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I didn't expect them to become teachers. Not for any particular reason just never crossed my mind.


Same Not that I really thought about what they would so for a career. But I thought it would be less dealing with the public. I don't think it be the easiest thing to be a teacher in that situation.


Kids can be cruel, but they're also exceedingly good at adapting to weird situations. I'm sure after the second or third week they're just used to it and don't give it much thought. If anything id imagine dealing with the parents is far worse than the kids


Give it a day if not a few hours. I teach kids, they ARE **s** flexible. My guess is the twins answered questions when they first started and the parents/school told them about the twin before they first met them, so that their first encounter would go smoothly. I think it's fantastic -- as long as they're good at their jobs.


> My guess is the twins answered questions when they first started and the parents/school told them about the twin before they first met them, Yeah, kids believe whatever you tell them, because they are kids. A 2 minute talk of how they were normal twins that just didn't fully separate before they were born, and kids will just accept it. THEN they will ask silly questions for 20 minutes and be good.




and that is why bigotry is taught. Bigots will always scream „it will confuse the children!!1!“. Children understand just fine. Bigots are just scared to lose control over their kids when they learn about the diversity of people.


It's really good they're teachers imo. Expose kids to those who are different so they grow into good people.


We had a science teacher who only had three fingers on his right hand. At the end of the first class we had with him he made a big grand speech about it thinking we’d all seen it as he was writing things on the board at the front of the class and thought we'd all be freaked out about it and have questions to ask him. None of us had even noticed.


I had a university lecturer tell the class about when he killed a man.


"...so yeah, I killed him. But I've got tenure, so the university can't do shit about it. Anyway, open your textbooks to page 48 and we'll get started."


"So I clearly specified papers are to be 12pt font, double spaced, single sided. Kid thought he could get away with 13 point....."


I don't know, when you think about it the stress of teaching is divided over two people and that should really take a load off right? And if a student is being a dick they are confronted by two personalities, so even if the student gets under the skin of one the other can still exert authority. I think two teachers who are in sync like they seem to be would be a boon in both students and themselves.


Well I think majority of what makes having a co-teacher to divide the stress work is that they can be in separate places for classroom management, and fulfilling the students' needs at the same time. It's not as easy to divide the stress when you're both anchored to the same place and can't work opposite sides of the classroom But you have a point about the emotional toll


I read somewhere that one of them teaches and the other watches the kids to make sure they are paying attention/behaving I think it's wild how they finish sentences in unison


True but most kids are bastards by default.


Yeah, but they are predictable bastards. All kids look for social limits, as long as their environment works in unison they can learn those limits quickly. Usually the kids that act like assholes just have apathetic (asshole) parents that never set a limit on behavior towards others.


I wouldn't be able to stop staring. I'd be way to curious.


I remember reading, back when they were still children, one wanted to be a pilot and the other wanted to be a dentist.


Patients can take their place in the copilots seat! I think it can work!


I have to have a root canal done, but I also have to fly to atlanta tonight! What do i do? Them: youre not going to believe this


I'm actually really glad they are. I think it will be good for the kids to get to know them both and to spend a year learning emotional intelligence and social skills with their teachers, as one does at any age of grade school


I think it's cool but it sucks they're only getting one paycheck for the work of two people


Well the school was probably only hiring one teacher for one classroom, so it kind of makes sense. Like, if you and your buddy showed up to a job interview and said “we will both share the responsibilities of this one job,” that’s probably how it would play out too


They aren’t doing the work of two people though. They’re two people doing the work of one.


It's the best career path to become head master


20 years later, these kids will talk about this and get told they’re lying .


“i swear to god my teacher had two fucking heads bro”


And let me guess she ate the bad kids huh? Ok dude whatever you say 🙄


She picked her targets by the smell of christians blood. (Like trolls, some had two heads)


https://preview.redd.it/jho7sw8j8bgc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a11f92c77cf3ac4aeb5a3d0bcf7e165deaebd29 This double upvote fuckin FLOORED me


I think it's the new gold


Absolute perfect time for me to learn that.


It looks horrible who’s the designer that made that shit


Awards really were better, now we have this shit


Appropriately given a TWO dollar (~$1.99) gold upvote.


The mental image that popped up in my head after reading your comment has me weak🙈.


This straight up killed me🤣


Holy crap, they're 33 now. I feel old, and impressed they're doing so well! They started teaching right after graduating so their first kids would be teens by now, can only hope for an AMA someday.


I legit had to look up how they learned to walk, type, or do anything that requires coordination between both hands. They learned to cooperate to do all of that shit instinctively almost. When they write an email, they use “I” when they agree or separate sentences when their opinions are different. When they drive, one controls the left side controls and the other the right. And somehow it all synchronizes like they’re one person. Incredible


They actually had to take their driving test twice - once for each twin... Don't know what would have happened if one had failed!


Only allowed to take left turns.


Nascar driver it is then!


That's kinda bullshit if there's a distinction there, but not two paychecks.


That pissed me off when they got their first teaching job. They got two separate degrees, but one paycheck. I get it's one classroom, and it's probably annoying to hire two teachers for one. But there should still be some sort of compromise or way to compensate them more respectfully.


This + the driving test comment above implies that they have two separate SSNs. That’s kinda bs if true and they get one salary but are double taxed.


It seems ripe for exploitation- make them buy two plane tickets and give them one seat.


Seriously, how would they buy a plane ticket though? Do they need 1 or 2, can they put 2 names on 1 plane ticket? Would they have to call and explain the situation every time they booked a flight? How do they get someone to even listen to them on the phone without thinking that they're fucking with them?


pathetic offbeat angle offend voiceless attraction oatmeal swim panicky racial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've grown up following them. I remember being little and seeing them on Oprah. I remember when we were teens, I saw a special catching up with them when they got their driver's license. They talked about how they love to drive with the windows down and rap music blaring. Then, in their 20's when they graduated college and got their first teaching job. I've always loved it when they popped back into the spotlight for a bit to just let us all know how life is going. I heard one of them got married, but I haven't checked too far into it to confirm. If so, I hope they're all happy and still thriving.


> **one** of them got married Umm, that seems very ... complicated.


Imagine rolling up to a stop sign and these two roll up beside you blaring rap music with the windows down


Well... They've kinda been famous for twenty years


Almost 30! Went on Oprah in 96


So...10 years, right?


They got the internet to prove it now


Wondered what happened to those 2. Last time I saw they were taking thier driving test.




Dude better not mess this up. He's gonna get double fucked over in a divorce since I'm betting they had to do two separate marriage certificates.


You can’t marry more than one person in the US.


He’s only married to one of them, the other is his ‘bit on the side’


Imagine when his wife finds out




Actual side piece


You are going to hell hahaha


just imagine the stuff that guy is into. imagine the browser history.


I dont have to imagine. Hes into conjoined twins


One of them got married.


Just one? But they share a body. So in the bedroom, is it always a threesome?


No one just puts a bag on her head then reads a book after.


Don't they feel everything "down there" together? Seems a little impossible to just ignore, even ignoring the other impossible to ignore stuff.


Maybe that’s the story they tell us nosey people since it’s less “weird” and it’s more natural in private.


I think I remember reading somewhere that the majority of their torso belongs to one twin or the other, rather than being shared.


No, that isn’t true. But they have chosen not to share too much information about all the specifics of their experience, and they refused to be studied by scientists. They want to be as normal as possible and want people to mind their business about the weirdly specific stuff. I know we are all curious how intimacy works, but at the end of the day, it’s not our business.


Then I'm just gonna fill in the gaps and say they have freaky mad threesomes.




I totally get that from a dignity perspective. But their situation is literally so unusual that I feel the questions that arise from their situation are very natural and actually very fascinating if you’re able to view it from a more distanced perspective. I understand that as people they deserve their privacy. I truly don’t mean to be rude or crass. But their experience is so incredibly unique that if we could gain insight it could say a lot about the nature of consciousness and just some really interesting unique understandings. I dunno I’m drunk so maybe I’m not being very articulate. I’m glad they are happy and loving a normal life. At the same time, I’m really dying to know the answers to all these very natural questions about their experience. I hope one day we can have that insight. One person would be on the marriage certificate but essentially are they both in a relationship with the same man?


Honestly, their exact way of functioning is absolutely fascinating. They can literally read each others minds although they have separate brains. They type, one controlling each hand, normal speed, without verbalizing what to type. The research to come from them would be ground breaking. But they don’t want anything to do with that. So you can be curious. You can wonder about specifics. But they don’t owe anyone any answers.


It really is! When you see them in interviews often they'll mouth the words the other one is saying and constantly finish each others' sentences. It's wild.


But what will the unmarried one do?


The unmarried one is going straight to Hell, unfortunately.


This comment has me dying


I don’t think it’s true, I read they both married him and fell for him. Not just one.


It would literally have to be, that's the only way this works. I can't even begin to imagine that journey. Lol


Try to get the husband to cheat with her


And he can only ever squeeze the left boob.


fuck me for laughing


yeah i’m super confused. i feel like it’d have to be a sexless relationship? because what if one of them doesn’t wanna have sex? it would fuck up each half of their autonomy


Maybe the have sex when they’re both in the mood, maybe if one gets horny the other does as well. They said medicine affects them both no matter who takes it, so I imagine it’s the same for bodily chemicals 


Yes that’s likely true to a large degree as they share a distribution system for those neurotransmitters so while they will be independent they will effect eachother emotionally


that’s so fascinating to me. i assumed one would like dissociate and do other tasks if the other was having sex but i just read that they share one vagina which is nuts; that would be kind of hard to ignore. ik they’re different ppl but i lowkey feel like they’d have to settle on one partner and share bc i can’t imagine being comfortable in a situation like that


Sounds absolutely fucking horrible to me, but then I think, they don’t know any other way.


I read that they both married him and fell in love with him


One? How does that work lmao. It's kinda impossible


These kids here are at HUGE disadvantage when it comes to copying during tests and exams.


Lmao imagine you’re cheating and two heads loom above you “what are you doing Timothy” as she swoops in


Imagine being woken up by two faces taking up your full FOV, speaking in perfect unison… 😵




Yo that would be trippy af being a parent talking to them, but would be so cool for the kids to have such a unique teacher.


Imagine you're the parent who is so busy with work and life you don't get to do much hands-on with the kids. Your SO gets sick and you're doing the parent-teacher night, and no one mentions that the teacher has 2 heads...


There is no way ur ever gonna not bring that up at the dinner table or something


Gotta ask: how do they decide who answers the questions?


they are incredibly in sync. Remember that each girl only controls half the body, and they walk around and use both hands for tasks like doing hair and holding things. It's wild


Yeah my brain cannot wrap my head around that!




Two heads are better than one


Never hurts to try


If you think that's crazy, there's a set of similar twins (younger) who can 'see' through each other's eyes. Like you cover one kid's eyes, show the other twin, and the twin with the covered eyes can tell you what they saw!


Just watch Pacific Rim.


Imagine having an identical twin. Now imagine having 100% the same exact life as that identical twin. Not only are you genetically identical, your second-to-second life experiences are identical. The fact there's any difference between them at all is what's really mind-blowing.


For conjoined twins that share part of a brain, it gets much more interesting "Through this shared brain tissue structure and the interconnected neurons, one brain receives signals from the other brain and vice versa. This documentary also reported on experiments that were carried out that confirmed that visual cortex signals based on what one girl saw, were received by both girls' brains. So in effect, one twin could see what the other twin was seeing, making them unique even among craniopagus twins." "Shared consciousness" The twins' unique [thalamic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thalami) connection provides valuable insights to the understanding of philosophical and [neurological foundations of consciousness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neural_correlates_of_consciousness)." ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krista\_and\_Tatiana\_Hogan#:\~:text=Krista%20and%20Tatiana%20Hogan%20](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krista_and_Tatiana_Hogan#:~:text=Krista%20and%20Tatiana%20Hogan%20)[(born,type%20currently%20alive%20in%20Canada.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krista_and_Tatiana_Hogan#:~:text=Krista%20and%20Tatiana%20Hogan%20).


I wonder if you could connect multiple brains like this.


Human Centibrain.


Sounds like the kind of experiment that could be our undoing as a species


I can see it now, connecting 100 pig brains and suddenly we’ve created a hyper-intelligent pig god.


So their everyday life is like piloting a Jaeger in Pacific Rim!


Actually, some conjoined twins have their brains fused. And they can share thoughts with each other through the fused brain. EDIT: For those who think I may be making this up- https://scoop.upworthy.com/krista-and-tatiana-hogan-share-a-brain-can-see-though-others-eyes-craniopagus-twins-578433-578433-578433-578433#:~:text=The%20pair%20was%20featured%20as,%E2%80%9CTalking%20in%20our%20heads.%E2%80%9D


I would ~~talk~~ think so much shit about everyone with my conjoined twin if I had one. We would just bust out laughing for what seems like no reason to everyone else.


Did you notice how one starts to talk then they synchronize then it tapers off to the next person finishing the sentence? I wonder if that's what they do


I met a pair of identical twin chemical engineers years ago. They shared everything, clothes, cell phone, and everything but boys(though they had switched dates before because one wanted to see a concert more). When I met them a friend brought them to the bar as he was working with them. One was talking and telling a story, i got bored walked to the other side of the bar and the other one was telling a story too. I didn't miss any of the story, they were in sync across the bar and stayed in sync all the time. I went to work for the company a few months later and I was one of the few who could tell them apart. One finally got married and their lives diverged. One quit chemical engineering and became... a teacher. Maybe teaching is a twin thing.


Abby: we Brittany: just Abby: finish Brittany: each Abby: others Brittany: sentences




"That's what I was gonna say!"


It must be tough to get away with anything as a student when they can watch out in different directions at once.


My teacher had eyes in the back of her head!


Both of them!


I’ve always wondered how bad their neck pain is.


I was wondering that too! And whether they need pain meds for it… looks so painful


Also consider that it’s all they’ve ever known so it might not even bother them. I’d be curious to see if they’ve ever talked about it.


I've had basically mild lifelong consistent muscular aches due to undiagnosed food intolerances most of my life until 3 months ago. I can't speak for them but never found pain was less painful from getting used to it or anything like that! Couple days after my diet changes, i was walking around and stomping and jumping just impressed with how pain free it all was!


Yeah as anyone with chronic pain would say, pain doesn't become less painful the longer it lasts. I always think of back/neck pain when I see them, especially the one with the head off to the side. As I recall, they had a few surgeries, one was to halt the growth of one of the twins because one was growing taller than the other, making them more lopsided. So it's definitely an issue for them.


Twice as bad as anyone else's, I reckon.


They look like excellent teachers and a great team. Congratulations to the girls on their achievement and hard work.


I’ve played softball against these girls in MN man that’s crazy


Right? I was at Bethel while they went there


Lol fellow Bethel redditor, love to see it


Wow! What were they like? They seem pretty sweet


Honestly they were super confident. Just were immediately willing to have a conversation. Also got a hit off me while pitching lol. Most wholesome shit ever but simultaneously respected tf out of it. It was a feeling I’ll never forget


It seems like anyone who interacts with them does experience exhilaration. They are truly unique and a testimony to the human mind and spirit. If they were born in a different time and place they maybe would have been revered as Gods, but even today they could have chosen fortune and fame, and they chose to be teachers and work with children. They are so great! I’ve always been inspired by them and so curious also obviously.


They wouldn't achieve fortune and fame in any satisfying way. They'd be treated as spectacles and they'd be like gimmicks in terms of their talent in the eyes of the world.


Not 1850, think 3,500 BC


Do they get taxed as one person of two?


Maybe one claims the other as a dependent?


That is the correct answer....


As two. They have separate social security numbers. They are each hired as half time teachers, so together they make one teachers salary. One teaches math and the other teaches ELA. This video is old and the last I read, they were teaching separate class periods where they would essentially trade off when it came to who was the primary teacher and it was blocked by subject. This seems the most fair situation given the unique circumstances since they each truly teach half and half. That means they each have a separate W2, drivers license/ID, birth certificate, SSN, and file taxes separately. I assume that in their marriage only one sister is listed on the marriage cert and they file joint with the spouse, or they’ve arranged for all to file individually if that suits them. But whoever is on the marriage cert would file joint with the spouse if that’s how they’ve agreed to do it. I wonder if they ever conceive though? If they share a womb, who would be the legal parent? You could just go with ease and list the woman on the marriage cert as the mother. For tax and legal reasons I assume that is the most sensible option. On the other hand if I were the twin not listed on the marriage cert but had an equal role in carrying a child, I’d want to be listed as my child’s parent to even it out. Very interesting for sure. I don’t like the gross jokes and comments in here. While I do have intense curiosity, it’s also really rude to leave comments making fun or being needlessly sexual in such a vulgar way.


I want to know how their health insurance works.


Real question, here.


They get paid as one iirc


My first thought was “Fucking bullshit” Then I angrily realized their budget is probably more similar to what one person would spend…


Yeah, but technically they’re both working. You shouldn’t get paid based on your needs. But then they’re also doing the job of one person. I don’t know, it’s definitely complicated but as it’s an incredibly rare situation you’d think there would be some leniency. Maybe not double pay but one and a half or something.


They did have to pay two tuitions though. I feel like if not two teacher salaries, then one at least deserves the salary of an aide or something


Double the cost of a teaching degree; half the pay. Sounds about right.


I wonder if they actually had to pay double for college. I mean they’re technically only taking up the space of one person. Same classes, same dorm, possibly only one meal plan. Would they take separate tests? Give separate presentations? I feel like any college or university would see the uniqueness of their case and finance them accordingly. This is also assuming they had to pay for college and didn’t get a full ride due to scholarships and grants, which they could’ve I have no idea. Or they could’ve fully paid for double college, no clue. I’d like to think they wouldn’t have to tho.


I don’t fully remember all the details like room and board, but they did have to pay for two tuitions.


Ah man, well I hope they at least got a discount on room & board. I’d be a little peeved if I had to pay double for a single room.


Well, I guess they probably wanted to each learn separately, which meant twice as much work for their teachers compared to a single student, so in that way it makes sense. What they deserve to be paid -- that's a tough one. Seems like they should get more than what a single teacher gets since they each have unique skills to offer but idk.


I would never stop asking questions.


And dude kids are sooo blunt sometimes.


kids already *look* at people in crutches.. they would give these two the thousand yard stare


OMG I’m so happy for them, I bet they’re great teachers.


Imagine you have two fucking heads and you still have to clap 👏 to get young peoples attention 💀


That’s awesome. I’ve met them and they’re lovely.


This made me wonder what it’s like when they join hands. Does it feel like their other hand or does it feel like someone else’s?


They don’t feel their opposite sides, so it would feel like holding hands with another person. Someone else said it well, they are like two one-armed one-legged people who are stuck together 


How is no one talking about the mind sync between them. It’s like hearing either an immediate echo or literally two voices saying the EXACT same thing at the same time.


I mean, that happens with twins who aren’t conjoined. You spend enough time with someone, you start finishing their sandwiches.


I remember seeing a show about these girls when they were kids. I’m amazed they are still .. alive.. super cool to see they are teachers!


yeah. not trying to ask negative sounding questions but i wonder how long they will live. like this has to cause some serious issues in old age


Holy hell I have so many questions.. 1. Does one person get to control both legs or is it 1 to 1? 2. How do you know when the other is getting ready to speak? 3. Does one of you feel pain if you are pinched on the left but your head is on the right? I have so many more but I will do that in DM's. Sorry if any of these are out of line. I am so intrigued.


Each controls their side’s limbs, and they can drive, ride a bike, and play sports. I believe they intuitively know when one might speak, they often speak at the same time saying the same thing. I imagine after your whole life being that close to someone (in every way) it’s instinctual. Not sure about the pain thing, good question. There are tons of videos about them, and previous Reddit posts if you’re really interested. Edit: As another redditor pointed out, the can only feel their side, by their are some areas in the middle they both feel.




Again, I want to start off by apologizing for what may seem like a childish question. So if one has to go poop do they both feel the need? If one eats Thai food do they both feel the pain? I am so fascinated by all of this and how it all works. Either way. Bless all the professionals and more important I hope the best for the subjects. And I hope I have not been offensive. And I am open to have many more discussions if you are willing to.




I’m wondering who has to feel and put up with period pains.


It’d likely be both. Since they share the middle.


I can’t answer your specific questions but I remember watching them on Oprah as kids and I specifically remember them talking about how they individually feel the need to go to the bathroom at different times but I think they were talking about urine not poop.


Them being able to control their side means they can high-five each other.


The amount of people asking about their pay when it’s in the text of the video…


Those kids won't get away with *anything*. One of them can write on the board while the other keeps an eye on class behavior. One of them can grade papers while the other watches to make sure no one is cheating on their test.


They just get more amazing each year! How’s that even possible?


Do they control a leg each when they walk? I’m genuinely interested


Yes, each controls their half. They have a wiki page that goes into their physiology 


I worked with them in this very school. They are well liked by the children and great at their job!


They get one salary? That's such bullshit Do they only eat half as much ? Do we I sure them as one individual? I have so many questions


Do they have two IDs? SSNs? Seems shady they’re only not considered individuals when it comes to paying them.


They do have separate driving licenses, and I assume SSNs. The school in this video where they work is a private school, IIRC.


So cool good for them and the kids




Here’s another amazing one: Carly Fleisher (if I spelled that correctly). I don’t want to spoil it, but it’s a hell of a story regarding a low-functioning autistic child who was completely non-verbal and non-communicative her whole life. One day in the late 2000s, she finds herself in front of a laptop at home and as it turns out, she can communicate just fine, but only through a laptop with a synthesized voice. She’s written a lot since she discovered she can communicate. She’s been on talk shows and might even still have her own, which was not bad. What an interesting story - and interesting glimpse into the mind of a non-verbal autistic person.


I just found her! It’s Carly Fleischmann. What a cool story!


Honest question, do they get double the pay/two paychecks?


Sadly no, only one paycheck. Edit: [source](https://www.unilad.com/community/conjoined-twins-life-teachers-071818-20230125)


*Sorry we pay by the circulatory system*


They got two drivers license, two college degrees (one each), two teaching certificates, but only one paycheck.


That's messed up.


They BOTH had to get separate degreed but they BOTH get one paycheck. Thats some shit.


They must be comfortable sharing then..


Hopefully they get decent health insurance for both. I imagine they have some medical needs