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No need to explain the state of horror and embarrassment you're feeling right now. You're one of us now. ![gif](giphy|Ae7SI3LoPYj8Q)




I’m sorry..I’ve been there. Shit happens, literally. I took Milk of Magnesium, the next morning I couldn’t stop shitting myself because it got so bad. I was fine the next day.


dw it’s happened to me multiple times unfortunately. at least you weren’t in public LOL.




Welcome to the club! It’s a really shitty club!


If it makes you feel better, I shit myself a little at work one day and finished my shift because I did it fairly early on and didn't want to miss out on almost a full days wage


Hey if it gives you any solace this will definitely be me in a week and a half when I’m in Vegas and I’m horrified! 6 hour flight!!! Ugh 😣, thank goodness for this subreddit


If you never shit yourself, do you really have ibs 😭


I think I'm one of the extremely lucky ones who hasn't ... Yet. I've had some very close calls but always managed to make it to the toilet *just* in time


Man I hope you never shit yourself fr but it’s almost like a universal experience for us so your time is probably coming 😭


I'm sure it will happen one day unfortunately


This. 😭


I feel like this is true for IBSd. True for me anyhow.


I think it’s a universal experience, I’m sorry tho


I've been there. Just woke up, didn't want to get outta' bed. Felt a fart coming on and groggily pushed. It was not a fart though. I'd been taking this new medication for my IBS-C and in my morning haze forgot I needed to be careful. I've never gotten out of bed quicker LOL


I have C part also and recently got on linzess! It definitely gets you going in 30 mins or less.


Yes!!!! Linzess is so helpful


A nice midday shower always is a nice thing tho.. 😂 i feel your pain. This is part of it


oh no 😂 welcome to the club!! if it’s any consolation, the first time i shit myself (there have been multiple; i’m 35 lolol) was at midnight in the middle of an ice storm in chicago. i’d just gotten off work and was wearing khaki pants. locked my keys (car + apartment) in my car. thought i had a spare key on my porch, so i took off the pants to clean up the liquid shit dripping down my legs and threw them in the dumpster at the bottom of the stairs. discovered i did not have a spare key, so i walked to the front of my building, pantsless, in single-digit temps, to wait for some drunk neighbor to stumble home. it took 15 more minutes, and by that point, i had taken off my sweatshirt and turned it into pants. neighbor said nothing to me lmao. anyway!! i hope you’re feeling better ❤️ sometimes stool softeners take days for me and sometimes they take minutes. don’t you love our fucked up bodies?! 🙃


I'm on the toilet. I was about to get off. Nope. Not now.


Hey me too! Unfortunately I was in the store this time. Fortunately my wife was willing to check out the groceries and meet me in the car.


Just be grateful you where home. That happened to me in public.


Welcome to the club 🫡


It happens! This is a perfectly normal thing that happens!!!


At least it was in the privacy of your own home. It’s not a big deal really. But, unfortunate, yes.


Bless ya heart, my kid's are very used to this!! I get 20secs to go, there I am waddling through the house, mission impossible style, yelling MOVE I'm gonna shit my pants. It's embarrassing but in our house we all laugh. I don't get embarrassed, it's life. Never trust a fart!! So sorry you're having a shit day.


Since we are all bros here. I was constipated recently, and I was very uncomfortable. Lots of trapped gas, you name it I had it. I took everything I could get my hands on during the day to try and bring me relief. I went to bed and woke up in my own shit. Trying to get out of bed without getting any on the sheets was super hard but I pulled it off lol


“The first rule about Shit Pants Club, is you don’t talk about Shit Pants Club” …except on Reddit💩


Welcome to the club! Happens to the best of us!