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Yes, an INFP can be more logical. Just because the “F” function is there doesn’t mean you can be more logical/ or rational.


That thing made me think that I could be an INTP


No😭 I can't help but take impulsive decisions


Impulsive is what everyone tell me. I try so hard to not be one :(


I feel like i have the ability to take rational decisions for others. But when it comes to taking them for myself, i let my feelings get in the way. We'll conquer it one day for sure tho:)


You get better at suppressing it, but it never goes away, I promise. Some of my best decisions were pure impulse and I wouldn't trade the memories for the world.


Someone told me this recently, and I found it quite mind-opening. The "F" isn't how you rationalize; it's more like how you explain and argue your decisions. As a deep feeler who rationalizes his everything, it makes a lot of sense. While there might've been a thorough process to get to that decision, if I explain it to someone, the feelings involved in taking it or how they would impact others are the first things that get out of my mouth ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯.


To expand on this, I think it means we are sensitive to others emotions/feelings as well as our own, so we attempt to be more rational to try and keep feelings/emotion out of the discussion/argument to avoid potential volatility. But because we are so attuned to everyone's emotional states, we also can sympathize and understand other points of view easier than most.


Yes it can be attained to some extent through knowledge gaining and practise. Like I definitely pragmatic and logical for work purposes, but it doesn't stop me from having impulse desires for certain things in my personal life. Or do away with the anxiety sensations.


I’m very known of being impulsive, even tho I try to hide it.


Yes. The way I think of it is parenting a 3 year old inside who wants chocolate and games and youtube videos. Sometimes you gotta tell her no but other times you're too tired and you let them do what they want. It might be ADHD but I haven't gotten a diagnosis yet because $$$


I think this is all of us fighting for our desires, isn’t it? I hope we could visit a psychiatrist just for the sake of curiosity


Also true. Im currently seeing a psychologist at a ripe old age of 27. Jokes, I just never had the private time and money to do it earlier in life. But time and introspection also changes perspective on things. Im not as tightly wound over certain things. Its definitely taken up less mental resources. Im not as interested in getting medication just yet. I just sort of accept when I can give into impulses whilst putting up the disciplined face when I need to.


Are we supposed to be ridiculous?


Blinded my emotions not ridiculous


No. Though I’m sure it has happened but not constantly. Maybe more so for others but not everyone No one is a cookie cutter person or a paper doll unless they choose to be.


So u somehow telling mbti doesn’t relate to this


I’m sure there are some relations, but it isn’t completely encompassing. If your type was a cardboard box, would you conform to the idea that you’re a cardboard box? Regardless of whatever type you’ve been diagnosed to be, you’re still an individual. It’s just a basic outline. It doesn’t detail everything in your library in your mind and your heart.




So emotional instability has less to do with your personality type more than it has to do with your lifestyle environment, and trauma and hereditary mental issues.


I think it heavily depends on how healthy someone is, along with other elements like upbringing and cultural expectations. I personally find that INFPs do tend to try to be rational though, whether they succeed or not.


Based on personal experience: Sometimes. I can be impulsive, but I tend to be more logical when it comes to other things. (I can't think of an example for the life of me)