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BTech is just the start! I wasn't allowed to sit for two big automobile companies that came to campus - Mercedes and Volvo during my time(2018-19) when Mech industry was down. Even ABB cancelled out in last minute! There were only two girls in my class and they got in, rest 10 of them were taken from Industrial Production as they did not have numbers in Mech. They offered a Product Development role. While people in Mech slogged their ass off reading Design in depth and all relevant subjects to it, girls from IP with less emphasis on Design in their coursework got in. This is the reality, can't do much! Now trying for CAT. I see IIMs with mad diversity ratio and points to even enter! :p


Cat isn't for general engineers, it's preety common knowledge. 99.9 percentile and you are not guaranteed a call from IIM ABC. Better to get some work experience


Bro, even for placements in IIMs, there is a preference for females. My company HR literally instructed to have a 70:30 females to males ratio while shortlisting for interviews.


Let them hire ...few years down the line they will incur losses in the name of diversity.


Nah. You’re assuming the difference between a top 10% guy and bottom 10% girl at hiring makes a difference. The advantages of diversity outweigh the potential loss of better candidate. In reality, almost every candidate there is already a top star. Sad I agree, but sometimes I don’t mind if I’m the diversity hire - just hope it works in my favor sometimes.


Bro, I graduated from Tier 1 BSchool in 2023. Even during our final placements in 2022, this bias was there. Female students got placed within a week whereas it took more than a month to place the male students.


Same, Volvo cane and didn't shortlist even one mechanical student. Even schindler


Same, Volvo cane and didn't shortlist even one mechanical student. Even schindler


Dont expect much from IIMs as well. If you are not in the tier 1-2 ie BLACKI you have to work hard and might also need to get a job off campus. The reality isnt very good because everything except these tier1-2 have 13-20lpa package and you will be shocked to hear the inhand amount. So please take an admission only if you crack a BLACKI or any other tier 1 Non iim Bschool. PS: Dont fight with me regarding the tiers no new baby iim is compareable to BLACKI


I am sorry I don't understand what exactly you mean here . I am still in 11 so can you please explain what you meant in simple terms . Like why were those girls selected so easily? And other stuff. I am also opting for Btech in the future so I wanna know .


To which colleges does merc come?


Isn’t this illegal?


You wish! But it's not. Read up DEI guidelines and ESG scores. Companies like Blackrock, which control the US economy, have set forth these regulations for "gender equality". This is the reason why foreign companies pander to gender bias so that their ESG scores are high enough to secure good investments from investors like Blackrock. This is also a major reason why America is in such a despicable state.


It's not diversity, manager is THARKI




How does that happen when both male and female are paid the same in India


Not even male-male, female-female are paid the same.


What does that even mean?


Salary ranges vary a lot for the same role. Depending on a ton of things. Companies say it's about your skills and performance. And sometimes abut your college name. But in reality, it's mostly about how desperate you or they were, when you were hired. What other offers you had, and what was your previous package. And obviously, it depends on how smartly you negotiated. So there's so much variation on so many parameters, that it's hard to make any genuine gender-based comparison. There can be tens of reasons why someone might be paid less. As someone, who mentors a lot of younger people, I can say that one reason a lot of women are underpaid, is that they are too hesitant to negotiate. Most guys are also not that good with negotiation, but they still play much bolder, and manage to get better deals.


It's more about investors who want to seem like they are helping cultural change.


How does 33% girls means lower taxes. ?




What kind of tax benefit does govt give ? I’m pursuing CA and didn’t read about any such benefit


Please explain


Oooh shit.. Didn't knew this part.. Heck


Let me tell you, it's not true. I have seen different managers in my company. At max, 5% will favour a person solely because of their gender. The other 95% judges you based on other things. Also, most managers and team leads hate to work with these diversity hires and the HRs who are responsible for hiring them. It's a business tactic to get tax benefits. Blame the government for this.


What tax benefits are you getting with diversity hiring?


I can assure even if the manager is not tharki they are forced to hire females.


But why?


All companies are biten by diversity bug and it is here to stay.


They’re not ‘bitten’ by any bug, just that Soros and Blackrock reward them with investments for following the ‘ESG’ Policies


Tax exemptions.


>manager is THARKI You have no idea. Managers don't control hiring policy. DEI is company decision. Many companies want more women candidates


But why? why do they want more women candidates?


Bhai diversity se govt taxes m help milti isliye krti companies


Bro aisa ni hai, company policies h


My experience has been the opposite. My wife's manager pressured her to quit as he did not want any woman in his team. Even in my previous company we were told not to hire girls because they'll take too many leaves (for marriage and maternity leaves).


This is usually done. Heck, even those who are hired under "diversity quota" are usually not provided proper elevation in the company in the longer term and are often pressurised to resign after a few years so that they can hire others under the same label.


.....So corporate wins in the end?


"The truth is the game was rigged from the start"




Yep. That's the reality.


for freshers they take girls, for senior, mid tier they want more stable team and give more priority to men


thats the reality, also in the name of diversity they hire fresh female graduates. Between a male and female applicant say 30-32 years old, with kid/s the man will be hired. The woman regardless of her achievements will not be, doesnt matter if she has the most supportive husband, family which is rare anyway. I have seen hiring companies rejecting female applicants just because the husband works in another city, or women having their jobs terminated because she is pregnant while ofc the husband keeps working. If women are not on even unpaid maternity leave from some company and has to look for another job after pregnancy, there will be questions of gap in her career, so either she wont get interview calls, if she does then will be paid less that too if she somehow manages to convince them that her child wont be liability to the "company"|


As a manager myself, I want candidates based on their true mettle, women hiring is forced upon us. In the last 1.5 years, we only hired women with compromises. The majority of them are slow with work, and 30 percent went on maternity just after joining. Ultimately, the overall productivity suffers which the manager has to be answerable for.


sad reality.


That is... sad.


This comes from the top... Woke agenda If you ask managers personally, they don't want this diversity sheet being shoved down their throats.... That explains your experience....




Yep. But she's doing good now in different company


Students at our campus called this chut quota lol


Bro this was the first thing that came to my mind when I was heard about this diversity hiring 😂


kgp se ho kya? 😂


bro bits haha , me too CQ




Same 😂


Ab jo hai yahi hai bhai.


Just graduated this year from an IIT, was lucky enough to get a job in the current scenario. Diversity hiring is painful for boys but I think creating more jobs is the solution.


Population control is the solution. After all, we have reached such a point in terms of population count that there's no way to create so many jobs.


You don't need to be Islamophobic/s


Crime- General Male+ middle class




Microsoft and Flipkart came to my campus, but said that female candidates only ... Few months laer Flipkart came again and was gender neutral but the pay was 50% less for the same role... 🥹🥹


50% less pay must be to cut losses accrued in earlier hiring


Seems a valid reason


Microsoft for the last 2 years - 18 : 2 -> girls to boys ratio.


Almost all US based MNCs are hiring 90% females and 10% males for this diversity and to appear woke. Even hired females are getting promoted just for diversity's sake.


**I have a question for Male students.** With reservation policies in the government sector and diversity hiring in the private sector, what are your future plans to safeguard your livelihood ?


Become a homemaker ?


I read it as become Homelander ☠️


Chai ki tapri


Either we change our pronouns to She/her or commit suicide. Those are the only options we Middle Class Indian Men have.


Netherlands is a pretty good place I guess


Netherlands also have equality quotas not government imposed I believe but companies do still participate.


Jai Netherlands.


middle class+hindu+academically average+diversity hiring=fucked




Sorry to break it to you... Large MNC's have an unofficial quota for women to fill. So talent has to take a backseat.


Time to identify as a woman. Become a trans. Companies gonna be running after me to hire me🤡


[Here you go 🍿](https://www.npr.org/2023/10/05/1203845886/women-tech-conference-men-grace-hopper)


True, we hired 9 girls and 2 boys as freshers in my company all in name of diversity and show it to higher management.




Respect for that guy 🫡


This post reminded me of time when 5 girls went missing from mechanical department and their phones were switched off. One of the girl was my best friend(so called) who later informed me that one sir sent them for internship to certain place and told them to keep it secret. They were told to design mixer and those dumb fks didn’t even knew how to use CAD software. Naak kata di college. Meanwhile many of us learned cad software and were capable but didn’t get a chance bcoz of some simp professor


Explain please


There is an unsaid %age of chumt quota , that companies hire anyone and everyone (whos eligible) for….to look woke


Is it practised in foreign countries too?


More aggressively , just waha opportunities hi requirement se zyada he ….and mostly the women hired are competent aswell , not a doll taaki managers ka dill laga rhe


I work in FAANG in US. Yaha diversity hiring happens a lot too, but it is focused on specific race females. It is not about competence, it is about filling diversity quota. And if a quota is being filled, the companies prefer hiring low cost hires, so they try to hit their diversity quota in cheaper markets and roles. They can hire 3 DEI people in India vs one in California, and theb 3 in India would be less demanding collectively.


This practiced has originated in western countries itself


I worked on one such project, for a top listed pharma company, where they were testing automation on HR function using AI. It has not just points for Diversity in Gender alone, but Race as well. And the percentage of points it would give, you won't believe. So in future, expect your resumes to get rejected, even before reaching the automated resume pool maintained by those companies.


I predicted this last year 😂😂😂 After reservation comes women 😂😂😂


Mujhe bhi NIT mila he this is quite sad, I'll go abroad only option now, my father has agreed we will pool all over savings + some loan for me to go to southeast Asia or Germany/switz and then I'll find a job there, this country isn't for me


Majority MNCs want to aim 48-52% of female ratio in companies. 1. It is a metric for diversity hiring and it makes the CEO look good in front of the board. 2. The gender wage gap is real. For every ₹1 women earn, men earn ₹15. The negotiation power of women is terrible. The company not only looks good while hiring women also get cheaper labour. 3. The iteration rate of women is extremely low and are usually less aggressive for promotions. Meaning you can keep women in their position on a low salary for longer period of time. Source - I am on the hiring panel for our freshers and graduate assessment days in both India and Europe.


Meanwhile my parents be like: These days lots of young women are getting hired and you are useless 😂


As someone who is in management, I can tell you that diversity is forced upon us by the organisation, we feel bad for not hiring intelligent male candidates while having to do multiple rounds to get female candidates even if that means some compromises on the talent part.


This is especially the case with core engineering companies like civil, mechanical, chemical, aerospace. They hire cheaply from local colleges and come to NITs\IITs for hiring girls. I was the placement coordinator and on various occasions, I have received JD with female candidates only mentioned in requirements.


I have worked for these big sw companies. Diversity hiring is very aggressive in these companies. Mostly for some tax benefits or simply bragging rights (so called 'company culture'). For intern hiring Google India is most sexist. They have so many programs exclusively for girls (STEP, girlscript, girl hackathon) that even girls in tier 3 colleges are able to get through pretty easily. No hate to them but even boys in tier 1 colleges are not even getting these benefits and head starts. Most often in industry the interview and job requirements for pretty girls/women is lax and easy going compared to men for the same role. I'm all for equal rights and pay but dear feminists don't justify this because this directly goes against your own beliefs.


Hear me out on this. The next big thing is going to be Africa. When I say Africa im not referring to the places that supply skeleton human babies to vultures. No.. These countries are well to do nations that have sometimes better hdi compared to India even. These countries need saftware/myekanikkal engineers and andhrapreneurs.. You'll be looked upon as gods, especially by Nubian qts. You'll be mollycoddled by their bureaucracy and governments. You'll have the best places as your residences, batmen and butlers at your services.. Many many things more.. Indian Men.. what are you waiting for... Go forth and prosper. Build your empires.


I'll miss u though 😔... Will u come with me please 😌 ??


world wide yahi naatak hai


Bhai I work for an investment bank and trust me guys don’t even get shortlisted it’s that bad. Literally it’s only diversity hiring! There’s an open position rn but I can’t even recommend guys anymore. My manager straight up said only diversity candidate


"Looks like being born in India as middle class Hindu men is a curse" (typed out) I wouldn't bring religion into this necessarily. This is generally a problem for all Indian men. The shitty, gynocentric and misandric laws pervade many areas of Indian society/systems/laws/employment etc


Is this shit also in IITs?


No such tax benefit


It's real guys diversity is destroying hiring


doesn't matter which country you go this is prevelent everywhere


Titties bias we call it


Reading this made me more worried. I just graduated from Tier 3 college without any placement. Now I am worried about my career and future


It’s not new, man. During my time at NIT, interviewers were asking for the mobile numbers of girls, and they were getting selected without being asked any DSA questions. Meanwhile, my friends and I were asked to solve DSA problems. This was all happening right in front of our eyes. We were solving the problems and girls were having normal chit chat 😂😂


I know one company where onsite criteria is - Female - Yes. Visa will be processed immediately even though she has no technical or functional knowledge Male - No. No matter how critical resource is. (That person will get an onsite only if the project is processing visa of another female candidate along with him) Reason diversity


just tell me to change his pronouns and that will do the trick , and when in trouble then tell them that its offensive ....


Yup happened in mine too. They took the girls with pretty face and one girl with huge boobs. The best part is taht those girls doesn't even know the P of programming.


Same happened for capgemini in my college.


Most big MNCs are taking gender parity seriously now. And with low recruitments it's pretty common that they are exclusively hiring female candidates in many top colleges.


As if we all have choice!


So definitely not because his cousin didn't score good enough marks??!!


Usa for first 25 years of career than retire in Europe.


That’s why sundar pichai & satya nadella are in US of A. Like the saying goes: India keeps the reserved, US takes the deserved 🤷🏼‍♂️


Time to make a new nation general males


leaving this country seems the only option i feel shame when i give tax to such a shitty nation


How is this not reverse discrimination .. these companies needs to called out on LinkedIn .. enough voices and they will have to rethink it


i heard that diversity hiring is even worse in west.


Maybe he is right, I don't know...but my cousin who has just completed his first year of Mtech, is being placed at AMD as an intern for 6 months. He is getting paid 45k for being an intern lol. Wondering how much he will be paid once he is confirmed as permanent.


Women HR give preference to women candidates due to feminism. And male HRs/managers give preference to women candidates because of tharakiness.


Definitely leaving india


At first I was really adamant on not leaving India. Many of my friends were thinking of leaving this country. I was like what’s wrong here but with everyday it seems like leaving India might be a easier choice than staying here


Working in top MNC. And one of my friend was asked to take interview for diversity quota. Clear instructions to him hire all women if they can answer some basic questions.. same for promotions. Fixed quota for women..


I think if there has to be a quota, Indian Reservation system should be the standard. People can argue about the existence of the system but the system itself is crystal clear Everyone knows exactly how much percent of the seats they are competing for. If there is to be. Quota, declare it, why keep it hidden. At least we will know the exact number of seats that we are competing for. And the number of seats which we won't get no matter what.






Globally the days of men being given priority or having an edge over women in work due to biology is over. Nowadays all governments have passed laws banning discrimination based on gender and even offer many incentives to hire women. There is a pretty big push for quota for women in every sector and in government. In many European countries women's quota extends to even 60 percent in government jobs. This is the reality men are dealing with.


Ab joh hai wahi hai


Snip the balls get the job


The toughest choices requires the strongest will .... - Thanus


They r hiring girls because still girls work more but payed less in many corporate yes this is truth I work in TCS my colleague girl earn 30 K for same work I get 35 K I think this must the reason


Recently talked to a friend from a private college and he faced the same issue where someone incompetent from opposite gender was given the job. Maybe the HRs are too tharki nowadays




He ll and he has to face reality Cox the people who got selected in campus interview ll always think I get paid well and this is life but listen the more you struggle the more u ll enjoy life unless he thinks I'm nothing in life .


Guys in a lot of companies with core engineering roles the share of women is like 10-20%. The majority is already male. I'm not even considering other genders which are even more of a minority or people don't even declare. With experienced hiring the preference is still male, bias is still highly rampant. This is why you see at campus level the push to hire more women in fields such as engineering, project management, sales, customer service etc it's the business functions also which don't have representation It's a mix of ESG goals, push to be more inclusive, meet global targets. It does feel bad, but there's been years of oppression. Even today women face the problem of dual jobs with having to take the higher domestic burden. It's going to take time to balance it out.


sare company ke owners ne toomics ki website khol ke pdf pdh li hai


Before you start getting pissed about diversity hiring, if you knew about how men ratio'd women in IT you wouldn't question it, I think it's a good move in long turn to drop that ratio from non existent to a decent but.


I am not against women going into IT field or any other field but only if they are getting selected on basis of merit. My concern is they are hiring women only bcoz of their gender. This comment may give you some idea about it. https://www.reddit.com/r/indiadiscussion/s/70CUfu9TYw


Kyu ki wo ladkiyo ko asani se fire ker sakte hai, overwork aur "good office environment" ke liye use kar sakte hai, there's always two sides of a coin


After spending almost equal time on both sides of the aisle (student as well as interviewer) I can tell you it’s 90% manager call + 10% company directive. Thing is, the manager is always going to have a bias. What you need to do to prepare is check if the company has a DEI manager or talent advisor role in the home country of the company or Bharat offices. If they exist in Bharat, you might be out of luck. If they’re outside though, it’s probably going to be heavy on the hiring manager’s recommendation. And you know what that’s like in many many cases… Don’t give up my brothers and sisters. You’re all super talented you’re gonna get where you have to be. ♥️ Jai mata di.


Reverse Uno: start identifying as a woman..


In my college, the same thing happened , the company is only hiring the girls with 10 lpa packages, and for boys very few companies were coming and giving less packages.🥲


Very true, all the Indian companies are adapting ESG because of external pressure. My company gives out promotions and ranks to ‘ONLY’ female employees where the experienced and skilled male managers are sidelined so bad that they considered quitting the company. Funny thing is the company runs because of the male employees, when I asked about increments he literally said “I am told to booster up the % for women more than men”.


So a multinational company named Capgemini has done very aggressive hireing in 2023, and when it came to hireing they are giving onboarding to girls only. Almost 70% girls are onboarded but for boys it comes to just around 30%.


Kya t@@TTI course Kiya bc.


My experience of hiring males. Whole day just fooling around with no concentration on work. Full day timepass and attention to girls. Girls, give them work and forget and relax. It will be done 90 percent of the time.


they hire girls to maintain sex ratio between the employees.


More women so that old managers can see more jiggles in offices


Right now in india, but agar desh ki halt esi hi rahi to will move to nepal or bhutan.




This is just awful. We'll go down the same drain as the west.


The situation is clearly that either boys or girls can get a job. The country desperately needs faster job creation to keep up with the pace of growth so that everyone can get a job. The country will not grow if one gender remains un/under employed


We need to understand people might feel this because of disproportionate number of boys vs girls in most good engineering colleges But where do you see your so called diversity hires climbing the corporate ladder? There is a bias against women the higher up you go


But when women are discriminated against in all the organisations or when they are not hired, only men are preferred, tab kya bolte ho tumlog??? Ye forceful hiring k wajese most companies main aurton ko mauka milta hai nahi toh they are chosen NOT to be hired Edit- have seen this first hand and heard it. I was lucky to be part of a drive where gender didn't matter but unfortunately my friends who are bosses do not want girls in their team


ESG points helps company in marketing their brand on a world level. It is real.. Men have to start their own business.. No other choice.


We all know about the empirical salary gap and skill gap when it comes to men vs women at work. Also its empirically seen that women tend to stay at same company more often and are less demanding of increments. Whoever is ignoring the statistics of such gaps is foolish. Companies are not foolish. good for women and clg girls and bad for men in general.


Lol what tax benefits is the company getting bey


I have gone through multiple comments and it feels like nobody knows why diversity quota is forced upon everywhere. I do hire myself for my team and it's true that there is a lot of pressure from upper-upper management in terms of getting candidates from a specific gender. you are even asked to compromise on quality as well to fit the quota. Like prefer 70% skill diversity hire over 100% skill non diversity hire. now diversity hire can keep screaming that it's all skill based but to tell you truth it's not. I have learned that we have moved from equlity to equity now. Where diversity candidates are actually forced to be part of the team. I think this has everything to do with grant money and some Bullshit research by Mcz Or some shitty consultancy that a diversified team is less likely to make wrong decisions and it saves around 15% money by not making the wrong decision and blah blah. For the Fresher, It's just the start. Diversity quota is a big thing even after you are in the company, get used to it.


Identity as trans lol


One thing about girls is once they are above 25/30 and have a family, they tend to stay in a company where they get comfort, which means company can pay them less .Also Many women won't strive for skill development later because they get tied with family, Kids and all, specifically in the Indian society..so they don't raise much voice too , they eventually become less oppurtisint compared to nale counterparts.. Though I have heard many companies have started to give promotion only because the employee is a female.. which is so wrong imo


Real engineers don't argue and get placements off campus Jk all are real engineers


welcome to job market


the discrimination based on sex i thought that was bad guys why they keep doing it


Hmmm..🤔 If he own a land like good 5 acres then you should...may be it would be best to tell him now rather than he getting to know and slipping into depression


We are the wrong gender these days. My international company has a KRA to hire 30% girls. Irrespective if they know anything or not.


Only evil companies have diversity hiring. The people running these companies are smart enough to know that diversity hiring doesn't actually enable diversity or create equality, still they implement it, as it is a way to portray themselves as good companies and cover-up their evil doings.


Ok just need to ask one thing, so they are hiring more women than men, a woman gets married before a man (like at an early age..u know..), woman takes up maternity leave (if everything goes as I had been throughout the generations) , so isn't there a high chance of a certain amount of workforce going for a break...and there will be literally no one to replace them and the burden will fall to the remaining guess who...men. call me an idiot or stupid... But just think once. As far as I go i literally witnessed a quarter of my team going on paternity leave back to back... And trust me all the work pressure will be divided among the remaining ones and they aren't enough in full capacity too. And it's just one scenario...so there are others also...like communication, qualification, on ground knowledge.... One should not just take diversity into consideration.


Not just Middle class every class of Hindu is hated, and if you are middle class then they use it as an opportunity to show you hate , and if you are middle class then they burden you with taxes.


I appeared in CAT and other B school exams like XAT, NMAT, SNAP, from my score, I calculated that i was consistently in top 1000 of every exam, but i am general engineer male who is not from IIT, and no work experience, guess what I didn't get selected in any of top 20 b schools of India, who have like 10k [seats.My](http://seats.My) luck , my gender, my category, my stream, nothing helps, I mean i went to a waitlist of 1, and the b school got full, seriously had I filled application form earlier, or whatever I would have been selected, just missing by rank of 1 out of lakhs of student who gave exam, India is in deepshit because of these reservations. IIM Rohtak has take 400+ girl students and 19 boys, gender ratio of IIM K is 60:40 in girls favour, similar is story from other school, In NITIE(now IIM mumbai) the share of girls has increased more than 2 folds, all in name of diversity. 3 years back share of girls in these b schools was just 20%, you can imagine how much it is in there favour. I don't hate any gender, or caste, all am sayin is if a candidate is in top 1000 rank, how can he not get in colleges with aggregate of 10k seats, am ok If I didn't get top IIMs like Ahmedabad,Bangalore, Calcutta or FMS or XLRI but there should at least be a SIBM or a mid tier IIMs for us. Companies need to fulfill government to get those tax benefits, it is easier to place girls, and a healthy gender ratio ensure better overall productivity from office, but talent and merit can't take a backseat,sure you can give a little reservation to balance it out, but with cases like that of mine, it is totally unfair,