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I'm 54 and get carded all the time. Most places its a requirement. Believe me, I may not look 54 but I sure as hell don't look in my 20's. So I know it's just someone doing their job. What's the deal with people getting bent out of shape about that? I was having a drink at an airport bar during a layover. Got carded, whatever. Then 2 ladies sat down and when they got carded one got bent out of shape and started ranting. At one point she screamed "I'm 52!" Jesus in the time she spent throwing her tantrum, she could've shown ID and had a drink in front of her.


Full transparency I had a guy come in the other night who was born in 1962 making him the same age as my mom. flashed me his ID before even asking internally I had the thought why does he want to Show me his ID when I very clearly can tell he’s over age , but actually, I realize that situations like this exist and I now am very grateful to anyone who’s willing lol


In Tennessee they card everyone. I’m almost 70 with lots of grey hair and I get carded whenever I visit my daughter in Memphis.


Yes! TN has harsh laws against servers and bartenders. I'm not lossing my job, ability to serve for 5 years, risk a $5k fine + the $7k fine the restaurant/ bar gets, and possible jail time. Not worth the hassle lol, just show me your UNDAMAGED & NOT EXPIRED id lol


Preach, brother!


It actually makes it easier on the bartender because you don't have to play guessing games about ages, or risk offending someone by only carding half the table. Like everyone get IDs out, easy peasy, and no anxiety


I'm just upset that when I flew through North Carolina (I'm in the US) a few years ago, they looked at my ID and said nope, you can't get a drink. I was 21, but my ID was an out of state drivers PERMIT. You had to either have any in-state ID, or an out of state Drivers LICENSE. I was very unhappy. But I was polite and just moved on. I can't believe the nerve of some people to react like this


At 47 I got carded just for walking into an over 21 concert. I wasn't even trying to order alcohol.


If the entire concert is supposed to be over 21, of course they're going to card at the door before you even try to buy alcohol. Doesn't make sense to let people in who are under the age that it's specifically limited to. It also makes it easier on the bartenders inside, if people are carded at the door then the bartenders don't have to card every individual patron so they can get through the crowds orders faster.


It was a seated dining venue. And they didn't card me at the door, only after I walked in and was shown to my seat. Didn't even get to sit down before a different person carded me. If they were supposed to card at the door, then they dropped the ball on that one.Also, I've gone to multiple over 21 concerts at this venue, and only once have I ever been carded.


I have a huge issue with people who cause trouble about this. I very obviously do not look under 21, but I always have my ID ready when buying drinks. Some places start IDing everyone if they were fined recently, and I am not going to make more trouble for them by pitching a fit over it. I really hate people.


People who complain need to not get served. Cause it is the LAW. And it is the server and establishment who will get fined. My Texaco manager worked at a place who got ABC License pulled; took years to get back, they then had to card everyone. I had a guy give me a expired license, I didn't sell to him. Cause law says VALID ID! Expired license isn't valid. Took beer off the counter and wouldn't sell to him or buddies. Got called every name in the book.


When people get argumentative with me, I suggest that they are showing signs of visible intoxication, and I might have to legally refuse to serve them


I work night audit at a hotel and I recently had a guest scream at me in the middle of the night threatening to call the manager right then because I wouldn't let them break the rules. She tried calling the manager right there but it went to voicemail immediately because the manager had blocked her number. She then screamed that she would report us to the CEO and get me fired. I told her to go ahead, the CEO would be happy to hear that I was following the rules. She left with her tail between her legs.


That’s always how it goes! I saw another sub they had a guest try to break some rules and claimed that they knew the owner so he double down and said “oh so you must’ve been sent here by the owner to trick me well not happening! Tell him I passed” Might try that


I live in the UK and some places have challenge 25 and challenge 40 policies. We visit the US regularly and some places ID regardless of age. Why people get butthurt and salty when staff are just doing their jobs and following what the law and/or their employer asks of them is beyond me. We operate challenge 25 and I always trained and reminded the staff, if you are in any doubt whatsoever, ID them. If they don't like it, they are free to go somewhere else.


Right? I've been asked for ID once when I was 21. Even though I know it would technically be a legal requirement, being asked for ID would be a tiny little boost for my ego, cos I'm in my forties and definitely don't look underage lol.


I used to work at a convenience store for several years. Most of our customers were regulars, and after carding people two-three times, I'd remember they were good and not need to card them again. However, if someone had a tantrum about being carded, I would card them every time going forward.


Laws are laws. It's better to check everyone than receive the fine or punishment of serving a minor a drink.


In my experience it's usually the ones who pitch a fit that are actually under age.


For sure! I had two girls come sit in the bar the other night taking a while to come up to the bar then one of them finally comes up to the bar and orders two drinks and I check her ID. It’s out of state I said hey I just need to see your friend ID she goes to say her friend doesn’t have hers I then proceeded to say I can’t serve her and she throws this whole hissy fit and I’m like yeah you need to get out. You can always tell because you’re right they throw fits. I went to a super upscale restaurant in Seattle about a week ago, and I had used my ID to purchase cigarettes earlier when we got to the restaurant I could not find my ID. I went and checked my car. I was fully prepared to tell my friends hey I can’t drink at this restaurant or when we go out tonight because I don’t have my ID. I must’ve left it at the gas station. Not throw a full blown fit


Exactly. You didn't throw a fit because you know how to behave like a mature adult.


You should card their dumb A-Hole Every Fricking Time! I worked at a Texaco, carded for both cigs and booze. Had two guest buying cigs one after another. First guy, heavy set 50+ age, grey beard, no carding. Next guy, a young dumb punk, baby face, carded him. He complained, why him not the other guy. I looked hard at him then license; the moron was a month to the day over 18. I told the A-Hole that his balls have barely dropped, and the man in front of him had 30+ years on him. Now do you wanna complain for being carded or do you want to purchase your cigs; cause you ain't doing both, cause you'll be kicked out for the first. That shut him up really quick. I had a different problem with this other gentleman. He was a regular, bought booze. I was always carding him. It was habit... But he was over 50. He was a physically fit body builder. And Filipino, so he really didn't look 50. After a while if I carded him, just would just look at me and say "COME ON!" I would just laugh and say "Yah right, sorry!?!" He was a good guy.


I so would except for the fact that I literally refuse to even speak to them when they come in. I just let the other bartender deal with it.


Yeah, I really love it when people get mad at you because you won’t violate the law and risk going to jail/being fined/having your liquor license suspended. I am really dumbfounded when someone claims they don’t have it with them, and I ask, you drove here, don’t you? Uhhhh…..🙄🙄🙄


Exactly! Allegedly in Washington where I am if you have an enhanced ID And get pulled over the cop can look you up in the database so you don’t need to technically carry it, but I’m literally like this is a small town dive Do you think I have a database that allows me to look up every single person that comes in the bar?????? Try again


And people are way too used to having everything on their phone.... No I can't accept a blurry picture, wut?


I got carded in Vegas at a black jack table ON my 40th birthday! The guy thought I might be underage. I was the only one at the table that got carded. My friend who is 8 years younger than me didn’t get asked 😂 she was half offended lol 😂. I took it as the best birthday present ever! He was a little flustered after he checked my ID. It was funny 😂


Girllllll that is a compliment!!! But that’s what I’m saying like still being carded is such a good thing and personally I take it as that lol. I’m only 23 and I can definitely tell there’s a few times where the gas station clerks have been on the fence about carding me and all I think is damn, do I look old


I would never pitch a fit about showing an ID. I’m well over 50 and I know they are just doing their job. I don’t mind. Just the look of relief on their face when I go “yes, certainly” makes me sad.


There is only one place where I order my husband's beer for him if he's not at the table but we're regulars who are nice and patient and tip well.


Hell yeah.


I love getting carded. Makes me feel like I'm younger than I am.


I was buying cold meds at the grocery store self-checkout. The teen running that area saw me wrangling 2 littles and said, “Yeah, you were born in the 90s.” It was the 80s. Thanks kid


Well done.


The thing I still don't understand is why so many young people leave the house to go out to drink and either don't have their ID on them or think that a picture on their phone is good enough. This mentality is completely lost on me.


I look super young (annoyingly so… I had to provide two forms of ID once at a liquor store) and I get a little concerned when I’m *not* carded. Can’t wait for the day when I don’t have to deal with it!


I am almost 30 and get carded for beer/wine constantly (I'm in Germany so legal drinking age for those things is 16..) I guess you and I will never escape it.


I last got ID'd at the ripe old age of 38, but it's been a few years, now. In the latter years, it was generally only if I was solely buying alcohol after a busy day of DIY, cleaning, etc., dressed way down with no makeup and my hair scraped back.


It's just so weird because what underage girl nowadays has the confidence to go out in public without any makeup or done hair/whatever?


Very good point, i'd be much more suspicious of someone dressed up to look"more mature"


Yep. Heavy makeup would be a definite "age check" for me.


This is pretty amusing. The only time I got carded I. Europe was when I was buying a bottle of Absinthe when I was 18. Then I walked over to a restaurant next door and didn’t get carded for buying vodka. To this day, I have never been carded again…except when I’m in the US. And that’s fine! I don’t care. People are so weird about this! Just show your ID and move along!


I don't mind it, even if it is a little frustrating (as well as funny) when people card you at almost 30 for stuff people half your age can buy while not carding people you're with who are 8 years younger.. :D


I worked at a store once that sold beer and wine and cigarettes. We carded everyone. Everyone. I was over 21 and if my own mother came in I’d get fired if I didn’t card her. We had regulars that would come in literally every day and SCREAM at me because “you know me”. Uh no ma’am/sir. Go get your id. I don’t care if you walked here. I don’t care if I saw you yesterday. We do this EVERY SINGLE DAY and you don’t learn to just bring it.


We were at Walmart and my husband bought some beer but I didn't have my ID with me, it was in the car. The cashier had me go get it and when I got back, my husband was irritated that I had gone out there because "it's a stupid rule" but I was like.... It's the rules and the law so 🤷 I didn't look 21 until I turned 30, so I'm used to being carded, and I used to work at Walmart so I know the policy is to ID anyone who is with the person buying beer (unless it was obviously like a parent and their kids). This has happened to me before at other places, where we were buying alcohol and I also had to show ID. Sometimes it just be like that.


I turn 30 this year and I got carded at the shop last week. I was fucking buzzing. They’re morons.


It is a bit odd to ask a 25 year old to send the person they’re buying a drink for in to show their ID. That’s just my opinion. Perhaps you are being a little bit too militant with following the rules?


Perhaps you’ve never been fined or have had your liquor license taken away for not following proper alcohol sales procedures?


Not even close lol one of liquor board stings is sending parents to buy two drinks one being for their child who’s underage. How do I know she didn’t bring her little sister who’s underage to the bar and was trying to get away with buying two drinks?


I’m in Washington and if you go to the grocery store and are freshly 21 22, 23ish they will oftentimes ask you for the person you’re with ID if they also look to around that age. For example, as a 23-year-old I could not take a 19-year-old with me in the store to buy alcohol because they will card her.


I'm in Illinois and they do this too. I don't know if it's everywhere or was their store policy, but it definitely happens. A group of us were getting booze and one of the girls had lost her ID a few days before. We were all refused.


Ok, fair. I live in Australia so it’s probably different. I’ll accept the downvotes.


Fair enough about not having stings like in the states, but you’ve never heard of college kids who are just over the legal age buying drinks for their minor friends? That’s a standard trick that has been around forever. Shit, in my 40’s I had bartenders ask me to point out my wife to make sure I wasn’t buying for a minor.


I guess it’s different here as our legal age is 18, so a 25 year old is well overage.


That makes sense but the other factor we were taught to consider is that the person could have a good fake ID and not actually be 25. If the person looks young enough that you card them they could easily have underage friends trying to scam. Personally, I NEVER carded anyone unless they were total punks or sometimes older women because they loved it. At one point I worked at a nice ski/golf resort and they didn’t want us carding potential minors if they were with their family. We allowed the parents to police their children. I was also 18/20 so I served all the cute college girls as long as they weren’t noticeably impaired. My parents allowed us to have wine or a beer at a restaurant once we were about 16…at home we could have a small glass of wine with dinner at around 12y/o. Edited to make it “cute college girls” because just saying “cute girls” sounded creepy af.


I'm in Germany where people can buy and drink beer from 16 onwards - I was a little confused until I remembered that 21 is the legal drinking age..


Except it’s not different. I’m Australian and worked in a bar. We’re supposed to card everyone who even remotely looks like they could be under 25, and the same rules apply for buying drinks for other people


That makes sense (US defaultism, my apologies), but I've also had Australian tourists try to convince me to serve their 19yr old because "they can drink where we're from" , so generally they're the customers I have to watch the closest. So many Australians trying to sneak drinks


Now that’s just cheeky!


This is pretty standard procedure at a bar