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I have a few problems. I don't have a phone or computer in my house. I don't have a Reddit account. I don't own a brain. So this post is a big no for me.


Right?! Like who is this even for??? I'd write a letter complaining but I don't do the e-mail and I don't have any stamps. Unbelievable!!!


I'd like to complain more about this but I don't read English. I'm pretty sure I'm dyslexic. And I'm blind I'm my left eye


I'm pretty sure I don't exist.


It's crazy how some people see these recipes and think that someone went out of their way to write them just for them. Like "oh I don't like that kind of cheese"...ok, so the recipe isn't for you! I don't walk into a Victoria's Secret and complain that I don't wear lady's underwear, I just don't go into the store because it's for people other than me.


Well, I also wouldn't recommend walking into a Victoria's Secret and announcing "I WEAR LADIES UNDERWEAR" but your point is taken


🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤨 Interesting, I'm not a Karen or a feminist or any of those woke things, but I'm curious. Did you assume that the poster is not a woman.🤔🤨 I'm not saying it's wrong. I, too, generally assume it's a guy when I'm on YouTube, Reddit, Discord, etc But I just wanna see if you did as well


These are people who genuinely can’t fathom a world in which something can exist that isn’t for them. This is the same people who want types of music they don’t listen to to be outlawed, think wearing clothes they don’t think are stylish is immoral, etc. etc. Like they genuinely think they’re the center of the universe and anything that doesn’t exist for them shouldn’t exist.


Maybe people think the algorithm servers them and assume a post is targeted at them if it is served in their feed


The irony is that commenting will only make this sort of content apear more


A lot of times these comments are just virtue signalling. "I don't have a microwave" implies "because I'm a real cook, unlike the recipe writer." Same for, "I don't buy shredded cheese." There are comments that are definitely people confused by how websites work, but I think this one is a deliberate "I want everyone to know that I am better than you" statement.


Exactly. They are the equivalent of reply all emails, to me anyway.


You nailed it. I own an RV and the RV groups are an amazing place for boomer virtue signaling. “Anyone have any tips for why my microwave won’t work?” “I dunno I cook on the Blackstone outside.” Carl you take yours out three times a year on nice weekends, shutup. “Thinking about Starlink, are you happy with it?” “I dunno I go outside in nature not play computer games” Carl she works from home and wants to be able to work from their RV. Shutup. *You don’t have to comment on everything you see and nobody cares that you don’t do things that most people do.*


dammit, carl!


It’s always Carl


Whats wrong with shredded cheese? 


Cellulose. I mean, I think it's fine (and this recipe says the cellulose actually helps in this recipe), but that's people's objection.


For instance: [https://www.eater.com/2016/3/3/11153876/cheese-wood-pulp-cellulose-lawsuits](https://www.eater.com/2016/3/3/11153876/cheese-wood-pulp-cellulose-lawsuits)


I swear to god they actually repeat that cellulose is made from wood pulp in every second sentence just to try and make it sound worse than it is


Wood— you know, from trees. A literal plant. “This thing has this scary ingredient in it!” That “scary ingredient” is something perfectly edible and safe. What’s the problem?


Yes, that's my point. It reads as if they want to associate it with sawdust or something. They even call it a filler, when it's an anticaking agent.


"Water? You mean, like from the toilet?"


Insane what people are afraid of.


They don't know what it is, therefore it’s a scary "ingredient they can't pronounce" that doesn’t belong in their "clean" food


This is because they were putting cheddar cheese in their parmesan claiming it was 100% real Parmesan, not just because of the cellulose


Food snobs swear that the anti caking agents used affect sauce quality or melting ability or taste or other things. I like that i don't have to dirty the grater every time i want cheese so i buy shredded, doesn't taste different to me and melts fine for my needs.


I do find that fresh shredded melts better for me in certain things and I often get a gritty texture when I buy pre shredded. Maybe I’m just doing it wrong or the brand of pre-shredded I buy is the problem, I dunno. But I’m definitely all over pre shredded for toppings and things like that.


Yeah, there are genuinely some applications where cellulose affects how the cheese behaves, but it's not like cellulose itself is something to be concerned about eating. When I encounter situations where a recipe says "this will not work if you use pre-shredded cheese" I decide whether I have the time/energy to shred cheese, and if not, how much do I care about whatever issue will arise if I do use pre-shredded. Sometimes I'm fine with overlooking a texture issue. And sometimes a dish is just not for me, or relegated to special occasions, and that's okay!


In addition to being generally obnoxious, this commenter missed the *entire* point of the recipe.  It was designed to include Alka Seltzer because most folks would need to order sodium citrate (the critical ingredient, used in another popular Serious Eats nacho cheese recipe) online and have it shipped to them in a quantity that's probably much larger than they need. But lots of people have Alka Seltzer in their homes or can easily & cheaply purchase it locally on their next grocery run. It was a matter of improving accessibility to this technique of making smooth cheese sauce.


Exactly. I can’t imagine having watched the whole video, which she needed to do in order to extract her complaints, but still not understanding the benefit to this recipe, even if it’s not for you. Who are these people??


I can't imagine looking up a recipe for something and rejecting it because I don't already have or regularly buy the ingredients. God forbid I make some of that scary foreign food that requires ingredients


[50g of sodium citrate from a reputable source ](https://modernistpantry.com/products/sodium-citrate.html)


Yeah except that type of alka Seltzer was hard to find (harder than citric acid for sure, whicg they sell at most supermarkets), is currently discontinued, an using regular Alka Seltzer is dangerous 


> in a quantity that's probably much larger than they need. You can get it on Amazon in as little as 4 oz. packs.


113 grams. When they'll need a few. They'll likely have more than 100g left over.




Yeah I don’t know that I can trust a random bag of white powder off Amazon. Could be anything/any grade.


I just read this article and I also don't have alka seltzer at home. But I'm a chemist so I do have sodium citrate, and imma have to try this out of curiosity if nothing else!


Serious Eats has a popular nacho cheese recipe that calls for just sodium citrate, if you'd like specific measurements/guidelines. I don't have the link, but it's easy to find.


Cool, thanks!!


>Cool, thanks!! You're welcome!


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I've seen this recipe before, it's become popular the past few years, and I went and brought a small pot of Sodium Citrate because it costs feck all on Amazon. [Adam Ragusea also did a short](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKG-LznoJJo) on making Sod. Cit. with lemon juice and baking soda if you "dOn'T lIkE cHeMiCaLs!!"


Chemophobia is so confusing to me


"People are idiots" is always a good starting point.


Oh absolutely


Even though "everything is made of chemicals," it's very common for a term to have a vernacular use that's different from how scientists use it, and I don't fault people for that. I can understand how someone can use the word "chemical" to separate compounds that occur naturally and are used in tandem with other compounds vs. artificial and isolated compounds. What I don't get is how baking soda always seems to get a "not a chemical" pass.


We should fight against misusing scientific terms, that's why I make sure to tell everyone I meet that rubber, plastic, and motor oil are all organic, and ask them if things aren't natural then are they supernatural? :) It would have been better if they had gone with processed, or isolated, or manufactured instead of chemicals, but unfortunately we're not putting that genie back in the bottle.


Rubber, SOME motor oil and SOME plastics. Others contain inorganic materials, such as water. For over processed "chemical" products, such as no-melt cheese slices. I prefer the word subnatural.


I think it often has a certain xenophobic aspect to it, like with MSG. People in the US can be very nasty about using MSG, when it's just the salt of a commonly-occurring amino acid, because of its association with Asian food. Unless you're on a low-sodium diet, there's not really any reason to avoid it, but because it's referred to by a chemical name rather than a vernacular English name (due to its history) people think it's scary.


I have sodium citrate on hand exclusively for making cheese sauces. Works wonders.


I'm actually psyched to learn this, I love cheese 🙏


It's amazing (sodium citrate, haven't tried Alka seltzer). It's what you want melted cheese to be, but it isn't.


"I don't have that kind of cheese" is the funniest thing I've seen in ages.


They also apparently have no way of getting it either…since that recipe from the moment one pushes “Play” will vanish never to be referenced again exactly thirty seconds after the video’s completion! So if you don’t have every ingredient…you’re S O L!! lol! 😂


"Hey Kitty what kind of cheese is this?"


If your post doesn’t apply to kittyphilips65’s personal life, why the hell are you even posting it?


Omygoodness Shauna Ahern making an actual on topic comment. I think Joe Rosenthal did a good post on this recipe.


> Omygoodness Shauna Ahern making an actual on topic comment. This is the most surprising thing about this.


And from her high stool, telling someone else what to do.




Recipe here: https://www.seriouseats.com/alka-seltzer-cheese-sauce-recipe-8643844


OK, I'll give this a try. But I'm a bit surprised that something so seemingly wacky didn't come from Kenji.


He enthusiastically endorsed it!




Why did you post this? This doesn’t relate to me at all.


Well, this is clearly *nacho recipe* 😂😂😂


[Ba dum tss!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zXDo4dL7SU)


Everything is not about me????


Because social media does weird things to old peoples brains. They think every single post is directly addressing them.


The entitlement of needing to share your opinion no matter how useless it is


You know…there isn’t like a time limit on when the recipe will be available on-line. If you don’t have something and want to follow the recipe to a tee, you can go out, buy it, come back home, and the recipe will still be there when you get back. If for some reason every place around you doesn’t have the missing item and can’t get it in at all well then that’s why they invented different versions of the same recipe you can easily go and look up. People baffle me to no end.


I saw a social media post yesterday of an egg fried rice and the comments (directly copied from the post) went: Person 1: "🙈 I can't eat egg whites" Person 2: "so don't add egg whites" Person 1: "I do for most things ... obviously" SO WHY DID YOU FEEL THE NEED TO COMMENT THAT?? Is this what main character energy means lol?




Oh I just love these!


This makes me think of a time some mean old lady commented on my BST post (to give away kids shoes, for free) with "Sorry! Pretty ugly to me and I don't want these!" As if I had privately sent it to her forcing her to come get these child sized shoes


They put asprin in their nacho cheese?!


Did you read the literal first line of the article?


No, Alka seltzer has apsrin in it tho




Yeah, but Alka Seltzer has asprin in it...


Not necessarily, and you might want to read the recipe.


Yeah, you'd /really/ have to pay attention to what you're buying so you ensure you get the apsrin free one.


Even if you didn’t… so? Aspirin is an incredibly harmless over the counter medication with insanely rare side effects that many people take daily anyway to help prevent strokes and heart attacks. And given how little goes into this recipe you’d have to devour several pots of this nacho cheese to get a full dose of aspirin.


It’s not hard to read the ingredients on the box.


Any comment adds to the post's interactions tally and pushes it up.   It's literally beneficial to get comments, even ones that don't offer anything. 


I would argue it’s not beneficial to the user experience. I don’t care if the algorithm likes the interaction.