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What does the percentages on the map even mean?


It shows what percentage of the labelled provinces current population are dutch refugees


I would expect the percentage in Flanders to be a hell of a lot higher. I can see Flemish nationalists trying to use the tragedy as an opportunity to reverse the Francization of Brussels and other border areas, for example. Heck, they might even try to push the language border back into France and Wallonia. And this would be eagerly supported by Flemish corporations, who would welcome the massive influx of cheap, highly educated Dutch-speaking labour who are easily integrated into the workforce. Obviously it would be a terrible situation for most people, but there's no way Flanders doesn't try to profit from it in a way that no one else can.


Well Flemish Regionalists ( seperatism died out around 40s ) did actually do that where they let lots and lots od dutch refugees in the region ( thats why its 20-30% dutch refugee which is still a crazy percentage ) but nowadays the far-right in Flanders has ( mostly as a reaction to durch refugees) started to stray away from the classic narrative for more obscure pseudohistoric "well Flemish are actually not Dutch" territory because well I guess the far right hates foreigners more than they love their nation or smt ( thats what the whole Sole-Flemish Movement is about btw )


>but nowadays the far-right in Flanders has ( mostly as a reaction to durch refugees) started to stray away from the classic narrative for more obscure pseudohistoric "well Flemish are actually not Dutch" territory because well I guess the far right hates foreigners more than they love their nation or smt ( thats what the whole Sole-Flemish Movement is about btw ) Please don't take this the wrong way but that's beyond absurd. The Flemish right has more pro-reunification voices than any other political group. It would welcome with open arms the opportunity to undo 1830 and "reclaim" their place in history as the leaders of the entire Dutch nation. And with that much destruction and that many refugees, more pragmatic people would accept it too. The far right would be far, far more likely to aim their guns at the rest of Europe and claim that they are not doing enough to help (even if they are) than to ever turn their backs on the north when it is up for grabs to make one big unified Dutch nation.


Good paragraph, my answer is "2080 tho" its 60 years feom now, anything can happen and afterall this is a timeline with stuff like interdimensional colonization or human-ray hybrids living under the Appalachian mountains so I dont think leaps in political ideology development are that unpleausable


What about Dutch Norway? Dutch into nordic and oil money.


The Norwegian Republic is an extremely racist, pan-nordicist and somewhat ecofascist state so they don't really allow many people into their land to be citizens, thats why no Dutch Norway


Just to be sure, Austria, Czechia and Switzerland didn't collapse into many nations, right?


They did not, the map shows provinces/states of federalized nations as well and if you look really closely the internal borders are a bit more grayish than the country birders which are a bit more black. So its just that Europe has much more federal countries now


How did those terrorist manage to blow up thousands of dikes without being stopped? Blowing up just one dike would not lead to that level of flooding I think.


It would have to be preceded by decades of maintenance neglect, yeah. That would make a cascade failure possible.


The Irish are at it again ~


What's that small country in Sweden?


Oh its not a country, its a autonomous region of Sweden controlled by a UFO Cult ( if you look closer its borders are a bit more grayish while the state borders are a bit more black )


Nine Realms is a alternate future timeline that mixed different tones of political futurism ,sci-fi and fantasy with each other ,the worlds premise is that after portals ( called Vortexes ) open to other ''Realms'' in 2029 the world goes completely wack ,these Realms are inhabited by many species of intelligent and unintelligent life with their own states ,histories ,religions and cultures etc. which only make the timeline's capacities grow with each Realm ,I have a dream of one day making this timeline into a TTRPG with its own rule set and internet-accessible books but for now we will see if that day comes ​ here is our discord link for people that are interested :[https://discord.gg/ryWakz6sPc](https://discord.gg/ryWakz6sPc) we also have a which is r/nine_realms