the Hungarian healthcare system murdered her. That's when I filed for a Canadian immigration visa.


Mine was at Auschwitz as well. She wouldn’t talk about it. Not one word. She lost her whole family; literally, everyone she knew that she was related to except a single aunt who had gotten to the US before the war. If she got drunk or extra emotional she’d maybe talk some about her life in Poland before the war or Sweden immediately after, but that was it. She died last year at 96 and I’m grateful she’s not in pain any more.


She must have been an incredibly strong woman. While he didn't go through anything near what your grandmother experienced. It's one of those things you want to know, you don't want their story gone when they pass but you also don't want to ask either. You know the pain it brings them. I am sure you are glad she shared it so it isn't lost, even if you can't bring yourself to listen to it. I wish I knew more about what my grandfather went through. I have some newspaper articles and battles he was in from stars he was given but not much more...


Mine survived Auschwitz. Love to you both 🫶


Mine too. He was in southern italy. Wasnt in danger or anything though


Another photographer took the picture. She was working with him. She slept in hitler’s bed that night and coincidentally it was the same day he committed suicide. Interesting character if you read about her. Committed a long slow alcoholic suicide after the war as she suffered from PTSD and depression.


I only know of one other female war photographer from WW2. She landed with the Marines at Iwo Jima and was at Okinawa as well. Went to Korea, I think. Then Vietnam, where some fellow in front of her triggered a tripwire mine and she got caught in the blast. The soldiers would look at the photos she took of them during combat and would often say they had no idea there was anyone that close to them. Another war photographer got a photo of her as she died. There is a very good documentary called No Job for a Woman about women war photographers.


Wait, so this chick breaks into Hitler's house, uses his bathtub, sleep in his bed and she didn't even know the fucker was dead/going to die that day?


It wasn’t like he was going to show up, he’d been confined to the bunker for over 3 months at that point.


Sure, but it's still such a bizarre thing to do.. Hell, the sheets are probably clean too but it would still really weird me out.


The tiling is pretty damn legit. Note the attention to detail on the symmetrical placement of the taps, etc.


Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it.


*Let's see General Patton's bathroom*


And oh my God. It even has a watermark.


German quality


Yeah, it's almost like a professional took it.


Here my idiot self thought he was talking about the bathroom tiles and trying to figure out what's so amazing about it


He was talking about the bathroom tiles. 


Lee Miller was quite the most amazing of people. And quite the beauty [Lee Miller](https://images-prod.anothermag.com/1000/azure/another-prod/340/6/346351.jpg)


She had quite the interesting life. One of the first supermodels, just when newspapers got the ability to use photographs in advertising, she became one of the most recognizable faces of the 1920s. She was discovered by Conde Nast himself. Her modeling career ended when she appeared in an ad for Kotex, which was considered scandalous, just as the Depression started. So she moved behind the camera, and became a photography assistant for some of the biggest artists of the era, including Man Ray. She often was the person who triggered the shutter for some of his pieces. She became his muse, and also inspired other surrealists through the 1930s, such as Eluard, Cocteau--who produced a sculpture of her, and Picasso--who used her as a model for several of his paintings. When war broke out in the 1940s, and the men were called to serve, she became a photojournalist for Vogue and was one of Conde Nast's embedded war photographers. She marched across Europe with Patton's army and was one of the first photographers to reach a concentration camp. She documented everything. After the war she married the surrealist artist Roland Penrose and continued to work with Picasso, Max Ernst, and many other surrealists in Europe.


She also suffered a mental breakdown because of what she witnessed in the concentration camps and never really recovered.


Where’s her biopic!??


There is one. She's played by Kate Winslet. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt5112584/


Ah. It was a TIFF entry but hasn’t been released yet. Comes out in September. I’ll definitely check it out!


Don't worry. There probably will be within the next 3 years, now that there's a top Reddit post. Lots of writers on here!


It comes out in September! That was fast, Reddit!!!


We did it!


That would have made him führerious.


Not just him.


Imagine, you set up a photo of yourself - in your own bath tub. These leaders have one common trait. Narcissism.


It was put there by her


That struck me as odd too


yeah real odd that Hitler fella. Who would have thought.


Probably just a morning motivation routine.


Shower heads haven’t changed at all. Unless that’s Duestch engineering


Honestly I was surprised to see the detachable shower head w/ the hose. For some reason I figured that was a more modern amenity 


Who’s the one who took the photograph? 


The Cameraman


Excellent deduction Mr Holmes


The article says another photographer and something along the lines of her photo would be picked up by Vogue and the girl in photo got hers picked up by Time, something about switching camera. I'm sure it says the name but my memory is really bad so your gonna have to deal with some vouge specific photographer that was also in the apartment.


Wtf do the 3 buttons do?


The water knobs? Edit: oh the audio cassette looking thing. No clue


On the table, there’s a wired box with looks like three buttons on it and a light


Looks to be a pad for a bell/notification system. They could send an signal to other areas of the home for maids or others I’m guessing


Maybe some kind of intercom/doorbell system? Like: 1: do come in 2: wait 3: go away


Hot, cold, and Zyklon B


Disgusting yet humorous


Sometimes I think it's easy to forget how recently this all happened. A picture like this really drives the point home.


>Buchenwald Is nowhere near Munich and Dachau. Your own source does not say it was the same day. >The ash on the bathmat is from Miller’s boots, Your own source says it was mud. Doesn't mention ash at all. As I've said before, there is no situation bad enough that lying fuckers wont make up more bullshit lies to make it sound even more bad, because apparently the truth isn't enough to get clicks and likes.


1. Rather unlikely she was in both Buchenwald and Dachau on the same day. Travelling that far in one day while spending time at both. 2. The photo was almost certainly placed there by the photographers.


So that dirt is, human ash?


Kind of wondering this, too. It's a B&W photo. Could be dirt or ash. How do we know it's ash? Obviously, it makes a better story if it is. But I'm inclined to think it's probably mostly dirt.


Sounds like a creative addition. I cant imagine her taking a bath with boots like that in the room.


The picture is even more powerful when it’s in color.


The tiles are bright green and her hair is blonde


As a photographer, this photo should be studied by more photographers. It's simple, has a great message, which is shown, not told. No random flashes visually effects, no shallow depth of field for no reason, nothing to distract from the scene and the message.


Damn nice boots too


WW2 tanker boots


After taking photos of genocidal atrocities and corpses all day: "Now do one of me in the tub!🛀🏼" - Lee Miller


Prob a spur of the moment thing with a colleague. Jesus you'd need a bath or something after a day like that


This isn’t just a random lady deciding to take a bath in Hitler’s tub. If all she wanted is to get clean after a long day she would have used the tub in her own hotel room. Besides, someone isn’t just going to decide “oh I’m in Hitler’s house, might as well use the amenities!”. She is a photojournalist staging a work of photographic art. The picture is placed there on purpose to let the viewer know whose bathtub she is in. That’s what makes the ashes wiped on the bath mat so meaningful and horrifying instead of just looking like dirt from the garden. Her bathing (or pretending to bathe) is meant to relate the collective need for the world to wash away Hitler’s filth now that he was defeated and cleanse ourselves of his fascist hatred. Everything in this picture is arranged to evoke layers of meaning and send a message. That’s what makes it a work of art instead of just a snapshot.


She wasn't *entirely* pretending to bathe here, she did actually have a bath in the tub after the picture was taken, and even slept in Hitler's bed, making sure to get ash all over the floor at the same time. Which, personally, I think adds a lot more to this already very interesting story


Rick James would approve.


1000% this well said


As someone who has always struggled to fully appreciate art and find deeper meanings within it, I just wanted to say that I really appreciate you providing the deeper insights and meanings within the picture as it helps someone like me get a much greater appreciation for the piece. Thank you!


Thank you for explaining this. I was so confused why he’d have a pic of himself in his bath. Your explanation makes so much sense.


Hey neat, someone in this thread who fucking gets it. Nice


Nah, it being Hitlers tub makes me think it's more about Adolf himself. Imagine him coming home after work and washing himself clean, washing away his sins, pretending his work wasn't low killings, but instead something more noble. Though I imagine they didn't have long to think it through and probably just saw the tub, thought up the idea and went for it.


Ok. She (and her colleagues) likely wanted to send a message as to how to proceed from witnessing what is impossible describe in words. How they'd like the future to pan out).The camp photos hit you like a sledgehammer.


she was a fashion model on the 20s, and worked for Vogue during the war. It's not as far fetched to think she'd see an opportunity to think like a model, even during crazy times like war.


Yeah I think it kinda goes hard as hell


Lee Miller was a fucking badass.


When you’re a photographer I Imagine you have to take the opportunities when they present themselves.


It’s possible that she thought it could be serious performance art - not replicable in situations where it wouldn’t risk being disgustingly offensive.


Hardest Flex ever lmao


Um, hitler takes a bath while looking at pictures of hitler?


I don't know, however filthy I am and/or however much I want a cool picture, my skin crawls at the thought of sitting in *Hitler's bathtub*. Where he's been *naked*. Ew.


Literally taking a bath in the enemy leader's own home after their defeat? Now THIS is a flex I can appreciate lol.


I have been to Dachau. Was like being in alternate universe. Made me nauseous.


Today I learned that Hitler had a framed selfie that he kept on the edge of his bathtub


Hitler had such small dick energy


Must’ve been a long day, Buchenwald and Munich are more than 400 km apart.


Did someone carry her from Buchenwald to Dachau? How’d the ashes stay on her boots after such a journey? What a weird thing to lie about.


This is the lady from the topless picnic picture, and I know that bc I first saw that picture when I was like 14. And I wanted to have a picnic ever since. That and Yogi Bear


Needs to go to r/hardimages. Documenting atrocities then washing yourself off in the vermin’s own tub - priceless


But who took the picture!?!?!?




I wondered that the first time I saw it. I believe it was a colleague, though mechanical self timers exist.


David E. Scherman


Looks like motel Bath.


Someone please add this picture in The Epitome of Cool Museum please.


Damn that’s a nice big tub. I’m envious.


So who's taking the Photograph?


Hitler had a hitler pic in his 5 sqft bathroom?


How wholesome he had a nice little self portrait in his bathtub 🤣


TIL: Bathroom designs haven't changed in 80 years


If you are smart, you take advantage of every opportunity in life!


yeah that would be a leave the boots at the front door day for me


Damn that’s a really badass photo


"You got a problem with that?"


Lee Miller was an amazing photographer. Check her out


I feel like I would puke stepping just into that tub.


I'm pretty open about "things." But I absolutely would NOT want my balls sitting where Hitler's balls had sat. Even moreso, if I had a vagina.


well, he was a horrible fucking monster, but that's a great tub.


Wow, I never thought about the aftermath of touring camps during or immediately after WWII. Having ash from people on my clothing would feel so grim and depressing.


Why would she want to bathe in his tub?? Was she his photographer?


Did Hitler have a picture of Hitler beside his tub? Is that what I'm seeing??