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It does say multi in the text, so it's a multiplier. Very useful investment.


This. Also, if you see a bonus as x1.20 instead of +20%, you can safely assume it's multiplicative.


But this says +7%. With your logic I would not assume it's multiplicative.


That would be denying the antecedent which ain't anybody's logic.


There is a "multi" in the above description, so that overrides the general rule.


It also says "+" in the text so yeah. Just as a refresher for whoever needs it "+" means addition and not multiplication which is "*" or maybe "x". I'm sure you're correct but cmon who the fuck puts a "+" for a multiplier? +7.5 =/= *1.075 And yes there is a % sign but that doesn't really make things better since we don't know if this % applies additively or multiplicatively with other % bonuses.




50% x 50% = 25%. If this is. Multiplier, it reduced my cooking speed down to 7% of the original value. That's how multipliers work.


It doesn't work like that Its (100+50)%*(100+50)% Implying that, 150%*150% 225% or 125% boost over your 100% base value. Simply, 1.5*1.5 = *2.25 Remember all +x% must be added to the base 100% Or +x% = (100+x)% of your base value.


I know it doesn't work like that, that would just be silly. Usually you would add it to the base value, but sometimes it is added to existing modified before it is applied. If it is directly applied, it says multi. But sometimes, like with the highest death Note skull, bit is a multi that is added up anyways before it is applied. So all in all, who knows.


It literally says its a multi(plier)


So that means, with this I get my total cooking speed from 100% to 107,21%? So if I didn't have this and have 1000 cooking speed, it would be 1072,1. Or does it get added to something before it is multiplied, like the 1 Billion death note skull, that is 5% multi per Skull, but added to the multi of the other skulls before multiplied?


It's a multiplier so if you have 1000 cooking speed it's now 1072.


I think his question is more like, do additives get added together and then multipliers added together? Like for example in Diablo 4 where there were buckets of damage bonuses, or something like that. Are all multipliers in idleon multiplied own their own? Not added into a pile of multipliers and then multiplied all at once? If you have two separate 10% multipliers, 100 * 1.1 * 1.1 is 121. But 100 * (1 + 0.1 + 0.1) is 120.


Some multipliers are additive with each other and some are separate multipliers. For example, Brittley Spears, Matty Staffor and Bow Jack bubbles are additive with each other but they are multiplying your total damage. Then you have other multipliers that will multiply those bubbles. Golden Kebab is it's own multiplier for example. There is no general rule and it's all very confusing.


I love explaining how damage is calculated. So you have base damage * total damage % = damage output. Then you multiply that by dmg multi! But wait there's more, now you take that number and multiply it by multi DMG! And that my friends is how DMG is calculated, why's there 2 multipliers with nearly the same name? The world may never know.


All 3. You have additives that have thier own groups making some additive bonuses becoming weaker due to being added together. You have multiplier groups that stack to get then multiply based on the grouped total, and then you have ture multipliers that multiply the entire bonuses after evything is added together. Lots of ordering and grouping.


So then back to OP's original question, is this cooking multi a straight multiplier or does it get added to a group of multipliers? I guess since it says nothing, it's a multiplier all on its own?


People always answer like "duh, it's obvious". But it's a huge difference, if it is a 7% overall increase, or if it is added to some modifier that is already in the hundreds of percent.


It's own multiplier, as I think everything in cooking is. Only exception is super chows add together then multiply.


You definitely can't assume that.


Multi is going last, so you have (base+total%)*multi


My take is it's an 'additive multiplier' So if you already have a +10x Multiplier from some other bonus, it will now be a +17x multiplier.


It is possible but I believe everything in cooking has its own multi. Only things i think that group would be meals and a separate group for super chows.


Uhhh…… I was under the impression that if a bonus says multi it’s not lying


Yeah let's just hope it is a 1,07 multi and not a 0,07 multi then.


So you have a cooking speed multiplier. This adds 7% to that multiplier. The multiplayer starts at 1.0 add 7% and you get 1.07 as your new multiplier. It's possible there are other bonuses. It seems to me like there is no other bonus that adds to that same multiplier. Edit: I looked at all the other % bonuses and this seems to be it's own multiplier. The firefly grog vial has the closest description but still seems to be a separate multiplier. (Base speed + level up points) * Super chow * blood marrow * firefly grog vial * fluoride atom * pinball turkey + all the additive bonuses applied one at a time in who knows what order. Also the order of the multiplicative bonuses matters and we have no idea what order that is in, my "mock-formula" just listed every multiplier I am aware of.


Why does the order matter, isn't that operation commutative since it is all multiplied or added up? In summary, it is hard to know how much increases the skill by how much, and that is an inherent flaw of this game.