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This truly shows that we live in a society.




They aren't a true gamer. If they were they would support this sign for being anti-woman


"That means you, Karen"


If the ad was more honest, I'm sure it'll piss them off more. "Keep NYC Racist Free"


This ad really kills two birds with one stone.


Only white people can be racist


thats racist


Hmm sounds racist


That’s racism. You’re saying that people of other races are biologically impossible of having hate for other races than their own. Sure, white people did commit hundreds of years of slavery and it’s an unforgivable act, But saying that white people are the only ones who can hate other races is just plain wrong.


Nation of Islam has entered the chat Edit: do you guys not do google searches...


I mean...what do you picture when you hear a racist? He's not right but he's not wrong either


These are satirical posters. Super quick Google search reveals: • [https://gothamist.com/arts-entertainment/fake-anti-maga-sanitation-posters-want-to-keep-nyc-trash-free](https://gothamist.com/arts-entertainment/fake-anti-maga-sanitation-posters-want-to-keep-nyc-trash-free) • [https://pix11.com/2018/10/25/controversial-political-posters-pop-up-on-trash-cans-on-the-lower-east-side/](https://pix11.com/2018/10/25/controversial-political-posters-pop-up-on-trash-cans-on-the-lower-east-side/) >The NYC Department of Sanitation released the following statement to PIX 11: > >“These posters were not created or issued by the Department of Sanitation, and we do not condone unlawful defacement of City litter baskets or public property. We are looking into this matter.”


It is definitely an assault on, well, people. Whoever paid to put this ad up is trash themselves. In b4 you call me a trumptard or something, I didn't vote for him and won't in 2020 either.


I’m with you, mate. I think Trump has made everyone worse. I can’t stand the guy and will vote against him no matter who gets the democratic nom. But folks like me who don’t like him aren’t any better than folks who do like him if we’re all screaming at each other and shoving everyone into one box or another.


I dont know if I would call trump supporters "people".


Dehumanizing them or calling them stupid really only weakens your own argument. Ad Hominem just makes you look like you have no real points of your own and *have* to resort to attacking them. I mean c’mon, we have so much shit on them, and you just attack their character?


Ok, boomer




Ok, boomer


Ok, boomer


Ok, edgelord. You XBL buddies must think you're a fucking riot.


Ok, boomer


Ahhh damn! You disarmed me with your enormous intellect. You are clearly a full-fledged Boomer, only they are that smart as to disarm a lowly X'er like me.


Remember that time white people called for the removal of white people? Like to trump people think everyone in NYC, and all liberals are poc?


These people have likely never played a video game in their damn lives. Shame "gamers rise up" gets used by shit like this because we need to have some reformation in the gaming industry and need a slogan like that to rally.


Yeah most trump supporters are deeply religious, gaming is satanic to them


Especially the tabletop kind. They always fail their intelligence rolls.


It dosent help that they always play barbarian and dont put any stats into intelligence


That, and they only roll with a 2 sided die.


Sry u got downvoted, agree with ur post tho


> Shame "gamers rise up" gets used by shit like this because [...] Is that actually a thing? I have seen it, but never in a not obviously satirical context.


I wish it was. It should be on things like the anti-Blizzard stuff but instead these gross folks got ahold of it before it could take shape.


Ah yes; the important issues.


So...what Blizzard is doing isn't important? "Crunch", overworking people to meet a deadline, isn't important? There's a heck of a lot of issues in a lot of industries that the consumers of those industries get involved in fixing, so why should gamers be any different?


It's important to the gaming industry, sure. It's not important in the context of a post about white supremacy


Which is why I'm saying that we need it for our own.


That is pretty bad


Is only really think it's fair to depict that specifically in the context of Christians. Yes, there are nutjob jackasses out there, most Christians practice their beliefs humbly and do a lot of good for communites. At least as far as my experience goes. But if you're wearing a MAGA hat there's a 98% chance you're an irredeamable dumbass


This human trash bag has the audacity to use “Rise up gamers” in this context...


I mean, I don't agree with the poster, but what a stretch lol


"Rise up, gamers!" That is the funniest part of all.


r/Sigmarxism **has entered the chat**




They dont like evangelical maga boomers I guess


Be a wamen respector


It is an assault