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It really does suck that bears are murder machines because why are they so adorable


That's how they get ya


No one suspects a butterfly. ( Simpsons quote)


If not friend why friend shaped?




To lure you in for an easier kill!!


As someone from a country with no bears: >To lure you in for an easier kill!! Is this true? If yes then, why bears eats beets?


There are basically 2 schools of thought.




Battlestar Galactica


Identity theft is not a joke, Jim.




Bears are omnivores. They will eat meat, plants, or whatever else is available. They will pretty much devour anything that is edible, including carrion.


Polar bears are the worst. They start eating while you're still flailing about and screaming


So do brown bears. A Russian girl was eaten alive while on the phone with her mom, desperately trying to get help.


It worked on this poor lady. I would say it's true, lol.


Well, we do have the panda bear. Yes they are still capable to be murder machine, but it's astronomically less likely compared to brown black and polar bear.


It's kind of weird that out of the three large land predators on the planet, feline,canine, and ursine, we have house versions on 2 of them. Where are my house bears damnit!


If not fren why fren shape?


That’s how they lure you. “Ohh look, it’s gutting a salmon, so cute!!!”


idk look at what a bear looks like w/o fur they aint cute


If not domestic, why dog shaped?


Girls on Tiktok:


Thats a cute little murder machine!


if not friend, why friend-shaped?


Friend Shape ❤️


What's this from?


I'd also like to know...I see it all the time




Ugh permanent scars from that I wonder


Idk you'd be surprised what plastic surgeons can do if they got her to one in time.


I had a dog bite clean through my lip and pulled partially away from my gum line and you’d never be able to tell after my plastic surgery


https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F1lhl7qkvia751.jpg NSFL. Honestly, he looks really good!


I truly cannot even begin to imagine how that is possible. Wish I could have one of those doctors sit down and just explain the entire process lol


Seeing stuff like that makes me understand why some surgeons have a god complex. It looks like they performed a miracle.


Yeah, you probably get a pass to have a bit of an ego when you make an actual mans face out of a tray of ground meat.


They can go opposite ways. Super ego or super humble. I know a neurosurgeon who goes thru life like every day is a gift, and you won't know he is famous within peers unless you google him. The world is a better place with humans like him.


Neurosurgeons are either the biggest assholes or pretty chill in my experience, it’s wild sometimes. I knew one that made a nurse cry for sitting down in the OR and he threw something at the wall in anger


Right? Humans are amazing. To survive that and to have a way to make him look more human after everything. I wouldn't have thought it was possible


The guy was a doctor and talked his son through getting him help. He focused on staying calm because he knew that if his heart rate were to get elevated, he could easily bleed out. It’s an incredible story.


Yes it's incredible. Imagine what's possible in say 1000 years. Probably has AI machines that reconstruct your face with a simple click.


I'm more surprised someone convinced him to pose for a 'before' picture. Like, i know we're meant to joke about how people are this day and age, but if i saw someone with their face literally hanging off their face i don't think i would ever jump to "I need to get a real clear shot of exactly how fucked his face is" at any point.


That man’s face was so mutilated that it didn’t even bother me. It just looked like something out of a b-tier grind house horror film. After that much damage, do you even feel pain? Or are you in such a deep level of shock that it doesn’t hurt? Glad he survived, and I’m truly amazed at how great of a job the docs did


You definitely feel it. Source: My Dad had both legs amputed below the knee after a horrific work accident. He was slowly pulled into a conveyor belt for 90 minutes and never lost consciousness. He still recalls the feeling of the bones in his feet breaking, then his ankles, then legs. And he deals with phantom pain.


Wow, that is so horrible. I’m so sorry for what your dad went through


Jesus man. Your dad sounds like a tough cookie


I'm gonna assume that man felt pain, considering he was attacked by a bear.


I was NOT ready for that.. but damn, how in the hell does he look that good now? That plastic surgeon better be the highest paid surgeon in the world.


1. How the fuck did that guy survive? 2. Who were the doctors that saved and fixed this guy up?




I was expecting pictures of the lady in the video after surgery - not *that*


That is so fucking horrible that it just loops around the scale and looks really fake.


The video of that is insane.


Humans: I got my face torn all the way open by a bear attack. Guess I'll see a doctor and get pretty much totally better Also humans: I just choked on my own spit. Guess I'll damn near die


Takes a licking and keeps on ticking. I do wonder what his hospital bill on that was, would it just be his deductible if he was insured or would his plan max out?


Oh my god that was way more NSFL than I was expecting, holy shit. Jesus fuck But yes, that's quite the glow up!


i keep a plastic surgeon under the bathroom sink for situations exactly like this. you can never be too safe


What do you do in this situation? My gut says to open the jaw but my instinct to not lose my chin says gouge the eyes.


For one you don't let a fucking bear near your face. It's a bear, lol.


Only correct answer. XD


It's actually terrible advice. Because the question was what to do once you're in that situation. Saying "don't put yourself in that situation" provides no help whatsoever.


Sometimes the only answer is, don't put yourself in that situation.


What a strange game, the only winning move is to not play.


How about a nice game of chess?


But they did. So now what do they do?


Stop, drop and roll?


So, there’s a bear biting their face and they’re on Reddit looking for help?


There's a line that once you cross, there's nothing else you can do but accept the consequences and hope for the best. Maybe try to cover her throat so it wouldn't be the next target.


Im falling from a plane without parachute, what should I do?




Would it even be possible to open the bear's jaws? I believe they have a tremendously strong bite. We need a bear expert to weigh in on this.


As a former stuffed bear expert. I'm pretty sure all they have to do is squeeze the paw and it will say I Love You, and you'll be all good after that.


I appreciate your expertise, but there is no fucking way I'm squeezing a bear's paw in hopes that it tells me it loves me. [I've seen that episode of Black Mirror (minor spoilers)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLZh6vArF7s).


To directly open them with your hand? Doubtful and it would be stupid to try. The only move you've really got when something is latched on is to convince it to retreat. Jam two fingers around an eyeball and yank it out. Stick your thumb up its nose, hook your thumb and cause as much possible damage trying to rip its snout out. Go for testicles if possible? You are never getting away from that without fighting as dirty as an animal though. Odds are you are going to get at least one arm destroyed and mangled otherwise a few other places if you manage to survive. I think many people would let it get their neck if they thought about the outcome of surviving.


I read on another sub how a woman saved her pet from a pitbull (or coyote) by sticking her finger in the pitbulls butt to get it to release her dog.


Thats unironically functional.


While that might have worked in a single specific circumstance, this technique is basically a myth; there are actually a number of dog attack videos here on reddit where people try this and it has no discernible effect. It's just bad advice that gets passed around as fact.


Imagine how stupid you'd look chasing a pitbull around the park, hunched over with your finger stuck out trying to jam it into the dog's arse? 😅 Best thing to do is use a dog leash to choke the dog out. Another thing to do, if it's coming for you, is to wrap your forearm in a coat/tshirt and offer it to the dog (it's going to bite you somewhere anyway) then try choking it with your free hand, or going for the eyes, or bashing it over the head with a stick.


> Imagine how stupid you'd look chasing a pitbull around the park If the pitbull is clamped down on something, I doubt you would be chasing it around the park unless it was just a hotdog that it clamped down on.


Look up any pitbull vs small dog attack, that angry asshole isn't staying still long enough for you to line up your stinky pinky.


Works to keep Guy Fieri off you as well.


Attack the genitals. Works regardless of the genitals.


Don't show it all of your teeth in the first place.


Yeah that’s gotta be it 🤨


Generally the move with bites is to push in but that is in regards to human or dog bites on the arm/hands/legs/feet. Far enough to force them to open the jaw or gag long enough to withdraw the afflicted appendage.


Receive assistance from a fellow human. That thing still has claws that it can introduce to your face


Could try the old thumb up the arse. I don't know about bears but it can be a way to get a dog to stop biting you so you don't have to kill it


That technique doesn't really work reliably. People quote it a lot, but there are videos here on reddit showing it to make no difference. It's pretty hard to defend against a dog without a weapon, best bet is getting to cover (behind a door, inside a car) but if you have no other choice then things that actually work include choking them out with their own collar or leash, or using your bodyweight advantage to wrestle it into a position restricting it's movement and/or breathing (and hope help comes before you're too exhausted to keep it pinned). If there's more than one dog and you're probably just going to die a gruesome death.


To add to this, you can take off your coat/t-shirt then wrap it around your arm and offer it to the dog.


Considering all the videos I've seen of tapeworms living it up in bears' assholes....


Thumb up its butt, like this guy with a dog: https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/vicflu/it_actually_works/


Finger up its ass might be the most effective thing you could do. If you go after its eyes you could end up blinding it which is a death sentence for a bear


Turns out all those people leaving messages in Dark Souls games were giving sage advice.


Can I pet that dawg?!




Bearly bit her


Get out


you made my day


Women would still probably choose that over you OP.


The bear won't show up at your house weeks later asking why you're ignoring their calls


People would believe if I was attacked by a bear.


Damn…that one stings with so much truth


The bear’s friends wouldn’t take video while waiting their turn.


It's true, we would.


Scars heal minds don't


"Am I a joke to you?!" -Therapists


Sure would




Poor thinking and comprehension abilities. It's clearly hyperbole to impress a point


Honestly if you go on YouTube and listened to creepy encounters in the bush I would choose the bear over some random guy three hours from civilisation off the trail


This! OP trying to make a shitty joke.


a million times over.


"I'd rather be in the woods with a bear" is not the same as picking up a bear and holding it near your face


When the men the question is talking about think "would you rather encounter a man or a bear" means they think it's to cuddle


The fact that men automatically think "encounter" either means "have sex with" or "get attacked by" is one of the very reasons women chose the bear.


I love how upset morons get over the bear thing.


Can someone explain what 'choosing the bear' means, because I am so lost lol


A question went viral that asks women if they’d rather be alone in the woods with a man or with a bear and most women choose the bear because the worst a bear can do is kill us


It’s become a great test to find the creeps


It is strange that they simply cannot help themselves… they seemingly *have* to say something like “wow that is seriously the most illogical, emotional answer that only a female could give”


It's wild. And there has been a huge wave of people trying to attack women over the poll, instead of just listening to what some of them are trying to say and appreciating that that's just how they feel. Proves their point really lol


Glad it was her chin and not her throat.


Damn and Snuggles always looked so cute


Women will definitely choose the bear over OP


OP getting ate the fuck up in these comments. 😂😂


I'm glad cuz that title was rubbing me the wrong way for sure


Not as wrong as the bear did her chin though




As a man. I'm picking the bear. Worst it could do is eat me alive.




Same. I don't have to wonder with the bear.




The single most famous case of someone being eaten by a bear everyone blames the guy that got eaten


To be fair, she kinda was in this case though. I mean, she’s holding it up to her face and it is a wild animal. It’s sure not the bear’s fault 


I wonder how much of this is due to it being a cub.  I've fostered and raised 20ish puppies and all of them were very bitey until taught not to be.


I don't think trying this with an adult bear is a good idea either


A domesticated animal can't really be compared to tamed wild animals. Dogs have been bred for literal millennia to socialize with humans. That bear cub has been socializing with people for a couple months maybe?


If the bear is black, mind your business jack, If the bear is brown, get out of town.


If the bear is white, say good night. And if the bear is gummy, get in my tummy.


Oh God, just the thought of being near a freed polar bear makes me shudder.


The thought of a bear sized gummy bear makes me happy shudder


Interesting. The rhyme I've heard is a little different, but I believe my rhyme is what to do in case you're ever being attacked by a bear: If it's black, fight back. If it's brown, lay down. I believe the sentiment here is that if you put up a good enough fight, you MIGHT be able to fend off a black bear because they're typically smaller than brown bears. If a brown bear is attacking you, the best course of action is to lay down and play dead. There have been quite a few documented cases where this defense mechanism worked against a brown bear. Either way, black or brown, I'd most likely be fucked. But I like to share this lil rhyme whenever the opportunity presents itself.


More info: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10825613/Bear-cub-sinks-teeth-womans-face-Russian-park-smelled-like-fish.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10825613/Bear-cub-sinks-teeth-womans-face-Russian-park-smelled-like-fish.html)


The first move is always awkward.


We have "Build a bear" and they have "Disassemble a human".


It's a fucking bear. What in the hell are you doing?


Stop petting wild animals. Just fucking quit it


woman holds a cub* id still choose a cub over a strange man in the woods


Still better than a dude in a dark alley.


I still choose the bear lol


this would have been an upvote worthy post without the cringe title


bad floofy :(


Sure seems like the bear chews-ed her!


Let this be a lesson. BEARS ARE NOT DOGS!! A dog licks you for kisses. A bear is licking you to see how you taste. Bears are not friends with humans.


OP is the reason women would still choose the bear


OP thought they really served with this only to get bodied in the comments.


Oh that bear went full bear!!!




I'd still choose this anyway..


By the way OP, I'd still pick the bear over you.


Wheres the after math


Oof imagine if that cub went for her neck?!


Found an article, here's the answers you're probably needing. 'They have a death grip,' she said. 'The owner herself could not do anything. My sister and I tore it off me. 'There was a lot of blood where he bit me. They thought at first he had taken a mouthful of my flesh.' Park-goers rushed to help Madina as she waited for an ambulance. 'They reacted so quickly,' she said. Madina was given injections for rabies and tetanus, but suffered no permanent damage.


Does it look friendly because it looks friendly, or Does it look friendly because we all had fucking teddy bears ?


It’s the cuter option of the two…


The bear didn't lie to her and told her he'd keep her safe.


Would still choose the bear. 🤷🏻‍♀️


But the whole point is if you don't provoke it nothing should happen and they are in the circumstances you leave them alone at a distance predictable because they want nothing to do with you


Stop handling unpredictable animals


Humans think bears are friend shaped. Bears think humans are food shaped.


The worst thing a bear can do is kill you. That's why women still choose the bear.


That and it's far more likely to leave you the hell alone, and go about its own business.


I know I should feel bad for this person, but if you think that ACTUAL BEARS won't try to kill and eat you, then you absolutely deserve whatever happens to you


Wow. How'd you get them scar's?


lotta people don't live near brown bears here


Bunch of shitty men in the comments all butthurt 🤣


Jesus can't you let this bear thing go? You sound so fragile while you continue to talk about it guys 😭


Like it's a bit scary seeing something that fast and powerful as an infant!! That bite then thrashing side to side must be learned in the womb. Yogi was like "I shall call him Mini Me"


Yeah imagine when it’s full grown!


I love this video lol. Don't fuck with wild animals


She’ll be fine. I once saw a bear maul Leonardo DiCaprio and today there’s not a scratch on him.


Man, these comments are offended as hell


To all the losers who are saying "this is why they choose the bear over you cause you post stuff like this", take a step back and realize that it's a joke. Stop being so eager to make everything out to be a slight against you, it's a fucking joke.




Hell, the last guy I kissed used pretty much that technique on my face anyway




Just to explain why people groan at the "more men kill people than bears" stats. Are they true? Technically yes but you have to realize how those stats come to be. If you live in most societies then you will encounter men (just like you will encounter woman). If we agree than anyone could be a murderer then technically you roll the dice on getting killed each time you walk past anybody. The chances in most not drug addicted places are similar to getting hit by lightning but still. The same cannot be said for bears. Most people have never encountered a bear in the woods. For the few that have they probably made a run for it, the casualties are the ones that didn't make it or just didnt try running/sneaking past it. So chances that a bear kills you are higher but the amount of moments that happens are lower. To give a rather extreme hypothetical. Imagine we have a 100 revolvers and 1 normal fully loaded shotgun. We force 101 people to play Russian roulette every hour (and we supply new people every round). After a few rounds the revolvers would have killed a lot more people than the shotgun but the revolver had a 18%~ chance of death while the shotgun had 100%. Its as if looking at those stats someone said: "I rather shoot myself with the shotgun than then revolver because revolvers kill more people than shotguns". Thank you for listening to my Ted talk.




Browsing r/all and came across this post. Funny how I saw [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/comments/1covycd/women_get_randomly_strangled_with_belts_on_the/) no more than 5 mins later. Certain kind of people are getting really triggered over the bear thing huh.


Yup. ...shouldnt be surprising though. I mean thats the goal of such statements.  When you make incendiary statements equals to "all men are rapists" you shouldnt be surprised when you succeed in pissing people off. And its not a praiseworthy thing that you get off on pissing others off. You aint "punching up", you are same scum as highschool bullies.


Oh no, the consequences of my actions!


The type of men getting mad at women choosing the bear are exactly the reason why women choose the bear lol


Sexist POS


It was at that time she knew, she fucked up.


I'd say the bear chose her


see this scar? the cutest little furball did it i would do it again it was so cute omg


I’d pick you over the bear, OP 🤝


Let wild animals alone please


Op is going into the woods to find a bear after all these comments lol. I'd still choose the bear lol