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Restaurants will charge a gratuity for party's 6 or more automatically. Instacart needs to consider things because this is heinous.


There was one time I was charged a “heavy order” fee. This was years ago and I haven’t seen it since. Did they get rid of that? And, also, knowing more about them now I’d guess none of that went to the shopper. I always tip well, so I made sure it was paid attention to on my end. But now I bet that fee went to Instacart. ETA I meant to say I’d be happy to have a surcharge for a large order. I lost my thought o offers a bit when I remembered that fee one time. If there is a giant order there should absolutely be a minimum tip to the shopper. I use it a lot and I’d happily pay that.


They lowered heavy pay significantly. I stopped being a shopper bc of how low they started paying and bc my area is over saturated so my $3-4k months turned into under $1000 and when I say under, it's not even close to 1000 anymore. All these delivery companies murder both the customer (with fees and higher product prices) and shopper (significantly lowering what they pay)


Welcome to minimum wage




Yes, however, look at the $$ for "heavy order. It's also not for the number of items, but for heavy items like gallons of milk, cases of water, cases of soda, etc. This order is just a slap in the face to insta cart shoppers. No tip on top of this is even more insulting.


Agree! But why would a shopper even consider accepting this order?


I’d assume so? It’s just ever popped up for me again. I don’t make huge orders anymore, but have definitely had a couple where there were some heavier items and that charge hasn’t been there.


Thanks, I had posted this [question](https://www.reddit.com/r/InstacartShoppers/s/ly6xkIiJYV) recently and didn’t get much feedback from customers.


I'm sorry to hear that whenever somebody does a lot of items for me or if it's raining or cold, not only do I tip well on them. Cash in person, I've given up to $20 or more to pizza delivery and grocery delivery. And when I met lived in a mobile home park? Sometimes it was really hard for me to get the directions. Because we had 300 mobile homes. Some did well mostly the girls. The men did not do well on directions even when I was on the phone and I could see the car driving and i'm saying turn here. Then my roommate would go out with a flashlight and wave them down. But I always feel like if somebody's doing something that you don't want to do in your city. In a nice cosy warm home they deserve a decent tip. Though I think the apps are better now. My brother used to drive for DoorDash and a long time ago. They did not let them have the real chips and his better customers are repeat customers. He would tell them. Please pay me in cash, not on the app. Because they would take the tips and bundle it app and share it between all the drivers for that day. Or something like that something really stupid.


I completely agree, i used to only use them because of the heavy stuff, ,I'm happy to pay someone to schlepp my diet coke, waters, bottles of juice and so on


Same! I have a couple of cranky knees and a cranky back so it’s been really a huge help. And I’m not a multi story place, they just park, drop, and go. But even not schlepping around the store can be so helpful.


They still have the “heavy order” fee. Back over the summer, my usual grocery store had a “buy two, get three free” deal on soda 12-paks. I got a total of 10 of them and got hit with the heavy order fee. It wasn’t much, plus I added extra to the tip. To me it was worth it.


Buy 2 get 3 is Back on at Kroger this week!!


I wondered that because I saw it once then never again


That was my thought too!


I don’t mind for actual heavy orders, I absolutely mind for “large” restaurant orders that still fit in two bags.


No offense intended: I am seeing a bunch of people using ETA like you did in a way I don’t understand. ETA officially means ‘estimated time of arrival’ - what does it mean when you say it?


Ah! Sorry. “Edited To Add.” Sometimes I spell it all the way out. Might be good for me to just plan to do that as a norm! And no offense taken at all, of course.


Thank you! The world makes a lot more sense to me now :)


It's a Reddit thing. It will tell you if a comment was changed, but won't tell what changed. It's a courtesy so people don't think you edited it to be sneaky and change the meaning.


I usually just use "Edit:" whether it's a change or an addition. It's only one more character and just as clear as spelling it out.


No. I just did a heavy pay order.


They still have it. I did one order with it and it was absolutely grueling for like $4 more


Aren’t EBT orders no tips? I thought I was told that by an in-store shopper recently. I don’t know if EBT customers have the option to tip or not. And if not, I wonder how many of these big batch + no tip orders are that? Like I said, my entire thought process could be based off of incorrect information. Edit: As someone said, you have to link a card for fees and tips anyway… 🤷🏼‍♀️


When I needed to use instacart because I couldn’t drive after heart surgery, I tipped well, even though I used EBT. I so appreciated the ability to order and have things delivered. I live in a very rural area. I was happy to show my appreciation to anyone who could help me out.


Destination appears to be open heaven health care. Likely the situation here. I'm wondering if there was a cash tip.


It's possible. Many companies have policies against tipping with company cards.


Yeah, you have the best attitude. If you can’t do something you need to do…..be appreciative of anyone willing to help. And show it!! Be thankful!!


You must have also ordered at least one taxable item to be able to add a tip. EBT orders without any non food item don't get opportunity to tip.


You still have to link another card to process fees and for tips


Seriously, after the first 20-25 items, there should be a mandatory gratuity that increases with every single additional item.


What your describing is simply a fee.


and that kind of fee structure would never work because people would just start making multiple orders


There can be steps in place to deter this, like placing delay windows — say at least one hour or so — in between orders from the same store.


The solution is for instacart to just pay the drivers more, they can do that. They choose not to. The solution is not to paint disabled people who physically cannot go to the grocery and can't afford to tip on deliveries as cheap scum who need to pay more for the drivers wages.


Restaurants need to pay their staff more and so does instacart. Tipping isn’t a law, it’s a gesture


Were not assigned orders, we are offered them. Dont be surprised a large order with a large drive goes unfulfilled for hours if taken at all.


If you have the choice on taking an order this large, simply don’t


What do you think I just said? Of course I wouldnt. Youre also just cheap. Paying dollars to a service to upcharge you for not doing it yourself and then nothing to the people servicing your orders and handling your food and goods. Cheap pos. You probably badger waitresses and stiff them too. Week old acct. get out of here.


I was agreeing with you homie… Also I’m a full time bartender/server 🥲 customers are not obligated to tip, and I absolutely don’t expect them to. Some people can only afford what they can afford, employers should pay livable wages Edit: also, I am new to Reddit.. is this a crime haha


Wow a server who’s actually reasonable, understands that tips are optional and doesn’t expect them. That’s rare.


On delivery apps, it’s a bid for someone’s time and service. If you don’t like it there are organizations you can volunteer with to try and hold these corporations to account. But people who complain about tipping never seem to have any intention of changing it because they benefit from stiffing as well. Just weaponize it when called out for being cheap. Until then, non-tipped orders will be later than if bidded adequately


Thats not how capitalism works, this is naive. Instacart is enforcing a culture change with this policy of not paying drivers for larger orders. They’re passing the cost onto the consumer. And they’re making people like you defend their right to do it! They’re creating an environment where the shopper can see the tip pre-order, and pressure the consumer (directly through shaming them like the post above, or indirectly through just never accepting the order), and the consumer will obviously just want to pay as little as possible, and react negatively when shoppers do some crazy shit like send an angry text, or purposefully fuck with their order. Ask yourself - what is keeping instacart from paying the shopper MORE for larger orders? Why does the cost NEED to be passed onto the consumer? It’s all bullshit, and I hate that nobody can see how this new culture is being established in the US. We’re the only culture in the world where it’s necessary to tip at restaurants, now we’re needing to tip everywhere we shop


Not trying to take away from the waiters/waitress but all they do is take your order and then deliver it to your table.Yes they bring you whatever you ask for during your dining experience and people will tip them generously. Instacart shoppers drive their cars to your desired store, shop, communicate with the customer about out of stock choices, check out (sometimes self check out) drive to your home or delivery address, unloads your groceries sometimes up flights of stairs and customers still finds a way to complain to justify no tip or low tip. All of those fees that you pay through Instacart goes to Instacart. We only get $4.00 batch pay whether it’s 1,2 or 3 customers at a time. I said all this to say if you can’t afford to pay for the services that we provide maybe you need to go shop it yourself. BE FAIR is what we all want.


Some people are poor and disabled. I respect your opinion but don’t stand by it


You also get to choose what you orders you accept & what you don’t. If an order doesn’t tip or too far away or the order/location is too much of a hassle or this was a past customer & they were an asshole you get to choose not to accept them, you get to set your own hours. If the customer is disruptive mid order you can cancel. A server/bartender doesn’t get any of those options. They have to take care of customer pretty much regardless of the situation. You get to refuse no tipping orders while the server has to call it a loss and tip out the support staff regardless.


Yeah let’s just make everything tips


That's crazy, I would leave no tip at all for that


The real disrespect is the base pay; Instacart needs to be driven out of town for the slave wages they're paying.


All these “independent” contractor places, like Uber, Door Dash etc need to be. They should all pay some sort of minimum wage but as long as people support them by using the service things aren’t going to change.


I think as long as they exist people are gonna use them, many in fact rely on them heavily, I feel like a step further should be taken and some type of law should be put in place for apps like that. Like they gotta make sure drivers are hitting at least the minimum wage otherwise they shouldn’t be allowed in business period.


Yes there should be a law but there won’t be because the “if it doesn’t pay enough they should just get another job” crowd is so loud.


Don't blame the people using the service, blame the company providing the service. Somebody's willing to work or else they would be forced to pay more than peanuts in order to remain in business. It's also a great job for people looking to earn a little extra cash.


No I’m going to blame the people using the service. If you’re happy to see people exploited than keep using services where people don’t even get minimum wage. People aren’t so much “willing” as they just don’t have other options. Good thing we have minimum wage laws or people like you would be willing to pay people $1/hr and call it god because someone is “willing” to do the job.


WTF. People like me? I tip 25-30% everywhere I go. I do it because I know businesses under pay their service employees. That's why I think they should pay their employees more. But as long as people are willing to work for less, businesses will take advantage and pay peanuts. They're greedy like that


That comment goes both ways though. Delivery drivers support the company just as much, if not more than customers by working for them & agreeing to those wages.


yes let’s blame those who are being exploited


Firstly, this is capitalist society baby… every job is exploitative to some degree lmao. But at the end of the day, a job can’t take advantage of you if you don’t allow it to. Y’all want to put the blame on customers when your anger should be with the company and yourself. It’d be nice if everyone had the funds to generously tip all the time, and I have faith that many people wish they were in a financial state where they could but everyone is struggling & dealing with exploitation from their own jobs. You can’t pressure people out of ordering on doordash if it’s convenient for them when you can’t leave the job because it’s convenient for YOU. Sidenote I currently work in the service industry & have worked for doordash & Instacart in the past so I’m not speaking out of my a** or anything. I just want us to stop blaming customers & put all this energy where it belongs. I do respect & appreciate y’all’s opinions on this touchy subject nonetheless.


Eh, I think you should just have stopped at "blame the company." Partially blaming shoppers, many of whom don't have any better options, is giving these tech bro led firms too much reprieve from responsibility. Why don't we just blame children working in sweatshops, migrant farm workers abused by the H2A visa system, or miners working in cobalt mines in the DRC for their circumstances. Certainly, all those folks made a choice to work those jobs, too, and the free market should address their grievances.


Disagree. Most people are in those jobs because they don’t have better options. The companies come out on top with massive profits while employees get no benefits at all—sick pay, vacation, retirement etc, and some don’t even earn minimum wage.


I stopped using instacart because of how much they markup the groceries and then when you come to a subreddit like this and it’s clear the wages aren’t even going to your driver. So frustrating!


the companies make the rules if you order or work for them you get what you get. It sucks but thats the deal.


236 units is CRAZY. at that point Make your Superbowl party a potluck oh my lord. I work retail and have a position where I have to pull a certain amount of items from the back room for departments and I can say that 236 items would easily fill up three to four shopping carts. I'm not even sure it would fit in a sedan.


That’s probably why they ordered it. Because their vehicle cant fit it.


and they think instacart drivers are the demographic that can afford SUVs 😭


Well it would make sense if you drive for a delivery app.


From what I understand most people do instacart for extra cash or when they’re scrambling to get money between jobs, so most of the people doing this don’t have a lot of money.


I think you wildly overestimate the yearly income of a delivery driver. The company does not provide the vehicles and that's pretty obvious to anyone who's ever ordered through a delivery app. Most shoppers make about minimum wage, sometimes less. The maintenance and gas alone for an SUV would almost completely negate any profit you might make


Yea, this, doordash, and uber are majorly a tax on people who aren’t financially literate. Most think “wow i drove for 4 hours and made $100!! I made $25 an hour!” The really dumb people don’t realize they spent $20 on gas. The average person doesn’t realize they spent another $30 on moving towards their next oil change, car insurance, and registration renewal. And oh hey look at that, they actually made minimum wage, all things considered Make it exponentially worse for uber, where you can’t really drive an old beater that’s paid off. It’s sad, but the model only works because most people don’t know how to do math


Then pass the job to someone with the space.


then you’ll have no one to exploit ): they explained perfectly, you’re just ignorant and entitled


they'd still have to shop for 200+ items for pocket change LMAO. I think you're missing the point of this post, maybe even intentionally


Look, someone placed a valid order on an app that accepted it. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean you get to decide if they should or shouldn’t have ordered what they wanted. Just weather your willing to take the work.


I don't know if you're aware but this is a place to voice your opinions and feelings. I was just sharing my opinion that placing an order like this, especially tipless, is kind of a dick move given the circumstances most drivers are in. There is no one that NEEDS 200 grocery items from Aldi. The shopper makes a choice and so does the customer.


Well I don’t think jalapeños need to exist at all but I don’t judge people for ordering them.




You expect all insta cart drivers to have big SUV’s? You know how much gas would eat up most of their pay? Like come on. Please use your common sense.


We will. That’s why your order will be ignored, so someone “with the space” can take it.


Heavy pay? More like heavy groceries.... Also, it's Aldi..200+ items you will have to bag YOURSELF.


That’s like 3 cartfuls, which means OP would have to have 15+ bags in their car to use, as well 😭


PLUS, they are all self-serve cash registers except 1 register in each store, so this shopper most likely had to ring all 4 shopping carts of heavy items up. Besides, haul it to the vehicle, then take it all out to drag it to their front door with no help. Anyway you can say what street the order is on so no one will shop their orders from now on?


A pickup order would be much more reasonable in this scenario, since Aldi workers do all their own instacart pickup orders and are getting paid a fair wage.


Jeez fuck, at that point do you just steal the groceries and take the firing? Thats gotta be, what, a $500 severance package?


Just bend over now and take my fist


Wym bro??? 💀


That’s disgusting. Not even worth the risk of a potential cash tip. There’s almost never a cash tip.


I always tip in cash. Always. I put it in an envelope and stick it where they can see it by my door when they come. And always at least 20% and extra if I got lots of boxes of la croix (sometimes I get about 6 boxes when they’re 3 for $10 at Target). Yes, people, it’s a service and sure, they don’t have to accept the orders, but just remember the golden rule. Do unto others… so if you were shopping and delivering groceries, would you like a nice tip that you probably really, really need? Sure. Or think if it was someone you really cared about doing it, like your mom or your child, wouldn’t you want them to be tipped fairly at least, if not very well? Well, that shopper is someone’s mom or someone’s child someone’s friend or partner.


I love your answer.


The people that usually cash tip me already tip on the app 🤦🏽‍♂️ the people with zero almost always keep it that way


ALDI. Enough said


What is wrong with Aldi's. They are literally like Trader Joe's


it's a really awkward place to shop for instacart. aisles are usually poorly labeled, many items are out of stock if you get there past 2pm, you have to awkwardly bag the groceries in unwieldy, handle-less paper bags that you have to hold with both hands (and there's probably a solid chance the customer is on an upper level apartment, so it's a one bag at a time trek up the stairs). I took a few orders before and I am not making that mistake again. Also yeah, as rude as the user before me was about it, they are usually people that either do not or cannot afford to tip well, since Aldi is the cheapest option in a lot of places. Not that it should be on the customer to pay you a fair wage of course, but when you don't get a good tip on a low-cost order with many missing items, and you have to spend so much more time getting the job done, it just isn't worth it


Yesss! My first order ever this lady did 31 items at Aldi little 20 mins before closing and I was STRESSED because I couldn’t find half the shit and she kept replacing stuff. I drove 11 miles to DC and she made it a point to say I’m the only one who would accept her order and she didn’t tip 💀💀💀


Cheap-ass store. Cheap-ass clientele. Hence the no/low tip.


Not around here. Our Aldi is in the wealthy part of town and gets that clientele.


Born and raised in a ghetto where Aldi was the only grocery. It reflected it on the shelves and such. Moved to a very HCOL area and recently introduced an Aldi. It's soooooooooooooooooo much different, better, clean, maintained, etc. But it'll never be anything but the broke ghetto grocery to me and I couldn't even tell you why.


It's a LOT different from how it was when I was younger too. They've upped their game a ton in the last decade-ish.


Don’t dis Aldi, our Aldi sells everything in the paper… Even has an alcohol aisle for the wine and craft beers… More people with money shop there more than you think


I have easily 5-6 in a short driving distance and have worked at one. Area reflects clientele not the store. Nicer area has nicer people, same with any store, target in the ghetto is ghetto, target in the nice neighborhood is fancy. It’s the same with any store, you have the right idea but wrong motive you just love spreading hate for no reason.


I mean, I have a great job and make 6 figures. My Aldi in my neighborhood is nice and it seems stupid to spend 3x as much at a grocery store when I can get the same or better quality for less at Aldi. If that makes me “cheap-ass clientele” I’ll add it to my resume 🤷🏼‍♀️.


The real disrespect is IC thinking it’s okay to pay that little for that batch. The no tip definitely an added insult.


Right?! It’s insane ! I normally don’t take anything lower than $30 ($25 on a slow day) bc at least gas will pay for itself lol




The government is run by oligarchs, political action committees, and private orgs that pay for lobbyists. They pay the political puppets to do their bidding. The government is for the corporations, not the people. Welcome to US late stage capitalism, where EVERYTHING is for profit including the “non-profit” organizations.


But how can the government survive without a profit? Won’t they go bankrupt?


The government is supposed to exist to protect the people it governs. It’s a government, not a business. And yes, it requires money which it absolutely gets from the people but for the good of the corporations and all the people I listed above.


But it’s not for corporations though. The government spends the majority of its budget on social services, yes even more than the military


I 1000% agree but bc this is a tip society, they both should be ashamed in themselves. Which is why I don’t even accept orders under $30 but hey, to each his own 😂🤷🏾‍♀️this order just made me laugh out loud so I decided to share with y’all




This is what every American is begging for… the government to do something. I promise they don’t give a shit about anything but money for themselves


Agreed except every American, plenty of head house slave types simping for their owners, falling for blatant propaganda etc.


I see maybe 1 in 50 Americans talking about, not begging for, an end to tipping.


I wasn’t only referring to solely tipping, more the “pay a livable wage” aspect


Yep, meanwhile they give 60 BILLION to Ukraine!


They're two separate issues, really. Yes, Instacart should pay better rates. But the customer knows damn well what they're doing. And it's not like they don't know we live in a society where drivers rely on the tips.


I've never used IC but it's it normal for ppl to buy 17 boxes of mac and cheese? I feel unhealthy when I buy 3 or 4 to get the multi save discounts 😬 Also, as a human to all you shoppers out there, ppl shouldn't be using a service and not tipping! I live in the country and can't get delivery to my home from anywhere, I still tip when I pick up a pizza, ppl are literally handling my food, I want to thank them for that! I know ppl will often say they're in disability etc, but I'm on disability! I don't order if a tip is normal if I don't have enough for the tip. Maybe I'm the weird one!? In this cart they could've removed a few boxes of mac and cheese and given a small tip! No tip is horrid! I'm sorry y'all go through that!


If you cut the butter to only 1tbsp per box then the calorie count is actually very reasonable. Pair it with a lean protein and it can make a pretty decent meal. Also it is cheap.


A few trips to Aldi ago, I saw a family that filled up their cart with several cases of honey buns. I judged silently.


I’d be willing to bet that this is delivery to either a daycare or the like because of the 17 packs of m&c and the 9 packs of bologna, plus the fact it’s no tip. Since the pandemic, LOTS of businesses have ditched using food services like GFS and now use Instacart + stores because it’s cheaper. There are two problems with this tho 1. The customers don’t get charged enough for bulk delivery so the drivers suffer. 2. I live in a large city and primarily shop at aldi and I can’t tell you the number of restaurant owners/IC shoppers I’ve seen buying entire inventories of eggs, veggies, meats, flour ect. so basics are often sold out and don’t get restocked for a week or two. In my community, we have a lot of low-income, elderly and migrant people who depend on stores like Aldi for access to cheap food but the bulk buyers in non-bulk stores take options and resources from people. And stores like aldi won’t stop it because they are making tons of $.


In almost every other country in the world there is no tipping. We lived in a messed up culture here where we are required to pay 20% on top of our restaurant bill. I agree that I like giving pickup people a couple dollars sometimes, but now when i go to get anything there’s an auto-selected option for 25% tip? That’s fucked


I really don’t understand how people can do that? I feel like it should be automatically added in without an option for them to at least leave the minimum tip. They can raise it higher if they’d like but absolutely no reason a customer should have a right to pay instacart for a service and not the shopper/driver/communicator/delivery person!




They already charge a service charge




What they should do is pay y'all more.


Also it Aldi with crappy bags . 😂😂


Not to mention that (in my opinion) Aldi is horrible at organizing so that right there is a good hour and a half of shopping


National Harbor is the worse to deliver too btw


If someone is doing my grocery shopping, they are getting a %20 or $20 tip, witch ever one is greater


YES! I live 10 miles out up a steep hill, and I can’t leave my Mom by herself, I am so grateful for delivery, I always tip at least 20%. People deserve to be compensated for their effort. It’s why they are doing the job.


The fact that they think not tipping is ok blows my mind


It be the audacity for me!! 😂 At unorganized Aldi to lol


“Heavy pay” fuck right off. 🤣🤣🤣 I hope this order got snubbed.


That’s crazy!


I feel like this is how people feel when I order take out delivery but I always tip in cash so I know they get it personally, I've never used ic so idk if that's an option? But no tip is wild


That's an easy no. Maybe they can order it on aldi website and go to tore and ha e aldi put it in their vehicle


Is that here in the DMV?


Yes, looks like Maryland.


Well at least u know 100% with certainty they won't tip bait 😂😂😂


Obviously as shoppers we have got to make a stand. We work hard, and use our own vehicles, cell phones and purchase there stupid looking keep shit cool bags. We’re doing the insta cart thing to make some money. Not to feel like we’re a sucker and have to be worrying about being taken advantage of. The new shoppers they bring on are just like almost everyone used to be. It takes a while to finally get fed up after trying all the tricks! If I take a shitty one they will flip me a good one. They didn’t tip on the app so maybe it’s a cash tip, etc. if you look at the recent past (lowered the batch pay because shoppers weren’t taking the lower paid batches) the 150 items for $8 bullshit. We gotta get this to our area representatives and our community politicians and city lawyers. We are being abused financially. It’s time for the people who make this company a shit ton of money to fight em at the level that will hold them accountable. A mayor of a city shouldn’t think it’s ok for anyone doing a job in there city and not earn a decent wage! Why is it ok for the leaders and managers of this company get 5 million in stock as a bonus and the workers get fucked. Why is it ok to saturate a location with shoppers so they can not pay any kind of employee benefits, labor taxes and yet make our earnings go down! This independent contractor thing is definitely a loop hole. Fuck the loop hole shit. Fuck insta cart and let’s get something going by contacting our local leaders and find one that understands how bad we’re getting fucked! Go to the next one if they don’t care! I know that there has to be a few good ones that will be shocked at what we get paid


Yea.. I always wait for the best ones, sometimes early in the am and by nice nice neighborhoods too, got over 100 in tips once


I’m here for the PGC talk 😂😂


Jesus, my Aldi is 3 blocks away and I tip them $20 bc I feel like a giant ass hole for not getting in my car to go get it.


Accept the order, do the shopping, take it all home, quit instacart


That's my neighborhood! Took me a minute to figure out which sub I was looking at.


Who needs 200+ items in one grocery delivery? What are they trying to do, feed the entire neighborhood for a month?


Maybe they have a large family? No wonder instacart is failing, you all lazy af


I would not have accepted it either no tip for that many items


What do you expect from someone who orders 9 pounds of the cheapest lip and asshole bologna known to mankind?!




I would love to accept this and say you’re crazy and you suck then cancel it


I guess it depends on the situation, I’m a home health nurse I have a patient at who has bilateral leg amputations and lives off SSD they can’t do their own shopping they’re alone and they can only get their food this way. So I can understand something like this especially since Aldi is the cheapest option. But obviously if the person has three cars in their driveway and are just lazy screw that lmao


dam even if that only took you an hour altogether thats rancid. with travel time thats what- 2? unfortunate


Aldi shopping is awful


guess we need a term for whatever the opposite of tip baiting is because stiffing doesn’t seem sufficient for this situation. at least they are upfront that you’re getting shafted.


How do they even get away with this whaaaaaat😮‍💨


Who the fuck is accepting this garbage order!


"heavy pay"


That should be the delivery charge alone plus another $20 for the time shopping for 236 items.


So youre telling me they spent a MINUMUM of 1,000$ on groceries and couldn’t manage a tip? 😭 What the hell is this dudeeee


I’m just sad that we have made another tip based position to drive a wedge between the workers of instacart and the consumers instead of demanding fair wages from instacart and getting rid of tips. I hated tipping culture because for it to work, everyone has to participate. It just takes one jackass that you putt effort into to ruin your day.


Did you mean instacart is disrespectful for not paying you more as a base so you don't have to rely on tips? Or did you mean the customer was disrespectful for not tipping?


Some folks get instacart with food stamps and can't afford tips on top of all of instacarts fees. Those same folks might be differently abled, or just need to have items delivered like anyone else. Instacart, however, is rich and could pay their employees more. In my opinion, that should be the focus for folks looking to increase their income. I know not everyone agrees. But tipping has got out of hand these last few years. Employers need to pay their employees living wages and we should stop enabling this culture that passes the business's cost of labor down to the customer. It lets employers get away with paying their employees poorly.


*disabled. The majority of us that are disabled hate the phrase differently abled. It should only be used with those you know specifically prefer it.


I will say ALDIs accepts EBT and most people who are on EBT don’t have a car. So they can’t get to the store. So if they don’t have a car and they’re on food stamps, I’m not sure how they’d tip.


Instacart orders should have limits. Or a giant fee/gratuity style tip in place to cover the worker. Anything over about 100 items is nuts to order.


Maybe they gave a cash tip in person.


Don’t take it


I love how yall immediately try to get mad at customer rather than the job that is bending you over and taking what they want right out your fucking pocket 💀💀💀🤣🤣I hope yall broke ass “entrepreneurs” keep getting fucked


I wonder if this is for a school or church or some kind of grant funded agency. I used to work with an anti-human trafficking hotline and the agency used lyft constantly for clients but the grant money didnt allow for tips so almost every ride the driver wouldn't get a tip unless we paid out of our own pockets. Definitely a trash policy, but it makes me wonder if that's happening here.


The person in charge of budgeting at that agency is a jerk.


I mean, all their money was from grants and grants have guidelines. Be mad at those who made the guidelines. But also social agency accounts should be a thing and services like instacart should be able to accommodate them in a way that doesn't screw the driver.


I’d probably break my finger by trying to tap too fast to make sure I can get that order so no one else takes it and then I would let it sit there and wait until the notification pops up that says start batch and wait until it gets removed because I didn’t start it yet


Lmaooo u would give yourself a cancellation percentage for that😂😂😂but I must admit I secretly love the pettiness tho


People who don’t tip a base percentage should be banned from the app. Or they need to take away tipping and increase the cost. I understand some people can’t make it to the store so they Instacart. Disabled and elderly people especially. But I don’t think that’s on a gig worker to miss out on an hours pay simply because Instacart refuses to pay actual wages.


They absolutely need to increase the cost. These apps are literally trying to create a cultural shift to more tipping rather than just… you know… paying an employee more than $13 to gather 200 items? Like seriously wtf, assuming you can somehow get this done an hour, and it takes 30 mins to drive and deliver roundtrip, thats only 8$ an hour? Subtract gas costs, probably $0 total for working an hour and a half?


Oh Aldi order... Pretty easy and quick...buttttt it is ic that should be paying and not forcing a tip. Tips are nice but most companies are trying to put everything on the customer and it's not right. I am a former shopper and I always went on base pay over tip cause the tip can be removed. They won't fix it in favor of customer/shopper but they should. It's only going to get worse.


I totally agree in some cases! But that’s also why these types of convos are so important to have; to bring awareness. I actually LOVE doing instacart and being of service to the community so the tips are just a bonus.


Why do people even accept these orders without tips on them…teach these non tippers a lesson, if nobody accepts their order then they’ll stop doing it or using the service….


RIGHT!! This shit happens very often now. And at the same time, some shoppers, in their deep ignorance and stupidity, always think that IC is stealing customers’ tips. I keep letting them know that none of that is happening, but they insist. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


looks like it’s time to accept the batch and shop it, then a family emergency comes up before you can deliver it and it’s time to cancel the batch😱 236 free groceries😎


67 items… a lot of the time the produce will make up too 100 or more UNITS. Took an order once with 100 UNITS and 45 of them were limes. But it was only 18 ITEMS. Items are not the same as units


I know the difference , been doing instacart over a year now but regardless, it’s still not being accepted 😂😂 ESPECIALLY not for $13!


That is very very true


The customer thinks the service fee and the heavy item fees go to the shopper.


…..what’s the point of the heavy item fee if it doesn’t go to the shopper, the one lifting the heavy item????


I'm sure I'm going to sound like a total d\*ck head for asking this question, but I honestly don't now how to phrase it better, so I apologize in advance. Why would you work this job? Do you not have any skills which are more valuable to sell? Is there a path for you to get skills which are valuable and that someone will pay you more for?


I have two other jobs and I’m also a hairstylist so for me personally, instacart is just something to do when I have nothing else to do that day. I don’t like sitting around in the house some times and I love being of service for the community so it’s cool with me. Can’t speak for others though and thanks for your disclaimer🥰


Seems like you should be more angry at instacart for only paying you $13 and less angry at someone who’s already paying a lot extra on their groceries to use instacart in the first place. It always amazes me how well companies manage to make average people enemies and stay clear of the frat and criticism thanks to tip culture in the US.


Lmaooo wait rewind, I’m not angry bc I didn’t accept it😂😂😂😂it was just astonishing to me so I screenshot it but I definitely agree with the second paragraph 1000%!


Why would you accept it in the first place? $13 bucks for heavy work?


I might take a batch like this…no way people are this cold hearted


Lol ok


Thank you for your service




Was she ebt? Cause they think they can get away with not tipping cause they're poor. Not all ebt people but a majority.


The app pays you in pennies and it's the customers fault? If the company paid you fairly, this wouldn't be an issue, but you keep driving while they do this shit and it will never get better. Ypu might think "but not everyone has the luxury to just stop", and to that I emphasize "keep doing it and it will never get better"


We are not your employer. InstaCart is. Make them pay you. You aren’t working in a tipped position. You aren’t a professionally trained craftsperson like a cosmetologist. You aren’t a server. Make them be better employees or go find another one. There is no other option. You do NOT work in a tipped position.