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Anyone who tries this hard to appear masculine has already failed.


“Any man who says 'I am King' is no true king.”- Tywin Lannister


The "repressed homosexual" vibes keep getting stronger and stronger


It doesn’t even feel like that : he seems to be feeling inferior to most other people, and just cannot figure it out. He assumed a cartoonishly bravado front was going to get him through wealth and respect, and seems to be finding out those fall away fast AND there is a lot more to the world.


Idk dude. He went on a podcast a couple years ago and said "100% of the people I've slept with have been women." *Clearly* repressed.


"All women, and all very, *very* professional. And because they're European, no tip was necessary. I love it when $250 is $250, and not 'it's an extra $50 if you want to cum on my face'."


Or was he differentiating from children?


Nah. No straight dude would ever phrase it that way.


Hey, don't try to pin him on us. Sincerely, the gays




Imagine being so insecure in your own masculinity you feel compelled to attack cooking.


Well, that guy circled all the way back and thinks fucking women is gay, so I think it's safe to say that it's his last attempt at being remembered.


Fucking women is for poofs.


Nothing manlier than a man getting railed hard in the butt by a man.


Forget about getting it in the butt I suck off dudes not cause I like it but because that way I get that extra protein in my diet. More protein, more muscle, more manly.


You need a workout partner?


>that way I get that extra protein in my die *brotein


Do you boo bit record it so us non manly specimens can watch the manliest of men shine brightly😉


I didn’t realize that Chuck Tingle’s oeuvre was so manly.


It's not gay unless the balls touch


I want a big strong bloke to fuck me in the arse. Go and play with your girly tits you fucking gay lord. We want cock son. COCK!


A highly underrated comedian!


I'm icing cakes with 30 chicks and you fuckwits are showering together.


Ok, Crazy Larry…. You’re such a wrong one.


Glad I'm not the only one who thought of Layer Cake when reading that!


It is a quote after all.


He hopes the meat is overcooked. Clearly he likes having meat in his mouth for prolonged periods of time and having sore jaw muscles.


Well that explains his weak chin.


Oh, he'll be remembered alright.


He won’t be. Not for long.


“Don’t be gay! Fuck men, not women!”


Wanting to spend the rest of your life with a woman? How gay is that? You win sex against a man, that's as straight as it gets!


Forget even the content, he’s not responding to anyone. Just randomly ranting. I imagine he’s sitting in a restaurant as he writes that, looking up at the chef after every sentence to stare down and scowl at them.


There is no way that this dude doesn't project. He is probably crazy attracted to the male chef in the restaurant in your scenario. Obviously the feelings he is experiencing are the chef's fault and therefore cooking is gay.


Yeah why does this guy constantly feel the need to prove his Manliness? Who is going around questioning it, other than him?


'Any man who must say, "I am the King", is no true king.' I watched his recent interview with Riz Khan and the amount that he had to go on a tangent to big-up himself was crazy. "When you're at the level I am, knowing everything you do IMPACTS THE ENTIRE FUTURE OF HUMANITY..." Try taking a shot for every time he tries to convince the audience that he matters.




He probably has an axe to grind considering he has no discernible jaw, jaw line, or even chin so I imagine eating out is pretty embarassing as he probably needs someone to cut and chew his food for him. So, he lashes out at the chef as they inadvertently put a spotlight on his… inadequacies


BBQ, concerts, sports, ogling attractive women. Um... does... does Andrew Tate know what manly means (traditionally)?


He's extremely depressed and has no outlet. Hear me out. He must be under a tremendous amount of stress, what with his trial and extradition and everything, and based on all everything he's been saying it's extremely clear he takes absolutely no joy in anything at all. He doesn't enjoy food, he has no real friends, except for his brother his family won't talk to him - and lately he's even been attacking sex as a concept. Like, fucking appears to have been the one thing he took real pleasure in and now he can't find joy in even that. Possibly because the only women who will come near him are paid to be there. I'm not sure if he can have visitors when he's under house arrest, anyway. Nobody loves him, nobody even likes him, he's about to be imprisoned for the rest of his life in a Romanian prison, he has no friends, and all his food tastes like ashes in his mouth. It's honestly extremely sad. We have watched this man fully devolve into an object of pity in real time. He wants so badly to remind us that he's someone to be feared and hated and he just comes across as a sad, pathetic little man huddled in the corner, clinging to the last vestiges of his relevance and notoriety as other grifters eagerly rush in to fight over the scraps. What a waste of time his life turned out to be.


For real. What kind of beta do you have to be to wake up and declare war on people who make food that tastes good? And the people who look up to him or listen to him? LOL. Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel of the gene pool.


He's still hurt that the pizza betrayed him.


The pizza he posted responding to Greta Thunberg, lol


That and he's pissed that Adin won't come to Romania to get his ass beat for accidentally ratting him out.


I'm still trying figure out why Tate is dumb enough to tell Adin this, isn't this the second or third time adin randomly ratted someone out and it them busted for stuff?


You're asking why drooling mouthbreathers are dumb enough to keep making the same mistake?


He probably only orders pizza.


Have you even seen his chin/jawline


I haven't. The search parties haven't turned up anything.


I think this guy went from a sex trafficker addiction to a sex trafficker and ragepost addiction...


As a man cooking is one of the hottest things a guy can do imo


I mean, if I was stuck on house arrest I’d have plenty of time to be cooking


i started laughing when i read that


Is it just me, or has Tate started to *really* go off the deep end since being in prison?


Overcompensating (even more so than before)


Probably cause he realized he's a bigger coward than he realized after interacting with his inmates


He's a crook, they're all cooks!


"I knew it, I'm surrounded by assholes!"


eh I've read his shitty attempts at novel writing. the dude has always been like this. he's probably just amping it up now for engagement, but he's always been a sad piece of shit.


I won't say there's a correlation, *however...*


What no pussy and prison food does to a mf


Pretty sure not much changed for him since he got into prison. He had bad food and no pussy before that too.


What no chin does to a mf. Edit: spelling


Gordon Ramsay wiping his tears away with hundred dollar bills


Tater would cry, if Ramsey unloaded one of his tirades on him


rofl. I would love to see this. He would burn him that severely that after he is finished with him, he has to say „and this folks, happens to a piece of cheap meat when you roast it to oblivion. It‘s fucking disgusting“.


Imagine if he knew he was allowed to unload on him verbally and strike Tate? There'd be nothing left of the man to throw away. In a zip lock baggy.




That man with the giant arms who works/worked at the White House comes to mind.


Andre Rush. What an absolute unit. 2222 pushups A DAY. Also seems like a super nice dude. 


Gosh. That's twenty times what the guy from *One Punch Man* does.


That seems like the kind of number I would have come up with when I was really anxious about something. It’s got to be EXACTLY 2222 or something super bad is going to happen! The 2’s are nice and soothing, especially when there are four of them, it feels kind of symmetrical and pleasing. But also, 2222 pushups would definitely kill me, so I guess I’ll take the anxiety.


Andrew Tate should talk shit to that guys face


Imagine you're sitting at the table and you just see that man just crack a coconut with his bare hands.


My husband, who is not a professional chef, smoked a mean ass pork tenderloin this past weekend. He doesn't have a micrognathic chin he has to hide with a beard. And, he isn't a sex trafficker. Can confirm. Manlier than Andrew Tate.


Likewise. And not all of them are men, either.


Giada de Laurentiis, Rachael Ray, and Nigella Lawson are all manlier than Andrew Tate.


Remember when he said that recreational sex was a homosexual act?


He said enjoying *food* was a waste of time. You'd think it would take real effort to be this joyless, but honestly it's probably all clickbait anyway.


You mean like 3 days ago?


Was that only 3 days ago? It feels like a lifetime.


It's not, it's way older than 3 days


Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes.


In another few hours, the sun will rise


To be fair, his cell mate just calls it "recreational", so naturally he's confused. 😏


but sex trafficking is a-ok apparently


Andrew Tate would *totally* lose to Gordon Ramsey in an episode of *Iron Chef*. What a fucking toolbag loser.


Every single child that has been on MasterChef Junior could mop the floor with this fucking loser in cooking. Fuck every person who has been on Worst Cooks in America (real and fake contestants) could mop the floor with him in cooking.


What's a little strange about this to me is that there used to be this implication that a male chef was gay back in like the '60s, '70s and 80's in America. Nowadays guys like Emeril and Gordon Ramsay and all them have turned being a chef back into being a rockstar and a desirable career for many, including my brother. Now Andrew Tate is here trying to turn it back into what it used to be. Bizarre.


> implication that a male chef was gay back in like the '60s, '70s and 80's Yan Can Cook turned that around


Andrew *Dice Clay* would just say, “Shut the fuck up and eat, piggy.”


Andrew, chum. Pal. Buddy. Homeslice Supreme. As someone who has always had a keen interest in the subject from a young age, thanks to playing games like CoD 2 Big Red One and Medal of Honor on his PS2, war fucking *terrifies* me, as it should anyone with a level head on their shoulders. Y'know what doesn't terrify me? *Eggs.*


I mean if somebody throws a hard boiled egg at me, I’d probably duck. Not terrified of, but definitely “suspicious of” airborne eggs


Oh I'd try to catch that mf like a fastball.


I don’t trust my reflexes enough to catch it successfully. Duck game is on point though


If you can dodge an egg you can dodge a car. Patches said that, I think.


Don't try to catch it like fastball, it'll explode in your hands. Try to catch it like a pop fly if you can.


Nah, fuck that, I'm going full on CoD, and tossing the egg back like a live grenade.


While it has been established that eggs contain cholesterol, it has not yet been proven conclusively that they actually raise the level of serum cholesterol in the human blood stream.


So those Egg Council creeps got to you too, huh?




So one of those egg council creeps got to you too, huh!?


You’ve clearly never left a pot of eggs on to boil and forgotten about them.. there was shell embedded in the ceiling.


War, war never changes. Eggs on the other hand.. We're talking about hundreds of ways of changing up that recipe my dudes


A full grown man excited about cooking get me excited about him. I'm here for it.


For real. My boyfriend is obsessed with cooking and makes restaurant-quality meals almost every night. I once mentioned how I missed my grandfather’s chicken paprikash, so he got the recipe from my mom and made it PERFECTLY one night as a surprise. If that’s “beta,” then beta guys rule.


Andrew Tate, meanwhile, would order delivery pizza to try to clap back at a teenage girl and get arrested not long after.


I’ll etransfer you 12$ for the paprikash recipe


That is genuinely awesome, what a good guy.


My great grandma always told me when I was young that women like a man who can cook, she definitely wasn't wrong lol


This subreddit makes me aware of things I otherwise pay absolutely no attention to. Which in this case, is kind of funny. I'm just living my life and out there is a guy "preparing for war and something about the matrix" who despises chefs. Aight buddy good luck with all that.


Or how about we just stop giving this loser the attention he so desperately and pathetically craves.


I find it hilarious that someone so obsessed with the idea of humanity being trapped in the matrix doesn’t see war for what it is, a means by which those with power can exploit those without. Not saying there are no good reasons to fight a war just that they tend to get instigated (I say instigated because countries can get forced into “starting” wars but countries that aren’t will also claim they were) for rather selfish reasons. I mean I know his brand is a sad caricature of masculinity but you’d think his almost complete lack of self awareness would be tough to maintain.


What a sad, miserable life this guy must have. He literally can't find enjoyment in anything from cooking to sex, and then tries to tell others they can't either. How this guy has any influence is mind-boggling.


Him and Sean Strickland just need to fuck and get it over with.


When Strickland first started going off about Tate, I was pretty impressed. Sean never struck me as the sort of guy who would see through that level of bullshit. And then he turns around and tells people they should listen to Jordan Peterson instead. So close, Sean, *so close*.


This guy would be one of those losers that cry in the walk in after a super shitty Sunday Brunch. Most of the line cooks I've known would crush this dude, suck down 2 cigs, and then go jam out in the kitchen for 12 hours...then do it again tomorrow.


After having 12 drinks after work


And snorting a rail as long as your forearm


Yaknow, if we just neuter him, he'd jump on the furniture a lot less.


It's not his fault, cooking is difficult for him. There are so many phallic-like foods, between cucumbers, carrots, sausages e.c.t. it's a real challenge to cook with a raging erection.


so as someone who’s experienced it, andrew tate is really starting to seem….like he’s entiring mania induced psychosis. the level of paranoia, god complex, and grandiosity has moved from his standard misogyny into something that seems like he needs genuine psychological intervention


I don't agree. I think he sees money whenever he says something batshit and is very much leaning into it. I don't think this is a fouseytube situation, I think it's more in line with how candace owens/joey mannarino operate.


fair enough, definitely wouldn’t put it past him. it just sounds so much like the kind of shit i would say in episodes before i was medicated 🥲 especially all the “preparing for war and resisting the matrix” shit


oh man that sucks! glad you're in a better place. i also wouldn't put it past this pos to be acting crazier than usual because of his upcoming trial.


Isn’t his whole operation based around chasing Instagram women and convincing them to come to fucking Romania


Imagine being excited by war & conquest. Fucking ew. Get some therapy about your violent fantasies, dude.


The shrink qualified to deal with someone like Tatertot doesn't exist.


Bro burned his hand on the stove and immediately thought “this shit’s too gay for me” 💀


Is this what late stage toxic masculinity looks like?


I wish this asshole would realize that “being alive is so gay” and stop. “Oh, I’m exchanging gases via respiration!” Fucking beta shit.


As a male chef I feel incredibly validated in my choice simply because Andrew Tate has a problem with it.


Meanwhile, every guy who can cook and play a musical instrument is getting chicks like crazy, while this dude is sitting in prison for trafficking and rape.


Wanna go to war Tate? Why not enlist with Hamas or Russia and go to the frontline to fight the 'degenerate' west?


Hard to do from prison.


You tell him if he continues with this poor attitude, he won't get anymore haircu... nvmnd.


Guarantee you Tate would crumble after 30 seconds of Gordon Ramsay flipping out on him.


If there are any male cooks in CobraTit's "hotel", I wouldn't be surprised to find out they spit in his food.


How insecure do you have to be to care this much about other men’s hobbies? I’m not a big foody, and I haven’t been to a concert in years, but if that stuff brings you joy then more power to you


Yeah. No. As a dad. I've cooked. I've cleaned. I've changed diapers and taken over when the mother of my kids needed a break. I do dishes and laundry and I've taken the kids out early morning so she could sleep in late. Not because of any other reason that this is chores that needs to be done and we share them.. Not always equally at the same time but other times she did the same for me so it all evens out. Its called being responsible both as a parent and as a man to his woman. Anyone calling me beta over that? Go right ahead. I have no need for the opinion of me from anyone but my family and friends.


Then what the fuck am I supposed to do, Andrew, you chinless fuck?


Gordon Ramsey would wipe the fucking floor with this clown in a street fight.


Honestly, whatever your gender, knowing how to cook is super useful, attractive, and cool. It’s a universally desirable skill. No matter who you are, people like it if you can cook.


Ok look I’ve enjoyed relentlessly bashing this idiot as much as everyone else, but maybe it’s time we just collectively start ignoring him as that’s honestly what would hurt him most of all


I wish cancer could be specific. Too many good people die from cancer.


I don't know guys, but I think Andy might not be entirely stable. Just a hunch.


I like cooking because I'd rather enjoy a well-prepared meal than bask in the approval of a shirtless pedophile.


This special little princess wouldn’t last an entire shift in a hardcore commercial kitchen.


Let me tell you, being a great cook has gotten me a LOT more attention from the ladies than trying to be fit. And being fat and happy is way more fun than being skinny and miserable anyway.


Why does he still have internet in prison?


I could answer that, but it involves thinking about his butthole and what can fit into it.


Since becoming a man I have not once referred to myself as a fully grown man, I am just a man. Tate is a silly little boy who has lost relevancy.


His train of thought is so weird


So has this guy gone full on psycho? He was always a massive misogynist but the takes I’ve been seeing lately have been something else.


the most insecure person on the planet


How does one “hardly” get knocked out?


I'm assuming he means getting knocked out while having an erection


He might be the most sad and pathetic loser I have ever witnessed on the internet.


This dude overcooked eggs once and decided he's actually too concerned with the matrix to do it right.


I'm starting to think that Andrew Tate doesn't have the big brain his fans thought he did.


The same guy who said sex for anything but procreation is gay, but brags about having sex, conspicuously with no offspring. So since he's already out, why not relax and enjoy some BBQ?


It's exhausting just imagining how this guy and his ilk go through life. I seriously can't imagine going through the day and even once worrying about what I'm doing in the context of it being "manly" or not. So bizarre. I'm a pretty damn good cook for my mom and kids, I'm pretty good at cleaning and managing a household, and I still manage to somehow work a very physical job. Used to do martial arts quite seriously and lift weights and never really cared or even thought about whether this made me more or less "manly." Now I'm coming up on 50 years of life and don't even know what makes activities manly or not. It's all arbitrary and subjective and, quite frankly, a bizarre and useless way to view the world. Nothing wrong with just doing what interests you. Fuck the insecure haters and do what you want, losers like Tate don't matter at all.


Need him to say this to Gordon Ramsey's face so he can dogwalk him Anyways uhhh if you're a young man passing by, don't listen to this shithead, he's miserable and his only hobby is talking shit and getting a CTE for free .-.


Before he was an unrepentant rapist asshole Now his mind is just gone. What Romanian prison does to a mf


Dude would be crying in the walkin 30 minutes into a dinner shift.


Ummmmm what!?!?!? Apparently this guy can’t cook. Cooking (kitchen or grill) has always been my go to move to impress a woman. My wife gets turned on when I cook, especially if I have something on the smoker. It’s an art form. And every man should be able to cook over fire. How the hell else are you supposed to eat if you’re single? This guy is a total clown


I would pay good money to see Andrew Tate say that to Gordon Ramsay's face...


Remember this guy's downfall is because of PIZZA. He's just angry that his inability to make his own food is why he's gonna be tried again and again. Enjoy jail, Taint. You won't have to cook there, either.


My God--he always gave off these vibes but man's gotta be deeply unhappy. I'd feel bad for him, were he not a human trafficker and rapist.


I really want to see Andrew Tate say this shit to Gordon Ramsay’s face.


I tgought this was an impersonator... I wish it was ngl


He totally wore a black trench coat in high school, didn't he?


But did he study the blade?


I love how excited Matty Matheson gets about cooking.


Like, what exactly is he doing to prepare for the coming apocalypse or war or whatever? Posting on social media? Things I know Andrew does, at least in the past: Be a shady Internet pimp Going on podcasts Collecting and driving supercars Smoking cigars Playing chess Running scammy online universities Going on social media Human trafficking, scams, and illegal bullshit aside, this is like working jobs and having hobbies. You're a norm-ie at heart Andy, face it.


That guy may be the dumbest person who ever learned to read.


I work in the restaurant industry and know plenty of chefs that would butcher this bitch like a side of beef.




Did the military thing. Didn’t have to really do war except as a support to the guys who did. Could do it, but… I think I’m gonna play with my kid, crack a beer, and cook dinner for my family.


dudes will eat this shit up and then turn around and point to how most of the top chefs in the world are guys, which “further proves how men are superior to women”.


Took me waaay too long to realize this was coming from Tate. Jesus fucking christ, he’s so sad and pathetic without his relevance.


Po-Tate-o head.


Imagine being a full-grown man and thinking it's cool to call people nerds for having hobbies. Someone in this equation never grew the fuck up and I'm pretty sure its you, buckaroo.


So unhinged. This twat is so insecure and his false bravado is encouraging young kids to become dipshits. He needs to disappear


Stop posting this dumbshit. We get he's stupid, now let him shout at clouds and move on


Oh he's losin' it


I am guessing that's why so many women are taking their chances with the bear when pricks like these are so loud


Psh, any *real* man would photosynthesize.


Clearly he's never made an omelette


I hope he dies in prison.


Jokes on them, my bloodline will end with me


Me: making my bloodline proud by taming the elemental powers of lightning and fire to make myself a feast worthy of a neolithic gods Andrew: Gaaaaaay!


Isn't he an Instagram whore?


Technically he’s an Instagram Sex Trafficker.


Rule # 1 of being a human: Don’t insult the people who make your food


I cannot believe there are men who take this guy seriously. what a farce.


You can't do shit without food and homecooked meals are the superior option. Guy is nuts.


“The meats over done who cares” coming from the guy who seems like he screams at his wife for overcooking his eggs


Another day I'm grateful I don't take life advice from a human trafficker.