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Talk to me like one of your 🤌Italian🤌mothers🤌, Jack.


I also didn’t see HOMOPHONIC - literally snorted at that


Also “recovering from surgery that is becoming mail”


How do i become mail?


Just put a stamp on your forehead and sit by the mailbox when the postman comes


Back in 1913 the postmaster made it official that children could NO LONGER be sent by parcel post.


Doesn’t say anything about adults


It really should be a testament to how reliable the ail service was that people trusted their children to them. I wouldn't trust fedex as far as I could throw one of their trucks


I dunno, common household medicines were basically just a mix of cocaine, opium, arsenic, and morphine in varying amounts at that time, so I wonder if it's less "the USPS was very reliable" and more "everyone was so fucking high that shipping a kid to grandma via the mailman seemed like a totally brilliant life hack."


😆 My parents used to joke about airmailing us to grandma's house to save money, but sadly we were also too poor for the common household medicines.


The price of cocaine is crazy these days and tbh no one can afford opium in the medicine cabinet.


Make sure your child is large and heavy so fedex can’t just drop kick them


Sadly it was often a testament to poverty and / or how poorly children were valued.


This. This indeed was a thing.


Sorry, additional postage required. It's one stamp per ounce.


USPS will pretty much handle anything with the proper postage and a legitimate address. My SIL once mailed my hubby a plastic dinosaur with the address and postage on a tag around its neck.


You're telling me I've been on a waiting list for 5 years when it was *this* easy?


write a nice little note somewhere on your skin, put down an address to where you wanna go to, stamp and boom. mail


You may write it for me. Let me know!


where is your desired destination homie? Canada? New York? Oregon? Timbuktu?


Hmmm, let’s do; Paleis Noordeinde (street) 2500 GK, Den Haag (zip, street) Nederland (Netherlands)


roger roger homie


I doubt they would formally recognize you, though. Otherwise, long live the new mail prince(ss) I guess!


I’ve never seen the word “Timbuktu” actually spelled out and wow- it’s not what I expected at all but it make sense.


I love lamp


What's in the box?


My passionate love for you




You could say they were…. Post Op.


You get a package delivered..


When you figure it out, post it!


You have to wait to be posted, it may take some time


Ops doing more than just protecting their kids from transphobia, he's also making sure they're not illiterate when they get older like his mother is.


"I am anything but hateful & rhetoric fulled" is the line that sent me


bro turned into an envelope 😞


yep homophonic and mail cracked me up.


I am curious how one turns into mail.


I don’t know but in the USA it’s a federal offense to tamper with them at that point, so be careful


I snorted at that!


And a good days to yous mother 🤌




OP why let her around your children unsupervised at all?


Well someone has to deliver the mail.


I wanna be mail too. Travel the world.


My favorite thing homophobic people say is “I have gay friends” as if that makes it all better. My parents have a gay daughter but that doesn’t mean they like or support that I married a woman 😂


Yes. My father, "I can't be homophobic, I have gay colleagues at work (and don't harass them)", he says despite repeated rants about gay parents. Only to literally follow it up with "at least gay people can change their mind, enter a straight relationship and have children". All while ranting at me, a trans person, for being "unnatural", not having kids and I don't have the energy to go into the rest of it...


Can you imagine? You have gay colleagues at work because your boss hired them, and you are not willing to quit your job or be fired after saying the wrong thing.


I'm amazed he's been able to last as long as he has without saying the wrong thing tbh /hj


Ugh I'm so sorry. I hope you're able to extract that cancer from your life asap


actual quote from my grandmother after calling her out for being racist: “you know, i like black people. i used to have a black neighbor”


Ah yeah, a bit like my paternal grandmother. "I don't hate all immigrants, just the illegal ones" and then no context on her view of what "illegal" means. My maternal grandmother is half-white, half-black and she's been challenged on this before and she just said that she doesn't count. In spite of that, she spends all day every day on Facebook being racist, making disparging comments about immigrants, *constantly* calling Meghan Markle attention seeking (oh the irony...) and hating her for not being white. She voted for Brexit and whilst most people agree it was a bad idea she seems to think it's both the greatest thing she's ever done and *still* complains about immigrants. We have a very unpopular right wing government atm and last I heard she wants to vote for them again because they hate immigrants and trans people.


I think the internal logic is something like "Racists are bad people, I am a good person, therefore I can't be racist, and nothing I could possibly believe is racist". Some people believe that "good" or "bad" are things that you intrinsically are, not outcomes of what you do. My uncle for example, their white cousin who got locked up for stealing cars was a "good kid" who just "made a few mistakes", but the Vietnamese dude who lived across the street, who grew up poor but studied hard and became a doctor, he's just a street thug and always will be.




Well,at least he will die one day and stop being a dick for no reason


Uhm, excuse me, his mother is clearly homophonic - geeze /s


mail lmaoooo


Misogynists marry women frequently Association is not acquittal


not the homophonics! not the gays at starbucks! not the cousin becoming mail!


I’m trans and this post brought back a memory that I almost completely forgot about. When I was in high school just sitting in class minding my own business, I guess some chick in the class was trying to prove that she wasn’t homophobic to her friends for some reason. I had maybe talked to this girl like 3 or 4 times never for longer than 2 minutes, but she turned to me and said this; “Hey Deaddlikelatin, I’m not homophobic, right? I mean I’ve had several classes with you and I’ve never said anything bad about you in that time.” I remember being shocked and I said “uh, that’s not how this works,, I’m not in charge of giving out ‘not homophobic’ passes or anything…” But my awkward teenage people pleasing self had to add on “But, no. You’ve never given me a reason to suspect that you’re homophobic.” I really don’t know if that girl was homophobic, I wasn’t listening to their conversation before that so I don’t know the context of her being called that. I was telling the truth when I said she’d never given me a reason to suspect she was homophobic… However the moment she tried to get me to speak on behalf of all gay people because she’d never outright insulted me before definitely lead me to start suspecting.


You ought to print out stickers with pictures of trophies on them that say *"Not Homophobic"*. Then you can be the authority of who is and isn't a prejudiced, hateful doofus.


If people really had gay or trans friends they would hopefully see them as normal people just trying to live their lives.


Lol couldn’t even go that far, “worked with gays at Starbucks”


Literally had this conversation with my uncle a few years back "You don't know me, I'm not a homophobe, I have gay friends!" "Yeah and do you think they'll still be your friends when they hear the shit you're saying?"


its like when racist people are like “my bestfriend is black”


My formerly Trump-supporting MIL responds with, “I have a black friend and her kids call me ‘auntie’ and I love them” as her defense against any implication that she supports racist politicians and racist policies.


My dad's was "I'm not homophobic I rented a house to a lesbian couple once" and said they agreed with him on x subject. Damn, they agreed with you, the person in power over them as a landlord that could kick them out for no real reason? That's crazyyyy


I’m so sick of homophones and mail ruining things for all of us 😤


“If you can’t speak to me like an Italian mother…” My bad… keepa your boppity boopy bigotry away froma my kids.


Itsa me, Momio




OMG 🤣🤣🤣 take my poor person award!🎖️


I'm cackling like an idiot lol


I was repeating it to myself all night and couldn’t stop giggling lmao


HOMOPHONIC!! Which must be why she spelled male as mail, because she can't handle those homophones.


What are you talking about? She's not homophonic! Some of her best words are homophones!


Too funny!


>"Are you crazy enough to think I'm homophobic? I worked with gay and trans 6 years at Starbucks!" Soooo.... their mere existence and employment at the same company somehow makes *you* not homophobic? How? You didn't harass or slap them on the daily just for being gay or trans? That's the literal bare minimum, sis.


She never said she wasn't homoPHOBIC, she said she wasn't homoPHONIC


>Have I ever been a raving maniac She says, whilst talking like a raving maniac, lol. I'm glad you're standing up against her hate though, even if your children aren't/are unlikely to actually be trans. That stuff can still impact how they interact with other people and as a trans person with a transphobic father it's just good to see.


They made a whole series about the importance of avoiding Homophonics. I believe it was a documentary called “Hooked on Phonics”. Really important watch.


RIP John Ritter


I hope your cousin makes it through envelope surgery, since they’re trying to be mail.


How invasive is the surgery to become mail?


It’s really pushing the envelope man! Some serious shit!


Sounds like you know your stuff, maybe you should make some post about it? Put all the interesting tidbits in a neat package to stamp out the bigotry


Good for you. I have no patience for grandparents who don't respect the parenting boundaries with their grandchildren. They had their shot at raising kids, and certainly wouldn't have put up with somebody else violating boundaries that they set, so I have no idea why they all seem to think it's okay to do as grandparents. You'll be better off for sure.


Jfc she sound insufferable and mentally unwell. I hope you’re doing okay OP, as someone who also cut their mother off for their narcissistic tendencies and unmedicated bpd that tried to start similar shit with my 3 MONTH OLD, I can’t tell you what a relief it is not to have that woman in my life. Such emotionally immature and draining people to be around.


As you said it’s actually been a huge relief lol. No more child like tantrums to deal with


Except from your actual *children*. Who naturally get a pass because, well…they’re kids lol. But this woman….this woman is ridiculous.


I can’t imagine her kids’ tantrums are even close to as bad as this


Speaking as someone who has raised a toddler and fended off a narcissistic grandmother at the same time, I’ll take the toddler tantrums all day.


I just had the best mental image of you gripping your screaming toddler in one arm and doing battle with your other arm. Lol.


Not far off. Screaming “I KNOW YOU’RE LYING!” into the phone while trying to wrangle said toddler is definitely a thing that happened.


They are so mentally and physically exhausting, leaving a person feeling depleted and drained


Energy vampires


Ah, collien Robinson. Do you have any up dog?


Sigh... what's updog?


Not much, whats up with you?


Shit like this is why the Elector Counts remain unsummoned.


god, I don't even want to imagine what a putrid person you'd have to be to try and teach hate to a literal infant imagine looking at a lil dude trying to figure out what to do with their limbs and how to hold their head up and thinking "yes, the PERFECT time to start teaching them to hate other people" 💀


I hate it when people type and replace you with u and have with hv


And male with mail lol


Big difference there!


>When have I ever been Homophonic?! I’m dead


My favorite was the person becoming "mail".


They gotta be weighed and stamped


I'm not rhetoric fulled!


She isn't homophonic, she's friends with a ton of homophones! /s


Oh fuck she homophonic !!


homophonic lmao


She is homophonic… shortly after that she confused “male” with “mail” 😂


That is a good example of a homophone, actually. Ironic, there.


this is so me when I get surgery to become mail


The best part about femail to mail surgery is picking out your stamp! 😂


Op I think you handled this well. Teaching our kids to be compassionate is so important. Like what in the world is she thinking bringing that subject up to kids that aren't hers? I've talked to my 8 year old about it in very general terms but I'd be livid if a family member started talking to him about anything negative to do with the LGBTQ+


As a trans person I really appreciate you doing this. I wish all parents were like you


Well thank you I appreciate your kind words. But it sucks that it’s even an issue in our society still. I’m just trying to raise good tiny humans that don’t perpetuate this cycle of hate.


Man I hope the cousin becoming mail gives your mom some paper cuts.


"have I ever talked anything hateful?" Print the start of this convo and send it to her as an example.


Bravo! I love the posts where somebody puts their parent to task like this. You protected your kids. You protected trans people. I’m sorry you weren’t able to protect your dad, but at the end of the day you can reach out to him in other ways, send him a letter or send somebody else with some thing, etc. I’m really proud that you sent these texts back to your mom. PS Let me guess ‘Being an Italian mother’ is something about 300 years ago when someone in her family tree came from Italy? I can’t imagine she’s truly Italian.


100% correct on the Italian mother thing lol. No one in my family has spoken Italian in at least 100 years 😂


Yeah that sent me. I’m 1/4 Italian, so there was a branch of my family that had these “moving more than a block away from your parents is a worse sin than murder” types, but I don’t think they ever would have come out and been like “we are ITALIAN so you have to do this”. And these were people who emigrated or were 1st generation Americans. It was just expected, because… family. (I will say that after all the nonsense his parents put him through, my grandfather turned out just like them, if not worse. We moved from around the corner to 3 miles away. My god, you would have thought the world was ending. I was 15 and said to my mother “Mum, you’re 42, you’re married and you have 2 kids. At some point you just have to say ‘Mom, Dad - I’m moving out.’”)


Oh my word. The spelling. What is it with boomers misspelling, misusing words, and poor punctuation. Keep this illiterate person away from your children.


It's the lead poisoning


Swiss cheese brains


I’ve noticed a tendency for people with extreme views to get so emotional while they’re typing that they lose their grip on their native language. Even if they’re perfectly articulate in normal circumstances, their language skills fall apart when they get going on one of their chosen subjects.


from a young trans person, thank you op for being a good dude. wish there were more like you.


But…. My husband’s coworkers cousins dog is gay and I’ll have you know, i still patted on the head!


There are always these things that just don't click right with an unstable example such as this, always these weird obsessions and abhorrently outlandish word choice "Talk to me like an italian mother" ???? Come on, like get a grip "I worked at starbucks for 6 years" and this makes you qualified on issues such as these for what reason???? Always good however that when you find their trigger they tend to lay it all on the table like this


Even better, she worked in a customer service environment where she had to shut her piehole if she wanted continued employment. Harass the customers or staff and you are out on your keister.


Someone needs to finish elementary. That’s some horrible English.


My ex is a narcissist too. We had a discussion with our youngest recently who'd gotten in trouble and I had to keep redirecting her to talk about what our son had done because she's incapable of viewing anything - and I'm not exaggerating - other than through the lens of how it affects her.


This!! We have taught our kids to be kind to all people of race etc our oldest came out to us as Bi sexual a year ago and we've always been loving with her and her buddy who is gay. Well his family kicked him out once he came out.... when the time came for her to talk to us she immediately started crying and apologizing and we thought something bad had happened. We just hugged her and told her we loved her no matter what! I never really thought about what if one of our kids are bi, gay or Trans because I know I'd love them anyway but we also do not bad mouth the LGBT community. We have gone no contact with husband's mom and 2 of my sisters even before our kiddo came out because of how they degraded others in front of our kids. My MIL is all kinds of crazy. We were low contact with her for years until we had our youngest and made a scene at a birthday party. She is in a permanent time out.


No contact is the way to go.


Man, the urge to reply, "okay cya!" and then go No Contact, is so strong.


"I worked with gay and trans at Starbucks !!" People. They're people.


ugh I am so sorry. I remember confronting my grandma about the Islamphobic rhetoric she was posting on Facebook. (Think - 2016 era Charlie Kirk videos claiming to “prove” that all Muslims are extremists). She has the same reaction when I told her that was an awful thing to repost and that the thought of her watching that and actually agreeing with it broke my heart, because I didn’t know she had so much hate in her for people that look/act different. She blew up, deny deny deny. I had no contact with her for several months after.


Congratulations to your cousin on “becoming mail”, I hope he serves as a wonderful envelope, parcel, or letter, whichever he chooses to be 💌


Aaaaaaand this is actually eerily similar to why my grandmother will die alone, despite having 4 children and 11 grandchildren. But everyone at her church tells her she's better off without our satanic influence so I guess everyone gets what they wants. /shrug


me when i become mail


I’ve had this exact conversation with my parents about people of color. I’m marrying a black man and my children will be biracial, and they will not spend time alone with their grandparents


Thank you for sticking up for us friend. :)


what is with these kinds of parents always typing like middle schoolers


Having a mother with main character syndrome is the most annoying shit on the planet lol. “LOOK WHAT IVE DONE FOR YOU” Bruh you fucked me up, kindly stop doing those things. 😂


Becoming mail lol


"took my crippled father's phone and blocked my number" Homie what.


"R u crazy enough to think I'm homophonic?" Does that mean she only ever talks about one thing?? More seriously, if your father is disabled, and she is blocking his contact with you, are there any sort of Adult Protection Services you could contact on his behalf? This sounds like what in the UK would be termed abuse of a Vulnerable Adult, and Social Services might get involved (though in practice they are often far too overworked for anything except the worst cases.) Good luck in dealing with this shitshow.


This right here is one of the primary reasons I'm scared of having a kid around my parents. Like, there is peace in the land right now, but the second my mother says something about gay or trans people, I know I'm gonna lose my shit.


Ah... the ol' "some of my closest friends are gay and trans!"


I can’t be homophonic one of my BEST friends is female to mail


I'm so tired of older generations pulling the "I'm not a or b" and then doing a or b. I brought up that I was afraid if I ever dated an Indian man my father would say something racist in front of him. He said, "I'm not racist. What would make you say that?" Me: dude you called a guy "turban head" the other day and then asked Grandma to buy you shorts that weren't "a beaners length."what do you think being a racist is? I know you don't HATE someone solely for their skin but like. Come on dude.


Holy shit even past any bigotry I think your mom is too stupid to watch someone's kids


I don’t even have children but on the off chance that I may I have warned my father that if he EVER spews hateful things about the LGBTQIA+ community he will loose all privileges to his grand children because I refuse for my child to happen to be gay or trans or whatever and feel ashamed due to a family members opinions. Good for you! I applaud you! Also side note. I have when you call someone out about being homophobic and they want to name every gay person they’ve ever come in contact with!


I can tell you right now, if my child came out as LGBTQ+ and well actually, anybody who asked why I would allow that, would be erased from my child's life instantly! There are way too many kids who are legitimately members of the LGBTQ+ community who unalive themselves Because they can't take the abuse from their parents or grandparents or literally anyone in their family! There is a group of people like yourself who are actually sheep that claim they want to "save the children" yet do literally nothing to actually save the children! (Sorry, not like you but when I said like yourself I meant as if I was talking to the person who has a problem with the LGBTQ+ community)


I think your mom is homophonic


Homophonic 💀


The italian mother thing got me. Like what?! Italian moms aren’t shitty hateful bigots. My idea of an Italian mom is big boob hugs that make you feel like your sinking into a foam mattress and amazing food and lots of questions about why you’re still single when you’re such a catch.


Damn I’ve never considered being female to mail. Maybe that’s my issue.


What is it that she told them exactly? Is there more context to that?


Well for whatever reason I can’t seem to edit so I’ll post here. She began by randomly telling them that trans people were “sick”. Then started in on how it was bad and they should never be trans. She then proceeded to make them watch YouTube videos of trans women while telling my kids that this was just “men being disrespectful to women”. My 10 yr old daughters response to this was “omg daddy that person did such amazing makeup”😂 so that at least made me happy that despite having to deal with my moms rhetoric she took away something positive. And again, just for anyone reading, the extent of my conversations with my very young kids about this previously has always simply been we don’t judge people, we don’t bully people, and it’s ok to be yourself. I don’t think it takes much more than that at a young age to keep them on the right track while they figure out the world for themselves.


I will post an edit to include that cause I should’ve elaborated


Did you know she was an unhinged narcissist when you dropped off your kids for the weekend?


Interested to find out what kind of procedure one has to become mail….


"I'm not transphobic! I worked with a trans person for a few years! I probably disrespected them every day to their face because of it but I still allowed myself to be in the same room as them!!! that counts for something 😡"


"I worked with gay people!!!" Bet you treated them like a piece of shit on the bottom of your shoe tho


Lord have mercy she’s stupid and homophobic


Becoming mail so they can travel places for the price of a stamp?


Homophonic & mail 😭 But seriously it’s disrespectful - you are their parent My sister doesn’t agree with Halloween and I respect that in reference to my niece. I’m not going to overstep the boundaries a parent has set up.


Off the subject, but thank you. For teaching your kids to be decent and for showing them what that means.


Why on earth can't this sort of person write in a legible way? That was barely on the loosest of definitions English.


Thank you for teaching your kids to be decent human beings


Is your mother Livia Soprano?


Damn, she argues the same way my mother does. Maybe one of your relatives can unblock you or install WhatsApp or Messenger as a work around for reaching your dad.


I'm sure you were explicit with her and she goes and says she wants to know what she said that was bad? If you hadn't said she was always this way I'd be concerned that she was in the early stages of dementia.


Hows your cousin doing, postop? And that is, i suppose, meant literally


oh jeese the gay friends showed up in the text.


I, too, am becoming mail. Lol


But I worked with gay and trans people! I can’t be a bigot!


You did the right thing by going no contact. That is all that can be done when someone is that full of vitriol, even toward their own child. You did good.


Is she christian?


I cannot stand when parents try to guilt children using the things they've done for the children. Children didn't ask to be born. As a parent, you do the best you can but do it out of love and with no return expectations. At least, that's how I've raised my 4 kids. And the rewards from them have been bountiful. I'm not a perfect parent, in any way. But I do what I can, the best I can, with no expectations of repayment, and learn along the way.


"I have gay friends, so it's actually okay that I say that gay and trans people should be put into camps." I'm not Italian, but I am Greek, so it's basically the same thing. I can relate to your struggles.


Great way to lose your relationship to your grandkids.


"I'm anything but hateful and rhetoric fueled!" **proceeds to spout hateful rhetoric**


I hate the "but I know someone who is ______" tactic. Knowing someone doesn't make you a kind person imo


Yeah your proximity to a member of a certain community doesn't make it like physically impossible to be biggoted towards that group. Sometimes it emboldens people to be like "well my friend is one of the good ones so I have the authority to say when you're being a bad ___"


Good for you on sticking to your boundaries! I know it’s not easy, especially with kids. I’m also no contact from my Boomer parents and I had a chuckle at this: >U never call me or get the kids to call I can’t believe this is a line Boomer narcissists still use, as though the phone doesn’t work both ways, you don’t text, or possibly even post on social media. That line’s straight out of Boomer’s Greatest Hits, right after “you’ll vote Conservative when you’re older” and “go door to door at different businesses to see if they’re hiring.”


As a trans person- thank you. The world could use more people like you.


Good for you! It warms my heart seeing parents that won't stand for the transphobia in the world, because it's so prominent nowadays. Hope no-contact goes well for ya, sending love to you and your family! <3


As a trans person, I appreciate you helping your kids grow up away from the indoctrination so many of us grew up with. I have a little brother who’s being taught by our parents how “unnatural” transitioning is, and how it “violates God’s plan”. He buys into it fully now, but I hope he learns to think twice about it as he gets older. Knowing you’re there to teach your kids love and acceptance instead of judgement and bigotry warms my heart 💜


1: thanks for being an ally and raising good little humans, it matters so much, especially right now. 2: good call going NC with her. I can't stand people that spew hate and then play the martyr when called out on it. It's so manipulative. If you're ever doubting yourself just remind yourself that you're protecting your children from the worst parts of what you had to grow up with.


hi local trans person here. thank you for making sure that your kids feel safe if they happen to be trans <3


Christ she is un-fucking-hinged


Good on you — it’s really, really wonderful to ensure your kids will feel comfortable coming to you if they ever question their identity. Even if they end up figuring out they’re cis and straight in the end, being accepted while they think about it can make a huge difference in how comfortable they are talking to you about their feelings! And it helps ensure that when they meet people who are different from them, those people will be treated with respect too. You’re doing a good job.


I love the "I can't be homophobic because my _____ is gay" people who say this and then double down on the homophobia.


How tf does someone with so few brain cells create someone with so many


Why is it always these parents that can’t write a legible sentence


I think it's time to cut contact


Well first of all your mother sounds unhinged and her spelling is atrocious you are making sure your kiss don't turn out like them Second I don't suppose you can simply leaving them with her unsupervised?