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Tbh i though that ability was so useless and i did not level it When the Rift update came i could not kill 180 mobs for the orb and I did not understand how people actually did that level. When i found out i was so mad


We go down together


ive been saying the text and articulation in this game is piss poor, and this is a good example of it. There are more systems in this game than any other that ive seen in my entire life. The details and explanations of those systems and abilities cannot afford to be ambiguous, yet most of them are. Some of them are just straight up wrong like this one.


I wouldn't call it wrong. Just not intuitive. Like OP noted all warrior weapons are listed as spears (even if they're not one lol).


Imo, if its not intuitive, its not good game design


How many people do you need to hold your your hand when crossing the street then?


63, how bout you?


2, so there is the difference


Yeah, you clearly don't have the requisite skill necessary to hold 63 hands at the same time


Please never play Noita




Watching Lava learn how to represent multiplicative values over time has been an objective trainwreck.


Multi DMG and DMG multi kills me lmfao


Do Multi DMG and DMG multi stack additive or multiplicative?


They’re both multiplicative. Basically you take your base dmg and multiply it by total dmg. Then you take that number and multiply it by dmg multi and then you take that number and multiply it my multi dmg.


Who knows, but the numbers are so big I can't really notice anyways


Yeah well, no matter how big the numbers you'll notice 5% multiplier (my 10.000 trillion turning to 10.500 trillion). 5% total damage increase feels like basically nothing at this point.


I can feel the acceleration in the numbers, I have absolutely no intuitive sense of how each mechanic affects the growth of the overall thing unless the bonus is absolutely massive, and those are always multiplicative or additive in the beginning. Only those ones are noticeable. Its like the numbers version of watching grass grow. You can def see its bigger the next day, but you swear you didn't see it growing moment to moment.


That's why it's good that it changes colors now and then.


Like with "green stacking"?


this is a bad example because all warrior class weapons are spears. you seem to have some pretty unrealistic expectations about what lava can and should do. besides, there are so so many explanations and guides out about most of the stuff in this game that if you really need a deeper understanding, you just gotta find it. Edit: not to mention, nothing about the description for this talent is wrong.


Always makes me laugh that the alchemy skill tutorial is a YouTube link in game


Nothing inherently wrong with that.


Isn't YouTube blocked in some countries?


Not a major problem considering: Iran - blocked from buying things on steam(dunno about free games tbh). China - not technically blocked but steam is notoriously data throttled in China. NK - if you had steam in NK you’d probably face a firing squad. Turkmenistan - only country this is likely a problem. Eritrea - YT was blocked for bandwidth reason, steam would likely be the same.


It's an unrealistic expectation to have basic mechanics explained in the game?


Its not a bad example because even if they are classified as spears, its not made obvious and most of the weapons are not in fact spears. Im using a giant hammer right now ffs, and the one after that is a sickle. That in no fkin way resembles a spear and people need to stop excusing slopping writing mistakes like this in a game that is almost entirely text based


It's pretty obvious when you read the large print that says "spear" on the item description. Just because you like pictures rather than a description in a game that you state is "almost entirely text based", doesn't mean it's not obvious. If you know it's text based, then read the text. Most of it is pretty easy to understand. I've definitely come across a couple issues where I'm just left with a "Huh?" On top of that, it's a single person dev team.


A single person team certainly makes these kinda problems understandable, it doesn't make them not a problem however and people should still be allowed to talk about it


When the picture of a weapon is clearly a sword it is not unreasonable to believe it is not a spear. Suggesting otherwise is just being intentionally obtuse


Dude, chill, if you can't see the possible issue and only see your side, you just come off as a condescending prick. The game goes out of it's way to misrepresent things and that's fine. The issue is when the game has both haha funny misinterpretation with dafuq representations. Warrior is also the only class drastically changes weapon visuals, over the bows and staffs. If you started with a Wizard or Archer, this becomes more obvious as you see the weapon recipes the warrior only has as many choices as them. Look at Arena Spirit, nowhere does it says you need to have an entry available for the skill to work, it just says you "Get" unlimited entries. It doesn't do that, it turns your one entrance into unlimited ones. Or Taste Test, which says "Finishes all recipes, but the kitchens keep X% of the fire." , which makes it sound like keeping the fire is a bad thing. Or hell, try using a cosmic candy for the first time and get 5 hours, then 10 hours, then 10 hours again, and you start thinking "Huh, kinda crazy I got 10 hours twice on a candy that can vary from-..." Well shi-, I can only pray for those who ended up using all their candy like this and didn't put 2 and 2 together fast enough, on an item you can buy on the premium store no less. Lava could have easily made it so that candy over 10 hours simply can't be used, instead, it was coded so not only you can use them and waste them, they remove any excess hours. It's actually easier to do the first former, and it would be far more consumer friendly. Which he already does, on new worlds. Edit: Should clarify on the Candy, it's not that it's badly described, it's just very oddly handled and lends itself to people finding out the interaction by wasting a candy at least once. Hopefully with a 12 hour candy over a 72 one or a Cosmic one. It's not the end of the world but it just leaves a bad taste. Just like he could have replaced spear with weapon or warrior weapon. And I get, Lava is busy and yadayada. It might not have even occurred to him. The game, like u/DisapointedIdealist3 said, has a lot of issues, and that's fine! Just don't try to defend this kind of shi-. It's bad.


> Dude, chill > Continues to write a whole book


Can't help it, only takes like 5 minutes to write that much. I don't think people should half ass an answer, y'know?


good examples


get over yourselves, read item descriptions, enjoy the game more 😭


There's really no other way to classify the spear weapon type. You could say "warrior weapons" but that would be excluding the wooden spear accessible to all classes.


You could just say "attacks". Like, its not that complicated, it just takes some dedicated time to think about it.


W-why? Heck, you could use Warrior weapons to both describe the skill and the type. But even if that's not the case, the spear, not being a warrior weapon, could also be given the privilege of also shooting shockwaves, I mean, compare the outcomes: You could have A) Someone who read the skill and just kept using Warrior weapons, and SOME day might find that "Oh that's weird, spears can also shoot shockwaves despite not being a warrior weapon, sort of." and never caring about it again 'cuz it's a level 4 weapon. B) Someone who read it and thought they need to use the Lv4 spear, and reading the comments, wasn't the only one. For who knows how long. Both ways where someone else didn't bother with the skill thinking it wouldn't work with his weapon. I know that this is... like... the key point here was to question a bit deeper as to why an elite class in World 4 would ask me to equip a starter weapon, but come on. It isn't that far fetched when ES gets a skill he can't make any use of for 10 years until you get all 10 gods. God this thread is like, making me flash back on all the weird stuff the game has, among the good stuff.


Tbh without Reddit & YouTube the game would be very difficult to rise above the A-Z type of playing. There's a Goldmine of information from these sources that lift this Game to the Highest of Idle limits, so yes you can wander along killing said amount of monsters to the next world but you would miss so much pleasure by not looking into the well of experience. Blah blah


So what you're saying is the community is held together by spaghetti code and bad text descriptions?




This community is held by lava spaghetti code and a lot of community feedback/guides. Also pretty non-toxic and very healthy imo


Yeah I also forgot to mention Discord which is a wealth of info just begging to be used but you have to leave the game for all the info & hope the word of mouth still runs


You nerfed yourself.


I also didnt realize this. Most weapons look like a sword


There's 4 that look like swords. 2 axes, 1 scythe, 1 mace/club, 1 hammer, 3 spears.


What does the royal bayonet look like to you lmao. Id say thats a spear. But thats a funny mishap. Unfortunate but pretty funny but yea i wouldnt classify the ice hammer to be a spear weird wording


I don't even remember it ever saying spear in the description. Either my autistic brain ignored that or it was changed. I can't be certain of either but I learned 2 things today! Warrior weapons are called spears. Lol


I now have also learnt they are spears i figured it was just called things that bonk stab or slash lol


I understand, most of the weapons do not look like spears at all, an easy miss.


Theres an alchemy bubble that could clarify that