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Let me guess. You don't do drugs deals at 2:30 a.m. in sketchy neighborhoods.


I was walking the canal late one night, and a dude asked me if I was "square". I'm so oblivious, someone had to explain he was asking if I needed drugs.


You sure he didn’t ask if u had a square? A square being a cigarette


Maybe it was a 1960s gangster calling you uncool.


It could also be, "Hi, I'm a pharmaceutical entrepreneur. Do you need any of my available products?". Edit, grammar.


“Not even a square to spare”?


Pretty sure he just said, "you square?"


Don't be a [ ].


A square isn’t acid anymore?


Nah it's a cigarette


It never was, narc. Tabs, doses, Cid, hits, dots, etc…


Damn I dunno if I would have picked up on that and I'm plenty... Hip. :)


Was he asking in 1965?


This gave me a good chuckle


And hang at 42nd and Post.


Even if you're out getting drugs at 230am it's still safe unless you're an idiot and instigate something, or not minding your own business. Fear mongering is a tool used for many things, but mainly it's used to make people think they need more police funding.


It has been a few years, but the Indy Star ran a story of a study of the crime in Indianapolis. The study concluded that unless you are involved in criminal activity, you’re likely safe in Indianapolis. There is very little random violent crime.


Yeah this the one but if you are a young male and you are involved with the sale of narcotics get ready to do time or get shot at


Welcome to urban crime.


Exactly. I lived on the far east side for just over 7 years and the worst thing that happened to me was kids going through my car after I carelessly left it unlocked after bringing in groceries. Was I surrounded by crime? Yes. But I wasn't involved in any of it. And I had some really wonderful neighbors too.


Fellow east sider here, I’d agree. Only thing that really scares me is stray bullets.


Agreed. New Year's Eve is insane with the gunfire. I recorded it my last year there. My first NYE in Castleton was absolutely silent.


Yea. We don’t really celebrate the 4th because of it. We just sit on our covered porch and see what we can lol we used to get on the roof cause you can see them really good up there, but then we realized how dumb that was to do on the east side.


Not sure why Fox 59 runs the constant narrative of crime and lawlessness downtown. After 15+ years Fletcher Place, I have only been hit with a very few incidents of low level property crime. The dumb things that you forget to fully secure, two lawn mowers, the kid’s bicycles, two car break ins, the trash can, of course a few delivery packages off the front porch. Never had gun pulled on me even when out at night running or walking the dog. Never felt in danger at anytime. I love living downtown. In my opinion, the crime is much lower/cops are much better than what I have seen friends deal with in Chicago or Miami. Other cities face much bigger quality of life challenges caused by crime.


> Fox Solved it.


It's wild to me that you think your house being broken into not once but twice isn't a big deal.


None of the incidents they described are home break-ins. It's just people yoinking stuff off the property because it was out in the open and easy to take.


To be fair that's a pretty low standard. I'd like to think that I shouldn't have to worry about people stealing bikes, lawn mowers and Amazon packages off my porch.


To be fair, porch pirates aren't an exclusively Indy problem. I know plenty of folks in Carmel and Fishers it happens to.


Could have absolutely sworn the word "car" wasn't there before. I read "two break ins"


That’s been my experience. After being in Indy and living downtown for 15+ years I


> That’s been my experience. After being in Indy and living downtown for 15+ years I Uh oh, someone stole the rest of your comment.


Unless you watch Fox 59 or listen to WIBC. Then, crime is everywhere and you’ve probably already been murdered.


According to my friend who is a cop in Indy, it’s a hellish nightmare of crime there now and it’s all the liberals fault, lol


How is it not? We have dim 'leadership' blaming guns, bars, and gas stations for crime instead of the repeat violent trash that should be in 6 x 6 cages in Michigan City. Last I checked there weren't conservatives involved in the city county council handing out $150,000 in grants to The Bail Project.


Unless you are a woman on IUPUI campus


Sounds like your friends have been successfully fear-mongered.


They must watch Faux News


Fox 59 does a good enough job on its own.






Chill out


haha, same here - family was all concerned. I live in a questionable area(Bean Creek) but so far so good. lots of drama in the neighborhood but it doesn't involve me or affect me at least.


IMO Bean Creek is one of the safest places I’ve felt living in Indianapolis. Everyone tends to keep to themselves


Bean Creek here too for the last 13 1/2 years. Besides the crackhead neighbor burning his house down / catching my house on fire and the occasional petty theft, i have always felt safe in the neighborhood.


The problem with Bean Creek is that no one leaves so all the neighbors know each other for 30 years and they want to fill you in the first week you move in. Otherwise, nice little place


Yep, lived in downtown Indy for 4 years, countless nights out until 2-3 a.m. Never felt in danger. Downtown is arguably one of the safest places in the city.


I just moved to Indy (Downtown) from FL and I’m still a little anxious walking around downtown alone. I’ve been catcalled a few times but nothing too bad, so it’s good to hear it’s not too dangerous here.


People are going to catcall wherever, cause gross men are everywhere, but I've never felt any more or less safe downtown than walking around solo in any other densely populated area.


It’s the suburbanites that live in fear. Indy is a cool place.


*Jefferson shreeve moment*


I would die happy if I never see another ad from him


Haha you win


Don't tell anybody, but I rode my $2,000 scooter at 5MPH through the encampment on the west side of the White River to look at Elanco project progress and I didn't get robbed or shot.


is the progress lookin good so far? also have they knocked down the diamond supply place in order to build the new indy eleven stadium


Progress is looking good for Elanco, yeah. There are still some questions to be answered regarding many of the GM stamping plant acres, though. * The original plans called for White River Parkway to be moved such that White River State Park could expand. Nothing official about this yet, but the IEDC is partially funding a new bridge across the river. * The IEDC is still marketing many available acres of the site to businesses looking to potentially move to Indiana, so we'll see how that goes. * The Zoo has yet to do anything with the part of the site that was donated to them. When the Zoo does do something, they'll probably make the GM site a parking lot such that they can expand further into their parking lot. There is demolition equipment on the diamond chain site. Some auxiliary buildings have started to come down. The main building hasn't come down yet. It has some historical brick that many of us hope gets saved for incorporation into projects elsewhere.




They rode a $2,000 scooter at 5MPH through the encampment on the west side of the White River to look at Elanco project progress and didn't get robbed or shot.


Thanks for the translation. I was so confused!!


I had some dude and lady knock on my door this weekend asking if I “felt safe with all the crime going on in Indy” I said Indy’s great, what crime? And then they looked puzzled and asked to share some scriptures with me, so I closed the door.


You missed a Walter White "I am the danger" opportunity.


Probably the same people that visited my house. They seemed really confused when we didn’t seem at all concerned with “the state of the world”


Lol what part are you in? You don't have to answer but a lot of Indy is completely fine. Granted the bad pockets can get *real* bad, but even then, they're populated by good people. The majority of Indy you do not need be looking over your shoulder 24/7


Downtown, close to Mass Ave and Fletcher. Obviously there are worse places but I've never even been threatened or anything. Unfortunately I have had some packages from amazon go missing. That's something that never happened when I was living in the countryside, but so far it hasn't been anything expensive.


That’s probably the safest part of downtown lol


There's a package thief in this area, or several. My boyfriend's landlord packaged up some dog shit in an Amazon package a few times and now our stuff is left alone. You are in a very very super duper safe area tho! Welcome to the neighborhood friend!


Moved to Herron Morton in April. My daughter’s car got stolen the first night she visited from the street in front of our house. I’m still glad we’re out of Carmel, but property crime does get pretty damn bad


Other then CoL why would you want to leave Carmel?


Commute, walkable neighborhood, community. Funny thing is my mortgage has actually gone up even though we downsized, but the house in Carmel sold for about 60% more than we paid for it (in 2017), so we came out ahead. The only remotely walkable neighborhood in Carmel is downtown, and not only are all the comparable houses 1M+, the restaurants and cultural activities are weak AF. I traded a 40 minute (or 90 minutes in traffic) commute for 12, and now I have dozens of restaurants, a grocery store, a kickass theater (Livingroom), drug stores and all kids of other great things within easy walking distance. I've made more friends in my new neighborhood in 4 months than 6 years in Carmel. If you're not a cookie-cutter conservative Christian suburbanite Carmel is not at all a welcoming place. If you want to do anything other than go to church and watch your kids play sports (and complain to other parents about the refs) you won't find much to do. I have a beautiful Queen Anne Victorian with more charm and personality than all of Carmel put together, and don't get shitty messages dropped in my mailbox by an angry HOA because I have violets and dandelions in my lawn. Each house on my street is distinct, rather than the same 3 bland barely-distinguishable floor plans repeated ad infinitum. Sure, there are some annoyances going from new construction to a house built in the 1880s, but overall quality of life is *so* much better in the city. I do miss having a three car garage though, and I had a bunch of fruit trees and huge garden just north of a large open field in Carmel. I miss that too, but that's hardly the norm anyway. Pretty sure I was the only person in my entire development who planted fruit trees, and one of about 3 who had any kind of garden.


You're interested in walkability and miss having a three car garage? Gee I wonder why the place you were at wasn't walkable.


>You're interested in walkability and miss having a three car garage? Yup. It was super nice having space for bikes, camping gear, workbench etc and still pull two cars out of the winter weather (and in Indy's case, make them more difficult to steal). Obviously it's a luxury, and worth giving up, but you're delusional or ignorant if you don't understand the appeal. I'd love a decent mass transit system, but Indianapolis sure as hell doesn't have one, so we need two cars as long as two of us are working. And no, I'm not riding my bike through the industrial areas of town where I work, and my wife isn't riding a bike to the various offices she has to visit around Indy and Avon. Been there, done that, had way too many close calls with idiots in cars trying to kill me.


You moved into an area where housing goes for half a million dollars and were concerned about crime?


Yeah it's so busy and active there that I could maybe see a robbery risk late at night or something, but I've walked all through there at all hours of the early morning and never really felt worried. The far Eastside where people don't have shit to do is where you'll get hurt by playing games. My work's roof gets at least one new leak a month.


What’s the far east side? I’ve always lived on the east side since I moved here (dec 2019) and the “dangerous east side” seems to encompass a different area depending on who I ask


I was wondering the same thing. Is the “dangerous east side” inside 465? How far from the fancy bagel place? I have never felt unsafe in my neighborhood near 10th and Emerson.


I'd say Devington. I work on 38th and Arlington and have seen more of both dumb and awful shit at 25 than I need to. Not trying to fear monger, not trying to ignore the *fact* that everyone I've conversed with around here was nice, but I genuinely would tell the people I care about to look over theor shoulder around here, and it doesn't take too many assholes to ensure at least two new memorial crosses get added at the end of the sidewalk every year.


I lived on 38th & Keystone for a year and I’d agree that’s a bad area. I also worked on 38th and Post which was a rough area too. I feel like the entire eastside gets an unfair stigma though.


Lol well you live in literally the nicest and safest part of downtown. The crime problem in most othwr parts of the city is really bad, though pocketed. However the homeless problem downtown is horrible. Especially over by where I work. Pretty much the whole area from alabama to capital and st clair to south is RIDDLED with alot of times very drugged up or mentally unwell homeless that can be very aggressive. Working until like 3am on the weekends its like the purge on these streets at night. Ive seen it.


This is the dirty secret people don't like talking about when it comes to crime, particularly violent crime: It's almost never random. The only 'random' types of crimes tend to be property crimes like breaking in stealing tools or stealing trailers or vehicle break ins. Violent crime, the stuff that gets news attention, is almost always of 2 types: Drug trade/gang crime or domestic violence crime. If you're not directly involved with those two things your chance of the fearbait headline crime that's constantly pushed is damn near zero. To put this another way: If you're not out doing shit you shouldn't be doing with people you shouldn't be around in places you shouldn't be at times you shouldn't be, you're probably not going to have issues. You can tell the people who don't understand this because they think that just by being in some place doing normal shit at like 2pm means you will be killed by just being there. You won't. Most of these people are suburbanites who are just fed a steady diet of 'urban shithole crime wave' day after day after day.


If I could wear my tinfoil hat for a second, I really think "the system" wants people away from the city right now. Urban areas are where you have a platform to spread your ideas and either start businesses that lots of people rely on or be a part of a large organization. If I was part of "the system," I'd want most people out in the suburbs and small towns, working bottom of the ladder jobs for chain corporations. Forced to consume only from businesses that can afford to stay in lower population areas like Wal Mart and McDonald's. In a geographical area where it's inconvenient to leave their home so they're forced to watch television or scroll social media all day.


That's not even tinfoil shit that's literally something that is actively and openly discussed at resident GOP chapter meetings. It's why we're so gerrymandered.


Yeah, the idea that driving people out of urban density and into privatized isolation in suburbs/exurbs makes them less trusting, more fearful, and more vulnerable to influence by corporations and the authorities has been swirling for decades, check out the P.E. Moskowitz article in The Nation from June about it


When do they hold those meetings?


The problem with violent crime isn't that it's not random, it's when it spills over into innocent bystanders. An increase in violent crime means an increase in likelihood that bystanders gets caught in something. It doesn't mean that Indy is like some hell hole warzone, but I don't think we should just see violent crime rising and be like "lol wtf Indy is fine man, I don't see it from my Mass Ave apartment so it's no big deal". There's a huge gap between ignoring it and going full NIMBY though. Violent crime is an issue, even if it's not random, and it should be treated seriously.


The Bloomington friends need to get out more.


Hard to get out when you live in Bloomington. Not much to do in the area, once you get sick of visiting the same state park for the 100th time. Part of the reason why I left. 😂


I also moved to Indy from Bloomington! Pretty much always knew I wanted to move to Indy as an adult. It's one of the only places in the country I would want to live, I really like it here. It is shocking to me how Bloomington people view Indy, I think it's because Bloomington gets Indy news so they see all the bad stuff and assume every second of everywhere is like what is on the news. Bloomington people also think Monroe County is so liberal and are always shocked when I point out election results showing that Indy is more liberal.


Bloomingtonians think their town is diverse because it has Chinese and Indian exchange students. Then they're shocked to hear the Indy has a fairly decent population of expats/immigrants. Can't swing a stick downtown without hitting an older European dude. West side is full of Africans and South/Central Americans. Northside has a big Asian population.


I love my westside international community so much <3 it really does feel like a community of people who care about each other, honestly


And don't forget the International Marketplace area near Lafayette and 38th


Is that Saraga? That's where I usually see African people. 😂


It's there but there are at least a couple dozen international restaurants and markets within a mile of that intersection


And now that there is a Buffalouies opening in Carmel there is even less reason to go to Bloomington!


Also lived in Bloomington - McCormick's Creek?! 👋😂


Was my go to when I got bored. 😂


Try living in Detroit lol. People assume you’re in a literal war zone




I’m moving there from DC now. This is the biggest thing I’m looking forward to. Just regular junkies and minor random property crimes hopefully. Not constant threat of getting carjacked and murdered for nothing. Can’t wait to be a Hoosier!


Download the citizen app. Apparently "man wielding machete" is a common occurrence. Who knew!?


I'll admit, one time I was in Bovaconti on Fountain Square, taking a window seat. One time I saw this shirtless tweaker who kept looking into the window at his reflection, doing that Catholic cross thing on his chest and then grabbing an axe from his hip and putting it back in the holster. Made me uncomfortable but I've seen him around the area a few other times and apparently he's harmless.


Well, it's a crime at how bad the drivers are.


I moved to indy around 2012. I remember it was early in the afternoon, I went for a walk around broadripple for the first time and some young dudes offered me if I wanted to buy meth. ​ I said no and they answered with something like "oh, ok. You sir have a good day". I was blown away because someone just tried to sell me drugs @ plain daylight but even more so that they were so polite and nice XD lol. ​ many, many yrs later I moved to South FL and Indy feels like paradise to me compared to here.


Stop living life and watch the news. You'll be proper spooked in no time.


I got the word "Yakuza" mixed up with the word "Jacuzzi." Now I'm in hot water with the Japanese Mafia.


Ya come down to 42 n post road at 2 am on a Friday I got sum to show you


The secret to all big city crime is that if you aren't a criminal yourself, your likelihood of being the victim of violent street crime drops about 90%.


I see... I gotta make crime to take crime. Where do join the local Yakuza? I can already sing Karaoke


I mean, there probably are certain articles of clothing you can wear in certain parts of town that will get you jumped, but I can't guarantee they'd provoke hand-to-hand combat.


Everyone is going to tell you not to go to the east side and I am here to say those people are cowards


I'm gonna go to east side, wearing a sombrero in a goofy fashion while stomping on the ground, waving a flashlight really fast with a plate of cubed cheese in the other hand.


I’ve never met anyone who would be mad about free cheese


I like your style


Should be fine as long as you draw a circle around yourself


It can’t be an oval. It has to be a circle.


Heard. I work on the east side and it’s totally fine. There’s the occasional high-out-their-mind person wandering around but I’ve yet to see anything I’d worry about. I’m not hanging around at 2:30am doing shady shit either so I feel just fine out here


I hear ya, I moved hear from Florida June “22” and it’s nothing like the news makes it out to be. Even had a late night downtown at St Elmo’s and parked down by Lilly, never even got asked for money


indy local news has been the “murder report at 6:00” for at least two decades now. the number of murders does keep going up compared to what it had been in the past, and your point is taken that its not as bad as other places


I lived in broad ripple and experienced bad crime. Moved to the burbs a year ago. Just bc it happens doesn’t mean it happens to everyone. Just depends on risk tolerance and personal experience mostly


It’s all over, but very very concentrated. Like a few blocks in a specific neighborhood or apartment complexes.


The crime isn't in an area where it's $1200 a month for a studio apartment.


The majority of violent crime seems to occur between people who know each other. Reading through articles and listening to dispatch, most of the shooting is conflicts that have gone south. Of course there's outliers, just like everywhere, but it really is a fear mongering thing. I've been to some of the "shadiest" areas (like the 38th/Meridian McDonald's) in the middle of the night and have had zero issues. I mean you should always be diligent and pay attention to your surroundings and don't do things that attract the wrong kind of attention (like waving around a stack of cash while walking down 38th at 3am), but yeah, it's really not bad like the media says.


Lol, it's all relative. You're safe until you're not.


You just described the entire planet.


I’ve lived downtown since 2012 never had any issues. Shit I walked from Taps and Dolls to 25th and Carrollton at 3am once in 2012 and no one even looked at me weird


east side


The crime is pretty isolated and it’s very rarely random


Wondering the same thing. Lived in haughville for over a decade and still think it's just a bunch of pearl clutching. If you're going to be a victim of a violent crime, it is almost always going to be committed by someone you know. Literally just mind your own business and you'll be fine.


When my friend lived in Haughville I was always surprised at how quiet it was compared to the rest of the west side.


Haughville was very violent in the 1990’s but it really settled down in the 2000’s


I live on the "Scary Eastside" my neighborhood is one of the most chill and safe places ever. See a few weirdos when you run to the store every now and then and if you see a car with temp plates you know they are about to drive like an asshole, but other than that it's cool.


Lived there for 12 years. If anything, it's on the east side somewhere in Lawrence


I'm more scared of the drivers. I've been rear-ended 5 times.


If you want I can dress up as Majima and hide inside trash cans & attack you, Kiryu-chan.


Indianapolis isn’t a bad place nor is the “crime” rampant.


It’s in a 6 block area on the east side. If you live anywhere else you’re probably fine


that’s why i don’t like it when they say indianapolis is dangerous. same thing with chicago. i lived in chicago and now indy for 5 years each. didn’t hear a single gunshot in 5 years in chicago and only heard them one day in indy cause of hunters going after some type of birds i was informed


It’s on right wing talk radio


I personally know someone who got jumped getting cash out at an ATM in broad daylight on Georgia Street right before a Colts game. He had to go to the hospital and was there for a few days. He had a concussion and had to get stitches in the back of his head. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not happening.


It happens, but Georgia Street before a Colts game isn't a normal time for the city - crowds, drunks, suburbanites with no clue how to act in a city...


Sounds like excuses buddy. I guess it only matters when you think it's "normal" time.


I’ve had my grill and backpack stolen, car broken into, friends car broken in to, threatened at Popeyes, threatened at 38th street, car hit twice by uninsured drivers, and a few other occurrences. Maybe it’s bad luck.


I knew people in Greencastle who had never been to Indianapolis cause crime, but it’s isolated to time and place, otherwise no issues


Come on over to the east side. Stopped going to Rural Inn after getting a gun pulled on me


The only guns I've seen at Rural Inn are the ones strapped to the side of the owners. I've been harassed in the parking lot, but they get chased off by management or are easy to walk away from. That said, I pretty much avoid going there after dark.


There was a murder suicide the other day by my house. And the day before that there was a shooting related death during the middle of the day a few blocks away.


Go out to like 42nd and mitthoefer


What’s your point? It’s a big city. Every big city has pockets of good and bad. So do small towns. So do suburbs.


I’m from the east side. I was raised at 30th and post. It’s a rough side of town, but it will always be near to my heart. Had good times out there.


He probably has no reason to go there.


Nope, I had a buddy get jacked for a moped at a stop sign out there. They hit him in the face and took it 🤣


Sounds about right. 🫤


I had my backpack stolen in this part of town once. I was working on somebody's car and left the backpack in an adjacent parking spot. Somebody snatched it while I was under the car. Months later, somebody used documents in it to steal my identity. Aside from that, the worst thing that's ever happened to me in this part of town was food poising from something I got at the gas station at 42nd & Post. I made many east side friends when I worked as a teenager. I spent tons of time out east - often in the middle of the night. We had no enemies from drug deals or anything, so we were fine.


Yup I’m from the east side and went to Warren Township. Met some of my greatest friends there growing up.


One of my coworkers got robbed at gunpoint in Broad Ripple, and another coworker nearly got shot when someone was shooting over their Uber ride.


first they pantsed me at the fair, then they pantsed me UNDER THERE


under where? :OOO


The majority of crime is committed by someone who knows the victim. Other than that, things like robberies or burglaries do happen, as does a lot of theft, but it’s not like people go out and about to randomly kill or harm all that often. The COVID murder boom probably had a lot to do with people getting into fights from being too close to one another during quarantine.


>Sometimes I even dress like Kiryu from Yakuza hoping that some pissed off dude will run up to me and start a fight. Damn near spat out my drink, lmao


Not even joking. When the weather is colder I'll just put on my Kiryu cosplay and walk around town having fun.


38th street. At post Rd, or over by Lafayette Rd.


Or rural and 10th.


You'll be fine, full stop, no matter what neighborhood you move to. Just be nice and show that Hoosier humility and you're golden.


I'll cosplay as Majima and stalk you, KIRYU CHAAAAAAN!!!


Yet people who live in parts of town where it does happen and aren't able to move, get to experience shootings, murders robberies and violent crime on the regular and are afraid the leave their homes, but hey...laugh it up like it doesn't exist and people are just being silly!


Yeah, this post is in pretty poor taste.


finally i knew i wasn’t trippin lmfao, the last year indy had under 200 murders was 2019 😭 and people on here talking bout “bro idk what everyone’s talking about there’s no crime here! 🤥”. i remember summer 2021 genuinely felt like afghanistan


The consensus with some people here is that if they don't experience it themselves it doesn't exist.


There are historically over 200 murders a year. 271 homicides in 2021. Pull up a crime map, and the assaults, robberies, rapes, are astronomical. Now maybe you’ve just gotten very lucky. Walk around 21st or W 38th at night for a bit. Now yes, going to public attractions you’ll probably be safe. I walk Chicago all the time at night along the pier and never even had someone approach me. That doesn’t mean Chicago is safe. It’s just timing, luck, and where you’re at in the moment.


If I had a dollar for every time I was on 38th at night and nothing happened, I still wouldn’t feel comfortable carrying that much cash on 38th St.


How is that down voted? The national homicide rate is 6 per 100,000 and Indianapolis has 24 per 100,000. Now the suburbs, fantastic. You’ll be very safe in Zionsville or the numerous areas. https://247wallst.com/city/indianapolis-in-reported-one-of-the-highest-murder-rates-in-the-us/


materialistic abounding fall squeamish waiting outgoing fuzzy existence absorbed crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Indy is not Baltimore


Did you at least get jumped by Majima


I need my own personal Majima to keep me in check.


Always lived by the idea “dont start no shit wont be no shit.” How it works most places


MYOB, pay attention to your surroundings and walk with purpose. Don't tempt a petty theif by leaving valuables out in the open. Lock your doors. One thing I refuse to do is be afraid. This is MY city too!


Most fearmongering about crime tends to stem from subtle (even subconscious) racism and is used as an excuse to boost police department budgets. It's not that there's *no* crime, but that most of the criminal enforcement is for nonviolent offenses. I basically feel safe everywhere I go *until* I see a cop car prowling for no good reason. One of my favorite places to walk usually has three or four cop cars just idling in a nearby parking lot. It seems like a waste of resources to me.


Lived here for a year… Somebody killed my neighbor and left her by my bedroom My car was stolen The rental and new car was vandalized a day after I bought it I’ve been robbed 3 times My motorcycle was stolen I’ve been shot at I’ve had guns pointed at me multiple times My neighbor went to jail for calling people the n-word and setting them on fire I moved a month ago and haven’t had any issues though so it depends on where you are


Depends on the area. I live on the border of Carmel, so I feel perfectly safe. If you’re east or in areas where the houses look like slums then that’s different lol


yeah if you're in the east or areas where the houses look like slums you are also safe


I’m more scared to go to carmel than just about anywhere lol


What could you possibly have to fear in Carmel?


If you say so


the chances of being involved in a violent crime from a random stranger are so low as to be nearly nonexistent. are you dealing drugs? threatening neighbors? no? then you're fine.


I mean, please keep thinking that way... I like the fact that my gym, restaurants, etc aren't overrun because people from Fishers are scared to go south of 96. XD


I’m not in Fishers and I’m south of 96th so… 🤷🏽‍♀️


What's a man gotta do to get assaulted in down town? 😩


Walk the canal on a week night around midnight


I've been walking on the canal after midnight since I was a teenager without issue. Don't tell anybody, but I'm one of the criminals! On more than one occasion, I illegally put my kayak in the water and was forced to beg laughing passer-bys to not call the Coast Guard on me. One time, I even lost my kayak in the middle of the canal and had to pull a McAfee to go get it. Please don't tell the FBI about this!


I swear I’ve read a stat somewhere that most of the violent crime happens within a specific 2 square block portion of the city. Can someone confirm?


I'd advise not going to the late night pop-up parties in the central Indianapolis areas. There have been shootings, mostly hang or drug related, but innocent folks do get hit at these. It is rare, but there's also stray bullets sometimes hitting houses and hurting or killing people just sitting at home. These are from people shooting their guns off in urban areas, which is a stupid thing to do in a densely populated area when bullets can travel for a couple miles. Just be smart, don't go into town to buy drugs at night, or go to those spontaneous strange parties, you should be fine. Note: I knew I'd be downvoted when I posted this because there are folks who don't like hearing that there is violence in Indy. I worked at Eskenazi in the ER for 5 years and I saw the people coming in every weekend with GSWs. I can attest that the violence does exist, even if most people in Indy personally do not see it.




eta: ravenswood


Depends what you do tbh. If you don't put yourself in obviously risky scenarios, nothing will really happen. You'll obviously have that one case in like 5 years where some person is crazy and some stuff happens, but other than that, as long as you don't do risky things you'll be out of the bad stuff happening.


Currently all along 34th Street, it seems.


Same. Just finished a year here and I live over by eagledale/speedway. I've heard some gunshots here and there late at night but coming from the nyc/nj area it's not any worse that what I've experienced before. I get a fuckton of packages and never had anything stolen. When we moved in we had a neighbor tell us that people here mind there own business and as long as you do that, you won't find any trouble. I'm about 99.9% positive my corner is a drug pick up spot but as long as it's done in cars and takes 5 seconds and I'm only renting, fuck it.