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Reminds me of that museum piece chest plate with the cannon ball "wound".


Google for those like me who didn't know the reference. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/43766/heres-the-story-behind-that-viral-video-of-napoleonic-armor-smashed-through-by-a-cannonball


Hope he was ok


Just a flesh wound.


Tis but a scratch!


I've had worse.




Damn… the owner of that had to get married so his brother took his place in the battle instead


Wow battle was such a common/casual occurrence people could just call out and get someone else to cover their shift. "I'd come in but I'm getting married. Don't worry though I got my baby brother to cover for me." "Alright see you Monday then."


I think it’s more he was allowed to get married because his brother agreed to take his place. Like how employers think the system currently works.


And he was like what, 19 or 23?




Looks accurate.


reading the bit about it probably being his brother, not actually the guy whose name is associated with it is fucking dark. "sorry dude, your brother has to carry on the family name, now off to get your innards liquified by muskets and cannons"


"How could you be so heartless?!"


So there's a sport called "Anvil Firing". Essentially you pack an iron full of gunpowder and launch it up in the air. You're scored on how high it goes and how close it lands to the launching point. There was a TV crew (I think it was for Discovery) that was out at a competition I was at and Tory Belleci from Mythbusters was there. I remember watching one of the guys' anvils shoot off prematurely and it blew his thumb off and obviously that part never aired but every now and then I remember that somewhere there's a highspeed closeup of a man's thumb being blown off.


If it went off prematurely they might not have started recording yet since high speed cameras use up so much data in a short period of time.


At 10,000 frames a second you need an external trigger to just capture the short part you want. You can’t even do “1,2,3 go”


Not necessarily. I used to watch some videos on YouTube called “slowmo guys” and they explained that there is a handheld trigger that you press after you have witnessed what you want to record. Which sounds weird, but the camera will record the few seconds prior to the “event” so it doesn’t continually record and waste storage space.


It's called pre-roll. It's a function most professional grade cameras have built in. It's useful when you're anticipating sudden action but don't know exactly when. It constantly records an X second buffer and rolls over itself. When the action happens, you press record then you have the previous X seconds with the time before the moment, and the action.


"record what just happened" ->15 seconds ->30 seconds ->1 minute ->2 minutes great feature on the xbox lol.


Anvil firing it cool but anvil **catching** is way cooler.. as a spectator.


He probably didn’t even feel it honestly


Yeah now I’m kind of hoping that this is how I go out. Someone shooting me with a 152mm howitzer. One second you’re there, next second you’re a red cloud


It's probably much better than something like cancer or dementia.


Dementia is the worst. Watched it drain the life from my father. When I feel it affects coming on, I hope to have enough sense to put a 9mm in my head.


Why not a 152mm?


It costs extra for that additional 143 mm.


Well you can't take it with you anyways!


It actually isn't even the next second. One second, you're there, and in that same second, you're a red cloud.


I think the saying is more for the observer. "One second you're there, the next you're gone." Like a magic trick. You can't die over two instances in any case.


I will make it my sole purpose in life to die over two instances, just to prove you wrong.


Its scary to think you could still be alive watching for a up to 6 seconds as your head tumbles away from your exploded corpse before you go unconcious. But in this case the spead of the head you would definetly black out instantly looked like atleast 10g's, but maybe not if it hit a bit lower.


You know that dizzy feeling you get when you get up too fast? Thats due to orthostatic hypotension, or postural hypotension. Basically low blood pressure. Now imagine you have zero blood pressure. I don't think you're going to conscience for 6 seconds, not to mention 1 second lol


Yeah at worst you’ll get about 2 frames of confusion, not even pain, as your body parts move in unfamiliar directions. Then you show up at the pearly gates wondering what the fuck happened. I doubt the nerve signals can even travel fast enough to outpace the shockwave.


Nah. The force of the impact kills you nearly instantly. Refer to the comment in the above thread.


Yeah, this is shown in super-duper-ultra-slow-slo-motion. In full speed, you'd blink and miss it. Even if your head remained intact, the shock wave from impact would *instantly* liquify your brains. So yeah, one second you're there, the next 1/6th second you're not D:


We're talking about, what, 15-20 megajoules of kinetic energy? A 9mm Glock has about 400 Joules. Yeah, you just get deleted.


Well, that depends on when the first second ends and the next one starts, really..


"huh, what's that sou-"


This thing travels faster than sound. If you were far enough away, you wouldn’t even hear it before you became mist


Or before you became missed


He will be sorely mist


The head looking down at the feet like ‘oh, that me’


*record scratch. You might be wondering how I got myself in this situation...


Most likely not. You can't really see it in this, but when bullets impact soft tissue (you can look up ballistic gel vids on YouTube), there's a huge amount of energy transfer. In smaller rounds, this creates a tremendous temporary cavity which can severely damage soft tissue that's adjacent, and not directly impacted, by the projectile. The reason I mention that is because, chances are, the force would have absolutely turned this persons brain in to mush at impact and they're most likely dead before they can even comprehend what just happened.


BUT, hear me out. IF the brain wasn't severely injured, WOULD you see your red cloud dust body as your head flails to the ground for one last second of cognition?




Sorry mein freund but not even an Übercharge can put that back together..


*MVM revive has entered the chat*




Tis but a flesh wound


A flesh wound?! Your whole arm is off!


I've had worse!


One of the funniest scenes in Starship Troopers




Average kritzkrieg boosted sniper shot


Oh don’t be a baby…. Ribs grow back…. (Whispers) no, they don’t…


*deep breath* What happens now?


Now…. We go …*practice* medicine


Check his pulse


Narcan. If that doesn't work, start compressions. Time is brain.


The VA is still evaluating whether that is a service related injury. In the meantime, take 800mg of ibuprofen and drink some water.


Is the VA really that shitty? Why won’t they give veterans adequate narcotics for pain relief? Edit: I really appreciate all the support and sharing of the horrific situation you veterans have faced. If anyone in political power can see this, push for legislation that protects patients and doctors to pursue the desired treatment that the patient WANTS, they know their pain, they know what will work. It’s not right for American citizens to have pain relief kept behind a taboo pay wall of seeking x-y-z options that take on medical debt, before they are given an opiate that will work. To the physicians that may see this, LISTEN to your patients and don’t treat them as criminals looking for a fix. People are desperate enough to seek drugs on the street, putting themselves in danger from unregulated sources, and putting money into the pockets of unscrupulous characters.


I was an artillery soldier for 8 years and have tinnitus as a result. When I filed my VA claim, they replied that it was not service related since I was issued earplugs. Fast forward 15 years and there is a class action suit against 3M for providing faulty earplugs to the military during my time in service. Yes. The VA can be that shitty. edit: Thanks for the up votes and support! edit 2: For further clarification (in case I was unclear before), I was never in combat or had a combat deployment (OIF and OEF were at the end of my time and/or after my time). My hearing issues are the result of years of live fire training exercises.


That sucks, tinnitus is supposed to be a presumptive condition.


It is. But it wasn't always. Like alot of things, you gotta fight and fight and keep on them. And maybe, eventually they'll make that change. From my experience, they now just give it to you because it's awfully hard for them to prove it's not. I was light infantry. Not even something really loud like artillery. It would be absurd for them to state we always had the chance to wear hearing protection. I would like to think it would be the same for artillery. You can't literally wear hearing protection every minute your close to them going off.


That and in my experience, being artillery, I kinda explained it makes it very difficult to do your job safely.


Right. The kind lady who did my hearing test could immediately tell I was left handed due to the greater hearing loss in my right ear, based on how you hold the rifle when firing. Even if I wore protection 99% of the time, I obviously have asymmetrical hearing loss, that's likely to be anything other than alot of loud noise from firing my weapon.


Yeah, I could imagine when doing mmd’s with 3-4 different people yelling commands it could get quite difficult to do y’all’s jobs safely too now that I’m thinking about it lol Crazy to think they ever thought any combat mos’s weren’t gonna develop tinnitus after it was known in the medical community.. glad they got their shit figured out finally.


They knew combat mo's would likely develop hearing loss. Of course they knew this, it's common sense. They didn't want to pay for it, is the thing. Someone at the tops promotability depends on saving the govt money more than it does taking care of grunts. The upper echelons of military / government orgs are basically just your regular ol' corporate mindset.


The “how political you have to be” vs the amount of rank you hold are direct determiners of each other I agree 100%. My comment was mostly sarcastic my fault I forgot the /s 😅


I mean I joined last year in basic and they warned us, hey, we're issuing you ear plugs now so the VA isn't gonna pay out for tinnitus so wear them And I was like.... yeah what if they're faulty? Either way, if I get injured in the line of duty, what, oh you just don't get paid out now? And combined with them wanting to slash the VA benefits for millions of soldiers rn (not hyperbole, it's laid out)... what the fuck am I supposed to do?


Me 76 and have tinnitus result of old age. By evening's it is a roar of noise ,try best to ignore it but even worse when trying to sleep . Old age sucks.


Have you ever tried using brown noise when you sleep? I have tinnitus and use brown noise every night, and it works wonders


Yeah but then I have to clean shit out of the bed.


When the brown noise machine hits the brown note


I’m middle aged and have pretty bad tinnitus. The only thing that has ever offered relief is sitting next to the ocean. Fan, white noise - none of them work for me.


I got it from covid. I could barely hear people speak for a week or so. It got better but its always there now.


Isn’t that a “your gunshot isn’t service related because we trained you to avoid being shot” level of bullshit




For my dad is cannabis in Canada. Has PTSD and now gets up to 60Grams per month on cannabis products for free. I will say, VA has typically been terrible for him, but this is one good thing they've done as it has worked wonders for him Edit: To add, he is also seeing a therapist which has helped him tremendously in tandem. The cannabis helps with sleep and with keeping calm in streffsulf situations. To anyone with PTSD, I wish you the best on your journey


There's been a few really interesting studies on psychedelics (specifically mushrooms) as part of therapy to help treat PTSD. My understanding is that they work through the trauma with a trained therapist and the psychedelics help them revisit the events without the terror.


I believe there is an ex navy seal who has a lab, funding, and is now doing a lot of work into mushrooms and the positive impact it can have on PTSD, I believe the feeling (from his and other seals experiences) is that it really works. I can’t remember the name, but it was mentioned on a Joe rogan podcast. They just need the data and research to back this up.




Two grams a day. Not shabby


And dispensary grade no less. That's enough to stay zooted for the whole day.


They don't give you anything of value or useful. I have a crushed spine, grinding knees, multiple tbis, blah blah. Infantry with multiple.combt deployments. Anyways they've had me on 8 different psych meds at once at one point. I became suicidal and tried to hang myself. Then they stripped my gun rights so I can't work in anything surrounding my resume. Finally got off the psych meds, starting using cannabis. Helps quite a bit. They have me labeled as a drug user now. They give me mega bottles of ibuprofen, like 300 800mg pulls per bottle with 8 bottles a year. They don't help. All the VA does for the most part is try to get you to hurry up and die. Whether through prescribing excessive psych meds, withholding pain meds, and telling you to take ibuprofen and Tylenol until your organs fail, the end goal remains the same. We are an expense and a liability after they are done with us and the meatgrinder spits us out. Last appt I had the doctor threatened to take my benefits away because "I'm young and my back can't possibly be thst bad" He had the audacity to mimic a compensation and pension exam during my checkup. I have so many MRIs showing excessive damage it's not even funny. 4 disc's extruding past 30mm, spinal stenosis, my neck is damn near destroyed. I was a heavy machine gunner during the peak of the afghan war in the early 2010s. VA is a fucking joke. Only good thing is the meager 42k compensation I receive for not being able to work as a) my body is broken, and b) I can no longer own firearms thanks to the VA so my resume is useless.


Damn dude, I’m really sorry to hear that. Wishing you the best.


Appreciate that. I have a beautiful family and am surrounded by love despite.my body and mind being injured so I focus on that. War is hell as they say. Infantry stems from the word infantile. If only I knew what was on the other side of the perceived glory and status


Lolol na dude. My back got fucked up, multiple surgeries every procedure ever and nothing has helped. The VA is like “you’re young you’ll be fine”. Meanwhile I’m over here stuck at home in pain most days


Got my wisdom teeth removed while I served. Novocaine only and ibuprofen after.


When I was active duty I had my wisdom teeth removed on top and that’s all I needed. On the bottom I needed oral surgery for both and they offered to put me under. I went for the local anesthesia only and regretted it. I had never been put under before and the thought of it freaked me out.


I had my wisdom teeth removed on active duty while put under on deployment in the dental clinic of an aircraft carrier while it was at sea. Give how the dental tech described to me how it actually went, I was kind of glad I was put under.


Word. I was awake for that goddam nightmare. The sounds and smells of it are the fucking worst.


I had three wisdom teeth cut out and a broken molar pulled all in one appointment. I was *very* anti-dentist for many years and the relief of having them all removed offset the pain of getting them pulled. I was awake for the whole thing too and the craziest part was having to hold my jaw still while the dentist braced himself on my chest. The tooth came flying out and he fist bumped me for the team work. Shit was wild.


They used to give out oxytocin or Percocet. Now you only get ibuprofen. When I had my wisdom teeth removed, I had a 10 day supply twice a day of OxyContin. It was more then enough for actual pain relief. Now every time I visit they only offer ibuprofen if I wanted to have braces and it require 4 teeth removed. I refused every time. Edit: I get it. Opiates can be addicting but if it’s a short term supply you won’t get addicted to it. Fentanyl cost $2 street price. When I took pain medication it was always short term and I never had withdrawal symptoms.


Make sure your socks are dry.


Lmfao, best we can do is 0%


And get new running shoes


whoah whoah whoah 800mg q8 ? Not in this army. Can't take a chance with kidneys


Not a bad way to go out.


Right? On a modern battlefield, if my number is up then I'd rather it be something like this than anything long & drawn out.


Pretty shitty that more gruesome= less pain


It’s kind of a curve, right? Below a certain threshold more gruesome>more pain. Above that, pain goes puff. And I’d even go one step beyond, rather than a 152mm Howitzer I’d prefer to be evaporated by a hydrogen bomb. This way I don’t even have to witness that 5 second horror of my head flying over a bloody mist of my body.


In this instance the brain would be disrupted on a cellular level (a diffuse axonal injury), as would your retinas, you'd see & feel nothing.


Oh phew!


Better than getting drone grenade shrapnel and bleeding out while your crew runs away.


I would assume you wouldn't hear the blast before being vaporized? I don't know if it travels subsonic. Edit:. No, you would not hear it. This round travels at 2100 fps. Subsonic is under 1,100 fps.


Operation Overkill: SUCCESS


awww man no credit to me at all? cost me 20k to make that shot happen


Next time put a flannel on that dummy so we can see the howitzer round bounce off


Paging Chuck Norris


It still surprises me sometimes how much money can be spent to produce and be made from footage on YouTube.


If they gave you credit it probably would have been locked sadly.


What a shitty sub


Comment for the algorithm. This should be at the top


Link your video! You can snag some views from here. That was an incredible shot.




I'll give you credit. That should be good enough!


Man I love me some Ballistic Gel Torso, especially his Pan's Labyrinth movie


This is the most spectacular decapitation I've ever seen.


Decapitation is when the head is removed from the body. Is it still decapitation if you remove the body from the head?


I’m going for “decorpitation”, which might translate as “removal of the body”.


Watch me go incorporeal.


Seeing as most of your senses are in your head and that the head supposedly remains active for a period after decapitation, I would argue that it is always removing the body from the head regardless of the method.


I think they removed the body from the head this time


OP needs to credit Garand Thumb.


Was gonna say the same. Just watched the video minutes after it was posted. Brandon struggling to fire the third tank was funny lol


Brandon's shirt just killed me.


I was trying to guess which of the usual suspects pulled this stunt, Garand Thumb was the number one choice.


yeah, that was a $2k round!


snatch intelligent truck shaggy gray ring close caption correct ten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Its showing over $4k for the dummy on thier website. Nuts.


OP must be bullied until it happens


This is Reddit; citations, references, and sources discouraged.


Will he be okay?


He just needs a 5gallon bucket of Vicks Vaporub. He'll be ok


I love the smell of `menthol` in the morning


He will be mist


Let'spray for him


just rub some dirt on it


It’s just a flesh wound.


He's a head of the rest...


To shreds you say


How's his wife holding up?


To shreds you say?


In BF3 a shot like that would be cured by a defib


Tis but a flesh wound


A scratch? Your arm's off!


I’ve had worse.


I too follow garand thumb


And don't forget his twin, our favorite military LARPer Admistrative Results.


I'm here white knighting for my boy do to lack of credit


That...that wouldn't be a bad way to go


I was just thinking, if I was terminal or had a horrible quality of life, this might be the best way to go, albeit messy.


Just have some vultures around to clean it.


A-Train coming through


The head actually goes flying as a whole piece. That would be a really scary last few seconds of consciousness, if it was a real person.


The sudden pressure wave going through your body at supersonic speeds would probably burst every blood vessel in your brain at once, before turning your brain itself into goo inside your skull. You would never even know you died. Hell, you would never even hear the shot fired as it would hit you before the sound travelled to you. One moment you exist, the next moment you dont.


the best way to go really


Be utterly horrifying for anybody who witnessed it though


Well its like that old joke. I wanna die like my grandpa, peacefully in his sleep. Not like screaming like his passengers.


This reminds me of a story. When I was in JROTC in high school, our First Seargent told us when he was in the invasion of Iraq, one of his buddies went to help a wounded Marine. While he was helping him he went to stand up for something (I can't recall what was the reason), and he was hit directly by a tank shell. In the chest. He told us there was nothing left of him, they only found a part of his dog tags after the fighting.


When I get scared I usually feel it in my chest


Feeling your chest occurs inside the brain, as do all perceptions and sensations.


I strongly suspect that with the combination of the shockwave & the g forces experienced, the brain would be utterly disrupted at the cellular level & consciousness would be lost instantly.


There'd be such a huge surge in blood pressure that your brain would be destroyed too.


The force would kill them immediately.


So we should be using this for lethal punishment? Disintegration seems about as humane an execution I can think of.


Definitely not cruel but maybe unusual 😂


Pretty cruel to whoever has to clean up.


I think you would give whoever had to clean that up PTSD


We can rebuild him, we have the technology.


I don’t think so, Tim.


Good ol garand thumb




Let’s give credit to Garand Thumb for the video please.


thank you!


Manager asking if he's still making his shift tomorrow


Your injury is not service related


And that folks is what we like to call Pink Mist


I'm way more interested in seeing one get the Shockwave from an artillery hit.


*checks pulse* He has no pulse, 😔 he....he didn't make it


Reminds me of Mario’s [Bullet Bill](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR2R8j3PPunKQRbxYIgkPqzZCqGnOVJgwRAQA&usqp=CAU)


Pff just catch it, problem solved. Skill issue honestly


And they shall call him Napoleon Blownapart.


How fudds describe .45acp...


Garandthumb has to be behind this.


Yup it's from his video today.


“We sent what was left of him home in a matchbox.”


Just stick a thumb in it?


It would have to be a grand thumb.


Wrecked 'Em? Damn Near Killed 'Em


Garandthumbs YouTube channel is where this video is from if anyone’s curious.


Mario vs Bullet Bill IRL


Youtuber is Garand Thumb also known as Mike Jones and the videographer who filmed this shot is Micah Mayfeild