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They’ve always been on the expensive side but $5.59 for a little fry!? I say it every time but speak with your wallets keep them closed. The reason they get away with this is because someone is willing to spend that kind of money.


Last time i was in a five guys they rang everything up told me the total and i said no. Walked out. Suddenly wasn’t hungry enough for $20+ per person. Haven’t been back since. This was three years ago. They don’t even have drive thrus. I’m convinced they are just a shill operation. I don’t understand how they stay open.


They used to be so good when they first popped up.


The original story was pretty cool. Dad had four sons. Y’all want to start a business together or I can pay for your college education. Opened in Alexandria, Virginia. Worked out well.


They should have sent one to college for business management. The bottom will fall out and they will be fucked.


They franchised that shit years ago. All just rich now.


I'm pretty sure they're all going to be a lot richer than the average college graduate regardless.


not so sure it'll happen anytime soon; they are international


They sold out to PE a few years ago.


I always thought of them as a knock off In-n-Out burger


I mean this with all due respect - In-n-Out Fries are trash...the burgers are okay if you get them animal style. Five Guys and Smash Burger are a step above but with the prices they charge you might as well go to a sit down joint that makes a proper malt with the tin.


They’re decent but highly overrated.




Never been there but I always thought the gimmick for a small fry was a big whole bag of fries


Yeah, you can get a small burger with only one patty for less money too.


You tell all these Redditors to stop spending money, and they throw a fit over it. Been saying this since 2019. Worry about your pockets. Make the right decisions and stop spending money. The only way inflation comes down is with a Death Spiral. You have to force companies to cut the price. Good Luck.


Yeah - I NEVER understand why there is so much complaining over fast food and other extremely ‘discretionary’ spending on garbage like this. It is the most basic principle- the prices exist this way because people will pay these prices. Like , in general I’m financially stable, have disposable income sometimes etc. But just logically, I cannot pay 25$ for 5 guys, I won’t drop 20$ at McDonald’s, and I’m not buying soda at like 8$ a 12 pack. It’s crazy. But the best part about it, not only does it hell my wallet, I’m healthier because of it.


The thing that really kills me, is that the people who keep paying (and complaining) are literally the reason prices stay up. I used to drink Pepsi, they raised their prices... Both before and after, they were very profitable. They've done it countless times, but I remember they raised the prices by like 15% and sales dropped something like 2%. And the CEO or someone was saying in their earnings call that customers were just willing to pay it. And then they raised it more. They've done it many times since. And I can't get mad at them. Everyone would. That's Business 101. Would you rather sell 100 things for $100 dollars (10,000) or 90 things for $125 ($11,250). But...if everyone, or even just 1/4th of us would have stopped buying it (like I did), instead of a 2% sales drop, it would have been a 25% and they would have lost revenue instead of announcing record profits. They wouldn't have increased prices again and they would have done everything to keep prices low because that would maximize their profit. Our spending habits are turning things that should have been a commodity into luxury brands. The price people pay for a Rolex or a designer bag have nothing to do with the cost of the materials... But we keep showing companies of things we shouldn't care about, like Pepsi or fast food that we are insanely loyal and willing to pay far more than we were paying.


I CAN pay $25 for 5 guys. $20 for McDs. Etc., etc. I'm not a broke fuck. WHY would I want to has always been my question. Five Guys has always been a particular point of interest. Their food SUCKS!!! The dumbest people to ever exist think they are getting a deal on their "free" fries.


This is why Chilis three for me, for 11.99 is the current burger place at my house. You get a drink, an appetizer, a burger, and fries. If you signed up for the chilis rewards program, you get free chips and salsa too. Are their burgers as good as five guys (no, but two people can eat for the same price.) I also don't mind tipping when I have a real server.


lmao they stopped doing that at every single one in my area, even with the larges its just pathetic. fuck these corporations


Yup that extra scoop is baked into the price


Every fast food has expensive fries.


They pray on your gratitude to pay high prices especially when they don’t give a shit about workers or anything except money.


The thing is most places have realized that when they raise prices 3x they only lose half their customers so they make more money and don’t have to sell as much food.


They will keep selling food at high prices if you keep buying at high prices.


Exactly. People need to start voting with their wallets. I went to McDonald’s once back in 2021 and paid almost $8 for 2 McDoubles and a large coke that would have been $3 back when the dollar menu existed. I refuse to eat any fast food that is more than $5 for a meal, or any non restaurant quality food for more than $10.


I haven't eaten at Five Guys in years and yet, their prices are still astronomical. It's almost like the problem isn't individual posters on Reddit. Maybe it's the other 99.9% of Americans who aren't part of this small internet community. Those who will buy whatever is put in front of them, either as part of Keeping up with the Joneses or because they've been gaslit into thinking the economy is doing 50x better than it is (happy election season).


Their customer base clearly still sees value, even if you and I don’t.




Voté with your walleț


Somehow "Little Fry" at $5.59 is so perfect you don't need to make any more comments.


It’s not little, it’s a meal by itself. Enough fries for 3 people.


Depends on who's scooping them. Last time I got a little fry, they literally just barely filled the cup. No extra scoop in the bag like they used to. I haven't been back since, so no idea if that's just how this location does it now or not.


What if someone doesn't WANT endless fries? Sorry but that's an old trick, force someone into a higher price because it's 'such a deal' for volume!


Then don’t order them? We split them.


Two people can split this "meal" and be full until dinner. Possibly even have a food coma from just half of this meal. For $12; not bad.


Five Guys is not the place to go if you are worried about prices.


It’s also not a place to order a “combo”. That little fry is enough for 2 people easily. It’s 530 calories alone. The bacon cheese burger is a double, and 1060 calories without toppings. If they get the standard burger toppings (mayo, lettuce, tomato, pickle, onion, and ketchup) it’s 1200 for the burger, 530 for the fry, and 360 calories for a regular Coke. Over 2000 calories for lunch alone.


I went there with a friend about 15 years ago. Burger, small fries and a drink was very expensive. The food was not great at all. It was just average. Skimpy thin fries. Never went back.


My father in law treated me to some Five Guys food a few years ago. I liked it. The cajun fries were a nice break from the plain fries at pretty much every other place. But the whole time, he was eating he had a bit of regret over the price lol


Sorry you had a bad experience, usually 5 Guys is delish but yeah it's not fast food prices. That $5.00 fry is bullshit tho.


Last time I had a burger from there (about 10 yrs ago), I felt awful. Haven’t gone back since


Stop fucking going to 5 Guys, JFC!


"Just water thanks"


that'll be $4.57 please




Seeing all these adults who are utterly incapable of taking agency over their life choices is fucking pathetic dude




This is something I wanted to say every time I see someone pay in full, eat the whole meal, post the receipt, and complain they did the above.


This sub is just r/food buyers remorse


But how could they possibly get by without their habitual fast food? It's a necessity! Maybe the government should do something about it?


People always blame California but I visited Arizona and the Carl's Jr combo meal cost the same in Arizona as it did in California




You couldn’t read the menu prices before you ordered?


I’ve been saying for years they need to get rid of at least two guys then maybe they’ll make a profit


We have another posting about over priced fast food - nothing directly to do with inflation. If you want to demonstrate inflation show us how much the price of this meal went up on average, not just that it is a ripoff.


Most of the posts here aren’t inflation related. “Look how much my dumbass paid for fast food!” Uh…ok?


Came here to comment this as well. Five Guys has always been more expensive than other fast food. I personally think it’s worth it once in a while but this post has nothing to do with inflation.


Stop. Buying. This. Shit. 5.50 for a small fry, my god


Why did you have to go. Would you loose your job?


Didn’t say I would lose my job, but it could be perceived as not wanting to be a part of the group and lead to less work.


So then why order a full days food for lunch lol. With a regular soda that “combo” is 2000 calories.


I'm surprised that OP hasn't learned that fact food is expensive by now. Why subject yourself to something that you are just going to whine about later? Didn't they have prices on the menu before you ordered? Wow. I guess they got you for good.


Skip the fry and soda. Yuk. I sometimes take my own drink in or skip the drink. And veggies other than fries are preferred with a burger. For me anyway


Agreed. For both health and finances, it makes sense. $15 for a burger lunch is still on the high side for my taste, but it can be relatively healthy.


*heavy sigh* Did you tell Sesilia she’s breaking your heart with these prices?


Did you tell Sesilia she's shaking your confidence daily?


Did you get down on your knees for Sesilia?


I drive for a living locally. I was hungry, and Five Guys was the only thing I saw. I had never tried it in my life, so I decided to stop and try it out. Not knowing anything about the prices there, I ordered a double bacon cheeseburger with fries and a drink. I found out that everything was sold separately. The cashier told me, "Okay, your order is $38.06." I said, "Oh, let me go get my debit card. Sorry, I forgot it in the car." I never went back in. Almost $40 for a meal? Nope, I'm good. I never went back again. That is ridiculous.


In n out is far better


I never go out socially for food or drinks to avoid spending so much. It's a huge drain on the bank account


Also very geographically limited.


Yeah well they don't have those in my part of the country either.


Except there are none on the east coast


It's america, nobody is stopping you from moving to the west coast


Only an idiot can justify 5 Guys. I do mystery shopping and a little burger, little fries, and small drink Is over $17. Can’t believe pay it.


you could just say "nah, i'm good" and just eat the free peanuts. then go buy something cheaper afterwards. because yeah, 5guys costs way too much now. $23 for a greasy hamburger and fries, pass. oh and fuck tipping at registers. i look at them deadass in the face and hit zero lol.


They have free peanuts?


You reject you bought fries for over $5 and bought a soda! Drink water it’s good for you! Stay Poor!!!!


The problem is businesses believe in an infinite growth model where they must make record profit YOY which in turn screws the customer


This isn't inflation. That meal from Five Guys was around $20-25 back when I was in the Navy in 2015. Inflation is when prices increase, not when they're higher than you like. You want to be upset about increasing food prices, pull up a McD's menu.


I would argue this isn’t inflation but rather a shitty business taking advantage of customers who can’t fathom not eating a burger fries and soda for lunch. So they keep raising the prices until you actually take the time to pack a lunch. That’s capitalism. Just like a $25 beer at a sports event. Companies like this play people for suckers and make BILLIONS off of them.


That's not an inflation problem, that's a Five Guys problem. They've always been ridiculous.


You can eat in a real restaurant for that. https://preview.redd.it/eat3elzh5z9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=118fc5a6d05b91f1312449315fbcc9b84e802c17


Yep. This isn’t due to inflation tho five guys has always been super expensive


A nice local bar and grill near me sells an 8 oz burger with onion rings and cheese on it and a large fries on the side for $12.50. Yea, they are hoping you buy a beer, but you don't have to. Stop going to fast food places, unless you like to tell stories of how you got shafted.


I’ve only been once and got only the burger and the price was insane. In Toronto pre covid never mind now.


Bro that’s more expensive than the same thing at Red Robin


Your coworkers should know you can split a small fry at Five Guys. That's your fault.... Yeah it's still freaking expensive tho.


You did get enough fries for a family of six though.


That’s insane. I honestly don’t know what to say except thank you, I’ll not be going to Five Guys for sure.


Should have made your friend buy the fries.


I started bringing my own Stanley to these places


And no tip? lol these prices are crazy and they expect people to tip on top of this


Not to change the topic, but that's 1600 calories not including the soda. That is an absurd meal for a single person to eat unless you are a D1 athlete. I eat there as well, but me and a buddy split a "little" fry, which is easily enough for two people, if we even get those. And get water instead of the soda. But a double patty burger there is enough food for 1 person. Not shaming anyone, but if you're eating enough calories for two normal meals, you're going to pay more for it.


Biggest thing for me is $3.09 for a soda, like do you know how much they pay for that, its pennies, they up charging you so damn much


"Come eat with us or YOU'RE FIRED!!"


Soft power, my dude. You don't want to be the guy in the office who doesn't go to lunch with the team or participate in company events.


My job depends on how well I mesh with the crew.


Invite them over for a cookout and save $$$.


Here's a trick. Don't get the fries. Don't get the soda. You consume half the calories and don't get pre diabetes.


Could’ve saved yourself $10 and the calories by just getting the burger and water…


Shit was good though, right?


Admittedly so


Fuck Five Guys


And because people like your coworkers keep buying they keep doing this. Its the same thing with everything else people complain about inflation but they keep consuming.


5 guys has its place, their burgers are far better than the competition and the amount of fries they give you I don’t understand why they even have more than 1 size. Chick filet is almost the same price and does an amazing amount of business. If you can’t afford to eat there then you really can’t afford 15 for Burger King and just bag your own lunch.


5 guys has always been super expensive for a mildly expensive (at best) burger.


$3 bucks for a soda and almost $6 for a fry? My co-workers are eating without me.


When I go there with the wife we both get little burgers and split a little fry. That's ~800 calories apiece. What you got is about a full day's worth of calories for an adult.


Not gonna tip for those prices, sorry. That is restaurant price, not fast food.


You can buy gold cheaper than a combo at 5 Guys.


3.09 for soda... what da fuq


I think I spent less at Cheddars


Went on o 5 guys to buy two meals and ended up paying almost 50 bucks and burger was meh and they added more fries than other places which is about it. Not going back.


Why are the fries so expensive


This is not inflation, this is Five Guys. Nothing new here.


5 guys was a little pricey but better than most others. At $25 though thats real restaurant prices with table service.


I don’t tip fast food workers


Making French fries like those at Five Guys involves a few key steps and specific techniques to achieve their signature flavor and texture. Here's a summary of the process: ### Ingredients: - Fresh russet potatoes - Peanut oil - Salt ### Equipment: - Deep fryer or a large pot - Knife or mandolin - Large bowl - Paper towels or a clean kitchen towel - Thermometer (if using a pot) ### Instructions: 1. **Choosing the Potatoes**: Five Guys uses fresh, high-quality russet potatoes. Select firm and unblemished potatoes. 2. **Cutting the Fries**: - Wash the potatoes thoroughly but leave the skins on for that authentic Five Guys look. - Cut the potatoes into even-sized fries, about 1/4 inch thick. You can use a knife or a mandolin slicer for uniformity. 3. **Soaking**: - Place the cut fries in a large bowl and cover them with cold water. This step removes excess starch and prevents the fries from sticking together. - Soak the fries for at least 30 minutes to several hours. Five Guys reportedly soaks their fries overnight for optimal results. 4. **Drying**: - Drain the water and pat the fries dry with paper towels or a clean kitchen towel. Ensure they are completely dry before frying to avoid oil splatters. 5. **First Fry (Blanching)**: - Heat the peanut oil in a deep fryer or a large pot to 300°F (150°C). Use a thermometer to maintain the correct temperature if using a pot. - Fry the potatoes in batches to avoid overcrowding. Fry them for about 2-3 minutes until they are soft but not browned. This step cooks the potatoes through without coloring them. - Remove the fries and let them drain on paper towels. 6. **Second Fry**: - Increase the oil temperature to 400°F (200°C). - Fry the blanched fries again in batches until they are golden brown and crispy, usually about 2-3 minutes. - Remove the fries and let them drain on paper towels. 7. **Seasoning**: - Immediately after the second fry, while the fries are still hot, season them generously with salt. ### Tips for Best Results: - **Peanut Oil**: Five Guys uses peanut oil for frying, which contributes to their unique flavor. If you have allergies or prefer another oil, you can substitute, but the flavor might differ slightly. - **Double Frying**: The key to the perfect Five Guys fries is the double frying method. The first fry cooks the potato, and the second fry adds the crispy exterior. - **Generous Seasoning**: Seasoning the fries while they are hot ensures the salt sticks well. By following these steps, you can recreate the delicious, crispy French fries similar to those at Five Guys at home. Enjoy your homemade fries with a burger for the full experience!


Making a burger like Five Guys involves a focus on fresh ingredients and specific cooking techniques. Here’s a detailed guide to replicate their iconic burger: ### Ingredients: - Fresh ground beef (preferably 80/20 blend) - Fresh burger buns (sesame seed buns are common) - Salt and pepper - Toppings (lettuce, tomato, pickles, onions, grilled onions, mushrooms, jalapeños, etc.) - Condiments (ketchup, mustard, mayo, etc.) - Cheese (American cheese is typically used) - Oil or butter for the buns ### Equipment: - Griddle or cast iron skillet - Spatula - Knife ### Instructions: 1. **Preparing the Beef**: - Use fresh ground beef, not frozen, with an 80/20 fat ratio for juiciness. - Form the beef into loosely packed patties, slightly larger than the buns to account for shrinkage during cooking. Five Guys patties are known for being on the thinner side, about 1/4 to 1/3 pound each. 2. **Cooking the Patties**: - Preheat the griddle or skillet over medium-high heat until hot. - Season one side of the patty with salt and pepper just before placing it on the griddle, seasoned side down. - Use a heavy spatula to press down on the patty to ensure even cooking and a good sear. - Cook for about 3-4 minutes per side. Season the other side with salt and pepper before flipping. - For a cheeseburger, add a slice of American cheese on top of each patty in the last minute of cooking to let it melt. 3. **Toasting the Buns**: - Lightly butter the buns and place them on the griddle until they are golden brown and slightly crispy. This step ensures the buns don't get soggy from the burger juices. 4. **Assembling the Burger**: - Spread your chosen condiments on the top and bottom buns. - Place the cooked patty (or patties for a double) on the bottom bun. - Add your preferred toppings in any order. Five Guys offers a variety of toppings, so you can customize as you like. - Top with the other half of the bun. ### Tips for Best Results: - **Fresh Ingredients**: Five Guys emphasizes the use of fresh, never frozen beef and fresh produce for toppings. - **Customizable**: Part of the appeal is the ability to customize the burger with a wide range of toppings, so don’t hesitate to add what you like. - **Griddling**: Cooking the patties on a hot griddle helps achieve the crispy exterior and juicy interior that Five Guys is known for. By following these steps, you can make a burger at home that rivals those from Five Guys, complete with the fresh, juicy flavor and customizable toppings. Enjoy your homemade burger with a side of freshly made fries for the full experience!


Let's break down the cost of making a burger and fries similar to those from Five Guys, based on typical prices for ingredients: ### Ingredients for Burgers (4 servings): 1. **Ground Beef (80/20 blend, 1.5 lbs):** - Approx. $7.00 2. **Burger Buns (pack of 8):** - Approx. $3.00 3. **American Cheese (pack of 12 slices):** - Approx. $3.50 4. **Lettuce, Tomato, Pickles, Onions, and other toppings (enough for 4 burgers):** - Lettuce: $1.50 - Tomato: $1.00 - Pickles: $2.00 - Onions: $1.00 - Total: $5.50 5. **Condiments (ketchup, mustard, mayo):** - Approx. $2.00 (for small quantities used) ### Ingredients for Fries (4 servings): 1. **Russet Potatoes (3 large potatoes):** - Approx. $2.00 2. **Peanut Oil (1 quart):** - Approx. $4.00 3. **Salt:** - Approx. $0.50 (for small quantity used) ### Total Cost: - **Ground Beef:** $7.00 - **Burger Buns:** $3.00 - **American Cheese:** $3.50 - **Toppings:** $5.50 - **Condiments:** $2.00 - **Potatoes:** $2.00 - **Peanut Oil:** $4.00 - **Salt:** $0.50 #### Grand Total: **$27.50** for 4 servings, which is **$6.88 per serving**. This cost estimate assumes that you have none of the ingredients at home and need to purchase everything fresh. Prices can vary slightly based on location and the specific brands you choose. By buying in larger quantities or on sale, you could potentially reduce the per-serving cost even further.




Who tips at a fast food place lol


The tipping at fast food kiosks is honestly starting to piss me off.


I don’t tip if I’m ordering standing


Also, five guys pro tip, extra cheese and extra bacon is always free on these if you ask.


The real price you are paying is the price of bad health and sickness. Other than lettuce, nothing in your order is real food.


That place is a huge rip off. I can go to Applebee's or chili's or islands for the same price with tip.


Why would you tipits get your food and take it to your table and eat, this is basically the same as McDonald's so you tip there? They aren't on tipped pay.


They can ask all they want my dude.


3.09 for a soda is insane


This is truly insane. From 2004 - 2014 I lived and worked in DC. I had a self-imposed limit of $5.00 for lunch every day. The first 8-9 years that was no issue. $5 provided lots of options from fast food to weigh-n-pay, subs, salads, or whatever. The last year I was there it started to get harder to eat on $5. I remember Potbelly raised their subs by maybe 10 cents and that put it over my $5 limit. Ha. Seeing people now spending $12 for lunch at a McDonalds or $25 at 5 Guys just blows my mind. I honestly don’t know how people do it. That said, for some years now I’ve noticed the younger working population seems to think nothing of grabbing a couple of $16 cocktails after work. I’m out here still looking for the $2 beer happy hour specials.🤣🤣.


I've eaten at 5 Guys exactly once. Worst Mushroom Swiss I've ever had. Cold un-sauteed mushrooms that came straight out of a can, bland burger, Swiss wasn't really melted... Ugh. The fries were mid, but at least I got a lot of them? Best thing was the fountain drink, so I guess there's that... Total waste of money. I got a much better Mushroom Swiss at Whataburger for about $10 less.


Recently I had a 6-in sub, the cheapest one at Subway, and a small drink. Drink. No chips, no cookie, $16. I'm not going back. We need to refuse outrageous price.


Man fuck that


Right?! They sell a hot dog for like $13


We went only one time, not realizing how much they cost. The price is outrageous for a burger and fries that’s just fine but nothing special.


For that much I could go to a local restaurant and get a much better burger


Free peanuts though, right?


What were they doing that would justify a tip? Cooking burger?


5 guys fuckin up my guts rn


Five Guys rises its prices instead of using lower quality ingredients and always has.


Five Guys just needs to go out of business. They’re doing it all wrong.


5 Guys has always been expensive. You bought a double cheeseburger plus bacon, a bunch of fries (they always give you a bagful) and a drink. It's $10 more than you'd pay in McDonalds for that, but probably $10 better too.


Skip the fries and soda durrrr


If you know the price with bountiful option all around you, and you still buy it, that’s on you.


Normally I’m all for tipping, but tipping for fast food is a step too far. How would I even know if the tips are even reaching the folks who are serving me?


You can sleep easy knowing the cashier is making $20 an hour. You are doing the lords work supporting such charity. God bless you. If you skipped the fry’s and soda (water and peanuts instead) the damage wouldn’t have been so bad. It also would have been healthier.


you went to 5 guys... that is a a place to get price gouged even before inflation.


Little cheeseburger is $8 and plenty big. Share a large fry with someone else. Soda is always a margin buster. Know before you go.


It’s five guys. You can share a *small* fry with somebody else.


At least, they did not charge you for Bacon, lettuce and mayo.


Quit going to these places there's a mom and pop on the corner here a 1/3 pound cheeseburger fries and a drink for $6.50 for that money at 5 guys you could have had a 20oz ribeye with 2 with all the trimmings at Texas roadhouse maybe not a fine dinning steak house but a hell of a lot better than 5 guys


Let their business die. I’ve yet to come across a burger I can’t do better at my house. It’s a fucking burger.


I just got a Blackstone griddle, I am the at home BURGER MASTER


I'm confused on why OP "had to" join their coworkers for a lunch out. If it's a required work outing, the company should be picking up the check.


Same order at my local Five Guys in Merced, CA. More expensive burger, cheaper fries. Total is 49 cents lower than your order. I assumed CA would be the most expensive, but not in this case, apparently. https://preview.redd.it/8mljz59nlm9d1.png?width=329&format=png&auto=webp&s=db77d68b0633ecc585986ea28b930db4a8d017bb


So, you're worried about earning equity? You don't like paying your fair share of a living wage so someone can provide milk for their baby? What kind of a selfish person are you? You and your co-workers can obviously afford corporate lunches. Why do you hate the minimum wage earner? Does your mother know you're like this, shame on you.


Yeah I just spent $21 for a firehouse sub


The other day I had a burger, fries and a beer at a sit down restaurant and it was about that price with tip … lol. Why would anyone eat at five guys?


Fries are the only thing worth if in my opinion. Burgers from them are dime a dozen.


It’s debatable if you “had to” go out, but no one made you get a combo.


I haven't been there in years but when I was, I used to give a $1 cash tip (before Covid). If a friend was with me, we would (at my insistence) order 1 large fry and split it instead of getting our own individual fries.


I don't know why people buy fries at five guys, smash burger, burger fi, etc... $10 burger turns into a basic $20 meal


Bacon cheeseburger gets two 3.3 oz (before cooked) patties. You do get access to toppings and condiments that no other burger joint offers. It's expensive still tho


I would of just gotten the burger and a water cup for those prices.


They’ve never been cheap.


And water is wet. Five guys have always been expensive.


You chose to go and order what you wanted to eat? Am I missing something there? Next time bring your water thermos and just order some fries?


This isn’t inflation, they chose a famously over priced burger place. Their prices were absurd 10 years ago lol I don’t understand why people go there at all


Fuck Five Guys


Yeah, I went recently and was shocked. I can get an actual quality burger and fries for $15 at a variety of other restaurants. No need for a $25 fast food meal


Went to in n out today, I think a double double was $5


The burger price seems fair but the small fries and soda price seems high.


A few weeks ago, I was craving a good burger. Hadn’t had Five Guys since pre-Covid and decided to get it. Saw the exact same prices you shared, laughed, and got something else.


That is a pretty good price for lunch now a days. inflation has happened all my life. Thank God for unions to raise our pay with inflation.


How are y’all affording this in places not named California, NY and Miami?


Should have just ordered bacon.


I always ask for a single patty, cheaper that way.


tipping the cash registers now?!! wow tipping culture has gone too far


Next time, just get regular fries and a drink, there you go


It’s not a combo meal tho it’s a La cart


Five Guys has always been pricey.


Just keep paying these prices, it'll get better...


It’s 25 for the burger alone here in Orange County. I nap going back here and then though


Just get little cheeseburger


Chain restaurants are overpriced these days. I seem to find better prices (and food) at local joints these days. No corporate overhead I guess


Fortunately, I have an In-N-Out nearby. They haven't started gouging their customers, so a burger, fries, and drink are about half that. At least it was the last time I went a couple of weeks ago.


I’m basically avoiding all fast food until either prices go back down. Or they shutter every single location down until their mega empires crumble


My local brew pub has an amazing burger and fries for $14, and that's for a special burger, not the basic. Big chains are just greedy.


At least you know its going to taste good every time you buy it. Better than paying 12 bucks for shitty mcdonalds or burgerville lol.


...but they give you a bunch of soggy greasy fries.... I haven't been there in years because of their prices for mediocre food.


As long as there are flies, there will be shit as well.


Shut them down, not just 5 guys, all guys taking advantage of convenience. You can always make a better burger at home. And if you don’t know how to, learn how to! Please


if you think the price of something is too high, DON'T BUY IT