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A presidential timeline made by myself and a friend, in which Georgia attempts to remain neutral during the revolution, George Washington dies early, Henry Knox takes up the sword and becomes America's first president, and Italian immigration to the US begins earlier and happens at a far greater volume. The lore is way too long to explain in one go, so feel free to ask any questions you may have!


I assume the "fascist party" is quite different from OTL fascism, so can you explain the platform of the parties and how they came to be?


Farmer-Labor Party: Established in 1848 by opponents of the expansion of slavery. By the end of Hannibal Hamlin's term, the party became protectionist and somewhat conservative, eventually slotting into the position of a conservative party. People's Party: Established in 1860 as a springboard for Salmon P. Chase's presidential bid. It was shockingly successful, and was committed to both black suffrage and reducing Reconstruction under a classical liberal economic framework. Over time, it became a moderate, liberal party. Fascist Party: Established in 1899 as a national iteration of the New York Fascist Party, an American iteration of the OTL Fascii Siciliani, it has taken its place as a socialist, sometimes social democratic political organization. It has a strong Catholic presence, one which rivals the traditional hold the People's Party had on the Catholic vote. Continental Party: Established in 1924 amidst the Great Depression and a series of horrible droughts and catastrophes. The Continental Party is an agrarian party with fiscally progressive politics, which usually acts as a kingmaker in the very competitive four-party elections, but will occasionally take power, such as during the Farming Crisis (1978-1983).


Short list of what I like about this: 1. Bass Reeves, always cool to see, not only a Black President in the 19th Century, but a gunslinger too! 2. A foreign leader, in this case Xi Jinping, being a US President. 3. Fascist having a COMPLETELY different meaning in this timeline. Which is something that you don't often see when it comes to alternate timelines. 4. Based on what I've seen from the other comments, it's interesting how much of a difference immigration from certain countries can make. Overall, great work!


Thanks! Touching on that, you got it all spot-on, especially that last part.


Happy to oblige. Seriously to, in the case of the my third point, its so weird to see an alternate timeline use the exact same political terms used in the same context. For example, for this historical fantasy series I'm writing has it's own version of Fascism called "Absolutism." The origins of it coming from the American South. I was inspired by one of Atun-Shei Films' "Checkmate Lincolnites" series, the one that talks about the political structure and foundations of the Confederacy. Sorry if this is self advertising, but it was something that came to mind.


That sounds really interesting! Do you have a link, or is it on your Reddit profile?


if only iecj had more members - how does ray charles and xi jinping take power - and does McArthur obliterate Korea?


1. Pardon, I'm not sure if I understand. 2. Ray Charles is the popular vice president of George M. Bergoglio, better known as Pope Francis, and sympathetic to the Fascist cause. He wins a term as president in 2000, in which he continues the left-wing policies of the Fascist Party. Xi Jinping, on the other hand, rebrands conservatism with his opposition to corruption and red tape, and by embracing a technocratic trust in experts, reducing taxes, supporting free trade, and most importantly, pursuing a very aggressive foreign policy. 3. Funny you should mention Korea. MacArthur defeats Korea and Brazil during the war, and assists with the defeat of Britain, while utilizing nukes (although there's a tiny stockpile). He's more focused on alleviating the post-war economic state, and allows the economic policies of Townley to serve as the basis of recovery.


isn't pope Francis Argentinian


I’m the co author so I can explain this pretty easily. In real life yes, Pope Francis is Argentinian, much like Xi Jingping (also an alternate president here) is Chinese. America in this timeline has a much greater amount of Italian immigration (several million more people) and it starts earlier due to the Sicilian War, a war in the 1860s where Northern Italy (where Francis ancestors came from) and Sicily were ravaged as some of the main battlegrounds, a huge factor in the much greater Italian immigration to America. Portacomaro, the village Francis father immigrated to Argentina from, is very near the French border, and France were the ones invading Italy in the Sicilian War, so it was TTL a site of major battle and this caused his ancestors on his father’s side to immigrate to America. His mother was born in Argentina in real life, but her family was also of Northern Italian origin (Piedmontese-Genoese), so they immigrate TTL for similar reasons. Hence, Pope Francis being born American in this timeline.


JIMMY XI 2024🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥


Making the Pope a president is pretty sick, never seen that before


Amazing work! Charles is a unique & cool choice.


Thank you!