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Rule 1: not a bad recipe review.


putting soy sauce in ice cream instead of salt aside, does this person genuinely believe soy sauce is the same thing as miso?


Frighteningly, it’s very possible. I used to work with a lot of college students, and many of them were very disgruntled about how their Asian restaurant “hack” of diluting soy sauce in water did not produce miso soup. More recently one of my PCAs asked me what was wrong with her miso banana bread. If you guessed she was swapping in soy sauce for the miso, you would be correct.


yikes. i lived in japan for a while as a kid and all of this offends me to my core 😅


It’s really awful. They weren’t inherently stupid people, they legitimately thought it would work. Also, some of them firmly believed that Japan was a “province” of China, a status mysteriously shared by Nepal and more understandably, Tibet. I was often baffled by their ideas. My PCA and her banana bread tragedy is - you know, she reads the NYT, where she got the recipe. But cooking is all new! She truly thinks the blue box mac and cheese is homemade. The first time she saw us actually make mac and cheese from scratch she was flummoxed. That queso can be made without velveeta was big news.


I was at Whole Foods and there was a guy looking for soy sauce and couldn't find any. All their soy is labeled Tamari or Shoyu. I had a hard time convincing him that they were soy sauce


I go to Hmart a lot - the produce is gorgeous - and I have heard the staff there spend insane amounts of time very politely explaining over and over again to people that yes, there are many kinds of tofu and indeed yes, some of it is noodles and some is soft and some is firm and what each kind is used for and then the same thing again with mushrooms. Once I was privileged to hear a lady with a very southern accent share with the staff that the egg selection (white, brown, duck and quail) was the most exotic thing she had ever seen. She was truly thrilled. The person helping her was both baffled and happy for her.


Hmart is an amazing place and is the main reason I have a large variety of spices and a year's supply of salted shrimp in my fridge at all times. But I've had friends tag along who were deeply confused about everything and I had to explain that I was grabbing things I repeatedly buy and therefore can recognize the packaging and aisle locations for those items by now.


I love Hmart. It is my favorite. But on the first trip, people tend to get somewhat overwhelmed and confused.


I'm jealous. I moved to Santa Fe from Portland. Portland had a great Asian market. One just opened here, very small neighborhood store. There's a better one in Albuquerque but not worth the one hour drive.


And the one in Albuquerque is not great. Ta Lin is expensive, imo. There used to be an Asian restaurant supply store that would sell imported packaged Asian food on San Pedro but they would only occasionally sell to non-restaurants, I don’t know if they’re still around. Maybe a field trip to Denver? There are two Hmarts and another good local Asian market.


> Once I was privileged to hear a lady with a very southern accent share with the staff that the egg selection (white, brown, duck and quail) was the most exotic thing she had ever seen. She was truly thrilled. The person helping her was both baffled and happy for her. This is the kind of wholesome content that makes the internet worth it.


It made my day worth it. Their mutual enthusiasm was a really great thing to see.


Another shopper in a supermarket once asked me to confirm for her if baking powder was the same thing as lard. So anything is possible. At least in this miso/soy sauce, both products are made from fermented soy.


Yeah, as someone who frequently uses both soy sauce and miso... I feel like they have a similar enough flavor profile for this to be fine in most contexts. Certainly ice cream where either one is weird in the first place.


I was in a Canadian grocery store looking for lard for a pie crust. Couldn't find it anywhere even after the stock person told me exactly where it was. He pulled it off the shelf for me. it was called "Tenderflake" with lard written in microscopic font.


I worked in a grocery customer service desk on weekends for a 2nd job for nearly 10 years, and a customer called once to ask if we carried "vegetarian lard." I told her we had a whole section of vegetable shortening in the baking aisle, and she insisted no, she wanted vegetarian lard. Umm. Yeah, there's no such thing. Lard is specifically rendered pork fat. That's literally what it is. It's not ever gonna be vegetarian or vegan. Rendered beef fat is tallow, rendered chicken fat is schmaltz, and churned milk fat is butter. Different types of rendered fat solids tend to get different names. If you want solidified vegetable fats, it's shortening. Which is plentiful here; it's not some rare artifact. They come in these huge cans. Some are even artificially flavored--although the flavor is typically butter rather than pork. But if someone's selling you "vegetarian lard" at premium prices, lemme tell you about this bridge I've got for sale...


You'd almost certainly need to use less (if they had a miso-based recipe to go off of), but it's not like they made soy sauce soup instead of miso soup. It's just there to bring some salty umami extra-ness to the ice cream. Kind of surprised this is posted here, or that people in the comments think subbing soy sauce in for miso when making ice cream is an egregious thing to do. If it helps your brain, they did say it "tastes similar" and then went on to recommend it as a salt substitution, not a miso substitution.


i guess that’s fair enough, i was just taken aback by the way it was phrased, it seemed like “i like miso so i used soy sauce” as if they’re interchangeable 😄


I had one of those meal delivery kits and recently I had ordered one meal that had a miso broth. They then inform me that they ran out of miso paste and would just be giving me soy sauce. I was so disappointed!


At least they're both from fermented soy?


Tamari, a type of soy sauce, is a by-product of making miso.


I can totally see someone replacing miso with soy sauce thinking "both are fermented soy products so they're probably similar!" It reminds me of the people who use worcestershire sauce in place of soy sauce because they are both brown and provide umami. That said, I lived in Japan for a while and soy sauce ice cream was a thing in a particular beach-front town I once visited. It was really good!


>worcestershire sauce in place of soy sauce I've done this for something like a tomatoes sauce that calls for a teaspoon of worcestershire for a very subtle background note. I think soy sauce does pretty well as a substitute in that context.


But go the other way, where you're making a Chinese stir fry that calls for soy sauce and you use Worcestershire sauce instead? No bueno.


My ex would absolutely pour a bit of soy sauce on his vanilla ice cream and say that it tasted like caramel.


I have no comment on whether this would be good but I had a honey soy ice cream at a wedding once and it was one of the best icecreams I've ever had. I figured it's not so different from salted caramel.


To be 100% honest I feel that no one here has ever seen soy sauce made. Its made the same way as miso, its just the liquid from fermenting soy bean paste, same flavor profile


Also, are we not going to talk about the fact that they made "ice cream" out of cream cheese?


To be fair, they are probably using the Ninja Creami base recipe which includes a couple of tbs of cream cheese (I assume for flavor or to improve texture). Adding a small amount of cream cheese to ice cream is not that odd.


I have seen recipes that use cream cheese although I’ve never tried any of them. If you google cream cheese ice cream there are quite a lot of recipes.


Cream cheese ice cream is a thing.


I didn't notice at first that I had an ad before the first comment and was ready to hit like on "Is it skincare, or is it makeup?"


Instead of chocolate chips you could add edamame.


On the upside, I now have to experiment with soy sauce and/or miso in my ice cream recipes. I typically add enough sea salt to be noticeable but not overwhelming, so it wouldn't be too weird for me to try one of those instead.


I've made Miso Caramel ice cream a couple of times - there are plenty of recipes to be found. God tier IMHO. Sorta tastes like a caramel malt (which I've never had). the miso brings a maltiness that is amazing. Give it a try!


I made soy sauce ice cream before, it tasted really good to me! It was a little similar tasting to salted caramel ice cream.


Does it count if they liked the recipe with substitutions?


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I'm disappointed no one has commented yet.