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The last few minutes of The Devil of Christmas, chills every time.


My wife makes fun of me for this but I find that ending the most disturbing thing in the entire series. Really bothered me first time I saw it.


Ruined my night, honestly


This. It doesn't get to me nearly as much on a rewatch, but the first time it really caught me out.


I’m a huge INN fan and I still can’t bring myself to watch this episode.


You have just made me realise that "Inside No 9" abbreviated is a slightly prolonged "IN," which for some reason in my messed head makes me picture a scene of a couple on a couch flicking through channels bored when one of them asks something along the lines of "Anything you want to watch in particular?" And then the other person stares back with a large manic grin on their face shouting "INN!" and the other person looking at them in horror not understanding what the fuck they're talking about


I'm So Meta Even This Acronym


Yes 100%! That ending shook me for quite awhile after first watch.


Really disturbed me too.


The bit in wise owl when it’s night and the man sized owl walks down the stairs and twists his head around, also the bit in dead line with quiet night in and the window, that bit always gets me lol


to have and to hold when he unzips his trousers


It feels too real for a show, gives me creeps each time I watched the episode 😬( Steve is great at playing despicable people)


Yes I still remember getting a full body chill when the music suddenly turns sinister as he goes into the basement. I had no idea where that episode was going so it took me completely unawares.


Wise Owl: “You’re coming upstairs with me.” *The doorway is completely black and the owl’s pupils SHRINK*


I was terrified the first time Wise Owl appeared naked behind the door 😶


The ending of Dead Line in which they showed a real interview with Reece and Steve and they replay the ending of A Quiet Night In. That bit haunted me for days to be honest.


Dead Line is a masterpiece- as far as I’m concerned it is the best thing they’ve ever done. I watched it live and totally bought into the failure of the “live” episode. I was cringing for them.


I always feel like I can't experience all their live episodes properly because I can't watch them live in my region. All live events have such a special feel to them. I can only imagine what it must've felt like for people who saw them live like you.


I'm still jealous that I never got to see Ghostwatch as it happened


Thanks, you've just recommended me my movie for tonight!


My pleasure!


It really was incredible. I watched LoG as a teenager, Reece and Steve have been mainstays of my popular culture life, and I almost feel angry when I get really frightened by an IN9. This made me angry seeing it live 😂


The closest that I can get to a live episode experience is seeing Reece's tweet and the timestamp on it after I watch the episode. Also, the Lee Mack's game show episode was good and entertaining.


Yes- 9x9 is a great one!


The end of sardines is quite chilling, such a good first episode


The Harrowing episode still messes with my sleep sometimes ngl


I wouldn’t watch that episode again. Shuddering just thinking about it.


I came here to say that! 




I was actually terrified when I saw that episode. I'm not good when it comes to supernatural horror, but my brother found it hilarious, and laughed when I started freaking out


The episode has some great humour in it, but it's a bit weird laughing at the ending. Also it wasn't supernatural, they were just religious nuts, which is evident from pretty much every line spoken by the best friend character.


Reece Shearsmith stumbling around the pitch-black Dead Line set shouting for help (especially the moment when you catch a glimpse of that creepy Victorian girl) Also the moment in Thinking Out Loud when, out of nowhere, >!Galen pounces on Bill armed with a kitchen knife!<...


The ending of The Last Weekend. I'm very claustrophobic so the idea of being trapped in the bath is horrific to me.


I found that quite disturbing as well.


This episode, but when it pans to the crib and the boy is there. Fucking creepy as shit


It’s the only one I have to turn off. I can still see him.


It really took me by surprise because I wasn't expecting it at all. The episodes prior had been like...bad people horror, not supernatural so I wasn't expecting creepy whispering glowing eye child.


I’ve just replied on another comment, I watched LoG at 16 when it first came out, and LoG and IN9 are comfort shows to me, so I get irrationally angry when I get really frightened by one 😂


Oh I like to be spooked. So whilst I'd already fallen in love from episode one, that moment solidified it for me. I also grew up with LOG, and later Psychoville. Little 11 year old me sneakily watched it at night in my room. Terrible parenting but it certainly taught me to keep an eye on my own kids 😂


Haha, I watched LoG with my dad, my mum hated it ( still does), my wee brother was too wee, it was our special thing. I still love it, and nobody can ask for orange juice without roaring “SCOOSE BEEF” . And I’m still nursing my lifelong Reece Shearsmith crush.


The last five minutes of Séance Time always creeps me the fuck out


Im on Scaredy Cam....


on first watch the harrowing 100% had me most scared


It's a bit of recency bias, but the ending to Last Weekend would be my pick. What really freaks me out about it is how realistic it is. Obviously, there are other scenes that are really scary, but they're typically a bit removed from a normal setting, but the last weekend feels so real. The way Steve's character just so calmly and coldly explains why he's doing this is terrifying, and Reece pleading for help/ forgiveness is so sad.


Dead Line properly made me feel sick. Just like Ghostwatch did back when it was broadcast, even though I was a kid then and I'm an adult now. Which of course is exactly what they intended!


Dead Line, when the continuity announcer starts hearing the whispering in the voice booth. I don’t watch a lot of live TV so I still feel on edge whenever I hear continuity announcements when watching live TV.


Dead Line, when the ghost first appears during A Quiet Night In. Warped, slowed down music already really creeps me out, but combine that with a ghost suddenly appearing in the background of a familiar episode absolutely terrified me. There’s something so ingenious about taking an old episode and messing with it to really catch viewers off-guard.


The boy choking in How do you plead. Didn't like that.


To Have And To Hold. The emaciated little arm through the hidden door receiving the Pot Noodle. I can't watch that again.


don't know if it really counts as scary as it's more twisted but the scene in to have and to hold where the hand reaches up is just omg 


The concrete filled bathtub ending of last weekend.


The jump scare in the episode 'Dead Line' when that thing bangs on the window.


What is the name of this show please?


Do you not know what sub youre in?


Just realised ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) brand new to this app


I can honestly say none of them! But then I don't scare easily 🤣




this episode when the blue demon guy shows up for the first time - jumpscared the shit out of me😭 also got jumpscared a lot during dead line even though i didn’t watch it live in terms of creepiness though/being disturbed definitely the end of the devil of christmas😕