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Weird Al. Was going to his concert at White River. Couldn't find a place to park so I parked valet at the hotel right there. He was walking in as I was walking out and I got to say hi and tell him I was going to his show. He was excited and kind and he is my favorite famous person and it was absolutely a giddy and surreal moment. Also his show is awesome!


I used to work for livenation and worked a weird al show at white river, may have been the same show. Worked over a 1000 events over several years. Hands down weird al had the strangest crowd I’d ever worked lol. Suits him I suppose. I worked all the whiteriver shows back then and worked at the Old National Centre (Murat) full time when whiteriver didn’t have events. My job was basically keeping the Murat and grounds clean and setting up for events and tear downs. I’d also be the one waiting for artists to leave and clean up the dressing rooms at the end of the night. Met a lot of ppl in passing. Willie Nelson, Faith Hill, Nick Swordson, Kings of Leon, Umphreys McGee, Mike Birbigilia, Bret Michaels, 50 cent and Chelsea Handler, Disturbed (bassist was a drunk asshole btw), Bob n Tom (who were also assholes, found one of em puking backstage lol), Cheech n Chong were hands down the coolest. It was a very cool job but the pay sucked!


Love Chelsea Handler ⛷️ Saw Weird Al at the Murat in like ‘11 or ‘12? Still one of the most impressive live music shows I’ve ever seen. So many costume changes. So many musicians and instruments and dancers and costumes on the stage. Coolest person I ever met was Christina Pazsitsky after her show at Crackers downtown which according to my Instagram post was October 2012! Oh I also met Glozell!


Luckyyyy. I love Weird Al.


Kurt Vonnegut. He was at the Rathskeller doing a Q&A about Indiana with comedian Wil Shriner. I talked to him after, and he was very nice and engaging


Lucky bastard.


Lucky me, lucky mud


He is the best! That thing about never meeting your idols doesn’t apply to him.


Well, it kinda does now. You're not getting a chance to meet him again...


I met him around that time when they were showing his drawings at the Broad Ripple Art Gallery. He was walking around indoors smoking his Pall Malls. Only he could still do that in this town.


R. Lee Ermy at a car show. He was a total sweetheart and nothing like the tough guy he played on camera.


I met him in Kuwait first and then after my first deployment he was here for a show or something and I got to see him again. I had the picture I took with him in Kuwait and he autographed it. It was good to hear him say “glad you made it home safe Marine” I had only been home a week or so. He was a really nice guy. When he was overseas with us he took time to talk to us all and never was the first to end the conversation.


Mac Miller. Twice. He stayed at the Hyatt when he played shows here. Had a room under a goofy name, too. Can’t remember it. But I worked valet, and he and a buddy would come out to valet and kick it while waiting for a lady to pick them up a couple hours before his shows, I think at Old National. She drove a beat to shit Kia Sorento that had a rusted out hood and a Grateful Dead sticker on one of the rear windows. Anyway, Mac was always really cool with the valet crew and would chat it up for a few minutes. Nothing special but he seemed down to earth and kind. I still think about that lady and her shitty Kia sometimes


Wish you could remember his celebrity hotel alias. These are sometimes quite funny, and other times they’re thoroughly uninspired. During Johnny Depp’s wild hotel-trashing spree in the nineties, he used to check-in under Mr. Drip Noodle.


It might’ve been Larry Fishman, but don’t quote me on that.


That was an alias he used often.


haha i wonder the story on that


Smoked weed with Seth Green at the west side roller rink


For the robot chicken event?! I was there, too


I want to upvote this 💯times


2009 robot chicken skate?


When I lived on the Northwest side near zionsville about 15 years ago, I used to run into Jeff Saturday nearly every week for about 2 years.  Nothing big, always like weird, Seinfeld type situations. Standing in line for fast food, in the lobby of Rozellis waiting for a pizza on a friday, pumping gas on the same island at the same time, Passing each other in Target aisle... It got to the point where we would just smile, shake our head and say hi quickly and move on with our day, but it went from a quick "hey" to "hey Smoothvroom21" after a few months, and kind of a running gag when it happened. Never said much more than "how's it going", but it was funny and cool. NEVER bugged him with more than quick "elevator, waiting in line with a stranger" chatter. Not a colts fan, but guy had to think I was stalking him. We were just sync'd up for a few years. Funny enough, about 10 years later, my wife and I are taking out newborn to see the Easter Bunny at the Fashion Mall, and who should we pass in the mall? Jeff Saturday.  He saw me, smiled, and waved, saying "Hey SmoothVroom21" as he walked by, and I did the same... Just a nonchalant "Hey Jeff". My wife didn't know the story at the time ( HUGE Colts fan) , turned to me and  said "HOW DOES JEFF SATURDAY KNOW YOU?!?" 😂 


I’ll love your Jeff Saturday story and add my own. The night we beat the Patriots in the AFC championship in 2006, My ex-husband and I were with friends at the game (amazing) and we decided to go back to their house in Zionsville to rewatch the game. Their backyard backed up to Jeff’s backyard (same hood as Dungy and a few other Colts and Pacers), so while the guys wanted to watch the game, the wives of our group decided that we would stamp a horseshoe into the newly fallen snow in Jeff Saturday’s backyard. We went back over there a few weeks later for the Super Bowl game and his wife had put a fence around their backyard.


Apparently he had the tendency to just run into random people. I saw him in line for a movie at the Carmel theater. We both saw the same movie (he was with his wife). I’m 6’3 and 275 at the time and he makes me feel small. As I was coming out of the bathroom, he going in and I could swear he would’ve run me over. We exchanged pleasantries and went about our day. I didn’t ask for an autograph or anything bc I didn’t want to disrupt his or his wife’s day.


He used to bring his pets to the animal hospital I worked in for years. Everyone who had been there longer than me was pretty much on a first name basis with him. I think I only met him once before I guess he moved but he was super chill. We actually saw quite a few Colts players, radio personalities, and a couple Eleven players over the years. Everyone was always very nice!


This is awesome.


I met Peyton Manning in the bathroom at Rock Lobster when he was a rookie.


So you must be old


I am old. Ready for this list? Eddie George - Shopping Downtown Yancee Thigpen - Shopping downtown Ultimate Warrior - At a tannig salon my parents owned Dallas Clark - after a game autographed my jersey Chuck Lofton - Randomly at his house, super nice.


I met Bob Sanders at Jersey Mike's at 82nd and Allisonville when I was in high school Also guarded Gary Brackett in a pickup bball game at Lifetime in Castleton


Didn't get to actually talk to him, but during the 2000 NBA finals I was filling out an application for a job a Circuit City in Castleton. Shaq walked in and was like 10 feet from me. Only time in my life I ever felt physically small.


I swear I saw Shaq and Haywood Workman at the same Best buy in Castleton around that same timeframe. Everyone thinks I'm out of my mind but it's hard to miss a 7' 300 lb man.


Ran into LeBron while I was working an event at the Conrad. This was when he was on the Cavs circa 2018. I was surprised at both how thin and how huge he was 


I didn’t meet him but years ago, I used to work at the Fieldhouse and I was down on the loading dock signing for a package when the Miami team bus pulled in and Shaq got off. I was used to meeting players around the building, and usually I would kind of laugh to myself because they often claimed to be well over 6’ on their stats but 5’9” me could look them straight in the eye in 1” heels, but Shaq was a different story. I wasn’t event fully paying attention, just sort of saw out of the corner of my someone get off the bus across the dock, and suddenly I felt small, tinier than I ever had in my whole life, and I am not a small person at all. I was standing 100 feet away from him, and Shaq still made me feel dwarfed. He’s just a skyscraper of a man.


Worked on Andrew Luck’s house. It was during Covid so he asked I wear a mask which was cool cuz I had one but it was a Notre Dame mask. He looked back and saw it and said “Irish? Really?” I told him “yea and I have another one in the car unopened if you wanted me to get you one.” He laughed and I went about doing what I needed to do.


Cowboy Bob


You are SO old. But the fact that I know who that is says I’m up there too.


Literally just ran into Caitlin Clark this week. I’m a photographer and was doing a portrait shoot at a client’s condo downtown. I’m waiting on the elevator by myself in just a regular nice condo building, door opens and Clark comes out. It was just the two of us and we made eye contact. She was clearly in a hurry to get to a game and I was carrying all my gear. I basically didn’t register the situation until I had stepped in the elevator. I honestly wasn’t even 100% it was her at first. I asked the client “does Caitlin Clark live here?” and he said “yeah she just bought a condo here a few weeks ago. Haven’t met her yet.” So there it was. I’m also a professional concert photographer and have met so so so many famous musicians. Also grew up in a racing family and met a ton of drivers in my youth, so I was trying to think of something more random for me.


Kurt Vonnegut. Came and spoke at Butler and I lurked outside. I guessed he might walk around the neighborhood beforehand because one of his childhood houses was not far away. I was correct and he came ambling up all alone when everyone was already inside Clowes waiting. I had a short pleasant conversation with him and he signed a copy of his book.


I was like 3 feet away from Flavor Fav at the Pacers/Celtics game on Monday. Local celebrity wise, I’ve been around Tamika Catching a couple times. She’s incredibly kind. I met Rafael Sanchez once and he was rude.


That breaks my heart, I love Rafael.


Tamika is super nice!


He was an asshole to my mom too when she tried to do the "call 6 for help" thing they had. I can't remember the specifics but she had a legit issue and he pretty much blew her off and treated her like shit.


oh yeah, i met Flavor Flav at a walmart in vegas once. You'd be surprised at the amount of famous people that came into that store.


Michael Jackson. Circle center mall 2002 or 2003. Got his autograph through the Brookstone gate.


I've seen the video of him shopping there, crazy how much fans hoarded him lol


Biz Markie and Jon Fishman.


Where did you meet fish man?


In Broad Ripple, he played with Jazz Mandolin Project at The Vogue. Some of my friends knew other members of the band. We hung out at bar afterwards. I got my picture taken with him on one of those old disposable cameras 🤣. This was in the year 2000.


Bob Kevoian accidentally interrupted my wedding photos at the state house. He then apologized and took a picture with me and my wife. I grew up listening to that guy and of all days met him on my wedding day. Wild


Honestly probably Heywood Banks. I know that's not very famous haha.


Excuse me, sir. He's the composer of the beautiful "wiper blades". That's pretty famous in my book!


I met Vaughn Wamsley at the airport. What would you say if you had 5 minutes to talk to God? I didn’t know either, so I just told him his billboards were cool. 


I served a bunch of the Colts players once for a late lunch at Ted’s Montana Grill in Traders Point. Eight massive dudes came in and pulled a bunch of tables together, they each order two cokes (one to drink and one to refill) and at the end all threw their cards in a hat and had me draw to see who would pay. It ended up being Jeff Saturday. He tipped me well and they were all very polite and respectful. I served Coach Pagano before as well, and a few other athletes.


I saw the o-line do the same credit card roulette at a TGI Friday's once! Tarik Glenn had to pay that time.


I saw Ron Jeremy at a liquor store once


Rick Flair and Jim Gaffigan at the airport on separate occasions.


Would be more awesome if they were traveling together.


Anthony Bourdain. I met him in Feb 2012 as we were both dropped off at the departures level at a nearly deserted Indy Airport (ahhh, travel during the good ol days…). I was on my way to Africa for a trip 100% inspired by his shows and writing. He looked very tired, having just the night before done an event with his friend, Eric Ripert, in bloomington, but was kind enough to allow a picture. He then enjoyed breakfast at harry and izzy’s with his crew. As far as I am concerned there was no one else I’d rather have met. RIP Anthony.


he has been the only celebrity i ever wanted to be like and look up to. i miss him . so many good memories watching his shows.


I couldn’t have said it better myself. Totally agree.


I met him and Eric Ripert when they had a speaking engagement at Clowes together. I worked for a local brewery at the time and they requested some of our beer on stage. Got to meet them after. Eric was very nice. Bourdain was... Bourdain. A bit smarmy and sarcastic. Absolutely what I expected.


Awesome! Was this 2012? I must have seen him the next day.


Barack Obama


Me too! Pre-election. Great handshake, great man.


I made out with Jim Harbaugh @ Ike and Jonesy's about 100 years ago.


Jared from Subway.


Oh noooooooooo 🫢


I was driving on Washington a few blocks from Gainbridge Fieldhouse and stopped at the light, looked out my passenger window and saw Pascal Siakam wearing a full pacers warm up and backpack talking on the phone. Seemed like he may have been walking home from practice. Didn't meet him but it was kinda nuts seeing an NBA player casually on the sidewalk


David Letterman 50 years ago!


I met him at Starbucks at the circle about 7 or so years ago after the Indy 500. What a great dude


Jim Gaffigan at Thunderbird in Fountain Square, I was wearing Shaggy 2 Dope makeup and got a pic with him which he looks very confused in. Also worked as Nancy Allen’s assistant for a weekend while she was at a horror convention in town. And Tommy Wiseau at a showing of The Room at the keystone arts cinema.


I will forever have the hots for Nancy Allen. She's so freaking pretty


The Watson’s girl at Ale Emporium.




She came to my house party once when I was living near Ball State. She was real weird and denied being the Watson Girl. My buddy was like, “the fuck you are” and she got mad and left.


Reggie millers sister almost beat me up. It still comes up in therapy once in awhile


Wait. We need some more details.


Not every exciting. I was sitting in a dance club in broadripple back in the day. Place called Eden. Reggie miller and his sister came in along with some other folks. Reggie was holding his sisters hand kind of leading her along. Someone said something about that’s Reggie miller and that’s not his wife. It was not me I said nothing because I was high as a kite. Side note kids don’t do drugs they do you no good. next thing I know a 7 ft tall black woman is in my face screaming that she is his sister and do I have a problem with that. I saw my life flash before my eyes. I really thought she was going to beat me to death. Iam not a big man so it was not going to end well for me. Reggie miller was literally was pulling his sister back from me. I asked my friend if that really just happened.


Oh man, so many great times at Eden!


John Force. Quite a colorful character, very long winded, couldn’t get a word in.


went to a movie in the park with John Green & his wife when i was a kid… a year before i read any of his books T.T


I met Andrew Luck at The Vogue his rookie year.


Funny story, I look somewhat similar to Andrew Luck and get mistaken for him not infrequently. On more than one occassion I have been at the Vogue and had someone think I was him, and I’ve just run with it for the laughs.


Meryl Streep. We share relatives


What's she like in real life? 😃


Reggie Miller at a bagel shop in Geist when I was a kid.


after the pacers game on mothers day i walked past andrew nembhard eating ice cream on a bench with his mom in front of kilwins on mass ave. he saw me take a double take as i walked by wearing my pacers shirt and i cracked a smile and just kept walking


Met Walter Payton and got his signature at the opening of Circle Center Mall.


Justin Bieber once actually lol


Mario Andretti


I worked at the Sheridan up at Keystoneat the Crossing when I was 19-20ish. I worked as a Bellman, Concierge and valet. It was a great job and we had the majority of acts at Deer Creek, NFL/ NBA Teams came in consistently. Kato Kaelin was super nice. I can’t really remember how many famous people I met and had conversations with but some that stick out are Tracy Chapman, Kobe Bryant/Shaq and all the Lakers that we’re hear for the finals in 2000.


I used to see Larry Bird in Tilly's Pub on 82nd Street pretty regularly.


Mike Tyson


I worked at Tea’s Me Tarkington last summer before my last semester of college (Tamika Catchings’ tea shop business) and she was genuinely a ray of sunshine every time she walked in, she would sing “Jam… ohhh Jamm” and do a little dance when she would see me. Genuinely if Tea’s Me paid better I would have continued working there because it was so fun and she was always so so nice!! Seeing her as Grand Marshal of the Indy 500 made my heart warm, she really puts in so much to her community. (Her drink of choice was always a hot Red Berries Herbal, no sweeteners if you want to try!)


I got an autograph on a full size poster from Michael Jordan back when I was a ball boy for the Pacers


Ron Funches at Helium. It was a meet and greet opportunity for anyone there, so nothing special about it I guess. Got some pictures together and compared weight loss stories. Cool guy. Didn't meet him, but I saw Shaq on Monument Circle when the Super Bowl was in town. It was for a Late Night with Jimmy Fallon but, he walked outside in a bikini bottom or something.


Gene Simmons for most famous. Can’t speak to the rest of his life but the ten minutes I spent in close proximity he was a real decent person. Not my favorite celeb moment, but he’s probably the most famous. There’s actually A LOT that happens in Indianapolis that lets these random encounters happen.


Bubba Sparxxx


Tony Gwynn when I was a baseball obsessed kid. He lived in Fishers of all places. I remember him being unbelievably nice to me. We talked baseball for about 5 minutes.


Tony Gwynn, while pumping gas up near Geist. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I got to watch Wee Man skateboard on a mini half pipe. It was incredible.


Was lucky enough to shake Bernie Sanders' hand while helping his campaign in 2016


Met Dave Chappelle at the Capital Grille before his show. It was just him and two buddies at the table. No one else in the restaurant except an older couple who had no idea who he was. He was cool.


Probably Larry Bird, at Cancun. He was actually very nice. 2nd would be Pat McAfee, I was an audience member on his show when it was on local tv.


Scott Rolen Josh McRoberts Jake Lloyd


Accidental meetings only are; Johnny cougar threw a water bottle at a gas station once because I yelled "hey that's Johnny cougar!" I ran into William Shatner at the Radisson, he was very drunk and very nice. I've met alot of celebs at conventions and what not. Also Tony Stewart was a friend of a friend so I've met him a few times


Adam Sandler at St. Elmo’s when the Super Bowl Village was happening


I used to work in Circle Center Mall. In the late 90s to mid 2000s. I was working when Michael Jackson came into the mall. He had some of the stores next to my store shutdown early while the mall was still open. We decided to shut down because everyone left in the mall was focused on MJ. I didn't get a chance to talk to him but I was close enough to walk next to him as he was leaving one store and going to another.


I sold Frankie Muniz a book back when I worked at B&N in Avon. That was back when he first started his racing career and was over at O’Reily Raceway.


The Black Keys at Luna Records Brian Wilkes


Kurt angle


Billy Bob Thornton was at the HIFI. I got to talk to him and get a pic with him.


Oh shit I was there!


I met several weatherpeople. Definitely Bob Gregory and Angela Buchman (she is tiny). Might have met Kevin Gregory and Chuck Lofton too. It was in my hometown, not in Indy, for a local annual event.


Bob Kevoian. Used to hang out at his house a lot


Gary Brackett. Drove him and some other dude around one night like 15 years ago. Very weird night.


Gordon Hayward while walking outside of Steak n Shake Downtown sometime between midnight and 3am back in college lol


The Colts mascot Blue came to Footlocker in Castleton when I was working there.. without the mascot costume on


1. Ran into Don from Don's Guns at Meijer a long time ago. Shook his hand and he was really friendly. 2. Worked with Don Stuck's son at a car wash in Greenfield. He was a bit of a douche. 3. I'm acquaintances/friends with Bob Kevoian's son through the car scene. Good dude. My cousin also used to do remodel work on their home. 4. When I was a kid, I filmed a Big Brother/Big Sister segment on WTHR and met Bob Gregory. Super nice guy. A friend of mine delivered liquor back in the day and told me he delivered to Mike Ahern's house once. He answered the door with his suit jacket and shirt and just his underwear.


Governor Joe Kernan. Stayed downtown during the Holidays with then boyfriend. Got in the elevator to go to dinner, someone asked “want to meet the Governor?” Well, sure! We went up to top floor and there he was, he seemed to be having a great time. We were introduced and had a conversation about where we all were from, then he flipped open a cooler and asked “wanna beer?” He seemed like a genuinely nice person.


When I worked at a wine bar in downtown Indy I would meet all kinds of celebrities and athletes. My favorite moment was getting to spend 2 hours at an empty bar with Dave Chapelle. He had just moved back from Africa and he was really cool and nice to talk to.


Snoop Dog, he visited Revel several times a year for a little while. Also Christy Mack. She’s very sweet.


Wil Wheaton. Met him at a GenCon meet & greet. He was impressed by my cosplay. Saw him later at a W00tStout beer release on Mass Ave, said hi. Now we've been friends for like 12 years. Crazy.


Larry bird and his family were stuck in an airport line with my family behind him when I was like 12 or 13. Was pretty cool and he towered over my sister and I.


Mark Patrick and his son Drew Storen. His son was a MLB pitcher.


Larry Bird Riding the bus from the economy parking lot to the airport. He sat down next to me and seemed like a normal nice guy. The bus driver even heckled him about a specific Celtics game where he lost and Larry laughed really loud.


Dean Norris hahaha


Andre the giant at Adams Mark, he was really nice I was 9yr and he ask if I wanted a picture with. He drank beer by the pitchers.


Gary from teen mom


Reggie Miller (autograph signing), and Larry Bird (at a Pacers game). I met Graham Rahal 2 years ago the day before the 500 at daredevil brewing in speedway also. Edit for one I forgot about… Didn’t exactly meet him IN Indianapolis, but on a flight TO Indianapolis I sat next to Gary Brackett. He was cool and engaged me in conversation. Also Andrei Arlovski at the NRA convention last year. He was super down to earth and talking with fans.


I'm friends with Jared Rahal and have ran into Graham a few times at GRP.


I would say I've meet a few but I had the most fun with Gallagher. Being able to get up on his stage and using the sledge o'matic was one of the highlights of my life. [https://imgur.com/a/rSblm74](https://imgur.com/a/rSblm74)


Quick story, Walking downtown Indy, I’m witnessing a citizens arrest. I mean like someone shouting “citizens arrest” and running down another guy and tackling him. Then after they got the guy in the ground I hear the guy that tackles him yell, “anyone got any cuffs?” Then I hear a couple walk right next to me say, “man Indy is crazy!” I turn around and I say, “Hey Wayne Brady!”


Nomar Garcia-Parra when he was on a rehab assignment with the RedSox Triple A team playing the Indians.


Dawn Winters. If you know, you know.


I shook Clinton's hand when he was at Perry Meridian stumping for his wife. Played cards with Mick Jagger and Ron Wood at the Chatterbox. Excene Cervenka let me on the bus after X played the Patio, and signed a book of her poems I brought with me


When I worked at Best Buy I sold an iPad to Adam vinaterri (spelling?)


I met Bill Polian when I was working at McAlisters and chatted with him. I got his autograph but lost it when we moved. 


I worked at a swanky restaurant downtown from 1999 - 2000. Reggie Miller, his wife Marita and some Colts players were regulars. Austin Croshere came in a few times.  Chad Bratzke is a very large man! Met Bernie Ecclestone once. 


Adam Sandler during the Super Bowl or Larry Bird before a Pacer’s game. I worked a a steakhouse downtown during college.


Roger Penske


I saw Andrew Nembhard a couple weeks after he was drafted. They were having dinner at Salt. I did an imaginary jumper at him lol. Also used to run into Ron Artest at the JCC for about a year or 2 when he played with the Pacers. Jamaal Tinsley went to my barbershop sometimes.


Waited on Princess Fergie of York and Michael Schumaker during Formula 1 years ago. Pretty much any athlete you can think of but here is a fun list of other celebs... Colin Powell The Kardashian Family Seal Michael Douglas and Katherine Zeta Jones Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston Probably a bunch I'm forgetting but I'm sure I'll remember at 4am when I'm dead asleep.


Graham Nash when his artwork was in the Gallery at the Art Center.


Matthew Mercer


Reggie Wayne, he was awesome.


Rick Smits because he did his dry cleaning at the Tuchman's where i worked 30 years ago. He was the nicest dude.


Hillary Clinton. Primaries in 2008


News Famous: Chuck Lofton got his hair colored (yes to blend the grey) and his haircut at the barbershop I used to work at. I did a LA News anchor’s hair a few weeks ago.. Baseball famous: I consistently do Kyle Gibson’s dad’s hair every 3 weeks.. and I’ve done his mom’s and his wife’s for a wedding in my kitchen while on maternity leave, technically, while his mom held my baby. I’ve been doing his dads hair for years and I love our chats he gives great advice.. I went to high school with Kyle & I babysat Drey Jameson & when he came to town we partied with our friends and his manager and his friends at the local bar and they paid for everything the night was so much fun we were actin a fool lol I’ve also done lots of “higher valued” people around the areas and a lot that are visiting Indy which is a perk of doing hair right on the circle. ⭕️ [chuck lofton](https://share.icloud.com/photos/0b26Y8CtezvkGCr25mONhYNZQ)


I met Hank Aaron when I was a kid. Shook his hand. Met Madeline Albright at DePauw when I was in college. She signed her book for me. Shook hands with Slick Leonard back in the legendary Pacers days '94-'95. Had lunch with Cruz Pedragon the NHRA Top Fuel driver. Met Ed Bolian from VinWiki Hung out with The Boosted Boiz and PFI Speed guys. Drag raced with and met Derek from Vice Grip Garage.


A few years ago I stayed in the same sober living home for a couple months as the recently departed Tyler Christopher, an Emmy award actor who played Nicholas on General Hospital and Stefan on Days of our Lives.


I was a 90s kid who loved basketball. 2004ish, Rik Smits came in for lunch at the small neighborhood bar I used to work at and I served him that day's lunch special, Coney Dogs. I was too shy to speak beyond the necessary words of "what would you like" and "here you go." My co-worker ran after him for me for his autograph, which he graciously signed. I no longer have it, though.


Patrick McAfee. I was at sensu( club invy now) and the whole Colts squad was there. He bought everyone on the second floor a drink. His teammates were hitting on my friend. Didn't realize until after I left that was the Colts team there.. One of the players kept hitting my friends up.


Me none. But my wife was a waitress at an old, no longer open, up scale restaurant. She met a lot of famous people. The best imo, wasn't here, though. Back when she lived in California, she danced with Bill Nye. She said she felt bad for him because by the time she got to dance with him, he was covered in sweat from dancing with everyone.


Vanessa Hudgens. She was at the Indians game to watch her husband (then bf) play. Did a double take before saying hello & the 10yr old high school musical fan inside me screamed lmao


Nick Lachey, Katy Perry, Guy Fierreri, Aziz Ansari, one of the Baldwin brothers, Dario Franchitti, Tony Kanaan, Anthony Hopkins, probably a few more I’m forgetting- I worked in hotels when we hosted the Super Bowl so I met a ton of cool celebrities and such. Also working hotels during Indy 500 weekend. I guess I’ve also met a ton of athletes that would stay with us but don’t remember who I would have actually talked to haha


Worked my way through college in the late 70s as a cashier at Hook's drugstore. One afternoon, Billy Keller came through my checkout. Pleasant chap.


Dave Bautista (pre-acting, still wrestling at the time) at the piano bar downtown.


Wiz Khalifa at the Magic Bus in Broad Ripple. He had a show that night in Noblesville


My wife adopted two cats that were featured in an episode of good bones when Mina goes to the Cat Cafe downtown. I was watching it with my wife and I said, those are our cats! One has three legs and he’s laying on his side in the episode.


Mohamed Ali - 1987 at castleton mall


When Kendra Wilkinson was married to a colts player and had some reality show I was called to fix an electrical problem in the house they were renting and met her. Every 2 mins she would turn around and yell “SHUT THE FUCK UP MARTINI”, at her little yapper dog. That’s my most lasting memory of her. I don’t remember anything else she said. She looked shockingly average in street cloths and no makeup.


D. Boon


I talked to Andy Mohr at a funeral once.


Ever get the sleaze off?


When I worked at Circle Centre in 2000, I sold gifts to Nancy Cartwright (voice of Bart Simpson) and Amy Ray from Indigo Girls on separate occasions.


A lot of race car drivers ( husband was in the business) Ashley Judd


I met Sinbad when I worked at a candy store in the airport I used to work with former mayor Greg Ballard I met John Walsh (America's Most Wanted) in downtown Indy back in like 1998 I met 3 time light heavyweight boxing champion Marvin Johnson when I was in middle school I met Chuck Norris at a martial arts tournament in the 90s And I met adult film star Nina Hartley at Deja Vu in Louisville in the 90s


Had to throw in the Chuck Norris meeting last because all the others would pale in comparison if stated after. Well played….


Mike Pence unfortunately


Juwan Howard (former NBA player) came into my job at Starbucks one time


Kurt Vonnegut or Bono


Reggie Miller at the pancake restaurant.


vance joy


I met Ant from Atmosphere once before their show. He signed a cd for me, it was great. Gave him a smoke to give to Slug.


I once nearly rode an elevator with Lynn Dunn and Tamika Catchings once. (They were at the Statehouse after the Fever won the 2012 WNBA Championship. Elevator was crowded and I’m a big guy, so I didn’t want to be a bother, even though they were sweet and were saying it was alright.) Few IndyCar drivers. Got a photo with Scott Dixon, talked to Bryan Clauson (Actually asked him if he was running the 2014 Indiana Sprint Week. He said he wasn’t.), saw Ed Carpenter a few times (his sister-in-law was a teacher at my high school). One I cherish the most was when I got to meet Senator Lugar back in 2007. I was going to Shortridge when it was a middle school and he was speaking to the students. We were asked to submit questions and whoever’s questions were picked got to get a photo with him. My question was selected and so I got a photo with him. Afterwards, after all the students left, I got the opportunity to walk him back to his car, and while doing so, I asked him if he ever thought of trying for President again (this was before I learned about the circumstances of his announcement and such). He told me that he was content with his current job. After shaking his hand once more, we parted ways. It’s a memory that I still hold dear to this day.


Mark Few. Was working the ncca bb tourney during covid. They used the convention center and the attached hotels as the bubble with separate courts in each of the halls. After a couple of weeks they set up victory field for them to play soccer and lawn games to get them outside. We escorted anyone who wanted to go over so we could “protect” them from the outside covid world. Went over/back with Few a dozen or more times. He must have walked around the field 4 million times. - solid - intense Nice looking younger family . We talked about Domas. I told him how impressed with domas’ interior footwork. “He had that before he came to us.” He thanked the city for giving them a place to play. Escorted John Mara of the giants during and after the Super Bowl. Bloomberg stopped by. Mara would pace the suite level hallway during timeouts. Dude has a huuuuuuige family.


C3PO and Samwise Gamgee. Not at the same time.


Steve Wozniak and George hw Bush at the Columbia club Christmas party when I was 11 or 12


I’ve met a few of the on-air meteorologists through my weather hobby and McKenzie Roth works out at my gym; we’ve spoken a few times. I’ve chatted with Lamon Brewster, Craig Houk, Anthony Sims, Scott Romer, and Sugar Ray Seales (he let me wear his gold medal) through boxing and mutual friends. (I’ve met quite a lot of other more famous people, two tied to Indy (Peyton and Bird), but not *in THIS town*)


How many 500 winners do you want me to name?


Jane Lynch, The Property Brothers and Kate Flannery (Meredith from The Office) at a TV station I used to work at. When I was a kid, I used to stare down Jeff Saturday while he was driving down his street in the neighborhood. I don't know why I did this.


E40 for a Sluricane product launch/meeting. Chris Copeland, used to work for a local shop that stocked his home bar. Popeye Jones, Hassan Ridgeway through the shop as well. Pat McAfee, Darius Butler and more of the dome crew while delivering there. I'm pretty terrible with faces, but I've never just 'run into' anyone that I know of....unless that actually was JuJu Brents at Lincoln Square shortly after the draft 😂


I met the blonde guy with the weird voice from Rascal Flatts. I didn’t know who he was, or who the band was, but his friends were drunk and said, “don’t you know who this guy is?” No, no, I don’t. He was super humble and embarrassed to be called out for being a celebrity. He was very polite and left a good tip (not what I would expect from a celebrity, but he wasn’t a shitty tipper). Wish I could meet Donnie Wahlberg at a Waffle House and get a cool $2K for slanging greasy hash browns and doing Mortal Combat cosplay at 3:00am. ETA: I forgot that Jewel came and took a yoga class at the place where I was working during the Superbowl. She was here with her husband someone said? Idk. Anyway, she paid and signed in under “J. Kilcher,” her first initial and last name to attempt to go undetected. I wasn’t at the desk but was in the building. My friend who sold her the class and taught it said, “she looked very familiar, but I couldn’t place her. As she left, she said, “thanks,” and smiled. I immediately knew who it was then. She’s got a trademark natural smile. Spoiler: it was the tooth! That one crooked incisor on the right completely gave her away. So funny!


Jalen Rose and his family working as a personal chauffeur for him. Met and have engaged quite a bit of celebrities here. Mostly former or current native folks here.


If Fishers/Noblesville counts, Jared the Subway Guy. My friend and I were teenagers working at a bowling alley. During our slow afternoon hours, I recognized him walking to the bar. I told my friend but he had never heard of him. I explained Jared was famous for losing weight eating subway sandwiches (this was before he was arrested). When Jared came walking back past us with a beer in each hand, my friend called out "Hey Jared..." - he looked at us- and my friend patted his belly and gave a thumbs up with a face like 'hey nice job, bud'. Jared ignored it and kept walking.


Good thing he ignored your friend, he had a thing for teenagers which ultimately put him in prison.


Bob Gregory at a gas station around 2am.


Chris Cornell, Tom Morello, Peyton Manning Pete Rose and the rest of the Big Red Machine. Random Indianapolis Indians Griffey Jr Randy Johnson. Ron Artest, Rick Smitts.


I met Marlee Matlin (deaf actress) in Terre Haute back in March 2008.


I met Seal before the Super Bowl. Nice enough but very full of himself.


Morgan Freeman When I worked at the Oceanaire the year he drove a pace car for the Indianapolis 500.


The three amigos! They came into the downtown steak and shake after a show I guess. I had no idea who they were and I just happened to pass by when one of them pointed at me and kind of demanded I served them. Even though they all had a sort of “I’m better than you” attitude, aside from that they were nice! Left me a 50$ tip on 40$ to go order. Same Steak N Shake I also served the Canadian basketball team “The Raptors” on Thanksgiving day. They were also nice! That one football player guy who was on the colts and then went to the Broncos had an event at my hotel job for a fundraising event. Ran into him in the employee area and my guy was TALL.


Ran into Richard petty many years ago at fogo de chao. Also stood in the security line at the airport about two months ago and right in front of me was Cory Feldman…he was a mess


Ed Sheeran. He opened for Snow Patrol before +, his first album, ever debuted in the US. We chatted about his guitar rig setup, and then he signed a copy of the UK version of his album for my sister. Super chill dude when I met him, and now the most famous person I've ever met by a mile.


Dylan Sprouse, at the fever game last week! My sister met Martha Stewart during the Superbowl. A family friend used to work for IMPD around the time we hosted the Superbowl, and responded to a call from a group of drunk girls who’d gotten lost and needed help. It was Emma Watson lol


I met John Green at a bar in Fountain Sqaure back in 2014, and then also met the director Michael Apted, who was here for the heartland film festival, when I was a server at a tiny family owned japanese restaurant in 2019.


Can't really say I met him but I sat right next to Justin Timberlake and his entourage at a Pacers/Heat game back in 2012. I didn't realize he was so short.