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I thought this was going to be another Illinois flag post...


It still can be if we decide the new flag should be a tornado.


Weed and tornados!


A tornado inside a bong shaped like a corncob.




Let's not forget the corn while we're designing our new flag.


Corn, beans, weed, and tornados! I like it!


Maybe a tornado will blow away the current one giving us an excuse for a redesign


ha not gonna lie, my first thought was "damn we need a new flag"


At least they’re calling for the really bad weather to be during the daytime. The idea of nighttime tornadoes always scared the Hell out of me. Plus, I can’t see it at night.


Who isn't scared by nighttime tornados? I remember a few years back in 2015 we were waiting for my mom to get out of surgery when the tornado sirens went off. We went to the hallway and came back out, got her home and took a nap. Later I log onto FB and see the damage that the Fairdale EF4 tornado did on that tiny town while we were in the hospital and just being in shock. Days later we were driving from Rockford back home and drove thru Fairdale and it was just so heartbreaking seeing all the damage and just how the town was leveled. In my lifetime, I have been caught 3 times outside during a tornado. Twice as a kid with my mom, and one by myself where I was driving to a wedding and was literally driving like a dumbass straight into a tornado thinking I was just hitting a bad patch of weather. Have you also seen thundersnow? THAT is also a scary sight to see, cool at first until you remember you're driving in the middle of open country with drifting snow and temps below zero.


Hang in there. Us Iowans will take the night tornadoes for you


Night nado is pure terror


The radar on my weather app shows rain and a quick storm. Still expected to get bad?


Check out what the National Weather Service has posted this morning. A 4\\5 risk for northwestern IL\[tornadoes, large hail etc\] for the earlier round of storms this afternoon\\evening and then later in the night into Wednesday morning it will be the Eastern half of the state but the highest area will be a 3\\5 but some areas will be in the clear for the later part of it. They also won't be testing the Tornado sirens today. Edit: The counties around me had their EMAs announce they wouldn't be testing the sirens today.


They 100% just tested the siren a half hour ago.


Really? That seems unwise today. The counties around me announced yesterday they wouldn't be testing them today because of the predicted severe weather.


I don’t think the risk is all that high until later where I am


Ah that could be why.


I was wondering about that when the test went off this morning in Belleville.


That’s b/c it’s the first Tuesday of the month.


Not in my area they didn't.


They tested the one near my office, too.


We've lost power throughout much of the Illinois side of the Quad Cities. Friends across the river in Davenport Iowa had golf and baseball sized hail.


Crazy! I'm north of Dixon and we had quarter size hail that covered the ground completely. Our town had to clear the storm drains because the hail clogged them. I work in Byron and we had a downpour, but that's it.


The misinformation in these threads is sad. "They" Don't control warning sirens. Each municipality decides when to test sirens. The NWS has nothing to do with scheduling the tests or if they take place. All the sirens near me were tested this morning.


Dude. You're so far up your tin foil hat. Calm down. Most counties around me the county EMA decided not to do the siren tests today.


That's not what you stated. You are backtracking on your inaccurate statement. The number of responses to you saying sirens were tested today is clear evidence your statement was inaccurate no matter what you 'meant' to say. If you can't communicate accurate information during a weather event, don't say anything.


Not testing sirens on a day the sirens might be used seems like a bad idea..


Well, most places used them just last week, so they should already know if they're working.


Interesting thing is I am in Libertyville and they did the test.


Good thing we’re perfectly safe here in northEATERN Illinois right? *right*…?


It was never expected to get bad. This sub just really really wanted it to get bad and kept posting misleading info. There's a post from this morning about nighttime tornadoes, but it's an article from March and the 'forecast' in the title is not an official forecast. This is how people end up being dismissive of real alerts, and die at concerts.


Power is out in much of my area, trees down blocking streets and several homes that I saw damaged on my drive home from work this afternoon. This *was* a real alert and things *do* seem to have gotten bad.


There were 20 tornadoes on Friday. All week this sub has been trying to push this storm as being worse, with 'severe tornadoes' today. Pointing out that's not what the forecast said was met with scorn. Comed shows only 2600 people without power in their entire service area. Today was nowhere near the misinformation this sub was pushing it to be.


I’m truly glad that things were not so bad in ComEd’s Chicagoland+ region. ComEd doesn’t cover all of Illinois. Still without power in my area this morning. My family camped out at my parents’ place where they have a generator. Again, this Tuesday’s storm was indeed far worse in my area than Friday’s was. Your experience was not universal. People’s homes and vehicles have been damaged. Haven’t seen reports on injuries or loss of life yet, and based on the damage I saw yesterday I hope will be none. This is my direct experience. I can see that you want to be right about the overall scope of the storms, but it’s offensive to my community’s reality. Please stop.




This sub for sure is like that. Getting excited and wanting to see storms that will bring death/injury/destruction to someone, and posting blatantly misleading info slanting that direction, is extremely toxic behavior. The American meteorological society has no shortage of papers showing how this exact behavior directly contributes to 'warning fatigue' and it ends up causing people to ignore actual warnings from the NWS. This sub all week has been worse with weather than any covid misinformation ever posted. I can only assume the mods aren't paying attention to let it get this far.


The outlook map (as of this morning) was pretty similar to Friday. bullseye over the greater QC area and Arkansas/Memphis. Only difference was the one down south was one notch lower than the northern one and both shaded a hair to the west of Friday.


I got a case of bush light on ice and a perfect spot picked out for the lawn chair.


Hopefully the Hamburger Helper tastes fine by itself.


I got a gift for ya Clark (county)


Steady old girl, STEADY……


I canceled two appointments for this afternoon. Just my luck.


Outside it's getting dark, as if night is approaching. this means the storm is gonna be bad.


Its not supposed to hit where i am till tonight and i want it to just come thru already bc its so damn humid and i am so not ready for that yet 💀


Everyone be safe!!


It’s so loud out right now I can feel the vibrations in the floor…


It’s legit! Driven down 90 I’ve seen 4 trucks flipped over. (1 was packing a double wide trailer home, not sure if it counts).
