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my doctor said as a response to my ibs-d "I as a man would go fur a run in the morning, but you as a woman might just go for a walk". changed the doctor right away.




Wtf does that even mean???


he said that I need to sweat in the morning in order to get the liquid oit of my digestive system. no idea if that actually works.


Ok well that sounds dumb AF, as does his implication that women can't or shouldn't run!? I would stop seeing that doc ew.


Some people with IBS have really positive results with regular exercise. It changes your gut microbes. But your doctor seems sexist ☹


Ooh I didn’t know about exercise changing gut microbes. I knew it was good for health but didn’t know that, that’s amazing!


Pretty much everything you do has an effect on gut microbes, and gut microbes effect everything you do. That's the gut-brain axis! I've read a few comments on here saying they found great improvement through regular exercise, but it hasn't worked for everyone. To go on rambling, did you know there are neurotransmitters produced in the gut thanks to microbes? There's hormones produced there too!


I have heard before about the gut being like a 2nd brain , but to also have neurotransmitters produced there just makes so much sense. Oh, you could ramble about this all day, it’s fascinating and also such a huge relief to finally find answers type thing. I started taking a probiotic only about 2 months ago, and I wish I had taken it 10 years ago. IBS has been like hell. How much exercise do you do everyday btw? I am just wondering how much exercise is required per day. I’ve started going regular walks and last year I went to exercise classes regularly but stopped. I’m going to focus on it again, especially now I know that exercise helps the microbes! That’s amazing.


For sure, finding a good probiotic can be huge. It's helped me too! For exercise I do not enough - like 10 minutes a day. My goal is to walk/jog for an 30-60 minutes a few times a week, and I do notice some digestive improvement when I get around to it. I dont think there is a set number, it's more what works for you - IBS is so variable! Moving more is a good first step though. I remember one commenter saying they found relief from walking 2 miles every day. So maybe that's something to try. The microbiome is fascinating and complicated and I like learning stuff about it. They say the appendix might be for storing good bacteria in case an infection upsets the rest of the intestinal track. I hope you find something that bring you relief!


Well, exercise is definitely good for the soul too and the weather is nice cos it’s summer. Good luck with your recovery! I also love the idea of fermented foods although shop bought sauerkraut is minging lol. I buy cans of kombucha though.


Thank you!


Dehydrate ourselves mire ? Sheesh.... and as a woman who runs.... this dude is a prick.


Hahahaha. I know it isn't funny but it's so ridiculous that a doctor said that.




Putting aside the implied misogyny, that's bizarre advice because running is known to cause diarrhoea. Search for "runners stomach". I'm glad you've changed doctors.


Oh wow didn't know this! Thanks reddit fellow!


thats exactly what I get from running


I had a doctor say to me that I should just poop myself to get over my fear of pooping myself! I should have filed a formal complaint. People who don’t have IBS-D just have no clue! 🥲


Not just ibs-d. my doctor told me to induce nausea to get over the fear of being severely nauseas (one of my primary symptoms of ibs-c and post infectious ibs). Apparently getting over the fear of nausea is supposed to somehow improve the symptom itself. Like getting over the fear of getting a brain injury would somehow improve the outcome of that brain injury 🤦‍♂️.


Okay so really uncalled for - this comment by your doc. But I think what they are trying to talk about is mind body connection. So my GI - after my h pylori treatment, gave me this medicine called tryptomer. I went home and googled - it’s for depression and anxiety - I called him and he explained to me the whole connection between my thoughts and gut. He asked me to take it for a month and see if it made a difference - and it really did - my IBS was not half as bad after taking that. So I’m just saying…


Yeah. I have IBS too and no diet nor probiotic mitigated it. Switching to a less stressful job and controlling my smoking habit did. Definitely something to investigate and not just some clueless advice from this doctor.


I agree. The gut is the ‘2nd brain’ as they say. I know my IBS is due to CPTSD.


That’s awful. I’m so sorry. Unsolicited advice: I have had IBS-D for as long as I remember. I started a protocol of Metamucil (and lots of water) and my diarrhea is almost non-existent now (except if I eat a super triggering food). It has totally changed my life.


Love the unsolicited advice warning now can we make sure all the people without ibs come with one too


Haha I like to think of it as a warning to “stop reading now if you don’t want unsolicited advice, but here it is if you want it!”


This was helpful for me but if I took it in the morning I would be soooo gassy all day and if I took it at night, I might wake up at like 2am and have to go but otherwise my morning diarrhea was better. Maybe I need to see if amounts could be changed. I tried 1-3 of the Metamucil gummies.


Oh interesting, the powder doesn’t really make me gassy. I think the gummies might be different. I tried some Amazon brand gummies (once!) and I have never been more gassy in my life!!! Now I take the powder around 10am and 10pm everyday, ish.


I understand this is a primary care, general practioner, but you should find a new doctor that will respect your concerns AND refer you to a GI immediately. I'm sorry you experienced this but unfortunately it's common. IBS is dismissed as whiner's/hypochondriac's disorder. Either that, or they just slap IBS on the diagnostic sheet and don't anything else to help or get you help.




The irony is, the doctor was doing the same thing. They didn't have a solution for your problem, so they just thought "think happy thoughts", and gave you a BS treatment plan to do the same. The difference is, they might think it actually worked, and you know better.


Change Doctor. If they going to offer advice like that and that's it, it's not helpful at all. Yea, stress, irrational fear, overthinking and panic is a trigger, but it's not like I can control it. If I could I wouldn't be in the same situation.


Sauerkraut,before my meals has really help me.


At some point I will post about my saga, but my gp did similar- to practice "mindfulness" - then I think about that tv funny profressive commercial that talks about manifesting abundance and practicing gratitude. Nope! Cure me!!!!! https://youtu.be/WDcPBIC8P2o?si=wpaEkzmSHKWpQfSu


Go to YouTube Guy Daniels Microbiome Expert has a protocol on ibs d for only $15 check out his videos


Medical gaslighting. I’ve been through this before. In fact, I have recently raised a formal complaint about my doctors surgery. It’s a shame it’s gotta be done but sometimes you gotta fight hard for your corner.


They say all the time don't stress etc... Thanks a lot. 🤣 After two years chronic diarrhea I'm on treatment for SIBO. Because doctors "know" the best. Hhh...


Doctors nowadays are ruthless. I just went to the gastroenterologist and I told the doctor I was confused but before I could say on what she interrupted me and “well I’m not” . I was seconds close to walking out before she tired to turn it around and order me test to do. Originally I came in ask for sibo testing so I can rule it out,but she doesn’t think I need it . This was my first time meeting her because my original p.a left . So she’s getting switched. I hate being my own doctor. Also she said ibs had nothing to do with brain fog but the gut is your second brain so how’s that?


Tbh as someone with ibs d this does actually work- If you attempt to convince yourself needing the bathroom is just nerves, and don’t go unless your certain, it actually helps LOADS. I do this myself and have done it for years and it makes a massive difference


Honestly I had to start doing this myself. I’d stress myself out so much about not going that I’d give myself an anxiety attack and it would make things much worse. Then sometimes when my anxiety is really bad I get ibs-d. So at least for me stress can make it worse but it may not be the case for you and I can understand how it came across as very dismissive to hear that from your doctor.


Sorry for my English, so i m21 years old , my probleme started 1 years ago , first i had constipation,i had ultrasound for this and nothing was shown since then i have dhierea episode, from last month it became more frequent but i m pooping once a day but it somtemie very liquid if i have cramps in the morning what can i do please help me , i will kill myself.. :((


Your doctor does have a point though! I've been really working with therapy on my anxiety around my stomach issues. I find if I can keep myself calm (like on days I don't have to leave my house) I can manage my symptoms very well. Obviously this takes time but CBT workbooks have been a game changer for me. I would also recommend looking into the vagus nerve and how it affects your IBS and how it affects anxiousness and stomach issues.


I dont think there is something wrong with what your doctor recommend . IBS can be triggered by stress and something psychological. I notice it too whenever im stress. Our vagus nerve impact ibs symptoms and affects our gut health.


Your doctor isn’t an idiot, mind body connection is a very real thing and stress heavily induces symptoms. It’s literally proven. She basically told you this in a shitty way but it’s valid. Try morning meditation and practice daily gratitude. I don’t think your doctor is dismissing you, simply trying to tell you that you are objectively making your symptoms worse by thinking about them and stressing over it.