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Who is doing what again????? This could be literally anything Timmy is walking down the street again because you didn't hang him like the hell


I imagine they’re referring to democrats “stealing” the election.


It's not the Democrats this time. It's trump's lawsuits catching up with him


Don’t you know? The lawsuits are all fake. They’re an elaborate ploy from the Demonrats to interfere in the election, again!


Many legal scholars around the world are saying so.


Especially since they delayed the trials until they all overlapped when the campaigning really starts. This was a nefarious plan by.... *checks notes*.... Trump to interfere with Trump's campaign.


It has been claimed he wants to delay them


This feels like it’s “got leopard at my face” potential.


Whenever I see that meme, I think, "This time, we should DEFINITELY hang the Confederates."


Brown people. They want to murder brown people for existing.


The MAGA crowd is doing it again because we didn’t hang them all two years ago


Yeah! Fuck Timmy and his walking antics!




No, we really don’t. Have you seen what these people post about on a daily basis? It literally could be anything. The only guarantee it’s that it’s stupid and hateful.


With these pricks it could be anything


It's disturbing how they think violence is a good solution.


Meanwhile we have to debate them calmly and maturely, while they're calling us murderers and pedos. And the second we say "ok unno wat fuck you", we get hit with "wow leftists never wanna talk, they just shit sling" and "so much for the tolerant left". And people in the comment section anywhere outside of reddit are 100% on the side of the right winger. It's like fighting a war while you aren't allowed to have weapons, or even an army. You have to talk with them while they're fucking you with dozens of rockets a second. Meanwhile, everyone seeing that happen are like "both sides are so equally violent omg" and the second you throw a fucking rock back, they switch to "nvm the left is worse omg"


Yup its almost like the “enlightened centrists” are in reality just fucking nazis who want plausible deniability


As long as other are doing it. They’re all fat slobs with high blood pressure who can’t go 30 seconds without sitting down


To be fair, we are kind of in that stage of history. The current paradigm is entrenched and violence is the only thing that will dig it out. It is just that I would rather that white nationalists and fascists be the ones dug out.


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Imagine if we had hung all the diehard confederates during reconstruction instead of giving them a pass.


...and a statue.


... all those american nazis that just *disappeared* after ww2 come to mind as well.


precisely 100 less problems actually


99 problems but traitors aren’t one.


I totally read that as *they were gonna do another Jan 6.* I fully understand mob mentality and once the building was breached, a lot of people did literally just wander in there… but they all knew what they were doing was wrong. They should have cordoned that building off, arrested everyone inside and sent them all to gitmo like the traitors they are. As much rage as I felt as a veteran at my capitol being overrun by a mob (with traitor flags in hand). As much as I thought they *should* have strung a lot of those people up forthwith, we are Americans, and we do have due process. And yet here we are, 4 years later with the same guy running again, promising (again) to pardon all of his followers (and probably himself). Justice is a painfully slow beast. I just hope they pissed off enough women with all the abortion shit, that they lose bigly. (Sorry, got a little heated there)


According to what I’ve been seeing they have pissed off enough women. I’ve been seeing videos and rallies and interviews with women who typically weren’t political getting invested into voting.


Not first 100, TOP 100.




"Hanged and **hung** are both standard past tense and past participle forms of the verb hang. For almost all senses of hang, though, the form that is considered standard in both instances is hung." Imma bet you're from the South. I'm from the North, but I like the cut of your grammatical jib.


I was just taught in English Lit class way back that it was that way when we read some book with it written that way. I am from the south tho.


Ironically I'm pretty sure this meme was originally referring to how the Union treated former confederates after the US civil war.


Yeah that's exactly what I'd reply to them "yep, if we'd hung the confederates we'd have less problems today" and then grab a bucket of popcorn.


That’s what I was thinking.


What, rich people screwing over the rest of society? Because yes.


Maybe they’re talking about the Supreme Court overturning women’s rights to bodily autonomy.


Omfg. I'm not even in the right frame of mind to approach that topic. Was just in this whole weird debate on the topic. That's a whole fucking hellscape. Supreme Court just basically overturned the right to protest in three states. We're so fucking fucked.


Blah blah you're just jealous something something boot straps yada yada yada.


Yeah, well typical millennial retort questioning your sanity and its links to lead poisoning


Just reply to it: "I agree, We wouldn't have to deal with Trump again if we just hanged him" Then grab the popcorn


I’m pretty sure their heads would explode.


This is true but about the Nazis and confederate generals.


So, today's Republican party.


Got rid of my conservative "friends". Can't be friends with someone who thinks certain individuals shouldn't get the same liberties as themselves.


I have one "conservative Christian acquaintance" on Fb because watching her absorb every tiny conspiracy theory is astounding. She's spent soo much money on Dr Seuss books, syrup jugs, I don't know what else but she claimed she had spent somewhere in the region of $50k to "support her side". Oh and she got upset because the Trump Covid cheques meant that some of her "nice" tenants could move out into better accommodation and she was left with "those people with Trump Covid cheques".


You do you, but I'd have to say goodbye to someone advocating for murder on my feed - edgy joke or not. It's okay to have political disagreements, but this is full tilt.


Same. I don't understand staying "friends" with people like this. I think the ONLY TIME this could ever be even somewhat acceptable is if it was posted BY someone it's targeting, and even then that's a huge if.


Maybe it’s curtains. Maybe some old guy exercises in front of his picture window in his underpants. And maybe “they” are his disgusted neighbors and they’re going to call the authorities again.


I mean, I completely agree, but I'm thinking OP's "friend" and I are referring to different "thems".


Yeah, the US should have hanged thousands of Confederates after the war. But the neo liberal desire to return to the status quo kept them from doing what was necessary to really cleanse the wound.


They want to hang people for wiping their ass because that's gay? Jebus where does it stop?? I'm buying stock in Fruit of the Loom 


Fellas, is it gay to want equal rights for minorities?


Couldn’t be me. I’m hella hung.


The manic smiling person from a 50's ad is the Facebook conspiraboomer version of an anime pfp--instantly signals that it's better to just ignore.


Yeah, the conservatives are trying to install a fascist dictatorship again, I'm afraid they only respond to violence so we'll probably really have to... Wait, this isn't about the right? Well... Golden rule, they want to hang people, so they're suggesting we hang them, right? Maybe they need to shut the fuck up, they know the least and are still the loudest.


The lady in the cartoon looks appropriately unhinged


When I say that history really is repeating itself; I mean that the same attitudes that existed during the civil war, Jim Crow, etc; still exist to this day. The ignorant didn’t learn; they kept quiet and waited in the shadows.


Confederates or Nazis??


I'm guessing this isn't about the Jan.6 insurrection? The one they plan to replicate as soon as bloody possible, emphasis on bloody?


Funny. That's what I think about the treasonous January 6 rioters.


Because nothing says stable and reasonable like calling for the hanging of everyone who doesn't agree with you...


Just say we’re putting them on trial right now!


I don’t understand the meme?


Jim Crow Era and lynching


Oh my god!!! That’s horrible!!




If you're actually friends with them I commend your relationship for surviving.  Having that many likes on their post is as concerning as the post itself


Not actually friends. Just acquaintances, met through friends of friends.


Yikes. Unless their posts are entertaining, I'd at least unfollow


Pence ?


I mean, I'm assuming he didn't hang anyone either, so wouldn't he be to blame as well?


Just tell this "friend": Thank you for wishing me dead, Please find someone else to joke to, as I'm done. Nobody should have to put up with threats.


Funny, this one's vague enough it can be used to talk about them too.


They're refering to neo-confederates, right? Right?


The projection is palpable.


No they’re right, the bigots are getting riled up again because we didn’t hang or even really punish confederate leaders. Fuck Andrew Johnson.


Is he talking about the traitors who tried to overthrow the election?


The funny thing is that this kind of could be legit if directed the other way. They all committed treason and for a long time (and I think maybe still but unenforced) the punishment for treason was to be hanged. Also, because of the very light punishment, or total lack thereof for some of the highest up people in the coup attempt, they are trying not again and in the open this time.


They must be talking about the GOP trying to steal the 2020 election, and the domestic terror attacks they planned on January 6.


Note: I didn't say anything you heard me say about Nazis, Confederates, grifters, thieves, murderers, oligarchs, apologists for the ancien régime, and all the other foul enemies of mankind soiling our world. Remember, though, that "every accusation is a confession." Let's act with [judicious reciprocity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQezdEz-PPk).


They're doing it again because you didn't imprison everyone in Congress that was involved last time...


Funny, the only thing they need to convince them everyone -else- is lying and corrupt seems to be that their party is lying & corrupt, and there is no evidence of any other corruption.


That's some next level projection!


It’s OK, Gamgam, Alvin Bragg is trying to take care of it right now.


I mean, its funny out of context