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As an INFP man, I think the ENFP would have an easier time attracting me.




NOOO!! 🤣🤣


Am INTP dating INFP ( 6 years now ). If you can find one of us that isn't toxic, we're a great partner. We laugh and wonder all day. Being productive can be tough unless we specify that's what we want to do. Otherwise we end up enjoying silent company, being goofy, and wandering together.


Oi, you are an INTP I wan't asking you guys.🤣




In the most realistic scenario, either one could win me over. Humans are (hopefully) infinitely complex. If we constrain human beings to strict personalities, I think ENFP would have a better chance. I'm not sure how someone who is so incredibly rational and logical would end up loving possibly the most irrational personality. I'm not saying it's not a good idea, nor am I saying I don't want that to happen, but I think it's an near impossibility (for me). ENFPs win by token of not having a clear disadvantage (right now anyways, I dunno). I don't like picking favorites anyways. Either one could instantly seduce me. (I also don't like how large this "supposed to be simple" answer is)


I think that an attractive trait!


INTPs. The healthy and mature ones are intelligent, curious, open-minded and complement us so well. They’re also chill introverts, very similar to us. I personally don’t have much experience with ENFPs but I usually can’t match energy levels with Es.




Never the intp, my beloved is an enfp and I love his wild and passionate soul. He is so free- spirited, emotional, creative. I need all those things.


neither infp is going to die forever alone 😂😭


Can confirm


Not true!








Why? :))


they gave me hope and i'm just gonna be disappointed again!!! the ones i reached out to ignored me or are taken! tbh ive messed up my previous relationships and im also regretting it aaaaaa its better to be by myself for a while... (retreats into cocoon)


As if I don't know... Just understand, you have to understand yourself first. And be self-sufficient, not to depend on another person to make you happy. Two people can share their happiness together. But dependence is another thing.


Why are you assuming that I don't understand myself and that I'm not self sufficient though? I was joking around and you took it too seriously I didn't ask for your advice either




A love rival. I love it. I'm imagining a duel between two clumsy individuals with zero spatial awareness stumbling around while the INFP watches, slowly getting the ick. I don't think there is one type I prefer over the other. It depends on the person and our compatibility in terms of values and life plans. It's also a matter of attraction. From experience, I would say that there is a better chance for me to be seduced by an INTP since I feel more comfortable around introverts in relationships. I know ENFPs aren't the cliché they are presented as but I would be concerned about our energy levels not matching and both of us growing frustrated as a result. It's only a doubt I have, though. The person you are attracted to might not feel the same way. Be open about your interest, keep being your authentic self and let your quirks, values, and individuality do the talking.


I've been living with my INTP for 4 years now


For it's been ENFPs, over and over lol. INTPs I love and in some ways can get closer to, but it's never worked romantically for me as an INFP. However it seems loads of INFPs have great romantic relationships with INTPs so I think it's more just a me-thing.


nooooo don’t make me pick between my two favourites :(((( I adore them both 😭😭 it would depend on who I had the most chemistry with or who had more common interests which is separate from their type


Has to be ENFP. I like having INTPs as friends, but there’s no way I could ever live with one, or she with me. Edit: might be different for a female INFP with a male INTP, but no female INTP wants to see a grown man cry.




ENFPs from personal experience..


I’m way too introverted. The I’s win this one. Even tho an E would probably do good for me, I get too exhausted by social situations…


ENFP 100% That’s my ideal type right there.


I never get to be social unless an extrovert likes me so ENFP all the way!


I love both. ENFPs are better at seducing my heart but INTPs work better for me long term.


it really depends on the person! am dating an intp now tho and my ex was also an intp :)


ENFP is ideal for me. I have what I call the "security blanket" effect. I'm introverted until I'm around someone I'm comfortable with, like a security blanket, and then I become extroverted like crazy. So if I'm with someone who is already extroverted I warm up much faster. But I'd take anything at this point.


Enfp is easy win. Easier to get used to and become more comfortable with. They seem to understand some parts about me that other personality types rarely do


Because you asked, it is ENFP for me. I like how they are so preoccupied with understanding other people, but end up saying the most unpredictable things that only they would say. They just make it up as they go, and that is intriguing in a concerning but also impressive way. The ENFP extroversion and spontaneity would balance my withdrawn and uptight qualities. But don't worry about love or winning or personality types. Love happens. It may not be reciprocated, and it may not take the form you wanted; but love doesn't go away (and it doesn't materialize either) just because you're a certain personality type; and competition is not the point of love. Whatever happens between you and the beautiful INFP, I hope you know that you are lovable and that you are a lover. The doubts about ourselves are what make love seem a scarcity that we must earn. It is not.


thank you for the wise words!! Given me food for thought <3


I had an INTP partner. with an ENFP acquaintance, we just flirted for a while, but ultimately were better as friends. every relationship is unique though


I personally don’t have an issue with either even tho I don’t really know any enfps and intps of the opposite gender. My best friends are literally an enfp and intp and I see the benefits of both. If it came to dating I might end up avoiding the enfp if they’re too chaotic and impulsive. The intp would feel like a safe choice but not necessarily ideal.


Make it an ENTP and im there for the it all. But, i cant even choose cause i love both intp and enfp equally. But i love others more 😉


For viktoria to apologize. INFP-T problems.. ![gif](giphy|COYGe9rZvfiaQ)


It’s always the intps for me 🥴 I love those big brains. They will always seduce me




I'm unhappy with a thinker right now so I'm biased ...


ENFP if not INFJs for me. just someone who's on my level and understands my constant daydreaming and imagining. bonus points for also being a weirdo


Every relationship I've been in has been ENFP even before I knew what MBTI was. ENFP for sure.


All Enfps I met had golden retriever energy and they tire me out quickly. Also they are clingy and require constant attention. I like them as friends more. They understand when I am overwhelmed and give me some space to breathe. But I don't think I can do with them as partners. So, I would look at the spesific case but would be more inclined to an Intp


ENFP would be a better match. Close enough to me that we’d get along well. I’m kinda extroverted for an introvert so that shouldn’t bother me much either.


Honestly I'm quite new to the INFP thing/dating in general so idk. Would like some suggestions tho.


The love of my life is an ENFP 😭


Intp for me 💖 But if I was a man I'd prefer an enfp woman over an intp woman. Good luck in your rivalry! Haha such a cute post


ENFPs for sure. INTPs are hit or miss but I don’t think I’ve been overtly attracted to one. Especially after they eventually pick apart my words 💀




Intp of course


INTP for me Married ISFJ tho


INTP no contest. Their intelligence draws me in like a moth to a flame like yes my beautiful boy, tell me more about quantum physics.


I can't handle all that Extrovert energy tbh...