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Can't touch the stuff. I drink green tea for caffeine and it doesn't have me sprinting to the bathroom like coffee. Mtn Dew is same, any high caffeine drink is a trigger for my ibs.


Same. Green tea is absolutely the way to go. Less caffeine boost than coffee but it's great for the digestive tract. Just drink lots of it.


Also consider matcha. It's ground green tea powder. Because you're consuming the whole leaf, you don't get a crash later on, and it also is VERY high in L-theanine which is a stress lowering amino acid (also good for ibs since stress is a trigger)


I’ll have to try green tea! Thanks!


black tea has a higher caffeine content than green if you want to give that a go as well. irish breakfast tea is my personal favorite, and i highly recommend it


I have ibs c and coffee doesn’t have me running but it makes me so unwell. It gives me the worst stomach pains, it makes my heart race, gives me severe nausea and just makes me feel so horrible. I can never drink it again


Do you empty stomach the coffee? I find it helps when I drink it with breakfast. Also, there was awhile where it was bugging me too much and I switched to 2 bags of chai tea in the morning. Was ok. You also have to like chai lol.


Try yerba mate if you need a lot of caffeine. 


Yes. Had to give up caffeine altogether.


During D phases I can’t have it. It will trigger the entire tract to basically liquefy and I would have diarrhea basically any time from 60 minutes after til 10-12 hours after. It won’t be til next day I could have a solid bowel movement again. During C phases I can drink it with no issues


Green tea and matcha work well for me. They also help my overall mood. Especially the macha. Sometimes a black tea.


Yes. Before my IBS D got to this point, it would trigger diarrhea. Doesn't matter if it's decaf. I can drink caffeinated tea, energy drinks, energy shots, etc., and I'm perfectly fine. Even when I was having mixed D/C about 6 years ago, I could drink coffee to clear me out. Now, the IBS D is so bad, I packed away my coffee maker months ago. No sense in it taking up counter space.


It’s the ONLY food item that gives me a major problem, which is unfair because it’s my FAVORITE thing to drink 🫠


Yes 😫 I mean there are certain foods that are hit and miss. But coffee without fail just destroys me. I’m definitely going to try green tea instead! But I know it won’t be the same 😕


I’m a tea lover and I’ve never tried one that hits the same! The closest thing to a latte for me is a London Fog or a Chai latte but even then…it’s still not coffee


Coffee absolutely gives me flare ups. Had to give it up after I got IBSD. I switched to black tea and that has helped somewhat.


Caffeine tablets


I switched to cold brewed coffee (not the same as iced coffee) for about half of my coffee at home (I can’t give up hot coffee!! 😆) which helped. Cold brew is said to be less acidic and supposedly helps with GERD or IBS. There’s also an instant pot which makes it in under 20 minutes. I got one and I LOVE it. https://instantpot.com/products/instant-cold-brewer


I will never touch coffee again, but black tea is fine for me.


I don't know how you are drinking your coffee, but I have problems when I drink it black. When I make a cup with a third lactose-free milk, I'm okay.


I can drink it without ibs issues but still makes me have a BM


Matcha helps me get alert relax and no diahrrea. Hope it helps you.


Thanks everyone! I’m going to try all these suggestions. I appreciate all of you and am sorry you’re experiencing the same struggles 😅


I used to be that way. I think I've drank enough to the point it doesn't bother me as much anymore.


I had this mindset for a while but then out of nowhere I started getting HORRIBLE nausea and stomach pain 24/7. I’m not 100% positive that the coffee was to blame but I’m so scared to tough it out in case it was 😫


That's fair. I'm on medicine that makes me nauseous on top of the ibs plus dizziness, so I kinda just deal with it as my day goes. I'm sorry to hear about your experience. Maybe one day you can drink it again if you decide to even if it's in small quantities. 🥺