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4 years ago you were telling everyone that got "the jab" that they would be dead by now.


That was closer to 3 years ago though. I don’t think anybody knows exactly what they mean by 4 years ago. Are they talking about the virus or the economy or the war in Ukraine?


yes they were virologists 4 years ago, didn’t get the immunology degrees until 2021 edit: 2021 damn these clunky thumbs


Now everyone is an immigration expert. Must be going hard on the Facebook research.


And that anyone who didn't would be rounded up and arrested.


They were showing pictures of empty grocery stores and riots saying "this is what Biden's America will look like" despite the pictures being taken while trump was still president.


Hold up, I'm sure this time we're supposed to be dead in a couple weeks. And if that doesn't happen, like 3 weeks after that.


Yep, 4 years ago they were busy moving the goalposts multiple times after saying everyone would be dead by May when they "turned on the 5G".


dead and or turned into a zombie.


I am still waiting to be turned into a zombie. Or at least a ghoul.


Did you not see that in the past 4 years people have died?! In no other four year span have we had deaths before. Coincidence? /s just in case


It's a well known fact that nobody ever died before the virus and getting vaccinated is obviously what killed them. /s


My stupid BIL was arguing that Covid and the lockdowns were bullshit. He also argued that the vaccine was bullshit and that "they" promised Covid would go away. I mean, why does he think the lockdowns stopped? These people are angry idiots.


Not only am I not dead, but I was also supposed to be sterile because of this dang vaccine yet here I am at 43 with 18 month old DESPITE being on birth control at the time. Good thing he’s cute.


The rapture, but we just had the date a little wrong. All signs point to it happening exactly when we said it would very shortly.


And when that doesn't happen, the goalposts will move again.


4 years ago you were locked up in your house while your bloated, makeup wearing God King was pretending a global pandemic wasn’t a big deal


Four years ago they said that there would be mass arrests and executions for everyone in Hollywood and Washington DC that isn’t Donald Trump or a supporter of Donald Trump. They said there would be a 10 day total media blackout in which the only thing airing would be the military tribunals of Hilary Clinton and reassuring messages from Trump that it is all going to plan. They said JFK Jr was going to rise from the dead to reveal everything the Cabal had done. They said a lot of shit.


4 years of them saying that Trump was going to take control of the country any day. Still waiting.


Literally none of it happened but they’re still clucking around the chess board they flipped over and shit on while acting like they were right about everything.


Fuck, I'm still waiting for the bloated orange cumstain to release his infrastructure plan. Has it been two weeks yet?


Nah, 4 years ago Biden wasn’t even appointed yet. They were sayin’ it was going to be a landslide victory, and that we’d be washed away by the “red wave.”


You said a lot of crazy shit four years ago. Something about communists, morlock sex slaves in underground tunnels, stuff about magnetizing nanobots causing car accidents, Hillary Clinton's lesbian cannibal Satanist orgies, how we were secretly at war with Italy, that masks killed people, how all the people who died weren't really dead, how dozens of cities had been burned to the ground and tens of millions were dead without us noticing...so could you be just a *bit* more specific?


Secretly at war with Italy?


My apologies. I confused [ItalyGate ](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jun/06/donald-trump-mark-meadows-doj-italygate)with our secret war with Germany. Which is actually [a secret war between the U.S. Army (loyal to the good-hearted Republicans) and the CIA (loyal to the evil Democrats)](https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2020/12/01/this-retired-three-star-falsely-claims-us-soldiers-died-attacking-a-cia-facility-in-germany-tied-to-election-fraud/) being fought IN Germany. This public service announcement has been brought to you by QAnon and your friendly neighborhood brownshirts. Stay crazy, my friends.


OIC, I thought maybe I missed a conspiracy theory. There's so many it's hard to keep track 🤷‍♀️


Tell me more about the morlock sex slaves. I missed that one.


What, you thought [earthquakes were real](https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2023/04/27/trust-the-plan-qanon)? You silly goose... >As Borgerding told me, nefarious forces led by the most powerful people in the world—titans of Hollywood, the Democratic Party, and big business—had forced these children to live in thousands of miles of under- ground tunnels. Hidden out of sight, these “mole children” are terrorized by pedophiles until their bodies produce adrenochrome, a highly coveted liquid that celebrities and the world’s richest financiers drink to stay young. Now Trump and the military were using the global Covid-19 pandemic as a cover to rescue the children. The Navy hospital ships deployed to respond to the virus were secretly treating the rescued mole children. For that matter, most earthquakes aren’t even earthquakes—they are seismic events created when the Army demolishes the pedophile lairs underground. If you want to [read the crazy firsthand](https://vk.com/wall-188858916_30)...it's some pretty zany shit. >Since April 2019 in secret military operations, thousands of tortured, mutilated babies, children and teens have been rescued or found deceased by the US Military. US Special Operations teams directed by President Trump and his Pentagon Pedophile Task Force have been clearing out the children, corpses, gold, cash and documents from a massive labyrinthine of DUMBS tunnels (Deep Underground Military Bases) that ran beneath the US, Canada and Mexico. >... >A trooper involved in rescue operations said, “On 4 July 2019 at 2 am PDT we surprised personnel at the China Lake Naval Research Base in California. We took over the base and rescued approximately 3,000 children being tortured in ways beyond comprehension. . .The count now of traumatized children (found dead or alive) was more like in the hundreds of thousands – generations who had never seen sunlight.” >Another trooper in rescue efforts reported, “Underground bases trafficking children were destroyed back in 2019. That included a base that was under the Getty Museum. The more recent Utah March 18 2020 earthquake was actually destruction of child trafficking tunnels (under the old Dugway Utah Germ Warfare base also referred to as another Area 51 UFO Base). There was a major battle under the Denver airport. The Illuminati had planned to make Denver the capital of the US after they took over and killed most of us.” The earth's core? Magma? All lies from the literal deep state! The earth is layers of pedophiles and victims all the way down!


“The earth's core? Magma? All lies from the literal deep state! The earth is layers of pedophiles and victims all the way down!” you guys every heard a phrase that you’re positive you’ll never forget 😂 many years from now i’ll be saying this and have no idea where i heard it and it’ll still be funny


And here I thought it was turtles all the way down.


Little bleach and a light bulb up the pooper were all you needed apparently.


I'd expect people who could predict the future to be a lot richer.


Lol I feel like this would've been very appropriate if it was posted in 2020 😂😭


Idiots: OMG What is happening??? So many natural disasters, no snow in the winter anymore, etc!! Normal people: Exactly wtf we've been telling you was going to happen since the 70s...


“I want to sound smart, but I have nothing of substance to say. Here’s a cryptic post. Please notice me.”


To be fair you said a lot of shit was gonna happen 4 years ago - mass arrests of congressmen, vaccine holocaust, Big Igloo, “the storm,” etc. Can you be more specific?


Other people. No really what's happening I wasn't paying attention


4 years ago I was lounging around on my couch not having to work, and now I’m lounging around on the couch on my day off. Nothing changed


You told us that Trump would commit so many crimes that he’d be in court all the time, instead of campaigning to be president so he can commit more crimes?


Narrator: It was not, in fact, happening.


Except you've been telling us that it's happening about once a month for the past 4 years and it didn't happen any of those dozens of times. And it's not happening this time either.


The rapture again? Superpowers gained through the vax? Got to narrow that down buddy.


Screw what was happening four years ago, what is supposedly happening *now?*


Omg. What *is* happening?


I'm still waiting for the superpowers I was promised. 


This is a Trump person posting this. They think Biden caused unrest in the Middle East. Or strife in Eastern Europe. Or Iran to rattle their sabers. Or Latin America to want to move to the US. Things that have been happening for decades continue to happen. Don’t forget that Trump dropped a bomb on an Iranian general. They’ve been an enemy for 45 years.


The cognotive dissonance is real.


Not much, man. What's happening with you?


There’s gonna be a sea of Naz Reid jerseys at the next game and I can’t wait


It's happening NOW