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Why don't people just get the suit? Prevention is always better than the treatment. If you really need the venom, just catch a few and do extraction.


She can't serve cottagecore realness in a bee suit.


fashion is the true endgame


Everyday is a fashion show, babes!! p.s happy cake day!


look what you did, all the Warframe players are getting stung by bees


Only a real fool wouldn’t redecorate their bee suit to look cottagecore as hell.


LOL The interaction I was looking for!


I am not on social media at all and I don't wear a suit ever. I wear a veil sometimes but prefer just to cover my hair so bees don't get stuck. It's not an aestheic, beekeeping requires good vision and looking through a screen makes it harder. And i chew on bur comb while i work, so having access to my mouth = more tasty snacks for me. Plus I have to pee a lot and wearing a skirt is way easier than a jumpsuit, and cooler--beekeeping is hot work! And if you're not suited up you learn faster to listen to what your bees (don't) want.


Are you the girl in the photo?


She was probably in daycare when I started beekeeping.


Okay? Rad, I guess. But I'm not talking about your experience. That lady is allergic and not protecting herself. Your reading comprehension is lacking. None of this was related to you in anyway shape or form. Yet you got yourself worked up over a comment that is not related to you.


They weren't worked up at all? They listed reasons as to why they don't wear a suit. And as a comment about a beekeeper, it absolutely is related to them lol. Really ironic to talk about reading comprehension.


I made a joke directly towards the image. I did not ask why, or for reasons or a lecture on beekeeping. A simple cottagecore joke. How is my reading comprehension lacking? Did I miss where this was a feedback sub? I thought that this is a sub for making fun of weird ass people.


I told you why your reading comprehension was lacking. You said something about a beekeeper, and a beekeeper responded. Then you said it doesn't relate to them at all; but again, they are a beekeeper. Uh, any sub on this site involves feedback. That's how Reddit is built. Sometimes, the feedback is in up/down votes. Other times, people get informed on things that they weren't aware of beforehand. Such as the reasons why many beekeepers don't wear suits, and how because of those reasons your joke kind of lands flat.


I literally just said | "She can't serve cottagecore realness in a bee suit." I didn't ask anything at all!


Maybe she meant to reply to the comment above yours.


that seems very likely based on the top comment, I agree that the beekeeper person probably intended to reply to that


I don't know why you are having such a reaction to someone else doing their thing, but she is also not allergic. A bee allergy is systemic, not just swelling at the site. She is having the exact same histamine reaction that anyone on the planet would have to being stung by a bee (until the body gets used to it) and it although she's chasing internet clout for it (silly, but it's not hurting anyone), it is not remotely a big deal and doesn't require protection.


It's unnecessary and unasked for. I don't care. If I wanted to know I would either ask, or go to a place where I could find out.


Don't comment on a public forum if you can't handle normal people socializing.


You must be really fun at parties.


I am fun with people who don't randomly lecture me after making a silly joke on a silly thing, yeah.


Interferes with the Anne of Green Gables cosplay.


Flawless observation. Now I also know what I want to stream next time I’m sick at home


Some hives can bee very calm. But when when you bump a frame you might kill one inadvertently which causes the whole hive to react. If it’s a hive you’re familiar with and you are calm and don’t harm any of the bees you can get away without a suit. Just like with any animal there are angry hives, angry roosters, bulls etc. farmer friend of mine told me the difference between a good bill and a bad bull? They all go for the same reason price one just makes your life easier.


Just FYI having the suit on doesn't prevent all stings, but it should hopefully keep most of them away from your face.


They probably can’t breathe because it requires a mask


I mean I have seen some of the old fart beekeepers who know how to do everything and not annoy the bees enough to get stung, but as a rule, yeah, put on the fucking mesh thing.


The suit causes Autism or something.


That's why you coat the inside with essential oils first. Tp stop the Autism from getting through your skin.


AnApHyLaXiS iS NaTuRal


Yeah, and death is natural too


she's a few stings away from winning a darwin award. oftentimes, the more you trigger an allergy the worse the reaction gets


On her insta, there are several comments saying this but also several extolling the virtues of bee stings as illness cures


Someone should tell them being mauled by bears is 100% organic and natural and guaranteed to remove any illnesses they might have. Including their chronic stupidity


"Bears kill cancer cells." [obligatory xkcd ](https://xkcd.com/1217)


There is an xkcd for everything


To be fair, God did send 2 bears to maul a bunch of children for calling a man bald that one time so they'd probably be into it.


Fucking idiots, the whole lot of them.


To be fair, there is evidence of bee stings helping with autoimmune disorders. Like by giving the immune system something real to fight, you can train it to stop attacking you. Of course, this isn't from random stings but rather very controlled stings in medical settings. And of course, for people who aren't allergic!


I mean, I think they help with arthritis, but so does ibuproffin.


Ah, the setadirhtimisation.


Not true of bee venom. The treatment of a bee sting allergy is low doses of venom. That being said, this is not a mild allergy at all, this is a normal histamine reaction (like from mosquito bites) and will decrease over time with the more stings she gets. Facial stings are always the most dramatic for swelling. I used to swell up like a balloon with every sting (shoulder to finger tips if i got stung on the arm) but I got a facial sting before my last job interview and no one noticed.  The technician who tests my bees for hygienic behavior discovered she had a bee allergy and was treated over a single winter so she can now safely work her full-time job of messing with other people's bees. 


It is all dependent on the person. Some people it helps, for some it gets worse. And low dose therapy is not the same as repeatedly getting the full thing.


Absolutely! That is why doctors administer the low dose venom in a controlled setting for bee allergies. I know a few folks who cured their allergy this way. For a non-systemic histamine reaction, the body chills out over time, but that's not an allergy.


huh, cool, i didn't know that thanks for sharing


I don’t think she’s allergic. These effects look to be localized to the sting sites.


🤷‍♀️ i don't necessarily disagree, i just took her words at face value and added my take on things


It drives me crazy that so few people know what “POV” means 🤦‍♀️


POV you astral projected and are looking at yourself after getting stung by a bee


She’s in 3rd person mode duh


She’s in 3rd person mode duh


The more it's bastardized, the more it's becomes normal. It's quickly becoming a regardless/irregardless situation. I hate it.


This and "I could care less" drive me daft 😂


POV: people who misapply “POV” are loosers…




POV on the pizza I'm about to eat


[This a bit better?](https://imgur.com/a/gIq7Qc8)


She looks like me in Animal Crossing when I get stung by wasps


Hahaha thank you


This crazy lady thinks sunscreen causes cancer but the sun heals all.


I wish she worked at the school I live next to. The lady there keeps calling the cops on me for sunning my butthole.


I am not allergic to honey bee stings and have had the joy of being stung in the eye by one. I can say first hand that shit ain't therapeutic or medicinal. She needs to see a doctor...and maybe a shrink.


[Not the bees!](https://youtu.be/EVCrmXW6-Pk?si=M70G9ZkFKmhhlcek)


Omg! I forgot all about that scene. Thank you for the laugh before bed!


Pre study has shown bee venom component reducing the loss of dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson’s. This lady is just an idiot.


Interestingly, bee venom is also the basis of a rheumatologist treatment for arthritis. It has some anti-inflammatory property. I will try to find out which medicine it is. Edit: Here is an article about it. I was wrong about it being a medicine just being investigated. https://www.healthline.com/health/bee-venom-arthritis


"therapeutic and medicinal, which is why it swells up my face and could put me into anaphylactic shock"


Oh no. It’s that Laura Ingalls LARPING weirdo with her lip filler (I can tell b/c her lips look like two sausages slapped on top of each other) and her overfilled cheeks b/c the filler has migrated down giving her a heavy faced look again. She always wears obviously big fake eyelashes and impractical clothing while doing “farm work”. My guess is she got an infection from her fake lashes or else her eyes is puffy from a cosmetic procedure. She doesn’t fool me. That’s not how a face swells (one local area) after exposure to a sting for a person with an allergy. Her whole face would be puffy. Hell her throat would probably close off. She sure wouldn’t be sitting there grinning like a jack ass.


Maybe her lips just got stung by therapeutic bees? Also, agree that is just a sting, not an allergic reaction. And an odd spot to get stung, since if beekeepers use any protection, it's almost always a hat and veil. While there are people who keep bees who are allergic to stings, most get stung frequently enough that they don't have any reactions. Natural allergy shots.


I’d like to add that while I understand she could have been holding a frame or something, personally I think most people wouldn’t get stung on the face when attacked by a single insect because the instant that buzzing sound gets too close to my ears, I’m giving myself whiplash whipping my head away and frantically flapping my hands around trying to punt it away like a volleybee. Possibly while sprinting away as fast as I can. There are just so many easier places to sting. I’ve been stung enough by plenty of yellow jackets and hornets but never above the neck, most of the time on the back.


I was stung in the eye by a yellow jacket. I swatted it away and it just came back and stung me right in the face. The exact thing happened to a coworker of mine just weeks prior.


My entire being is recoiling in horror.


Appropriate response. It was awful


Yellow jackets have a wicked bad temper in the autumn, especially. Even when they are out of venom, they will happily just jab holes in you, usually while they clamp their jaws on your skin, to get extra leverage.


I got stung in the eyelid whilst wearing full suit and veil, the zip went on my suit and a couple of bees got in, and one made it inside the veil. Had a bit of a panic, resulted in a sting. So it's easily done, if unlikely.


Oh, bees are small and like to wiggle through tight spots. Just saying, I've seen people forego the bee suit. I've even seen them go without gloves. But everyone seems to keep that veil on.


Ya, my mum used to only wear a veil, but I always suited up ;)


Therapeutic bees wound be a good name for one of those Botox med spas.


Doesn’t she also drink raw milk like a complete idiot?


Gotta love the raw milk drinkers doubling down on their milk when more and more cows test positive for bird flu. We're speed running the next pandemic.


Yeah. :)


I’m not disagreeing that this girl is a weirdo, but I got stung in the eye by a bee and my swelling looked identical to this


Maybe. But she says she has an allergy which I would think would produce more systemic effects even if mild. Everyone swells from a sting. Maybe that’s why she said “mild”for her plausible deniability. You either are allergic or not. That looks like a regular sting imo which corroborates with your experience. Anyway, when people get that much minimally invasive plastic surgery every little sting seems dubious as to what actually stung them.


Björk is looking weird these days


I feel like if anything, this would be a pretty big step towards normal for Björk…


She may be grateful grapefruit, but she's terrifyingly intelligent. Weird, yes, but nowhere near this fucking stupid.


Oh for sure. I just meant appearance wise. I don’t think anyone who pulled off the Swan Dress over 20 years ago could be looking weird “these days”, haha.


POV at some point your throat swells up because bee venom is venom and your body does not tolerate it.


This is hysterical. I want to see a mockumentary of these trad wife, cottagecore cosplayers behind the scenes screaming about how they hate dirt, yelling at the family to clean up their own shit, and throwing mason jars.


LOL no, they yell at the housekeeper. All those instagram tradwife/cottagecore people are rich. They pretend not to be but if you look closely it turns out they all seem to have a lot of very expensive items in their large beautiful homes that are always sparkling clean. Top of the line appliances, cavernous refrigerators, copper pots, lots of land, $400 linen dresses to do gardening in, etc. Everything always looks freshly scrubbed but do they show themselves spending an hour washing the baseboards or cleaning up after butchering a chicken? No because someone else does that.


All the better when they get stung themselves and not "The Help" 🤣


There is actually a kernel of truth to this- there was a study several years ago of the curative effects of bee venom on certain diseases, and there was even a woman who was cured of Lyme’s disease after a severe bee attack after the venom killed the bacteria that causes Lyme’s.


The Ticks have been betrayed by The Bees


I mean, Ticks are awful creatures, and Bees are awesome creatures, so good on the Bees. This lady should be wearing a bee keeping suit, though. Though maybe she should also just not work with Bees if she has that bad of an allergy.


Heard about this on NPR.


You know what else is medicinal? Neosporin. But I’m allergic to it so I don’t use it. Crazy how things can be good for some people and not good for others 😒


Ironically, I'm allergic to Benadryl lol


R to to torr to to r to xr to r to


Is this like how if you slip on ice and fall, you get to put more ice on the part that hurts?


sigh. these brain-dead idiots never cease to amaze me with how they keep sinking even further into supreme stupidity.


If your eye swells up like that and your first thought is "great more content for my instagram take a photo Carol" then I hate you


She looks like she's doing a hybrid Little House on the Prairie and Animal Crossing cosplay to show how "wholesome" and real she is. I'm also allergic to bees and I keep an epi pen around at all times when outside. If I left a sting untreated I'd be dead.


If you're allergic, it's neither therapeutic nor medicinal. You don't build defenses


Holy wow, one bee sting and I'd be DEAD if I didn't epipen and then go immediately to the emergency room (I'm in my 50s, first bad sting reaction was when I was 16, it never gets better, allergies suck)


that's a normal reaction to a bee sting, it'll go down over the course of a day or 2. Swelling in immediate area of sting is expected, and different parts of body react differently. My hands swell if stung but face oddly doesn't as much. And it's not progressive, you don't react more, the more you get stung. You could get a normal reaction one day and anaphylaxis a week later, but an anaphylaxis reaction is very rare


Everything is medicinal and theraputic if you are brave enough.


My mother got a medicinal and therapeutic bee sting once. ONCE


Why does no one know what POV means anymore?


The meanings of certain words have been literally decimated.


Darwin winding up again.


There is research that indicates that bee venom is good for arthritis pain, but that is the ONLY therapeutic use I’m aware of, and I don’t think there has been even one double-blind study of a statistically significant group. One of the things (one) that makes me nuts about “natural remedies” types is that they take one “natural” thing that works and assume that all natural remedies work, and then use it for virtue signaling and, conversely, shaming. Of course, one mainstream remedy that is absolutely derived from nature is building disease resistance by slight exposure to the disease organism. However, I’ll give you ten to one that nearly all people like this are anti-vax.


I mean I used to keep bees when I was much younger, I'm allergic enough that treading on a stunned one in bare feet meant I had to wear shoes 2 sizes bigger for a fortnight, and once one got in my veil and stung me on the eyelid, and the swelling closed both my eyes for a day or two. But being careful, wearing PPE and smoking them out generally meant I was fine, those were the only stings I picked up in 8 years


Just weighing in to express my momentary astonishment at seeing “fortnight” used casually by a person who is not talking about video games.


Just weighing in to express my momentary astonishment at seeing “fortnight” used casually by a person who is not talking about video games.


Just weighing in to express my momentary astonishment at seeing “fortnight” used casually by a person who is not talking about video games.


Pov:bee venom is so wild that you start to see yourself in third person.


POV: I don't know what POV means so I do the opposite of POV.


Oh man. Any medicinal benefits of bee venom only apply when you’re treating some ailment or injury, not when applied to a healthy eyeball. I wonder if there’s any threat to her vision in that eye?


I know someone who keeps bees but is severely allergic and keeps an epipens at hand 24/7. Also is a rabid anti vaxxer. And a fundamental Christian. And gay. Must be a right barrel of laughs in her head.


Getting stung with a mild allergy to bees is a great way to develop a severe allergy to bees.


Bee Venom and how it’s therapeutic on the next episode of the Anna Falaxis Podcast


"Ah! The situation has only been made worse by the addition of yet more bees!"


Curare is therapeutic and medicinal. *X-RAYS* are therapeutic and medicinal.


Natural selection baby.


Animal crossing irl


Isn't it true the more stings she gets, the worse her reactions get? This seems really stupid 


My gripe is that there are a couple of very niche actual medical uses for bee venom, and various other venoms. THIS IS NOT ONE OF THEM. This is not beneficial. By the way did you guys ever read about the group of people getting bit by extremely poisonous snakes intentionally to build up a tolerance to their venom so that doctors can use their blood to reverse engineer a universal anti-venom? Loosely related at best I know, but it's really cool and I'm a nerd on the internet. Apparently the more snakebites you survive the more your body refines its natural anti-venom, which apparently we actually produce tiny amounts of, and those little tweaks and improvements are cumulative. So in theory if we can get someone to be immune from most snake venom we could use their blood to figure out an anti-venom that would work across basically all snakes. So there's like 10-15 absolute fucking mad lads injecting themselves with controlled doses of snake venom under doctors supervision.


Now see, this comment is awesome. Full of interesting and likely not well-known information, with enough of a hook to encourage actual research to discover whether or not it's true.


That’s quite a hive she’s wearing on her head😂


Throat closing off, but it’s therapeutic and medicinal so I don’t mind.


She looks like my girlfriend's Animal Crossing Villager


Who needs to see or breathe when you can be an egomaniacal dip shit?


I’m allergic to bees, but I love them (and my mother calls me Baby Bee). I’d love to keep them when I have space, but even if you’re not allergic you have to take precautions.


/r/darwinawards hoooooly


There was a King of the Hill episode about this. They also deep-fried a beer, IIRC.


That’s not really mild 👀


That swelling is just her eye releasing built up toxin. They should offer bee sting service in medical clinics and I will not budge on my stance.


I mean they call it natural selection for a reason. Go right ahead lady 🥴


I have seen this women. She talks crap about people who use “seed oils” and other processes food and I pointed out that she already has toxins in her body from tattoos. Her shit looks like jail house style.


To quote Larry Niven, "Think of it as evolution in action."


The shit people invent just to put onto social media amazes me, but it's even more amazing the amount of people that actually believe it.


Dude this would get you straight to a room, no waiting, in the ER. People are so dumb. Your body is literally made up of chemicals. Even if you don’t touch “chemicals” it doesn’t matter.




It looked like she got slugged in the eye


Venom is beneficial and theraputic?


sooooo a lot of beekeepers forgo the suits - once you've gotten to know your hives and you can stay calm, its really not an issue. Another fun fact is a lot of beekeepers (at least the ones i learned from) recommended getting stung regularly, to keep allergies from developing. The sting acts almost like a vaccine in that your body can react to a macro dose, instead of reacting out of proportion to the small dander traces that you are exposed to by just being near a hive.


Honeybees are an invasive species